tk namespace
Toolkit declarations and definitions for general purpose utilities.
- class ChareStateCollector
template<uint8_t Layout>class Data
- Zero-runtime-cost data-layout wrappers with type-based compile-time dispatch.
- class Exception
- Basic exception class for producing file:func:line info + call trace.
template<typename, typename = std::void_t<>>struct HasTypedef_alias
- Detect if a type defines type 'alias'.
template<typename, typename = std::void_t<>>struct HasTypedef_i_am_tagged_tuple
- Detect if a type defines type 'i_am_tagged_tuple'.
template<typename, typename = std::void_t<>>struct HasFunction_expect_description
- Detect if a type defines function 'expect::description()'.
template<typename, typename = std::void_t<>>struct HasVar_expect_lower
- Detect if a type defines variable 'expect::lower'.
template<typename, typename = std::void_t<>>struct HasVar_expect_upper
- Detect if a type defines variable 'expect::upper'.
template<typename, typename = std::void_t<>>struct HasFunction_expect_choices
- Detect if a type defines function 'expect::choices()'.
template<bool Condition, typename Then, typename Else = void>struct if_
- Type selection: if_< Condition, Then, Else >::
type. - class Print
template<std::size_t N>class Progress
- class Reader
template<class List>class TaggedTuple
- Tagged tuple, allowing tag-based access.
template<class List, class Ignore = brigand::set<>>struct DeepTuplePrinter
template<class List, class Ignore = brigand::set<>>struct TuplePrinter
- class Timer
- struct info_t
- Struct for storing info.
- struct entry_t
- Struct for storing keyword in the input deck.
- class Writer
template<typename... T>class cmd_keywords
- class StringParser
- StringParser.
template<typename Enum>class Toggle
- Toggle is the base for an Option, doing generic searches.
- class ASCMeshReader
- ASCMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class DiagWriter
- DiagWriter : tk::
Writer. - class ExodusIIMeshReader
- class ExodusIIMeshWriter
- class GmshMeshReader
- class GmshMeshWriter
- class HyperMeshReader
- HyperMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class MeshReader
- class MeshWriter
- Charm++ group used to output particle data to file in parallel.
- class NetgenMeshReader
- NetgenMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class NetgenMeshWriter
- class Omega_h_MeshReader
- class PDFWriter
- PDFWriter : Writer.
- class RDGFLOMeshReader
- RDGFLOMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class SiloWriter
- SiloWriter.
- class STLTxtMeshReader
- STLTxtMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class TxtStatWriter
- TxtStatWriter : tk::
Writer. - class UGRIDMeshReader
- UGRIDMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class ConjugateGradients
- ConjugateGradients Charm++ chare array used to perform a distributed linear solve with the conjugate gradients algorithm.
- class CSR
- Compressed sparse row (CSR) storage for a sparse matrix.
- class LinearMap
- class UnsMeshMap
- Charm++ array map for initial placement of array elements using an unstructured grid.
- class LBSwitch
- class Around
- Helper class simplifying client code for iterating on entries surrounding entries via linked lists derived from unstructured mesh connectivity.
- class STLMesh
- STLMesh.
- class UnsMesh
- 3D unstructured mesh class
- class BiPDF
- Joint bivariate PDF estimator.
- class Statistics
- Statistics estimator.
- class TriPDF
- Joint trivariate PDF estimator.
- class UniPDF
- Univariate PDF estimator.
- class QuietCerr
- Error codes for the OS (or whatever calls us)
- enum Style { QUIET =0, VERBOSE =1 }
- Output verbosity. C-style enum as this is used for template argument.
- enum class ExoElemType: int { TET = 0, TRI = 1 }
- enum class ExoWriter { CREATE, OPEN }
- ExodusII writer constructor modes.
- enum GmshElemType { LIN = 1, TRI = 2, TRI = 1, TET = 4, TET = 0, PNT = 15 }
- Identifiers of supported Gmsh elements.
- enum class GmshFileType { UNDEFINED = -1, ASCII = 0, BINARY = 1 }
- Supported Gmsh mesh file types.
- enum class MeshReaderType: uint8_t { GMSH = 0, NETGEN, EXODUSII, HYPER, ASC, OMEGA_H, UGRID, RDGFLO }
- Supported mesh readers.
- enum class MeshWriterType: uint8_t { GMSH = 0, NETGEN, EXODUSII }
- Supported mesh writers.
