inciter namespace

Inciter declarations and definitions.


namespace cmd
Inciter command line grammar definition.
namespace ctr
Inciter control facilitating user input to internal data transfer.


class CmdLineParser
Command-line parser for Inciter.
class LuaParser
Control file lua-parser for Inciter.
class ALE
ALE Charm++ chare array used to perform arbitrary ALE mesh movement.
class ALECG
ALECG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with ALECG+RK.
class DG
DG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with DG+RK.
class Discretization
Discretization Charm++ chare array holding common functinoality to all discretization schemes.
class ElemDiagnostics
ElemDiagnostics class used to compute diagnostics while integrating PDEs.
class FaceData
FaceData class holding face-connectivity data useful for DG discretization.
class FV
FV Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with FV.
class Ghosts
Ghosts Charm++ chare array used to determine ghost data structures.
class NodeDiagnostics
NodeDiagnostics class used to compute diagnostics while integrating PDEs.
class OversetFE
OversetFE Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with OversetFE+RK.
class Partitioner
class Refiner
Mesh refiner for interfacing the mesh refinement library.
class Scheme
Base class for generic forwarding interface to discretization proxies.
class Sorter
Mesh sorter for global distributed mesh node reordering.
struct Transfer
Description of solution transfer between two solvers holding different meshes.
class Transporter
Transporter drives the time integration of transport equations.
class InciterDriver
Inciter driver used polymorphically with tk::Driver.
class InciterPrint
InciterPrint : tk::Print.
class CGPDE
Partial differential equation base for continuous Galerkin PDEs.
class CompFlowProblemGaussHump
CompFlow system of PDEs problem: GaussHump.
class CompFlowProblemNLEnergyGrowth
class CompFlowProblemRayleighTaylor
class CompFlowProblemRotatedSodShocktube
class CompFlowProblemSedovBlastwave
CompFlow system of PDEs problem: Sedov blast-wave.
class CompFlowProblemSheddingFlow
CompFlow system of PDEs problem: Shedding flow.
class CompFlowProblemShockDensityWave
class CompFlowProblemSodShocktube
class CompFlowProblemTaylorGreen
class CompFlowProblemUserDefined
CompFlow system of PDEs problem: user defined.
class CompFlowProblemVorticalFlow
struct ConfigBC
class DGPDE
Partial differential equation base for discontinuous Galerkin PDEs.
class EOS
Base class for generic forwarding interface to eos types.
class FVPDE
Partial differential equation base for discontinuous Galerkin PDEs.
class MultiMatProblemEquilInterfaceAdvect
MultiMat system of PDEs problem: equilibrium interface advection.
class MultiMatProblemInterfaceAdvection
class MultiMatProblemRichtmyerMeshkov
MultiMat system of PDEs problem: equilibrium interface advection.
class MultiMatProblemShockDensityWave
class MultiMatProblemShockHeBubble
class MultiMatProblemSinewavePacket
MultiMat system of PDEs problem: sinewave packet advection.
class MultiMatProblemSodShocktube
class MultiMatProblemUnderwaterEx
class MultiMatProblemUserDefined
MultiMat system of PDEs problem: user defined.
class MultiMatProblemWaterAirShocktube
class MultiSpeciesProblemUserDefined
MultiSpecies system of PDEs problem: user defined.
template<template<class, class> class Eq, class Factory, class PDE>
struct registerPDE
Function object for registering a partial differential equation into the partial differential equation factory.
template<template<class, class> class Eq>
struct registerCG
template<template<class, class> class Eq>
struct registerDG
template<template<class, class> class Eq>
struct registerFV
class PDEStack
Partial differential equations stack.
struct AUSM
AUSM+up approximate Riemann solver.
struct AUSMCompFlow
AUSM+up approximate Riemann solver.
struct AUSMMultiSpecies
AUSMMultiSpecies+up approximate Riemann solver.
struct HLL
HLL approximate Riemann solver.
struct HLLC
HLLC approximate Riemann solver.
struct HLLCMultiMat
HLLC approximate Riemann solver for solids.
struct HLLCSolids
HLLC approximate Riemann solver for solids.
struct HLLDMultiMat
HLLD approximate Riemann solver for solids.
struct LaxFriedrichs
Lax-Friedrichs approximate Riemann solver.
struct LaxFriedrichsSolids
Lax-Friedrichs approximate Riemann solver for solids.
struct LDFSS
LDFSS approximate Riemann solver.
struct Rusanov
Rusanov approximate Riemann solver.
struct Upwind
Upwind Riemann solver.
class TransportProblemCylAdvect
Transport PDE problem: advection of cylinder.
class TransportProblemCylVortex
Transport PDE problem: deformation of cylinder in a vortex.
class TransportProblemGaussHump
Transport PDE problem: advection of two-dimensional Gaussian hump.
class TransportProblemShearDiff
class TransportProblemSlotCyl


Diagnostics labels.
Indices for progress report on mesh preparation.
Indices for progress report on workers preparation.
enum class EqType: uint8_t { compflow, multimat, multispecies }
Equation types.


using GhostData = std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::tuple<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<tk::real>, std::array<tk::real, 3>, std::size_t, std::array<std::size_t, 4>>>
Data associated to a tetrahedron cell id used to communicate across faces.
using HistData = tk::TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag::id, std::string, tag::elem, std::size_t, tag::coord, std::array<tk::real, 3>, tag::fn, std::array<tk::real, 4>>>
History point data.
using CompFlowProblems = brigand::list<CompFlowProblemUserDefined, CompFlowProblemVorticalFlow, CompFlowProblemNLEnergyGrowth, CompFlowProblemRayleighTaylor, CompFlowProblemTaylorGreen, CompFlowProblemSodShocktube, CompFlowProblemSheddingFlow, CompFlowProblemRotatedSodShocktube, CompFlowProblemSedovBlastwave, CompFlowProblemGaussHump, CompFlowProblemShockDensityWave>
List of all CompFlow Problem policies (defined in the includes above)
using MultiMatProblems = brigand::list<MultiMatProblemUserDefined, MultiMatProblemSodShocktube, MultiMatProblemInterfaceAdvection, MultiMatProblemWaterAirShocktube, MultiMatProblemShockHeBubble, MultiMatProblemUnderwaterEx, MultiMatProblemShockDensityWave, MultiMatProblemEquilInterfaceAdvect, MultiMatProblemRichtmyerMeshkov, MultiMatProblemSinewavePacket>
List of all MultiMat Problem policies (defined in the includes above)
using MultiSpeciesProblems = brigand::list<MultiSpeciesProblemUserDefined>
List of all MultiSpecies Problem policies (defined in the includes above)
using CGFactory = std::map<ctr::PDEKey, std::function<CGPDE()>>
Factory for PDEs using continuous Galerkin discretization storing keys associated to their constructors.
using DGFactory = std::map<ctr::PDEKey, std::function<DGPDE()>>
Factory for PDEs using discontinuous Galerkin discretization storing keys associated to their constructors.
using FVFactory = std::map<ctr::PDEKey, std::function<FVPDE()>>
Factory for PDEs using finite volume discretization storing keys associated to their constructors.
using TransportProblems = brigand::list<TransportProblemShearDiff, TransportProblemSlotCyl, TransportProblemGaussHump, TransportProblemCylAdvect, TransportProblemCylVortex>
List of all Transport Problem policies (defined in the includes above)


