38unsignedPositive570styleUnsigned expression 'd' can't be negative so it is unnecessary to test it.
66throwInNoexceptFunction398errorException thrown in function declared not to throw exceptions.
81throwInNoexceptFunction398errorException thrown in function declared not to throw exceptions.
506constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
49syntaxErrorerrorsyntax error: keyword 'try' is not allowed in global scope
90knownEmptyContainer398styleIterating over container 'u' that is always empty.
117internalAstErrorerrorSyntax Error: AST broken, binary operator '>' doesn't have two operands.
161throwInNoexceptFunction398errorException thrown in function declared not to throw exceptions.
254constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
143throwInNoexceptFunction398errorException thrown in function declared not to throw exceptions.
119unreadVariable563styleVariable 'oalias' is assigned a value that is never used.
50constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
83constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
394redundantCondition398styleRedundant condition: !sradius.empty(). 'A || (!A && B)' is equivalent to 'A || B'
396redundantCondition398styleRedundant condition: !spoint.empty(). 'spoint.empty() || (!spoint.empty() && spoint.back().empty())' is equivalent to 'spoint.empty() || spoint.back().empty()'
412redundantCondition398styleRedundant condition: !kradius.empty(). 'A || (!A && B)' is equivalent to 'A || B'
414redundantCondition398styleRedundant condition: !kpoint.empty(). 'kpoint.empty() || (!kpoint.empty() && kpoint.back().empty())' is equivalent to 'kpoint.empty() || kpoint.back().empty()'
766unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ndof' is assigned a value that is never used.
767unreadVariable563styleVariable 'rdof' is assigned a value that is never used.
1011constVariable398styleVariable 'tolref' can be declared with const
1127useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
475useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::copy algorithm instead of a raw loop.
491useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::copy algorithm instead of a raw loop.
57constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
119unreadVariable563styleVariable 'oalias' is assigned a value that is never used.
336constVariable398styleVariable 'kind' can be declared with const
184throwInNoexceptFunction398errorException thrown in function declared not to throw exceptions.
189knownConditionTrueFalse571styleCondition '!found' is always true
205shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'depvar' shadows outer function
221shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'depvar' shadows outer function
327constVariable398styleVariable 'Y' can be declared with const
237constParameter398styleParameter 'particles' can be declared with const
48funcArgOrderDifferent683warningFunction 'MixDirichletCoeffConst' argument order different: declaration 'ncomp, norm, b_, S_, kprime_, rho_, b, kprime, S, rho, r, k' definition 'ncomp, norm, b_, S_, kprime_, rho_, b, S, kprime, rho, r, k'
109constParameter398styleParameter 'S' can be declared with const
147funcArgOrderDifferent683warningFunction 'MixDirichletHomogeneous' argument order different: declaration 'ncomp, norm, b_, S_, kprime_, rho_, b, kprime, S, rho, r, k' definition 'ncomp, norm, b_, S_, kprime_, rho_, b, S, kprime, rho, r, k'
327unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nnode' is assigned a value that is never used.
635useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
878useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::fill or std::generate algorithm instead of a raw loop.
30uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'FileConvWriter::m_nodal_size' is not initialized in the constructor.
41useInitializationList398performanceVariable 'm_emw' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
47uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'MeshWriter::m_filetype' is not initialized in the constructor.
47uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'MeshWriter::m_benchmark' is not initialized in the constructor.
47uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'MeshWriter::m_nchare' is not initialized in the constructor.
47uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'MeshWriter::m_nmesh' is not initialized in the constructor.
133constParameter398styleParameter 'bface' can be declared with const
148constParameter398styleParameter 'bface' can be declared with const
149constParameter398styleParameter 'faces' can be declared with const
962unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nbix' is assigned a value that is never used.
962unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nbiy' is assigned a value that is never used.
1097unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nbix' is assigned a value that is never used.
1097unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nbiy' is assigned a value that is never used.
1097unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nbiz' is assigned a value that is never used.
37noCopyConstructor398warningClass 'RootMeshWriter' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s).
37noOperatorEq398warningClass 'RootMeshWriter' does not have a operator= which is recommended since it has dynamic memory/resource allocation(s).
35unusedVariable563styleUnused variable: s
119stlFindInsert398performanceSearching before insertion is not necessary.