- enum class HeaderType: uint8_t { INCITER =0, UNITTEST, MESHCONV }
- Executable types for which an ascii logo is available in tk::
Print. - enum class Centering: char { NODE = 'n', ELEM = 'e' }
template<class li, class lo>using cartesian_product = brigand::reverse_fold<brigand::list<li, lo>, brigand::list<brigand::list<>>, brigand::bind<brigand::join, brigand::bind<brigand::transform, brigand::_2, brigand::defer<brigand::bind<brigand::join, brigand::bind<brigand::transform, brigand::parent<brigand::_1>, brigand::defer<brigand::bind<brigand::list, brigand::bind<brigand::push_front, brigand::_1, brigand::parent<brigand::_1>>>>>>>>>>
using ChareState = TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag::
ch, std::string, tag::id, int, tag:: pe, int, tag:: it, uint64_t, tag::fn, std::string, tag:: time, tk:: real>> - Chare state.
template<std::size_t N>using Table = std::vector<std::array<real, N+1>>
- using real = double
- Real number type used throughout the whole code.
- using ncomp_t = std::size_t
- uint type used throughout the whole code.
- using SiloErrorHandler = void(*)(char*)
- Silo error handler function type.
- using NodeSet = std::unordered_set<std::size_t>
- Node list type used for node communication map.
using EdgeSet = UnsMesh::
EdgeSet - Edge list type used for edge communication map.
- using NodeCommMap = std::unordered_map<int, NodeSet>
- using EdgeCommMap = std::unordered_map<int, EdgeSet>
using AllCommMaps = TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag::
node, NodeSet, tag:: edge, EdgeSet>> - Type list of all communication maps bundled as a tagged tuple.
- using CommMaps = std::map<int, AllCommMaps>
using InitializeFn = std::function<std::vector<real>(ncomp_
t, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, real, real, real, real)> -
using RiemannFluxFn = std::function<std::vector<real>(const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>&, const std::array<real, 3>&, const std::array<std::vector<real>, 2>&, const std::vector<std::array<real, 3>>&)> -
using FluxFn = std::function<std::vector<std::array<real, 3>>(ncomp_
t, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, const std::vector<real>&, const std::vector<std::array<real, 3>>&)> -
using VelFn = std::function<std::vector<std::array<tk::
real, 3>>(ncomp_ t, real, real, real, real)> -
using StateFn = std::function<std::array<std::vector<real>, 2>(ncomp_
t, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, const std::vector<real>&, real, real, real, real, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>&)> -
using SrcFn = std::function<void(ncomp_
t, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, tk:: real, tk:: real, tk:: real, tk:: real, std::vector<tk:: real>&)> -
using ElemGradFn = std::function<std::tuple<std::array<std::size_t, 4>, std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 4>, std::vector<std::array<tk:: real, 4>>, tk:: real>(ncomp_ t, ncomp_ t, std::size_t, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>&, const std::vector<std::size_t>&, const std::tuple<std::vector<tk:: real>, std::vector<tk:: real>>&, const tk::Fields&)> - Function prototype for computing the element gradient contribution to a nodal gradient in ALECG.
- using GetVarFn = std::function<std::vector<real>(const tk::Fields&, std::size_t)>
- Prototype for functions to compute a variable from the numerical solution.
- using MultiMatIdxFn = std::function<std::size_t(std::size_t, std::size_t)>
- Prototype for functions to a compute multi-material index.
template<class Container>void unique(Container& c)
template<class Container>auto uniquecopy(const Container& src) -> Container
template<typename Container>auto cref_find(const Container& map, const typename Container::key_type& key) -> const typename Container::mapped_type & -> auto
- Find and return a constant reference to value for key in container that provides a find() member function with error handling.
template<typename Container>auto ref_find(const Container& map, const typename Container::key_type& key) -> typename Container::mapped_type & -> auto
- Find and return a reference to value for key in a container that provides a find() member function with error handling.
template<typename T>auto extents(const std::vector<T>& vec) -> std::array<T, 2>
- Return minimum and maximum values of a vector.
template<typename Container>auto extents(const Container& map) -> std::array< typename Container::mapped_type, 2 > -> auto
- Find and return minimum and maximum values in associative container.