auto serialize(std::size_t meshid, std::size_t ncomp, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& d) -> std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<char[]>>
Serialize std::vector to raw memory stream.
auto mergeDiag(int nmsg, CkReductionMsg** msgs) -> CkReductionMsg*
Charm++ custom reducer for merging std::vectors during reduction across PEs.
auto numericFieldNames(tk::Centering c) -> std::vector<std::string>
Collect field output names from numerical solution based on user input.
auto numericFieldOutput(const tk::Fields& U, tk::Centering c, const std::map<std::string, tk::GetVarFn>& outvarfn, const tk::Fields& P) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>
Collect field output from numerical solution based on user input.
void evalSolution(const Discretization& D, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& addedTets, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, tk::Fields& uElemfields, tk::Fields& pElemfields, tk::Fields& uNodefields, tk::Fields& pNodefields)
Evaluate solution on incoming (a potentially refined) mesh.
template<class PDE>
void analyticFieldNames(const PDE& eq, tk::Centering c, std::vector<std::string>& f)
template<class PDE>
void analyticFieldOutput(const PDE& eq, tk::Centering c, const std::vector<tk::real>& x, const std::vector<tk::real>& y, const std::vector<tk::real>& z, tk::real t, std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& f)
auto match(std::size_t meshid, ] tk::ncomp_t ncomp, tk::real t, tk::real dt, const std::vector<tk::real>& tp, const std::vector<tk::real>& dtp, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& lid, const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bnode, bool increment) -> std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::pair<bool, tk::real>>>
auto match(std::size_t meshid, tk::ncomp_t ncomp, tk::real t, tk::real dt, const std::vector<tk::real>& tp, const std::vector<tk::real>& dtp, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& lid, const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& sidenodes, bool increment) -> std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::pair<bool, tk::real>>>
Match user-specified boundary conditions at nodes for side sets.
void operator|(PUP::er& p, std::vector<CGPDE>& eqs)
Pack/Unpack selected partial differential equations using continuous Galerkin discretization.
void operator|(PUP::er& p, std::vector<DGPDE>& eqs)
Pack/Unpack selected partial differential equations using discontinuous Galerkin discretization.
void operator|(PUP::er& p, std::vector<FVPDE>& eqs)
Pack/Unpack selected partial differential equations using finite volume discretization.
template<class B>
void initializeBox(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, tk::real VRatio, tk::real V_ex, tk::real t, const B& b, tk::real bgpreic, tk::real cv, std::vector<tk::real>& s)
Set the solution in the user-defined IC box.
auto CompFlowOutVarFn() -> std::map<std::string, tk::GetVarFn>
Return a map that associates user-specified strings to functions.
auto CompFlowSurfNames() -> std::vector<std::string>
Return surface field names to be output to file.
auto CompFlowSurfOutput(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bnd, const tk::Fields& U) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>
Return surface field output going to file.
auto CompFlowElemSurfOutput(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bface, const std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel, const tk::Fields& U) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>
Return element surface field output (on triangle faces) going to file.
auto CompFlowHistNames() -> std::vector<std::string>
Return time history field names to be output to file.
auto CompFlowHistOutput(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<HistData>& h, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::Fields& U) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>
Return time history field output evaluated at time history points.
static auto compflowRiemannSolver(ctr::FluxType flux) -> const tk::RiemannFluxFn
void registerCompFlow(CGFactory& cf, DGFactory& df, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& cgt, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& dgt)
Register compressible flow PDEs into PDE factory.
auto infoCompFlow(std::map<ctr::PDEType, tk::ncomp_t>& cnt) -> std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>
Return information on the compressible flow PDE.
void registerMultiMat(DGFactory& df, FVFactory& ff, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& fvt, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& dgt)
Register compressible flow PDEs into PDE factory.
auto infoMultiMat(std::map<ctr::PDEType, tk::ncomp_t>& cnt) -> std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>
Return information on the multi-material compressible flow PDE.
void registerMultiSpecies(DGFactory& df, FVFactory&, std::set<ctr::PDEType>&, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& dgt)
Register compressible flow PDEs into PDE factory.
auto infoMultiSpecies(std::map<ctr::PDEType, tk::ncomp_t>& cnt) -> std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>
Return information on the multi-species compressible flow PDE.
void registerTransport(CGFactory& cf, DGFactory& df, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& cgt, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& dgt)
Register transport PDEs into PDE factory.
auto infoTransport(std::map<ctr::PDEType, tk::ncomp_t>& cnt) -> std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>
Return information on the transport PDE.
void ConfigInletBC(BCStateFn& s, const tk::StateFn& f, const tk::StateFn& gf)
Extract information on inlet BCs, which have a different structure than other BCs.
auto invalidBC(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>&, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
State function for invalid/un-configured boundary conditions.
template<class Prop>
auto getmatprop(std::size_t imat = 0) -> tk::real
template<class Prop>
auto getspecprop(std::size_t ispec = 0) -> tk::real
void WENO_P1(const std::vector<int>& esuel, tk::Fields& U)
Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) limiter for DGP1.
void Superbee_P1(const std::vector<int>& esuel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, tk::Fields& U)
Superbee limiter for DGP1.
void SuperbeeMultiMat_P1(const std::vector<int>& esuel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat)
Superbee limiter for multi-material DGP1.
void VertexBasedTransport_P1(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, tk::Fields& U)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for transport DGP1.
void VertexBasedCompflow_P1(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for single-material DGP1.
void VertexBasedCompflow_P2(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, ] const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, ] const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& uNodalExtrm, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& mtInv, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
void VertexBasedMultiMat_P1(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for multi-material DGP1.
void VertexBasedMultiMat_P2(const bool pref, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, ] const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, ] const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& uNodalExtrm, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& pNodalExtrm, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& mtInv, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
void VertexBasedMultiMat_FV(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nelem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<int>& srcFlag, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for multi-material FV.
void VertexBasedMultiSpecies_P1(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>&, const inciter::FaceData&, const tk::Fields&, const tk::Fields&, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::FluxFn&, tk::Fields& U, std::size_t nspec, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for multi-species DGP1.
void WENOLimiting(const tk::Fields& U, const std::vector<int>& esuel, std::size_t e, inciter::ncomp_t c, std::size_t rdof, tk::real cweight, std::array<std::vector<tk::real>, 3>& limU)
WENO limiter function calculation for P1 dofs.
auto SuperbeeLimiting(const tk::Fields& U, const std::vector<int>& esuel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, std::size_t e, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t dof_el, inciter::ncomp_t ncomp, tk::real beta_lim) -> std::vector<tk::real>
Superbee limiter function calculation for P1 dofs.
void VertexBasedLimiting(const tk::Fields& U, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, std::size_t e, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t dof_el, std::size_t ncomp, std::vector<tk::real>& phi, const std::vector<std::size_t>& VarList)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter function calculation for P1 dofs.
void VertexBasedLimiting_P2(const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& unk, const tk::Fields& U, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t e, std::size_t rdof, ] std::size_t dof_el, std::size_t ncomp, const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& NodalExtrm, const std::vector<std::size_t>& VarList, std::vector<tk::real>& phi)
void consistentMultiMatLimiting_P1(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, ] tk::Fields& P, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p2)
void BoundPreservingLimiting(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::Fields& U, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p2)
Bound preserving limiter for the volume fractions.
auto BoundPreservingLimitingFunction(const tk::real min, const tk::real max, const tk::real al_gp, const tk::real al_avg) -> tk::real
Bound preserving limiter function for the volume fractions.
void PositivityLimitingMultiMat(std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t ndof_el, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<int>& esuel, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p2, std::vector<tk::real>& phip_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phip_p2)
Positivity preserving limiter for multi-material solver.
void PositivityPreservingMultiMat_FV(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::Fields&, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P)
Positivity preserving limiter for the FV multi-material solver.
auto PositivityLimiting(const tk::real min, const tk::real u_gp, const tk::real u_avg) -> tk::real
Positivity preserving limiter function.
auto interfaceIndicator(std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<tk::real>& al, std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt) -> bool
Interface indicator function, which checks element for material interface.
void MarkShockCells(const bool pref, const std::size_t nelem, const std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const inciter::FaceData& fd, ] const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
void correctLimConservMultiMat(std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::Fields& prim, tk::Fields& unk)
Update the conservative quantities after limiting for multi-material systems.
auto constrain_pressure(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, tk::real apr, tk::real arho, tk::real alpha = 1.0, std::size_t imat = 0) -> tk::real
Constrain material partial pressure (alpha_k * p_k)
void VertexBasedCompflow_P2(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& uNodalExtrm, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& mtInv, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for single-material DGP2.
void VertexBasedMultiMat_P2(const bool pref, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& uNodalExtrm, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& pNodalExtrm, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& mtInv, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for multi-material DGP2.
void VertexBasedLimiting_P2(const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& unk, const tk::Fields& U, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t e, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t dof_el, std::size_t ncomp, const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& NodalExtrm, const std::vector<std::size_t>& VarList, std::vector<tk::real>& phi)
Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter function calculation for P2 dofs.
void consistentMultiMatLimiting_P1(const std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t rdof, const std::size_t e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p2)
Consistent limiter modifications for P1 dofs.
void MarkShockCells(const bool pref, const std::size_t nelem, const std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)
Mark the cells that contain discontinuity according to the interface.
static auto symmetry(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at symmetry boundaries.
static auto inlet(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at inlet boundaries.
static auto farfield(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at farfield boundaries.
static auto extrapolate(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at extrapolation boundaries.
static auto noslipwall(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at no-slip wall boundaries.
static auto noOpGrad(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary gradient function copying the left gradient to the right gradient at a face.
static auto symmetryGrad(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary gradient function for the symmetry boundary condition.
static auto zeroGrad(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary gradient function for zero gradient cells.
void initializeMaterialEoS(std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk)
auto cleanTraceMultiMat(tk::real t, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const tk::Fields& geoElem, std::size_t nmat, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P) -> bool
Clean up the state of trace materials for multi-material PDE system.
auto timeStepSizeMultiMat(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<int>& esuf, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nmat, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P) -> tk::real
Time step restriction for multi material cell-centered schemes.
auto timeStepSizeMultiMatFV(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const tk::Fields& geoElem, std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nmat, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, std::vector<tk::real>& local_dte) -> tk::real
Time step restriction for multi material cell-centered FV scheme.
auto timeStepSizeViscousFV(const tk::Fields& geoElem, std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nmat, const tk::Fields& U) -> tk::real
Compute the time step size restriction based on viscosity.
void resetSolidTensors(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t k, std::size_t e, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P)
Reset the solid tensors.
auto getDeformGrad(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t k, const std::vector<tk::real>& state) -> std::array<std::array<tk::real, 3>, 3>
Get the inverse deformation gradient tensor for a material at given location.
auto getCauchyStress(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t k, std::size_t ncomp, const std::vector<tk::real>& state) -> std::array<std::array<tk::real, 3>, 3>
Get the elastic Cauchy stress tensor for a material at given location.
auto haveSolid(std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx) -> bool
Check whether we have solid materials in our problem.
auto numSolids(std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx) -> std::size_t
Count total number of solid materials in the problem.
template<class B>
void initializeBox(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, tk::real V_ex, tk::real t, const B& b, tk::real bgpreic, tk::real bgtempic, std::vector<tk::real>& s)
auto MultiMatOutVarFn() -> std::map<std::string, tk::GetVarFn>
Return a map that associates user-specified strings to functions.
auto MultiMatFieldNames(std::size_t nmat) -> std::vector<std::string>
Return multi-material field names to be output to file.
auto MultiMatFieldOutput(ncomp_t, std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, std::size_t nunk, std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<tk::real>&, const std::array<std::vector<tk::real>, 3>&, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>
Return field output going to file.
auto MultiMatSurfNames() -> std::vector<std::string>
Return surface field names to be output to file.
auto MultiMatSurfOutput(const std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t rdof, const FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>
Return element surface field output (on triangle faces) going to file.
auto MultiMatHistNames() -> std::vector<std::string>
Return time history field names to be output to file.
auto MultiMatDiagNames(std::size_t nmat) -> std::vector<std::string>
Return diagnostic var names to be output to file.
static auto multimatRiemannSolver(ctr::FluxType flux) -> const tk::RiemannFluxFn
static auto symmetry(] ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at symmetry boundaries.
static auto farfield(] ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at farfield boundaries.
static auto extrapolate(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at extrapolation boundaries.
static auto noslipwall(] ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at no-slip wall boundaries.
static auto noOpGrad(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary gradient function copying the left gradient to the right gradient at a face.
static auto symmetryGrad(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&) -> tk::StateFn::result_type
Boundary gradient function for the symmetry boundary condition.
void initializeSpeciesEoS(std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk)
auto timeStepSizeMultiSpecies(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<int>& esuf, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nspec, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields&) -> tk::real
Time step restriction for multi material cell-centered schemes.
template<class B>
void initializeBox(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, tk::real, tk::real, const B& b, std::vector<tk::real>& s)
auto MultiSpeciesOutVarFn() -> std::map<std::string, tk::GetVarFn>
Return a map that associates user-specified strings to functions.
auto MultiSpeciesFieldNames(std::size_t nspec) -> std::vector<std::string>
Return multi-species field names to be output to file.
auto MultiSpeciesSurfNames() -> std::vector<std::string>
Return surface field names to be output to file.
auto MultiSpeciesSurfOutput(const std::size_t nspec, const std::size_t rdof, const FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields&) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>
Return element surface field output (on triangle faces) going to file.
auto MultiSpeciesHistNames() -> std::vector<std::string>
Return time history field names to be output to file.
auto MultiSpeciesDiagNames(std::size_t nspec) -> std::vector<std::string>
Return diagnostic var names to be output to file.
static auto multispeciesRiemannSolver(ctr::FluxType flux) -> const tk::RiemannFluxFn
void spectral_decay(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t nunk, const std::vector<int>& esuel, const tk::Fields& unk, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t ndofmax, tk::real tolref, std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel)
Evaluate the spectral-decay indicator and mark the ndof for each element.
void non_conformity(std::size_t nunk, std::size_t Nbfac, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<int>& esuel, const std::vector<int>& esuf, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpofa, const tk::Fields& unk, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t ndofmax, std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel)
Evaluate the non-conformity indicator and mark the ndof for each element.
auto evalDiscIndicator_CompFlow(std::size_t e, ncomp_t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndofel, const tk::Fields& unk) -> tk::real
Evaluate the spectral decay indicator for single-material flow.
auto evalDiscIndicator_MultiMat(std::size_t e, std::size_t nmat, ncomp_t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndofel, const tk::Fields& unk) -> tk::real
Evaluate the spectral decay indicator for multi-material flow.
static auto splitmach_ausm(tk::real mach, tk::real fa = 1.0, tk::real alpha = 3.0/16.0, tk::real beta = 1.0/8.0) -> std::array<tk::real, 4>