121stlFindInsert398performanceSearching before insertion is not necessary.
172useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
176useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
719useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
98assertWithSideEffect398warningAssert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'exists'.
980constVariable398styleVariable 'element' can be declared with const
1371useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
1431useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
50constVariable398styleVariable 'master_element' can be declared with const
890constVariable398styleVariable 'parent' can be declared with const
940constVariable398styleVariable 'parent' can be declared with const
1031constVariable398styleVariable 'master_element' can be declared with const
739constVariable398styleVariable 'parent' can be declared with const
670unmatchedSuppressioninformationUnmatched suppression: useStlAlgorithm
691unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ncoord' is assigned a value that is never used.
700unreadVariable563styleVariable 'e' is assigned a value that is never used.
769unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ncoord' is assigned a value that is never used.
802unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ip' is assigned a value that is never used.
884unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nmatch' is assigned a value that is never used.
1234unreadVariable563styleVariable 'd' is assigned a value that is never used.
1809unreadVariable563styleVariable 'pref' is assigned a value that is never used.
2104unreadVariable563styleVariable 'pref' is assigned a value that is never used.
2263unreadVariable563styleVariable 'pref' is assigned a value that is never used.
2537unreadVariable563styleVariable 'pn' is assigned a value that is never used.
2538unreadVariable563styleVariable 'unprop' is assigned a value that is never used.
2539unreadVariable563styleVariable 'pnprop' is assigned a value that is never used.
319constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
104stlFindInsert398performanceSearching before insertion is not necessary.
581constParameter398styleParameter 'dif' can be declared with const
750unreadVariable563styleVariable 'd' is assigned a value that is never used.
68uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
76uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: mid
79uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: mid
79unreadVariable563styleVariable 'meshid' is assigned a value that is never used.
84unsignedLessThanZero570styleChecking if unsigned expression 'i' is less than zero.
349useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::any_of, std::all_of, std::none_of, or std::accumulate algorithm instead of a raw loop.
373useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::copy_if algorithm instead of a raw loop.
472stlFindInsert398performanceSearching before insertion is not necessary.
807useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::accumulate algorithm instead of a raw loop.
116funcArgOrderDifferent683warningFunction 'compute_diag' argument order different: declaration 'd, ndofel, nchGhost, geoElem, pIndex, u, diag' definition 'd, rdof, nchGhost, geoElem, ndofel, u, diag'
76constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
42constParameter398styleParameter 'P' can be declared with const
82unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ncomp' is assigned a value that is never used.
83unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ctau' is assigned a value that is never used.
270unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ncomp' is assigned a value that is never used.
271unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ctau' is assigned a value that is never used.
158constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
77uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'Partitioner::m_meshid' is not initialized in the constructor.
77uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'Partitioner::m_ndist' is not initialized in the constructor.
77uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'Partitioner::m_nchare' is not initialized in the constructor.
354unreadVariable563styleVariable 'chunksize' is assigned a value that is never used.
365unreadVariable563styleVariable 'B' is assigned a value that is never used.
366unreadVariable563styleVariable 'C' is assigned a value that is never used.
436useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::copy_if algorithm instead of a raw loop.
640unreadVariable563styleVariable 'local_needs_refining_orig' is assigned a value that is never used.
641unreadVariable563styleVariable 'local_lock_case_orig' is assigned a value that is never used.
825variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'V' can be reduced.
1376variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'V' can be reduced.
1559unreadVariable563styleVariable 'addedNodes' is assigned a value that is never used.
1564unreadVariable563styleVariable 'rid[l]' is assigned a value that is never used.
1772variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'facecnt' can be reduced.
1990useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
166constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
227constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
269constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
123unreadVariable563styleVariable 'scheme' is assigned a value that is never used.
565useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
170useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
520unreadVariable563styleVariable 'centering' is assigned a value that is never used.
1253uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
1257uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
1269containerOutOfBounds398errorOut of bounds access in expression 'pdf[1]' because 'pdf' is empty.
1275containerOutOfBounds398errorOut of bounds access in expression 'pdf[2]' because 'pdf' is empty.
1379uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
1383uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
1383unreadVariable563styleVariable 'id' is assigned a value that is never used.
1389unsignedLessThanZero570styleChecking if unsigned expression 'i' is less than zero.