template<class T, std::size_t N>auto operator+=(std::array<T, N>& dst, const std::array<T, N>& src) -> std::array<T, N>&
template<class T, class Allocator>auto operator+=(std::vector<T, Allocator>& dst, const std::vector<T, Allocator>& src) -> std::vector<T, Allocator>&
template<class T, class Allocator>auto operator/=(std::vector<T, Allocator>& dst, const std::vector<T, Allocator>& src) -> std::vector<T, Allocator>&
template<class C1, class C2>auto keyEqual(const C1& a, const C2& b) -> bool
template<class Container>auto sumsize(const Container& c) -> std::size_t
template<class Container>auto numunique(const Container& c) -> std::size_t
template<class Map>auto sumvalsize(const Map& c) -> std::size_t
template<class Container>void destroy(Container& c)
template<typename Container, typename Predicate>void erase_if(Container& items, const Predicate& predicate)
template<class T>void concat(std::vector<T>&& src, std::vector<T>& dst)
template<class T>void concat(std::vector<std::pair<bool, T>>&& src, std::vector<std::pair<bool, T>>& dst)
template<class Key, class Hash = std::hash<Key>, class Eq = std::equal_to<Key>>void concat(std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Eq>&& src, std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Eq>& dst)
template<class Key, class Value>auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::pair<const Key, Value>& v) -> std::ostream&
template<typename T>auto parameter(const T& v) -> std::string
- Convert and return value as string.
template<typename V>auto parameters(const V& v) -> std::string
- Convert and return values from container as string.
template<uint8_t Layout>auto operator*(tk::
real lhs, const Data<Layout>& rhs) -> Data<Layout> -
template<uint8_t Layout>auto min(const Data<Layout>& a, const Data<Layout>& b) -> Data<Layout>
template<uint8_t Layout>auto max(const Data<Layout>& a, const Data<Layout>& b) -> Data<Layout>
template<uint8_t Layout>auto operator==(const Data<Layout>& lhs, const Data<Layout>& rhs) -> bool
template<uint8_t Layout>auto operator!=(const Data<Layout>& lhs, const Data<Layout>& rhs) -> bool
template<uint8_t Layout>auto maxdiff(const Data<Layout>& lhs, const Data<Layout>& rhs) -> std::pair<std::size_t, tk::
real> -
template<class C, class Key, class Factory, typename... ConstructorArgs>void record(Factory& f, const Key& key, ConstructorArgs&&... args)
template<class Factory, class Key, class Obj = typename std::remove_pointer< typename Factory::mapped_type::result_type>::type>auto instantiate(const Factory& f, const Key& key) -> std::unique_ptr<Obj>
template<class Host, class ModelConstructor, class Factory, class Key, typename... ModelConstrArgs>void recordModel(Factory& f, const Key& key, ModelConstrArgs&&... args)
template<class Host, class ModelConstructor, class Factory, class Key>void recordModelLate(Factory& f, const Key& key)
template<class Host, class ModelConstructor, class Factory, class Key, typename... ModelConstrArgs>void recordCharmModel(Factory& f, const Key& key, ModelConstrArgs&&... args)
template<typename A, typename B>auto flip_pair(const std::pair<A, B>& p) -> std::pair<B, A>
template<typename A, typename B>auto flip_map(const std::map<A, B>& src) -> std::multimap<B, A>
template<class Key, class T, class Hash = std::hash<Key>, class Eq = std::equal_to<Key>>auto serialize(const std::unordered_map<Key, T, Hash, Eq>& m) -> std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<char[]>>
template<class Key, class T, class Hash = std::hash<Key>, class Eq = std::equal_to<Key>>auto mergeHashMap(int nmsg, CkReductionMsg** msgs) -> CkReductionMsg*
- Charm++ custom reducer for merging std::unordered_maps during reduction across PEs.
- auto linearLoadDistributor(real virtualization, uint64_t load, int npe, uint64_t& chunksize, uint64_t& remainder) -> uint64_t
- Compute linear load distribution for given total work and virtualization.
template<typename Enum, typename Ch, typename Tr, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<Enum>, int> = 0>auto operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os, const Enum& e) -> std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
template<class T, typename Ch, typename Tr>auto operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os, const std::vector<T>& v) -> std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
template<typename Ch, typename Tr, class Key, class Value, class Compare = std::less<Key>>auto operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os, const std::map<Key, Value, Compare>& m) -> std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
template<typename T, typename Ch, typename Tr>auto operator<<(std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>& lhs, const T& e) -> std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>
template<typename T, typename Ch, typename Tr>auto operator<<(std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>&& lhs, const T& e) -> std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>
- auto splitLines(std::string str, std::string indent, const std::string& name = "", std::size_t width = 80) -> std::string
- Clean up whitespaces and format a long string into multiple lines.
- auto baselogname(const std::string& executable) -> std::string
- auto logname(const std::string& executable, int numrestart = 0) -> std::string
- Construct log file name.
- void signalHandler(int signum)
- Signal handler for multiple signals, SIGABRT, SIGSEGV, etc.