ctr::InputDeck g_inputdeck
std::vector<CGPDE> g_cgpde
static const std::array<tk::real, 3> rkcoef
Runge-Kutta coefficients.
std::vector<DGPDE> g_dgpde
static const std::array<std::array<tk::real, 3>, 2> rkcoef
Runge-Kutta coefficients.
static const tk::real rk_gamma
Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta Coefficients.
const std::size_t NUMDIAG
Number of entries in diagnostics vector (of vectors)
ctr::InputDeck g_inputdeck_defaults
std::vector<FVPDE> g_fvpde
static const std::array<tk::real, 3> rkcoef
Runge-Kutta coefficients.
static const std::array<std::string, 7> ProgMeshPrefix
Prefixes for progress report on mesh preparation.
static const std::array<std::string, 5> ProgWorkPrefix
Prefixes for progress report on workers preparation.

Functions that compute indices for physics variables for MultiMat

const std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 3>, 3> stressCmp
Index for Cauchy stress components, since only the 6 independent components are stored.
auto volfracIdx(std::size_t, std::size_t kmat) -> std::size_t
auto densityIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat) -> std::size_t
auto momentumIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t idir) -> std::size_t
auto energyIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat) -> std::size_t
auto deformIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i, std::size_t j) -> std::size_t
auto velocityIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t idir) -> std::size_t
auto pressureIdx(std::size_t, std::size_t kmat) -> std::size_t
auto stressIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i) -> std::size_t
auto volfracDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the required DOF of material volume fraction from the DG solution vector.
auto densityDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the required DOF of material continuity equation from the DG solution vector.
auto momentumDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t idir, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the required DOF of momentum equation component from the DG solution vector.
auto energyDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the required DOF of material total energy equation from the DG solution vector.
auto deformDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the required DOF of material deformation gradient equation from the DG solution vector.
auto velocityDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t idir, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the required DOF of velocity component from the DG vector of primitives.
auto pressureDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the required DOF of material pressure from the DG vector of primitives.
auto stressDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the required DOF of material stress component from the DG vector of primitives.
auto newSolidsAccFn(std::size_t kmat, std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t l) -> std::size_t
Get the index of the quantity vel[l]*g[i][j] computed inside the Riemann flux solver.
auto solidTensorIdx(std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i, std::size_t j) -> std::size_t

Enum documentation

enum inciter::Diag

Diagnostics labels.


L2 norm of numerical solution.


L2 norm of numerical-analytic solution.


L2 norm of the residual.


L_inf norm of numerical-analytic solution.


Sum of conserved solution over entire domain.


Iteration count.


Physical time.


Function documentation

std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<char[]>> inciter::serialize(std::size_t meshid, std::size_t ncomp, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& d)

Serialize std::vector to raw memory stream.

meshid in Mesh ID
ncomp in Number of scalar components being solved
in Diagnostics vector of vectors (of eq components)
Returns Pair of the length and the raw stream containing the serialized vectors

CkReductionMsg* inciter::mergeDiag(int nmsg, CkReductionMsg** msgs)

Charm++ custom reducer for merging std::vectors during reduction across PEs.

nmsg in Number of messages in msgs
msgs in Charm++ reduction message containing the serialized diagnostics
Returns Aggregated diagnostics built for further aggregation if needed

std::vector<std::string> inciter::numericFieldNames(tk::Centering c)

Collect field output names from numerical solution based on user input.

in Extract variable names only with this centering
Returns Output field names requested by user

std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>> inciter::numericFieldOutput(const tk::Fields& U, tk::Centering c, const std::map<std::string, tk::GetVarFn>& outvarfn, const tk::Fields& P)

Collect field output from numerical solution based on user input.

in Solution data to extract from
in Extract variables only with this centering
outvarfn in Map of outvar functions
in Optional primitive variable solution data to extract from
Returns Output fields requested by user

void inciter::evalSolution(const Discretization& D, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& addedTets, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, tk::Fields& uElemfields, tk::Fields& pElemfields, tk::Fields& uNodefields, tk::Fields& pNodefields)

Evaluate solution on incoming (a potentially refined) mesh.

in Discretization base class to read from
inpoel in Incoming (potentially refined field-output) mesh connectivity
coord in Incoming (potentially refined Field-output) mesh node coordinates
addedTets in Field-output mesh cells and their parents (local ids)
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
in Solution vector
in Vector of primitives
uElemfields in/out Solution elem output fields
pElemfields in/out Primitive elem output fields
uNodefields in/out Solution nodal output fields
pNodefields in/out Primitive nodal output fields

This function evaluates the solution on the incoming mesh, and stores it in uElemfields, pElemfields, uNodefields, and pNodefields appropriately. The incoming mesh can be refined but can also be just the mesh the numerical solution is computed on.

template<class PDE>
void inciter::analyticFieldNames(const PDE& eq, tk::Centering c, std::vector<std::string>& f)