1398uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
1403unreadVariable563styleVariable 'n' is assigned a value that is never used.
1405unreadVariable563styleVariable 'n' is assigned a value that is never used.
1409uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
1422uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
1440uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
21syntaxErrorerrorsyntax error: keyword 'try' is not allowed in global scope
83constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
35uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_tol' is not initialized in the constructor.
216useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
66uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_tol' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_nr' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_nb' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_nq' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_normb' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_it' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_maxit' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_tol' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_rho' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_rho0' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_alpha' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_converged' is not initialized in the constructor.
79uninitMemberVar398warningMember variable 'ConjugateGradients::m_nx' is not initialized in the constructor.
57unmatchedSuppressioninformationUnmatched suppression: noConstructor
76noExplicitConstructor398styleClass 'Main' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.
35useInitializationList398performanceVariable 'm_input' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
160unmatchedSuppressioninformationUnmatched suppression: noConstructor
181noExplicitConstructor398styleClass 'Main' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.
121unusedPrivateFunction398styleUnused private function: 'InciterPrint::PDEName'
58unmatchedSuppressioninformationUnmatched suppression: noConstructor
77noExplicitConstructor398styleClass 'Main' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.
41useInitializationList398performanceVariable 'm_input' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
43useInitializationList398performanceVariable 'm_output' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
189unmatchedSuppressioninformationUnmatched suppression: noConstructor
211noExplicitConstructor398styleClass 'Main' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.
120unmatchedSuppressioninformationUnmatched suppression: noConstructor
142noExplicitConstructor398styleClass 'Main' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.
168unmatchedSuppressioninformationUnmatched suppression: noConstructor
190noExplicitConstructor398styleClass 'Main' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit.
154unusedPrivateFunction398styleUnused private function: 'WalkerPrint::DiffEqName'
305constVariable398styleVariable 'esup1' can be declared with const
306constVariable398styleVariable 'esup2' can be declared with const
407constVariable398styleVariable 'esup1' can be declared with const
408constVariable398styleVariable 'esup2' can be declared with const
495constVariable398styleVariable 'esup2' can be declared with const
570constVariable398styleVariable 'esup2' can be declared with const
788constVariable398styleVariable 'esup1' can be declared with const
789constVariable398styleVariable 'esup2' can be declared with const
870unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nnpf' is assigned a value that is never used.
985unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nfpe' is assigned a value that is never used.
985unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nnpf' is assigned a value that is never used.
990unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nelem' is assigned a value that is never used.
1175unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nnpe' is assigned a value that is never used.
1175unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nnpf' is assigned a value that is never used.
1245unreadVariable563styleVariable 'tag' is assigned a value that is never used.
157useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
750unreadVariable563styleVariable 'steady' is assigned a value that is never used.
783constParameter398styleParameter 'U' can be declared with const
891constParameter398styleParameter 'U' can be declared with const
932constParameter398styleParameter 'U' can be declared with const
1583constParameter398styleParameter 'R' can be declared with const
1693variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'nset' can be reduced.
1693unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nset' is assigned a value that is never used.
1694shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'sponge' shadows outer function
239unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nelem' is assigned a value that is never used.
550unreadVariable563styleVariable 'dSV_l' is assigned a value that is never used.
667unreadVariable563styleVariable 'dgp' is assigned a value that is never used.
976knownConditionTrueFalse571styleCondition 'fM>-1' is always true
976knownConditionTrueFalse570styleCondition 'fM<0' is always false
988knownConditionTrueFalse571styleCondition 'fM>=0' is always true
1040unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ndof' is assigned a value that is never used.
61unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ru' is assigned a value that is never used.
62unreadVariable563styleVariable 'rv' is assigned a value that is never used.
63unreadVariable563styleVariable 'rw' is assigned a value that is never used.
64unreadVariable563styleVariable 're' is assigned a value that is never used.
77shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'k' shadows outer function
114shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'cv' shadows outer function
124shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'mu' shadows outer function
129shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'k' shadows outer function
295useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
66shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'k' shadows outer function
86shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'k' shadows outer function
106shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'k' shadows outer function
143shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'k' shadows outer function
65shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'k' shadows outer function
65unreadVariable563styleVariable 'cfg' is assigned a value that is never used.