- auto setSignalHandlers() -> int
- Set signal handlers for multiple signals, SIGABRT, SIGSEGV, etc.
- void processExceptionCharm()
- Process an exception from the Charm++ runtime system.
template<typename T>auto swap_endian(T u) -> T
template<>auto swap_endian(double u) -> double
template<std::size_t N>auto sample(real x, const Table<N>& table) -> std::array<real, N>
template<class Tuple>void print(std::ostream& os, const std::string& name, const Tuple& c)
template<class List>auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const tk::
TaggedTuple<List>& t) -> std::ostream& -
template<class List, class Ignore = brigand::set<>>void print(std::ostream& os, const tk::
TaggedTuple<List>& t) - Simple (unformatted, one-line) output of a TaggedTuple to output stream with ignore.
auto hms(tk::
real stamp) -> Timer:: Watch - Convert existing time stamp as a real to Watch (global scope)
- void flip(std::array<real, 3>& v)
- void cross(real v1x, real v1y, real v1z, real v2x, real v2y, real v2z, real& rx, real& ry, real& rz)
- auto cross(const std::array<real, 3>& v1, const std::array<real, 3>& v2) -> std::array<real, 3>
- void crossdiv(real v1x, real v1y, real v1z, real v2x, real v2y, real v2z, real j, real& rx, real& ry, real& rz)
- auto crossdiv(const std::array<real, 3>& v1, const std::array<real, 3>& v2, real j) -> std::array<real, 3>
- auto dot(const std::array<real, 3>& v1, const std::array<real, 3>& v2) -> real
- auto matvec(const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>& m, const std::array<real, 3>& v) -> std::array<real, 3>
- auto length(real x, real y, real z) -> real
- auto length(const std::array<real, 3>& v) -> real
- void unit(std::array<real, 3>& v)
auto triple(real v1x,
real v1y,
real v1z,
real v2x,
real v2y,
real v2z,
real v3x,
real v3y,
real v3z) -> tk::
real - auto triple(const std::array<real, 3>& v1, const std::array<real, 3>& v2, const std::array<real, 3>& v3) -> real
- auto rotateX(const std::array<real, 3>& v, real angle) -> std::array<real, 3>
- auto rotateY(const std::array<real, 3>& v, real angle) -> std::array<real, 3>
- auto rotateZ(const std::array<real, 3>& v, real angle) -> std::array<real, 3>
- auto Jacobian(const std::array<real, 3>& v1, const std::array<real, 3>& v2, const std::array<real, 3>& v3, const std::array<real, 3>& v4) -> real
- Compute the determinant of the Jacobian of a coordinate transformation over a tetrahedron.
- auto inverseJacobian(const std::array<real, 3>& v1, const std::array<real, 3>& v2, const std::array<real, 3>& v3, const std::array<real, 3>& v4) -> std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>
- Compute the inverse of the Jacobian of a coordinate transformation over a tetrahedron.
auto determinant(const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3>& a) -> tk:: real -
auto inverse(const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3>& m) -> std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> -
auto cramer(const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3>& a, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& b) -> std::array<tk:: real, 3> -
void movePoint(const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& origin, std::array<tk:: real, 3>& point) -
void rotatePoint(const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& angles, std::array<tk:: real, 3>& point) - auto getRightCauchyGreen(const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>& g) -> std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>
- Get the Right Cauchy-Green strain tensor from the inverse deformation gradient tensor.
- auto getLeftCauchyGreen(const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>& g) -> std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>
- Get the Left Cauchy-Green strain tensor from the inverse deformation gradient tensor.
- auto getDevHencky(const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>& g) -> std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>
- Get the deviatoric Hencky strain tensor from the inverse deformation gradient tensor.
auto transpose3by3(std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3> mat) -> std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> - Get transpose of a 3 by 3 matrix.
auto getRotationMatrix(const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& r) -> std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> - Get rotation matrix in 2D array form given a normal direction. The remaining directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
auto rotateTensor(const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3>& mat, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r) -> std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> - Rotate a second order tensor (e.g. a Strain/Stress matrix) from the (x,y,z) to a new (r,s,t) coordinate system. The directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
auto unrotateTensor(const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3>& mat, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r) -> std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> - Rotate a second order tensor (e.g. a Strain/Stress matrix) from the (x,y,z) to a new (r,s,t) coordinate system. The directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
auto rotateVector(const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& v, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r) -> std::array<tk:: real, 3> - Rotate a vector (e.g. a velocity) from the (x,y,z) to a new (r,s,t) coordinate system. The directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
auto unrotateVector(const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& v, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r) -> std::array<tk:: real, 3> - Unrotate a vector (e.g. a velocity) from the (x,y,z) to a new (r,s,t) coordinate system. The directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
auto reflectTensor(const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3>& mat, const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& reflectMat) -> std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> - Reflect a second order tensor (e.g. a Strain/Stress matrix)
- auto detectInput(const std::string& filename) -> MeshReaderType
- Detect input mesh file type.