Template parameters
PDE Partial differential equation type
eq in PDE whose analytic solution field names to query
in Extract variables only with this centering
in/out Output field names augmented

Collect field output names from analytic solutions based on user input

template<class PDE>
void inciter::analyticFieldOutput(const PDE& eq, tk::Centering c, const std::vector<tk::real>& x, const std::vector<tk::real>& y, const std::vector<tk::real>& z, tk::real t, std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& f)

Template parameters
PDE Partial differential equation type
eq in PDE whose analytic solution to output
in Extract variables only with this centering
in x coordinates at which to evaluate the analytic solution
in y coordinates at which to evaluate the analytic solution
in z coordinates at which to evaluate the analytic solution
in Physical time at which to evaluate the analytic solution
in/out Output fields augmented by analytic solutions requested

Collect field output from analytic solutions based on user input

std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::pair<bool, tk::real>>> inciter::match(std::size_t meshid, ] tk::ncomp_t ncomp, tk::real t, tk::real dt, const std::vector<tk::real>& tp, const std::vector<tk::real>& dtp, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& lid, const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bnode, bool increment)

ncomp in Number of scalar components in PDE system
in Physical time at which to query boundary conditions
dt in Time step size (for querying BC increments in time)
tp in Physical time for each mesh node
dtp in Time step size for each mesh node
coord in Mesh node coordinates
lid in Local node IDs associated to local node IDs
bnode in Map storing global mesh node IDs mapped to side set ids
increment in If true, evaluate the solution increment between t and t+dt for Dirichlet BCs. If false, evlauate the solution instead.
Returns Vector of pairs of bool and boundary condition value associated to local mesh node IDs at which the user has set Dirichlet boundary conditions for all systems of PDEs integrated. The bool indicates whether the BC is set at the node for that component: if true, the real value is the increment (from t to dt) in (or the value of) the BC specified for a component.

Boundary conditions (BC), mathematically speaking, are applied on finite surfaces. These finite surfaces are given by element sets (i.e., a list of elements). This function queries Dirichlet boundary condition values from all PDEs in the multiple systems of PDEs integrated at the node lists associated to side set IDs, given by bnode. Each PDE system returns a BC data structure. Note that the BC mesh nodes that this function results in (stored in dirbc) only contains those nodes that are supplied via bnode. i.e., in parallel only a part of the mesh is worked on.

void inciter::operator|(PUP::er& p, std::vector<CGPDE>& eqs)

Pack/Unpack selected partial differential equations using continuous Galerkin discretization.

This Pack/Unpack method (re-)creates the PDE factory since it needs to (re-)bind function pointers on different processing elements. Therefore we circumvent Charm's usual pack/unpack for this type, and thus sizing does not make sense: sizing is a no-op. We could initialize the factory in InciterDriver's constructor and let this function re-create the stack only when unpacking, but that leads to repeating the same code twice: once in InciterDriver's constructor, once here. Another option is to use this pack/unpack routine to both initially create (when packing) and to re-create (when unpacking) the factory, which eliminates the need for pre-creating the object in InciterDriver's constructor and therefore eliminates the repeated code. This explains the guard for sizing: the code below is called for packing only (in serial) and packing and unpacking (in parallel).

void inciter::operator|(PUP::er& p, std::vector<DGPDE>& eqs)

Pack/Unpack selected partial differential equations using discontinuous Galerkin discretization.

This Pack/Unpack method (re-)creates the PDE factory since it needs to (re-)bind function pointers on different processing elements. Therefore we circumvent Charm's usual pack/unpack for this type, and thus sizing does not make sense: sizing is a no-op. We could initialize the factory in InciterDriver's constructor and let this function re-create the stack only when unpacking, but that leads to repeating the same code twice: once in InciterDriver's constructor, once here. Another option is to use this pack/unpack routine to both initially create (when packing) and to re-create (when unpacking) the factory, which eliminates the need for pre-creating the object in InciterDriver's constructor and therefore eliminates the repeated code. This explains the guard for sizing: the code below is called for packing only (in serial) and packing and unpacking (in parallel).

void inciter::operator|(PUP::er& p, std::vector<FVPDE>& eqs)

Pack/Unpack selected partial differential equations using finite volume discretization.

This Pack/Unpack method (re-)creates the PDE factory since it needs to (re-)bind function pointers on different processing elements. Therefore we circumvent Charm's usual pack/unpack for this type, and thus sizing does not make sense: sizing is a no-op. We could initialize the factory in InciterDriver's constructor and let this function re-create the stack only when unpacking, but that leads to repeating the same code twice: once in InciterDriver's constructor, once here. Another option is to use this pack/unpack routine to both initially create (when packing) and to re-create (when unpacking) the factory, which eliminates the need for pre-creating the object in InciterDriver's constructor and therefore eliminates the repeated code. This explains the guard for sizing: the code below is called for packing only (in serial) and packing and unpacking (in parallel).

template<class B>
void inciter::initializeBox(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, tk::real VRatio, tk::real V_ex, tk::real t, const B& b, tk::real bgpreic, tk::real cv, std::vector<tk::real>& s)

Set the solution in the user-defined IC box.

Template parameters
B IC-block type to operate, ctr::box, or ctr::meshblock
VRatio in Ratio of exact box volume to discrete box volume
V_ex in Exact box volume
in Physical time
in IC box configuration to use
bgpreic in Background pressure user input
cv in Specific heats ratio user input
in/out Solution vector that is set to box ICs

This function sets the fluid density and total specific energy within a box initial condition, configured by the user. If the user is specified a box where mass is specified, we also assume here that internal energy content (energy per unit volume) is also specified. Specific internal energy (energy per unit mass) is then computed here (and added to the kinetic energy) from the internal energy per unit volume by multiplying it with the total box volume and dividing it by the total mass of the material in the box. Example (SI) units of the quantities involved:

  • internal energy content (energy per unit volume): J/m^3
  • specific energy (internal energy per unit mass): J/kg

std::map<std::string, tk::GetVarFn> inciter::CompFlowOutVarFn()

Return a map that associates user-specified strings to functions.

Returns Map that associates user-specified strings to functions that compute relevant quantities to be output to file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::CompFlowSurfNames()

Return surface field names to be output to file.

Returns Vector of strings labelling surface fields output in file

std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>> inciter::CompFlowSurfOutput(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bnd, const tk::Fields& U)

Return surface field output going to file.

bnd in Boundary node/elem lists mapped to side set ids
in Solution vector at recent time step
Returns Vector of vectors of solution along side sets to be output to file

std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>> inciter::CompFlowElemSurfOutput(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bface, const std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel, const tk::Fields& U)

Return element surface field output (on triangle faces) going to file.

mat_blk in Material EOS block
bface in Boundary-faces mapped to side set ids
triinpoel in Boundary triangle face connecitivity with local ids
in Solution vector at recent time step
Returns Vector of vectors of solution on side set faces to be output to file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::CompFlowHistNames()

Return time history field names to be output to file.

Returns Vector of strings labelling time history fields output in file

std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>> inciter::CompFlowHistOutput(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<HistData>& h, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::Fields& U)

Return time history field output evaluated at time history points.

in History point data
inpoel in Mesh element connectivity
in Solution vector at recent time step
Returns Vector of vectors of solution variables evaluated in all history points. Inner vector: variables, outer vector: points.

static const tk::RiemannFluxFn inciter::compflowRiemannSolver(ctr::FluxType flux)

flux in Riemann solver from input deck
Returns Function pointer to the Riemann solver, must be of type tk::RiemannFluxFn

Get the Riemann solver function according to control file setup

void inciter::registerCompFlow(CGFactory& cf, DGFactory& df, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& cgt, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& dgt)

Register compressible flow PDEs into PDE factory.

cf in/out Continuous Galerkin PDE factory to register to
df in/out Discontinuous Galerkin PDE factory to register to
cgt in/out Counters for equation types registered into CG factory
dgt in/out Counters for equation types registered into DG factory

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> inciter::infoCompFlow(std::map<ctr::PDEType, tk::ncomp_t>& cnt)

Return information on the compressible flow PDE.

cnt in/out std::map of counters for all PDE types
Returns vector of string pairs describing the PDE configuration

void inciter::registerMultiMat(DGFactory& df, FVFactory& ff, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& fvt, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& dgt)

Register compressible flow PDEs into PDE factory.

df in/out Discontinuous Galerkin PDE factory to register to
ff in/out Finite volume PDE factory to register to
fvt in/out Counters for equation types registered into FV factory
dgt in/out Counters for equation types registered into DG factory

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> inciter::infoMultiMat(std::map<ctr::PDEType, tk::ncomp_t>& cnt)

Return information on the multi-material compressible flow PDE.

cnt in/out std::map of counters for all PDE types
Returns vector of string pairs describing the PDE configuration

void inciter::registerMultiSpecies(DGFactory& df, FVFactory&, std::set<ctr::PDEType>&, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& dgt)

Register compressible flow PDEs into PDE factory.

df in/out Discontinuous Galerkin PDE factory to register to
dgt in/out Counters for equation types registered into DG factory

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> inciter::infoMultiSpecies(std::map<ctr::PDEType, tk::ncomp_t>& cnt)

Return information on the multi-species compressible flow PDE.

cnt in/out std::map of counters for all PDE types
Returns vector of string pairs describing the PDE configuration

void inciter::registerTransport(CGFactory& cf, DGFactory& df, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& cgt, std::set<ctr::PDEType>& dgt)

Register transport PDEs into PDE factory.

cf in/out Continuous Galerkin PDE factory to register to
df in/out Discontinuous Galerkin PDE factory to register to
cgt in/out Counters for equation types registered into CG factory
dgt in/out Counters for equation types registered into DG factory

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> inciter::infoTransport(std::map<ctr::PDEType, tk::ncomp_t>& cnt)

Return information on the transport PDE.

cnt in/out std::map of counters for all PDE types
Returns vector of string pairs describing the PDE configuration

void inciter::ConfigInletBC(BCStateFn& s, const tk::StateFn& f, const tk::StateFn& gf)

Extract information on inlet BCs, which have a different structure than other BCs.

in/out BC configuration vector
in Function to evaluate the left and right solution state at boundaries
gf in Function to evaluate the left and right solution gradients at boundaries

tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::invalidBC(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>&, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

State function for invalid/un-configured boundary conditions.