166duplicateAssignExpression398styleSame expression used in consecutive assignments of 'db5dxi2' and 'db5dxi3'.
96unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ncomp' is assigned a value that is never used.
97unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nprim' is assigned a value that is never used.
174unreadVariable563styleVariable 'wt' is assigned a value that is never used.
214constParameter398styleParameter 'R' can be declared with const
168constParameter398styleParameter 'unk' can be declared with const
34unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nelem' is assigned a value that is never used.
84unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ncomp' is assigned a value that is never used.
85unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nprim' is assigned a value that is never used.
191unreadVariable563styleVariable 'wt' is assigned a value that is never used.
239constParameter398styleParameter 'R' can be declared with const
1261variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'phi_dir' can be reduced.
1269redundantAssignment563styleVariable 'phi_dir' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
1590unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ncomp' is assigned a value that is never used.
1591unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nprim' is assigned a value that is never used.
1665unreadVariable563styleVariable 'wt' is assigned a value that is never used.
92shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
118shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
203constParameter398styleParameter 'unk' can be declared with const
213shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
257constParameter398styleParameter 'prim' can be declared with const
260unreadVariable563styleVariable 'rdof' is assigned a value that is never used.
261unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ndof' is assigned a value that is never used.
262shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
262unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nmat' is assigned a value that is never used.
383shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
668unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nelem' is assigned a value that is never used.
669shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
669unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nmat' is assigned a value that is never used.
753shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
799shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
920shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
955shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
962unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ugp' is assigned a value that is never used.
962unreadVariable563styleVariable 'pgp' is assigned a value that is never used.
1076shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
1107shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
1117shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
1154shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
1251shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
1256unreadVariable563styleVariable 'rho' is assigned a value that is never used.
1328shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
1328unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nmat' is assigned a value that is never used.
1416shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
1487shadowFunction398styleLocal variable 'nmat' shadows outer function
1490unreadVariable563styleVariable 'fp' is assigned a value that is never used.
52unreadVariable563styleVariable 's' is assigned a value that is never used.
49unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nmat' is assigned a value that is never used.
54unreadVariable563styleVariable 's' is assigned a value that is never used.
53unreadVariable563styleVariable 's' is assigned a value that is never used.
147unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ncomp' is assigned a value that is never used.
228unreadVariable563styleVariable 'state[1]' is assigned a value that is never used.
141unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nelem' is assigned a value that is never used.
277constParameter398styleParameter 'W' can be declared with const
319constParameter398styleParameter 'W' can be declared with const
342unreadVariable563styleVariable 'lhs_ls' is assigned a value that is never used.
404constParameter398styleParameter 'W' can be declared with const
486unreadVariable563styleVariable 'steady' is assigned a value that is never used.
194unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nelem' is assigned a value that is never used.
195unreadVariable563styleVariable 'intsharp' is assigned a value that is never used.
317unreadVariable563styleVariable 'ndof' is assigned a value that is never used.
318unreadVariable563styleVariable 'rdof' is assigned a value that is never used.
319unreadVariable563styleVariable 'intsharp' is assigned a value that is never used.
44unreadVariable563styleVariable 'vel' is assigned a value that is never used.
307constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
76ignoredReturnValue252warningReturn value of function std::bind() is not used.
66useStlAlgorithm398styleConsider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop.
114constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
30uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
38uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
63uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
71uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: mid
74uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: mid
76containerOutOfBounds398errorOut of bounds access in expression 'updf[i++]' because 'updf' is empty.
76knownEmptyContainer398styleIterating over container 'u' that is always empty.
80uninitvar457errorUninitialized variable: meshid
150containerOutOfBounds398errorOut of bounds access in expression 'updf[i++]' because 'updf' is empty.
150knownEmptyContainer398styleIterating over container 'u' that is always empty.
152containerOutOfBounds398errorOut of bounds access in expression 'bpdf[i++]' because 'bpdf' is empty.
152knownEmptyContainer398styleIterating over container 'b' that is always empty.
154containerOutOfBounds398errorOut of bounds access in expression 'tpdf[i++]' because 'tpdf' is empty.
154knownEmptyContainer398styleIterating over container 't' that is always empty.
123constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
115constParameter398styleParameter 'p' can be declared with const
83unreadVariable563styleVariable 'nchare' is assigned a value that is never used.