- auto pickOutput(const std::string& filename) -> MeshWriterType
- Determine output mesh file type.
auto readUnsMesh(const tk::
Print& print, const std::string& filename, std::pair<std::string, tk:: real>& timestamp) -> UnsMesh - Read unstructured mesh from file.
auto writeUnsMesh(const tk::
Print& print, const std::string& filename, UnsMesh& mesh, bool reorder) -> std::vector<std::pair<std::string, tk:: real>> - Write unstructured mesh to file.
- void SiloError(char* msg)
- Silo error handler.
- static auto workdir() -> std::string
- auto curtime() -> std::string
- Wrapper for the standard C library's gettimeofday() from.
- void echoHeader(const Print& print, HeaderType header)
- Echo program header.
- void echoBuildEnv(const Print& print, const std::string& executable)
- Echo build environment.
- void echoRunEnv(const Print& print, int argc, char** argv, bool verbose, bool quiescence, bool charestate, bool trace, const std::string& screen_log, const std::string& input_log)
- Echo runtime environment.
template<class Driver, class CmdLine>auto Main(int argc, char* argv[], const CmdLine& cmdline, HeaderType header, const std::string& executable, const std::string& def, int nrestart) -> Driver
- Generic Main() used for all executables for code-reuse and a uniform output.
template<class MainProxy, class CmdLine>void MainCtor(MainProxy& mp, const MainProxy& thisProxy, std::vector<tk::
Timer>& timer, const CmdLine& cmdline, const CkCallback& quiescenceTarget) -
template<class CmdLine>void dumpstate(const CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& def, int nrestart, CkReductionMsg* msg)
template<class CmdLine>void finalize(const CmdLine& cmdline, const std::vector<tk::
Timer>& timer, tk::CProxy_ChareStateCollector& state, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, tk:: Timer:: Watch>>& timestamp, const std::string& def, int nrestart, const CkCallback& dumpstateTarget, bool clean = true) - auto slave(const NodeCommMap& map, std::size_t node, int chare) -> bool
- Decide if a node is not counted by a chare.
auto count(const NodeCommMap& map,
std::size_t node) -> tk::
real - Count the number of contributions to a node.
auto orient(const UnsMesh::
Edge& t, const UnsMesh:: Edge& e) -> int - Determine edge orientation.
- auto npoin_in_graph(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel) -> std::size_t
- Compute number of points (nodes) in mesh from connectivity.
- auto genEsup(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nnpe) -> std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>
- Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding points.
- auto genPsup(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nnpe, const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup) -> std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>
- Generate derived data structure, points surrounding points.
- auto genEdsup(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nnpe, const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup) -> std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>
- Generate derived data structure, edges surrounding points.
- auto genInpoed(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nnpe, const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup) -> std::vector<std::size_t>
- Generate derived data structure, edge connectivity.
- auto genEsupel(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nnpe, const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup) -> std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>
- Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding points of elements.
- auto genEsuel(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nnpe, const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup) -> std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>
- Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding elements.
- auto genInedel(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, std::size_t nnpe, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoed) -> std::vector<std::size_t>
- Generate derived data structure, edges of elements.
auto genEsued(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup) -> std::unordered_map<UnsMesh::
Edge, std::vector<std::size_t>, UnsMesh:: Hash<2>, UnsMesh:: Eq<2>> - Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding edges.
- auto genNbfacTet(std::size_t tnbfac, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel_complete, const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bface_complete, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& lid, std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel, std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bface) -> std::size_t
- Generate total number of boundary faces in this chunk.
- auto genEsuelTet(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup) -> std::vector<int>
- Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding elements as a fixed length data structure as a full vector, including boundary elements as -1.
- auto genNipfac(std::size_t nfpe, std::size_t nbfac, const std::vector<int>& esuelTet) -> std::size_t
- Generate number of internal and physical-boundary faces.
- auto genEsuf(std::size_t nfpe, std::size_t nipfac, std::size_t nbfac, const std::vector<std::size_t>& belem, const std::vector<int>& esuelTet) -> std::vector<int>
- Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding faces.
- auto genInpofaTet(std::size_t nipfac, std::size_t nbfac, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel, const std::vector<int>& esuelTet) -> std::vector<std::size_t>
- Generate derived data structure, node-face connectivity.