State function for invalid/un-configured boundary conditions

template<class Prop>
tk::real inciter::getmatprop(std::size_t imat = 0)

Template parameters
Prop Tag of property required
imat in Material-id who's property is required. Default is 0, so that for the single-material system, this argument can be left unspecified by the calling code
Returns Material property Prop

Get a property for a material

template<class Prop>
tk::real inciter::getspecprop(std::size_t ispec = 0)

Template parameters
Prop Tag of property required
ispec in Species-id who's property is required. Default is 0, so that for the single-material system, this argument can be left unspecified by the calling code
Returns Species property Prop

Get a property for a species

void inciter::WENO_P1(const std::vector<int>& esuel, tk::Fields& U)

Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) limiter for DGP1.

esuel in Elements surrounding elements
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited

This WENO function should be called for transport and compflow

void inciter::Superbee_P1(const std::vector<int>& esuel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, tk::Fields& U)

Superbee limiter for DGP1.

esuel in Elements surrounding elements
inpoel in Element connectivity
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited

This Superbee function should be called for transport and compflow

void inciter::SuperbeeMultiMat_P1(const std::vector<int>& esuel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat)

Superbee limiter for multi-material DGP1.

esuel in Elements surrounding elements
inpoel in Element connectivity
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
solidx in Solid material index indicator
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited
in/out High-order vector of primitives which gets limited
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system

This Superbee function should be called for multimat

void inciter::VertexBasedTransport_P1(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, tk::Fields& U)

Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for transport DGP1.

esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
nelem in Number of elements
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited

This vertex-based limiter function should be called for transport. For details see: Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085.

void inciter::VertexBasedCompflow_P1(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)

Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for single-material DGP1.

esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
nelem in Number of elements
mat_blk in EOS material block
fd in Face connectivity and boundary conditions object
geoFace in Face geometry array
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
flux in Riemann flux function to use
solidx in Solid material index indicator
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited
shockmarker in/out Shock detection marker array

This vertex-based limiter function should be called for compflow. For details see: Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085.

void inciter::VertexBasedCompflow_P2(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, ] const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, ] const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& uNodalExtrm, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& mtInv, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)

esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
nelem in Number of elements
mat_blk in EOS material block
fd in Face connectivity and boundary conditions object
geoFace in Face geometry array
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
gid in Local->global node id map
bid in Local chare-boundary node ids (value) associated to global node ids (key)
uNodalExtrm in Chare-boundary nodal extrema for conservative variables
mtInv in Inverse of Taylor mass matrix
flux in Riemann flux function to use
solidx in Solid material index indicator
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited
shockmarker in/out Shock detection marker array

This vertex-based limiter function should be called for compflow. For details see: Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085.

void inciter::VertexBasedMultiMat_P1(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)

Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for multi-material DGP1.

esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
nelem in Number of elements
mat_blk in EOS material block
fd in Face connectivity and boundary conditions object
geoFace in Face geometry array
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
flux in Riemann flux function to use
solidx in Solid material index indicator
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited
in/out High-order vector of primitives which gets limited
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
shockmarker in/out Shock detection marker array

This vertex-based limiter function should be called for multimat. For details see: Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085.

void inciter::VertexBasedMultiMat_P2(const bool pref, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const inciter::FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, ] const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, ] const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& uNodalExtrm, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& pNodalExtrm, ] const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& mtInv, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)

pref in Indicator for p-adaptive algorithm
esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
nelem in Number of elements
mat_blk in EOS material block
fd in Face connectivity and boundary conditions object
geoFace in Face geometry array
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
gid in Local->global node id map
bid in Local chare-boundary node ids (value) associated to global node ids (key)
uNodalExtrm in Chare-boundary nodal extrema for conservative variables
pNodalExtrm in Chare-boundary nodal extrema for primitive variables
mtInv in Inverse of Taylor mass matrix
flux in Riemann flux function to use
solidx in Solid material index indicator
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited
in/out High-order vector of primitives which gets limited
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
shockmarker in/out Shock detection marker array

This vertex-based limiter function should be called for multimat. For details see: Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085.

void inciter::VertexBasedMultiMat_FV(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nelem, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<int>& srcFlag, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P, std::size_t nmat)

Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for multi-material FV.

esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
nelem in Number of elements
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
srcFlag in Whether the energy source was added
solidx in Solid material index indicator
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited
in/out High-order vector of primitives which gets limited
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system

This vertex-based limiter function should be called for multimat. For details see: Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085.

void inciter::VertexBasedMultiSpecies_P1(const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>&, const inciter::FaceData&, const tk::Fields&, const tk::Fields&, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::FluxFn&, tk::Fields& U, std::size_t nspec, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)

Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter for multi-species DGP1.

esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedom
nelem in Number of elements
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited
nspec in Number of species in this PDE system
shockmarker in/out Shock detection marker array

This vertex-based limiter function should be called for multispecies. For details see: Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085.

void inciter::WENOLimiting(const tk::Fields& U, const std::vector<int>& esuel, std::size_t e, inciter::ncomp_t c, std::size_t rdof, tk::real cweight, std::array<std::vector<tk::real>, 3>& limU)

WENO limiter function calculation for P1 dofs.

in High-order solution vector which is to be limited
esuel in Elements surrounding elements
in Id of element whose solution is to be limited
in Index of component which is to be limited
rdof in Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom
cweight in Weight of the central stencil
limU in/out Limited gradients of component c

std::vector<tk::real> inciter::SuperbeeLimiting(const tk::Fields& U, const std::vector<int>& esuel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, std::size_t e, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t dof_el, inciter::ncomp_t ncomp, tk::real beta_lim)

Superbee limiter function calculation for P1 dofs.

in High-order solution vector which is to be limited
esuel in Elements surrounding elements
inpoel in Element connectivity
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
in Id of element whose solution is to be limited
ndof in Maximum number of degrees of freedom
rdof in Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom
dof_el in Local number of degrees of freedom
ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
beta_lim in Parameter which is equal to 2 for Superbee and 1 for minmod limiter
Returns phi Limiter function for solution in element e

void inciter::VertexBasedLimiting(const tk::Fields& U, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, std::size_t e, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t dof_el, std::size_t ncomp, std::vector<tk::real>& phi, const std::vector<std::size_t>& VarList)

Kuzmin's vertex-based limiter function calculation for P1 dofs.

in High-order solution vector which is to be limited
esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
in Id of element whose solution is to be limited
rdof in Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom
dof_el in Local number of degrees of freedom
ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
phi in/out Limiter function for solution in element e
VarList in List of variable indices to be limited

void inciter::VertexBasedLimiting_P2(const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& unk, const tk::Fields& U, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t e, std::size_t rdof, ] std::size_t dof_el, std::size_t ncomp, const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& bid, const std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>>& NodalExtrm, const std::vector<std::size_t>& VarList, std::vector<tk::real>& phi)

in High-order solution vector which is to be limited
esup in Elements surrounding points
inpoel in Element connectivity
in Id of element whose solution is to be limited
rdof in Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom
dof_el in Local number of degrees of freedom
ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
gid in Local->global node id map
bid in Local chare-boundary node ids (value) associated to global node ids (key)
NodalExtrm in Chare-boundary nodal extrema
VarList in List of variable indices that need to be limited
phi out Limiter function for solution in element e

This function limits the P2 dofs of P2 solution in a hierachical way to P1 dof limiting. Here we treat the first order derivatives the same way as cell average while second order derivatives represent the gradients to be limited in the P1 limiting procedure.

void inciter::consistentMultiMatLimiting_P1(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, tk::Fields& U, ] tk::Fields& P, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p2)

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
rdof in Total number of reconstructed dofs
in Element being checked for consistency
solidx in Solid material index indicator
in Vector of conservative variables
in Vector of primitive variables
phic_p1 in/out Vector of limiter functions for P1 dofs of the conserved quantities

void inciter::BoundPreservingLimiting(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::Fields& U, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p2)