- auto genBelemTet(std::size_t nbfac, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpofa, const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup) -> std::vector<std::size_t>
- Generate derived data structure, host/boundary element.
auto genGeoFaceTri(std::size_t nipfac,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpofa,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord) -> Fields - Generate derived data structure, face geometry.
- auto normal(const std::array<real, 3>& x, const std::array<real, 3>& y, const std::array<real, 3>& z) -> std::array<real, 3>
- Compute the unit normal vector of a triangle.
- auto area(const std::array<real, 3>& x, const std::array<real, 3>& y, const std::array<real, 3>& z) -> real
- Compute the area of a triangle.
- auto geoFaceTri(const std::array<real, 3>& x, const std::array<real, 3>& y, const std::array<real, 3>& z) -> Fields
- Compute geometry of the face given by three vertices.
auto genGeoElemTet(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord) -> Fields - Generate derived data structure, element geometry.
auto leakyPartition(const std::vector<int>& esueltet,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord) -> bool - Perform leak-test on mesh (partition)
auto conforming(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord, bool cerr, const std::vector<std::size_t>& rid) -> bool - Check if mesh (partition) is conforming.
- auto intet(const std::array<std::vector<real>, 3>& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<real>& p, std::size_t e, std::array<real, 4>& N) -> bool
- Determine if a point is in a tetrahedron.
auto curl(const std::array<std::vector<tk::
real>, 3>& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& v) -> tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords - Compute curl of a vector field at nodes of unstructured tetrahedra mesh.
auto div(const std::array<std::vector<tk::
real>, 3>& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& v) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Compute divergence of vector field at nodes of unstructured tetrahedra mesh.
auto grad(const std::array<std::vector<tk::
real>, 3>& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<tk:: real>& phi) -> tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords - Compute gradient of a scalar field at nodes of unstructured tetrahedra mesh.
- void normal(real x1, real x2, real x3, real y1, real y2, real y3, real z1, real z2, real z3, real& nx, real& ny, real& nz)
- auto area(real x1, real x2, real x3, real y1, real y2, real y3, real z1, real z2, real z3) -> real
auto nodegrad(std::size_t node,
const std::array<std::vector<tk::
real>, 3>& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const tk::Fields& U, ncomp_ t c) -> std::array<tk:: real, 3> - Compute gradient at a mesh node.
auto edgegrad(const std::array<std::vector<tk::
real>, 3>& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>& esued, const tk::Fields& U, ncomp_ t c) -> std::array<tk:: real, 3> - Compute gradient at a mesh edge.
- auto shiftToZero(std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel) -> std::size_t
- Shift node IDs to start with zero in element connectivity.
- void remap(std::vector<std::size_t>& ids, const std::vector<std::size_t>& map)
- Apply new mapping to vector of indices.
void remap(std::vector<tk::
real>& r, const std::vector<std::size_t>& map) - Apply new mapping to vector of real numbers.
- auto remap(const std::vector<std::size_t>& ids, const std::vector<std::size_t>& map) -> std::vector<std::size_t>
- Create remapped vector of indices using a vector.
- void remap(std::vector<std::size_t>& ids, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& map)
- In-place remap vector of indices using a map.
- auto remap(const std::vector<std::size_t>& ids, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& map) -> std::vector<std::size_t>
- Create remapped vector of indices using a map.
- auto remap(const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& ids, const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& map) -> std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>
- Create remapped map of vector of indices using a map.
- auto renumber(const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& psup) -> std::vector<std::size_t>
- Reorder mesh points with the advancing front technique.
- auto assignLid(const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid) -> std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>
- Assign local ids to global ids.
- auto global2local(const std::vector<std::size_t>& ginpoel) -> std::tuple<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>, std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>>
- Generate element connectivity of local node IDs from connectivity of global node IDs also returning the mapping between local to global IDs.
- auto positiveJacobians(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::array<std::vector<real>, 3>& coord) -> bool
- Test positivity of the Jacobian for all cells in a mesh.
- auto bfacenodes(const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bface, const std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel) -> std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>
- Generate nodes of side set faces.
auto eval_gp(const std::size_t igp,
const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3>& coordfa, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& coordgp) -> std::array<tk:: real, 3> - Compute the coordinates of quadrature points for face integral.
auto eval_gp(const std::size_t igp,
const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 4>& coord, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coordgp) -> std::array<tk:: real, 3> - Compute the coordinates of quadrature points for volume integral.
auto eval_dBdxi(const std::size_t ndof,
const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& coordgp) -> std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3> - Compute the derivatives of Dubiner basis wrt. reference coordinates.
auto eval_dBdx_p1(const std::size_t ndof,
const std::array<std::array<tk::
real, 3>, 3>& jacInv) -> std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3> - Compute the derivatives of basis function for DG(P1)
void eval_dBdx_p2(const std::size_t igp,
const std::array<std::vector<tk::
real>, 3>& coordgp, const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& jacInv, std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& dBdx) - Compute the derivatives of basis function for DG(P2)
auto eval_basis(const std::size_t ndof,
const tk::
real xi, const tk:: real eta, const tk:: real zeta) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Compute the Dubiner basis functions.
auto eval_state(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndof_el, const std::size_t e, const Fields& U, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Compute the state variables for the tetrahedron element.
auto DubinerToTaylor(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t e, const std::size_t ndof, const tk::Fields& U, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& coord) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>> - Transform the solution with Dubiner basis to the solution with Taylor basis.
void TaylorToDubiner(ncomp_
t ncomp, std::size_t e, std::size_t ndof, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const tk::Fields& geoElem, std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& unk) - Convert the solution with Taylor basis to the solution with Dubiner basis.
auto eval_TaylorBasis(const std::size_t ndof,
const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& x, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& x_c, const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 4>& coordel) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Evaluate the Taylor basis at points.
auto DubinerToTaylorRefEl(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t e, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndof_el, const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& mtInv, const tk::Fields& U) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>> - Transform the solution from Dubiner basis to Taylor basis.
void TaylorToDubinerRefEl(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& unk) - Transform the solution from Taylor to Dubiner basis.
auto eval_TaylorBasisRefEl(std::size_t ndof,
real x, tk:: real y, tk:: real z) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Evaluate the Taylor basis at a point in the reference element.
auto invMassMatTaylorRefEl(std::size_t dof) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::
real>> - Obtain inverse mass matrix for Taylor basis in reference element.
auto massMatrixTaylorRefEl(std::size_t dof) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk::
real>> - Obtain mass matrix for Taylor basis in reference element.
void bndSurfInt(const bool pref,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<std::size_t>& bcconfig, const inciter:: FaceData& fd, const Fields& geoFace, const Fields& geoElem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, real t, const RiemannFluxFn& flux, const VelFn& vel, const StateFn& state, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, Fields& R, std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv, int intsharp) - Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for DG.
void update_rhs_bc(ncomp_
t ncomp, std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndof_l, const tk:: real wt, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& fn, const std::size_t el, const std::vector<tk:: real>& fl, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B_l, Fields& R, std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv) - Update the rhs by adding the boundary surface integration term.
void bndSurfIntFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<std::size_t>& bcconfig, const inciter:: FaceData& fd, const Fields& geoFace, const Fields& geoElem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, real t, const RiemannFluxFn& flux, const VelFn& vel, const StateFn& state, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<int>& srcFlag, Fields& R, int intsharp) - Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for FV.
void bndSurfIntViscousFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<std::size_t>& bcconfig, const inciter:: FaceData& fd, const Fields& geoFace, const Fields& geoElem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, real t, const StateFn& state, const StateFn& gradFn, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const Fields& T, const std::vector<int>& srcFlag, Fields& R, int intsharp) - Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for FV.
void initialize(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk, const Fields& L, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const InitializeFn& solution, Fields& unk, real t, const std::size_t nielem) -
void update_rhs(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const tk:: real wt, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B, const std::vector<tk:: real>& s, std::vector<tk:: real>& R) - Update the rhs by adding the initial analytical solution term.
void eval_init(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::size_t e, const std::vector<tk:: real>& R, const Fields& L, Fields& unk) - Compute the initial conditions.
template<class eq>void BoxElems(const tk::Fields& geoElem, std::size_t nielem, std::vector<std::unordered_set<std::size_t>>& inbox)
void mass(ncomp_
t ncomp, ncomp_ t ndof, const Fields& geoElem, Fields& l) - Compute the block-diagnoal mass matrix for DG.
auto lump(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coord, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel) -> tk::Fields - Compute lumped mass matrix for CG.
auto massMatrixDubiner(std::size_t dof,
real vol) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Compute the diagonal mass matrix for DG with Dubiner basis functions.
void nonConservativeInt(const bool pref,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, Fields& R, int intsharp) - Compute volume integrals of non-conservative terms for multi-material DG.