Bound preserving limiter for the volume fractions.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
ndof in Total number of reconstructed dofs
in Element being checked for consistency
inpoel in Element connectivity
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
in/out Second-order solution vector which gets modified near material interfaces for consistency
phic_p1 in/out Vector of limiter functions for P1 dofs of the conserved quantities
phic_p2 in/out Vector of limiter functions for P2 dofs of the conserved quantities

This bound-preserving limiter is specifically meant to enforce bounds [0,1], but it does not suppress oscillations like the other 'TVD' limiters. TVD limiters on the other hand, do not preserve such bounds. A combination of oscillation-suppressing and bound-preserving limiters can obtain a non-oscillatory and bounded solution.

tk::real inciter::BoundPreservingLimitingFunction(const tk::real min, const tk::real max, const tk::real al_gp, const tk::real al_avg)

Bound preserving limiter function for the volume fractions.

min in Minimum bound for volume fraction
max in Maximum bound for volume fraction
al_gp in Volume fraction at the quadrature point
al_avg in Cell-average volume fraction
Returns The limiting coefficient from the bound-preserving limiter function

void inciter::PositivityLimitingMultiMat(std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t ndof_el, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, std::size_t e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<int>& esuel, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phic_p2, std::vector<tk::real>& phip_p1, std::vector<tk::real>& phip_p2)

Positivity preserving limiter for multi-material solver.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
mat_blk in EOS material block
rdof in Total number of reconstructed dofs
ndof_el in Number of dofs for element e
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedome
in Element being checked for consistency
inpoel in Element connectivity
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
esuel in Elements surrounding elements
in Vector of conservative variables
in Vector of primitive variables
phic_p1 in/out Vector of limiter functions for P1 dofs of the conserved quantities
phic_p2 in/out Vector of limiter functions for P2 dofs of the conserved quantities
phip_p1 in/out Vector of limiter functions for P1 dofs of the primitive quantities
phip_p2 in/out Vector of limiter functions for P2 dofs of the primitive quantities

void inciter::PositivityPreservingMultiMat_FV(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::Fields&, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P)

Positivity preserving limiter for the FV multi-material solver.

inpoel in Element connectivity
nelem in Number of elements
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
mat_blk in Material EOS block
coord in Array of nodal coordinates !
in/out High-order solution vector which gets limited
in/out High-order vector of primitives which gets limited

This positivity preserving limiter function should be called for FV multimat.

tk::real inciter::PositivityLimiting(const tk::real min, const tk::real u_gp, const tk::real u_avg)

Positivity preserving limiter function.

min in Minimum bound for volume fraction
u_gp in Variable quantity at the quadrature point
u_avg in Cell-average variable quantitiy
Returns The limiting coefficient from the positivity-preserving limiter function

bool inciter::interfaceIndicator(std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<tk::real>& al, std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt)

Interface indicator function, which checks element for material interface.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
al in Cell-averaged volume fractions
matInt in Array indicating which material has an interface
Returns Boolean which indicates if the element contains a material interface

void inciter::MarkShockCells(const bool pref, const std::size_t nelem, const std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<inciter::EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const inciter::FaceData& fd, ] const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::FluxFn& flux, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, std::vector<std::size_t>& shockmarker)

pref in Indicator for p-adaptive algorithm
nelem in Number of elements
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
ndof in Maximum number of degrees of freedom
rdof in Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom
mat_blk in EOS material block
ndofel in Vector of local number of degrees of freedome
inpoel in Element-node connectivity
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
fd in Face connectivity and boundary conditions object
geoFace in Face geometry array
geoElem in Element geometry array
flux in Flux function to use
solidx in Solid material index indicator
in Solution vector at recent time step
in Vector of primitives at recent time step
shockmarker in/out Vector of the shock indicator

This function computes the discontinuity indicator based on interface conditon. It is based on the following paper: Hong L., Gianni A., Robert N. (2021) A moving discontinuous Galerkin finite element method with interface condition enforcement for compressible flows. Journal of Computational Physics, doi:

void inciter::correctLimConservMultiMat(std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::Fields& prim, tk::Fields& unk)

Update the conservative quantities after limiting for multi-material systems.

nelem in Number of internal elements
mat_blk in EOS material block
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
inpoel in Element-node connectivity
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
geoElem in Element geometry array
prim in Array of primitive variables
unk in/out Array of conservative variables

This function computes the updated dofs for conservative quantities based on the limited primitive quantities, to re-instate consistency between the limited primitive and evolved quantities. For further details, see Pandare et al. (2023). On the Design of Stable, Consistent, and Conservative High-Order Methods for Multi-Material Hydrodynamics. J Comp Phys, 112313.

tk::real inciter::constrain_pressure(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, tk::real apr, tk::real arho, tk::real alpha = 1.0, std::size_t imat = 0)

Constrain material partial pressure (alpha_k * p_k)

apr in Material partial pressure (alpha_k * p_k)
arho in Material partial density (alpha_k * rho_k)
alpha in Material volume fraction. Default is 1.0, so that for the single-material system, this argument can be left unspecified by the calling code
imat in Material-id who's EoS is required. Default is 0, so that for the single-material system, this argument can be left unspecified by the calling code
Returns Constrained material partial pressure (alpha_k * p_k)

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::symmetry(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at symmetry boundaries.

ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ul in Left (domain-internal) state
fn in Unit face normal
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::inlet(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at inlet boundaries.

ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ul in Left (domain-internal) state
fn in Unit face normal
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

The inlet boundary condition specifies a velocity at a sideset and assumes a zero bulk pressure and density gradient

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::farfield(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at farfield boundaries.

ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ul in Left (domain-internal) state
fn in Unit face normal
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

The farfield boudary calculation, implemented here, is based on the characteristic theory of hyperbolic systems.

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::extrapolate(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at extrapolation boundaries.

ul in Left (domain-internal) state
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::noslipwall(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at no-slip wall boundaries.

ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ul in Left (domain-internal) state
fn in Unit face normal
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::noOpGrad(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

Boundary gradient function copying the left gradient to the right gradient at a face.

dul in Left (domain-internal) state
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::symmetryGrad(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

Boundary gradient function for the symmetry boundary condition.

ncomp in Number of variables whos gradients are needed
dul in Left (domain-internal) gradients
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::zeroGrad(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

Boundary gradient function for zero gradient cells.

ncomp in Number of variables whos gradients are needed
dul in Left (domain-internal) gradients
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

void inciter::initializeMaterialEoS(std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk)

mat_blk in/out Material block that gets initialized

bool inciter::cleanTraceMultiMat(tk::real t, std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const tk::Fields& geoElem, std::size_t nmat, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P)

Clean up the state of trace materials for multi-material PDE system.

in Physical time
nelem in Number of elements
mat_blk in EOS material block
geoElem in Element geometry array
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
Returns Boolean indicating if an unphysical material state was found

tk::real inciter::timeStepSizeMultiMat(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<int>& esuf, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nmat, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P)

Time step restriction for multi material cell-centered schemes.

mat_blk in EOS material block
esuf in Elements surrounding elements array
geoFace in Face geometry array
geoElem in Element geometry array
nelem in Number of elements
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
in High-order solution vector
in High-order vector of primitives
Returns Maximum allowable time step based on cfl criterion

tk::real inciter::timeStepSizeMultiMatFV(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const tk::Fields& geoElem, std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nmat, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P, std::vector<tk::real>& local_dte)

Time step restriction for multi material cell-centered FV scheme.

mat_blk in Material EOS block
geoElem in Element geometry array
nelem in Number of elements
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
in High-order solution vector
in High-order vector of primitives
local_dte in/out Time step size for each element (for local time stepping)
Returns Maximum allowable time step based on cfl criterion

tk::real inciter::timeStepSizeViscousFV(const tk::Fields& geoElem, std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nmat, const tk::Fields& U)

Compute the time step size restriction based on viscosity.

geoElem in Element geometry array
nelem in Number of elements
nmat in Number of materials
in Solution vector
Returns Maximum allowable time step based on viscosity

void inciter::resetSolidTensors(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t k, std::size_t e, tk::Fields& U, tk::Fields& P)

Reset the solid tensors.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
in Material id whose deformation gradient is required
in Id of element whose solution is to be limited

std::array<std::array<tk::real, 3>, 3> inciter::getDeformGrad(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t k, const std::vector<tk::real>& state)

Get the inverse deformation gradient tensor for a material at given location.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
in Material id whose deformation gradient is required
state in State vector at location
Returns Inverse deformation gradient tensor (g_k) of material k

std::array<std::array<tk::real, 3>, 3> inciter::getCauchyStress(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t k, std::size_t ncomp, const std::vector<tk::real>& state)

Get the elastic Cauchy stress tensor for a material at given location.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
in Material id whose deformation gradient is required
ncomp in Number of components in the PDE system
state in State vector at location
Returns Elastic Cauchy stress tensor (alpha * \sigma_ij) of material k

bool inciter::haveSolid(std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx)

Check whether we have solid materials in our problem.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
solidx in Material index indicator
Returns true if we have at least one solid, false otherwise.

std::size_t inciter::numSolids(std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<std::size_t>& solidx)

Count total number of solid materials in the problem.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
solidx in Material index indicator
Returns Total number of solid materials in the problem

template<class B>
void inciter::initializeBox(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, tk::real V_ex, tk::real t, const B& b, tk::real bgpreic, tk::real bgtempic, std::vector<tk::real>& s)

Template parameters
B IC-block type to operate, ctr::box, or ctr::meshblock
V_ex in Exact box volume
in Physical time
in IC box configuration to use
bgpreic in Background pressure user input
bgtempic in Background temperature user input
in/out Solution vector that is set to box ICs

This function sets the fluid density and total specific energy within a box initial condition, configured by the user. If the user is specified a box where mass is specified, we also assume here that internal energy content (energy per unit volume) is also specified. Specific internal energy (energy per unit mass) is then computed here (and added to the kinetic energy) from the internal energy per unit volume by multiplying it with the total box volume and dividing it by the total mass of the material in the box. Example (SI) units of the quantities involved:

  • internal energy content (energy per unit volume): J/m^3
  • specific energy (internal energy per unit mass): J/kg

std::map<std::string, tk::GetVarFn> inciter::MultiMatOutVarFn()

Return a map that associates user-specified strings to functions.

Returns Map that associates user-specified strings to functions that compute relevant quantities to be output to file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::MultiMatFieldNames(std::size_t nmat)

Return multi-material field names to be output to file.

nmat in Number of materials in system
Returns Vector of strings labelling fields output in file

std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>> inciter::MultiMatFieldOutput(ncomp_t, std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, std::size_t nunk, std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<tk::real>&, const std::array<std::vector<tk::real>, 3>&, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P)

Return field output going to file.

nmat in Number of materials in systen
nunk in Number of unknowns to extract
rdof in Number of reconstructed degrees of freedom
in Solution vector at recent time step
in Vector of primitive quantities at recent time step
Returns Vector of vectors to be output to file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::MultiMatSurfNames()

Return surface field names to be output to file.

Returns Vector of strings labelling surface fields output in file

std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>> inciter::MultiMatSurfOutput(const std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t rdof, const FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields& P)

Return element surface field output (on triangle faces) going to file.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
rdof in Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom
fd in Face connectivity and boundary conditions object
in Solution vector at recent time step
in Vector of primitives at recent time step
Returns Vector of vectors of solution on side set faces to be output to file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::MultiMatHistNames()

Return time history field names to be output to file.

Returns Vector of strings labelling time history fields output in file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::MultiMatDiagNames(std::size_t nmat)

Return diagnostic var names to be output to file.

nmat in Number of materials in systen
Returns Vector of strings labelling diagnostic fields output in file

static const tk::RiemannFluxFn inciter::multimatRiemannSolver(ctr::FluxType flux)

flux in Riemann solver from input deck
Returns Function pointer to the Riemann solver, must be of type tk::RiemannFluxFn

Get the Riemann solver function according to control file setup

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::symmetry(] ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at symmetry boundaries.

ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ul in Left (domain-internal) state
fn in Unit face normal
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::farfield(] ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at farfield boundaries.

ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ul in Left (domain-internal) state
fn in Unit face normal
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

The farfield boudary calculation, implemented here, is based on the characteristic theory of hyperbolic systems.

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::extrapolate(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at extrapolation boundaries.

ul in Left (domain-internal) state
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::noslipwall(] ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& ul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a face at no-slip wall boundaries.

ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ul in Left (domain-internal) state
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::noOpGrad(ncomp_t, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

Boundary gradient function copying the left gradient to the right gradient at a face.

dul in Left (domain-internal) state
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

static tk::StateFn::result_type inciter::symmetryGrad(ncomp_t ncomp, const std::vector<EOS>&, const std::vector<tk::real>& dul, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, const std::array<tk::real, 3>&)

Boundary gradient function for the symmetry boundary condition.

ncomp in Number of variables whos gradients are needed
dul in Left (domain-internal) gradients
Returns Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE system

void inciter::initializeSpeciesEoS(std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk)

mat_blk in/out Material block that gets initialized

tk::real inciter::timeStepSizeMultiSpecies(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::vector<int>& esuf, const tk::Fields& geoFace, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const std::size_t nelem, std::size_t nspec, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields&)

Time step restriction for multi material cell-centered schemes.

mat_blk in EOS species block
esuf in Elements surrounding elements array
geoFace in Face geometry array
geoElem in Element geometry array
nelem in Number of elements
nspec in Number of speciess in this PDE system
in High-order solution vector
Returns Maximum allowable time step based on cfl criterion

template<class B>
void inciter::initializeBox(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, tk::real, tk::real, const B& b, std::vector<tk::real>& s)

Template parameters
B IC-block type to operate, ctr::box, or ctr::meshblock
in IC box configuration to use
in/out Solution vector that is set to box ICs

This function sets the fluid density and total specific energy within a box initial condition, configured by the user. If the user is specified a box where mass is specified, we also assume here that internal energy content (energy per unit volume) is also specified. Specific internal energy (energy per unit mass) is then computed here (and added to the kinetic energy) from the internal energy per unit volume by multiplying it with the total box volume and dividing it by the total mass of the material in the box. Example (SI) units of the quantities involved:

  • internal energy content (energy per unit volume): J/m^3
  • specific energy (internal energy per unit mass): J/kg

std::map<std::string, tk::GetVarFn> inciter::MultiSpeciesOutVarFn()

Return a map that associates user-specified strings to functions.

Returns Map that associates user-specified strings to functions that compute relevant quantities to be output to file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::MultiSpeciesFieldNames(std::size_t nspec)

Return multi-species field names to be output to file.

nspec in Number of species in system
Returns Vector of strings labelling fields output in file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::MultiSpeciesSurfNames()

Return surface field names to be output to file.

Returns Vector of strings labelling surface fields output in file

std::vector<std::vector<tk::real>> inciter::MultiSpeciesSurfOutput(const std::size_t nspec, const std::size_t rdof, const FaceData& fd, const tk::Fields& U, const tk::Fields&)

Return element surface field output (on triangle faces) going to file.

nspec in Number of species in this PDE system
rdof in Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom
fd in Face connectivity and boundary conditions object
in Solution vector at recent time step
Returns Vector of vectors of solution on side set faces to be output to file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::MultiSpeciesHistNames()

Return time history field names to be output to file.

Returns Vector of strings labelling time history fields output in file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::MultiSpeciesDiagNames(std::size_t nspec)

Return diagnostic var names to be output to file.

nspec in Number of species in systen
Returns Vector of strings labelling diagnostic fields output in file

static const tk::RiemannFluxFn inciter::multispeciesRiemannSolver(ctr::FluxType flux)

flux in Riemann solver from input deck
Returns Function pointer to the Riemann solver, must be of type tk::RiemannFluxFn

Get the Riemann solver function according to control file setup

void inciter::spectral_decay(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t nunk, const std::vector<int>& esuel, const tk::Fields& unk, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t ndofmax, tk::real tolref, std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel)

Evaluate the spectral-decay indicator and mark the ndof for each element.

nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
nunk in Number of unknowns
esuel in Elements surrounding elements
unk in Array of unknowns
ndof in Number of degrees of freedom in the solution
ndofmax in Max number of degrees of freedom for p-refinement
tolref in Tolerance for p-refinement
ndofel in/out Vector of local number of degrees of freedome

Evaluate the spectral-decay indicator and mark the ndof for each element The spectral decay indicator, implemented in this functiopn, calculates the difference between the projections of the numerical solutions on finite element space of order p and p-1.

void inciter::non_conformity(std::size_t nunk, std::size_t Nbfac, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, const std::vector<int>& esuel, const std::vector<int>& esuf, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpofa, const tk::Fields& unk, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t ndofmax, std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel)

Evaluate the non-conformity indicator and mark the ndof for each element.

nunk in Number of unknowns
Nbfac in Number of internal faces
inpoel in Element-node connectivity
coord in Array of nodal coordinates
esuel in Elements surrounding elements
esuf in Elements surrounding faces
inpofa in Face-node connectivity
unk in Array of unknowns
ndof in Number of degrees of freedom in the solution
ndofmax in Max number of degrees of freedom for p-refinement
ndofel in/out Vector of local number of degrees of freedome

Evaluate the non-conformity indicator and mark the ndof for each element The non-conformity indicator, this function implements, evaluates the jump in the numerical solutions as a measure of the numerical error.

tk::real inciter::evalDiscIndicator_CompFlow(std::size_t e, ncomp_t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndofel, const tk::Fields& unk)

Evaluate the spectral decay indicator for single-material flow.

in Index for the tetrahedron element
ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ndof in Number of degrees of freedom in the solution
ndofel in Local number of degrees of freedom
unk in Array of unknowns
Returns The value of spectral indicator for the element \detail The spectral indicator evaluates the density differences between the numerical solutions at different polynomial space

Evaluate the spectral decay indicator

tk::real inciter::evalDiscIndicator_MultiMat(std::size_t e, std::size_t nmat, ncomp_t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndofel, const tk::Fields& unk)

Evaluate the spectral decay indicator for multi-material flow.

in Index for the tetrahedron element
nmat in Number of materials in this PDE system
ncomp in Number of scalar components in this PDE system
ndof in Number of degrees of freedom in the solution
ndofel in Local number of degrees of freedom
unk in Array of unknowns
Returns The value of spectral indicator for the element \detail The spectral indicator evaluates the bulk density differences between the numerical solutions at different polynomial space

Evaluate the spectral decay indicator

static std::array<tk::real, 4> inciter::splitmach_ausm(tk::real mach, tk::real fa = 1.0, tk::real alpha = 3.0/16.0, tk::real beta = 1.0/8.0)

mach in Local Mach number
fa in All-speed parameter. Default is 1
alpha in High-order pressure polynomial coefficient. Default is 3/16
beta in High-order Mach polynomial coefficient. Default is 1/8
Returns Values of the positive and negative split Mach and pressure polynomials.

Split Mach polynomials for AUSM+ flux This function returns a vector with positive and negative Mach and pressure polynomials, as: ms[0] = M_4(+), ms[1] = M_4(-), ms[2] = P_5(+), and ms[3] = P_5(-). For more details, ref. Liou, M. S. (2006). A sequel to AUSM, Part II: AUSM+-up for all speeds. J. Comp. Phys., 214(1), 137-170.

std::size_t inciter::volfracIdx(std::size_t, std::size_t kmat)

kmat in Index of required material
Returns Index of the required material volume fraction

Get the index of the required material volume fraction

std::size_t inciter::densityIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat)

nmat in Number of materials
kmat in Index of required material
Returns Index of the required material continuity equation

Get the index of the required material continuity equation

std::size_t inciter::momentumIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t idir)

nmat in Number of materials
idir in Required component direction; 0: X-component, 1: Y-component, 2: Z-component.
Returns Index of the required momentum equation component

Get the index of the required momentum equation component

std::size_t inciter::energyIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat)

nmat in Number of materials
kmat in Index of required material
Returns Index of the required material total energy equation

Get the index of the required material total energy equation

std::size_t inciter::deformIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i, std::size_t j)

nmat in Number of materials
ksld in Index of required solid
in Row-index of required tensor component
in Column-index of required tensor component
Returns Index of the required material deformation gradient equation

Get the index of the required material deformation gradient equation

std::size_t inciter::velocityIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t idir)

nmat in Number of materials
idir in Required component direction; 0: X-component, 1: Y-component, 2: Z-component.
Returns Index of the required velocity component from vector of primitives

Get the index of the required velocity component from vector of primitives

std::size_t inciter::pressureIdx(std::size_t, std::size_t kmat)

kmat in Index of required material
Returns Index of the required material pressure from vector of primitives

Get the index of the required material pressure from vector of primitives

std::size_t inciter::stressIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i)

nmat in Number of materials
ksld in Index of required solid
in Index of required stress component
Returns Index of the required material Cauchy stress component from vector of primitives

Get the index of the required material stress component from primitives

std::size_t inciter::volfracDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof)

Get the index of the required DOF of material volume fraction from the DG solution vector.

nmat in Number of materials
kmat in Index of required material
ndof in Number of solution DOFs stored in DG solution vector
idof in Index of required solution DOF from DG solution vector
Returns Index of the required material volume fraction

This function is used to get the index of the required DOF in the solution vector, which is of type tk::Fields.

std::size_t inciter::densityDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof)

Get the index of the required DOF of material continuity equation from the DG solution vector.

nmat in Number of materials
kmat in Index of required material
ndof in Number of solution DOFs stored in DG solution vector
idof in Index of required solution DOF from DG solution vector
Returns Index of the required material continuity equation

This function is used to get the index of the required DOF in the solution vector, which is of type tk::Fields.

std::size_t inciter::momentumDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t idir, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof)

Get the index of the required DOF of momentum equation component from the DG solution vector.

nmat in Number of materials
idir in Required component direction; 0: X-component, 1: Y-component, 2: Z-component.
ndof in Number of solution DOFs stored in DG solution vector
idof in Index of required solution DOF from DG solution vector
Returns Index of the required momentum equation component

This function is used to get the index of the required DOF in the solution vector, which is of type tk::Fields.

std::size_t inciter::energyDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof)

Get the index of the required DOF of material total energy equation from the DG solution vector.

nmat in Number of materials
kmat in Index of required material
ndof in Number of solution DOFs stored in DG solution vector
idof in Index of required solution DOF from DG solution vector
Returns Index of the required material total energy equation

This function is used to get the index of the required DOF in the solution vector, which is of type tk::Fields.

std::size_t inciter::deformDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof)

Get the index of the required DOF of material deformation gradient equation from the DG solution vector.

nmat in Number of materials
ksld in Index of required solid
in Row-index of required tensor component
in Column-index of required tensor component
ndof in Number of solution DOFs stored in DG solution vector
idof in Index of required solution DOF from DG solution vector
Returns Index of the required material total energy equation

This function is used to get the index of the required DOF in the solution vector, which is of type tk::Fields.

std::size_t inciter::velocityDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t idir, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof)

Get the index of the required DOF of velocity component from the DG vector of primitives.

nmat in Number of materials
idir in Required component direction; 0: X-component, 1: Y-component, 2: Z-component.
ndof in Number of solution DOFs stored in DG solution vector
idof in Index of required solution DOF from DG solution vector
Returns Index of the required velocity component from vector of primitives

This function is used to get the index of the required DOF in the solution vector, which is of type tk::Fields.

std::size_t inciter::pressureDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t kmat, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof)

Get the index of the required DOF of material pressure from the DG vector of primitives.

nmat in Number of materials
kmat in Index of required material
ndof in Number of solution DOFs stored in DG solution vector
idof in Index of required solution DOF from DG solution vector
Returns Index of the required material pressure from vector of primitives

This function is used to get the index of the required DOF in the solution vector, which is of type tk::Fields.

std::size_t inciter::stressDofIdx(std::size_t nmat, std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i, std::size_t ndof, std::size_t idof)

Get the index of the required DOF of material stress component from the DG vector of primitives.

nmat in Number of materials
ksld in Index of required solid
in Index of required stress component
ndof in Number of solution DOFs stored in DG solution vector
idof in Index of required solution DOF from DG solution vector
Returns Index of the required material Cauchy stress component from vector of primitives

This function is used to get the index of the required DOF in the primitives vector, which is of type tk::Fields.

std::size_t inciter::newSolidsAccFn(std::size_t kmat, std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t l)

Get the index of the quantity vel[l]*g[i][j] computed inside the Riemann flux solver.

kmat in Index of required material
in Row of inverse deformation tensor
in Column of inverse deformation tensor
in Velocity component
Returns Index of the quantity vel[l]*g[i][j] computed inside the Riemann flux solver.

This function is used to get the index of the quantity vel[l]*g[i][j] computed inside the Riemann flux solver.

std::size_t inciter::solidTensorIdx(std::size_t ksld, std::size_t i, std::size_t j)

ksld in Index of required solid
in Row-index of required tensor component
in Column-index of required tensor component
Returns Index of the required material deformation gradient equation in the context of a list where only the g's of solid materials are present.

Get the index of the required material deformation gradient equation in the context of a list where only the g's of solid materials are present. If one needs to access the deformation tensor within the state array one should use deformIdx instead!

Variable documentation

ctr::InputDeck inciter::g_inputdeck

Lua Input deck filled by LuaParser, containing all input data

This object is in global scope, it contains all of user input, and thus it is made available to all PEs for convenience reasons. The runtime system distributes it to all PEs during initialization. Once distributed, the object does not change.

std::vector<CGPDE> inciter::g_cgpde

Partial differential equations using continuous Galerkin selected by user

This vector is in global scope, because it holds polymorphic objects, and thus must be distributed to all PEs during initialization. Once distributed by the runtime system, the objects do not change.

std::vector<DGPDE> inciter::g_dgpde

Partial differential equations using discontinuous Galerkin selected by user

This vector is in global scope, because it holds polymorphic objects, and thus must be distributed to all PEs during initialization. Once distributed by the runtime system, the objects do not change.

ctr::InputDeck inciter::g_inputdeck_defaults

Global-scope data. Initialized by the main chare and distibuted to all PEs by the Charm++ runtime system. Though semantically not const, all these global data should be considered read-only. See also The data below is global-scope because they must be available to all PEs which could be on different machines. Defaults of input deck, facilitates detection what is set by user

This object is in global scope, it contains the default of all possible user input, and thus it is made available to all PEs for convenience reasons. The runtime system distributes it to all PEs during initialization. Once distributed, the object does not change.

std::vector<FVPDE> inciter::g_fvpde

Partial differential equations using finite volume selected by user

This vector is in global scope, because it holds polymorphic objects, and thus must be distributed to all PEs during initialization. Once distributed by the runtime system, the objects do not change.