void updateRhsNonCons(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t ndof, ] const std::size_t ndof_el, const tk:: real wt, const std::size_t e, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B, ] const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& dBdx, const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& ncf, Fields& R) -
auto nonConservativeIntFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::size_t e,
const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& fn, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<tk:: real>& var_riemann) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Compute volume integrals of non-conservative terms for multi-material FV.
void pressureRelaxationInt(const bool pref,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk:: real ct, Fields& R, int intsharp) - Compute volume integrals of pressure relaxation terms in multi-material DG.
void updateRhsPre(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, ] const std::size_t ndof_el, const tk:: real wt, const std::size_t e, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B, std::vector<tk:: real>& ncf, Fields& R) -
void pressureRelaxationIntFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t rdof, const std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const tk:: real ct, Fields& R) - Compute volume integrals of pressure relaxation terms in multi-material FV.
auto solvevriem(std::size_t nelem,
const std::vector<std::vector<tk::
real>>& vriem, const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannLoc) -> std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>> - Solve the reconstruct velocity used for volume fraction equation.
void evaluRiemann(ncomp_
t ncomp, const int e_left, const int e_right, const std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<tk:: real>& fl, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& fn, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& gp, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& state, std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& vriem, std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannLoc) - Compute the riemann velociry at the interface.
auto fluxTerms(std::size_t ncomp,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>&, const std::vector<tk:: real>& ugp) -> std::vector<std::array<tk:: real, 3>> - Compute the flux-function for the multimaterial PDEs.
void updateRhsNonCons(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndof_el, const tk:: real wt, const std::size_t e, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& dBdx, const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& ncf, Fields& R) - Update the rhs by adding the non-conservative term integrals.
void updateRhsPre(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndof_el, const tk:: real wt, const std::size_t e, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B, std::vector<tk:: real>& ncf, Fields& R) - Update the rhs by adding the pressure relaxation integrals.
- auto NGvol(const std::size_t ndof) -> std::size_t constexpr
- auto NGfa(const std::size_t ndof) -> std::size_t constexpr
- auto NGdiag(const std::size_t ndof) -> std::size_t constexpr
- Initialization of number of Gauss points for volume integration in error estimation.
- auto NGinit(const std::size_t ndof) -> std::size_t constexpr
- Initialization of number of Gauss points for volume integration in DG initialization.
- void GaussQuadratureTet(std::size_t NG, std::array<std::vector<real>, 3>& coordgp, std::vector<real>& wgp)
- Initialize Gaussian quadrature points locations and weights for a tetrahedron.
- void GaussQuadratureTri(std::size_t NG, std::array<std::vector<real>, 2>& coordgp, std::vector<real>& wgp)
- Initialize Gaussian quadrature points locations and weights for a triangle.
void solidTermsVolInt(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk:: real dt, Fields& R, int intsharp) - Compute Solid Terms with volume integrals.
void update_rhs(std::size_t nmat,
const std::size_t ndof,
const tk::
real wt, const std::size_t e, const std::size_t solidx, const std::vector<real>& s, Fields& R) -
void srcInt(const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, real t, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const SrcFn& src, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, Fields& R, std::size_t nmat = 1) - Compute source term integrals for DG.
void update_rhs(const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t ndof_el,
const tk::
real wt, const std::size_t e, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B, const std::vector<tk:: real>& s, Fields& R) - Update the rhs by adding the source term integrals.
void srcIntFV(const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, real t, const std::size_t nelem, const Fields& geoElem, const SrcFn& src, Fields& R, std::size_t nmat) - Compute source term integrals for FV.
void surfInt(const bool pref,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, real t, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const std::vector<std::size_t>&, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const inciter:: FaceData& fd, const Fields& geoFace, const Fields& geoElem, const RiemannFluxFn& flux, const VelFn& vel, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, const tk:: real, Fields& R, std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv, int intsharp) - Compute internal surface flux integrals for DG.
void update_rhs_fa(ncomp_
t ncomp, std::size_t nmat, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndof_l, const std::size_t ndof_r, const tk:: real wt, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& fn, const std::size_t el, const std::size_t er, const std::vector<tk:: real>& fl, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B_l, const std::vector<tk:: real>& B_r, Fields& R, std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv) -
void surfIntFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, real t, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const inciter:: FaceData& fd, const Fields& geoFace, const Fields& geoElem, const RiemannFluxFn& flux, const VelFn& vel, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<int>& srcFlag, Fields& R, int intsharp) -
void surfIntViscousFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t rdof, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const inciter:: FaceData& fd, const Fields& geoFace, const Fields& geoElem, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const Fields& T, const std::vector<int>& srcFlag, Fields& R, int intsharp) -
auto modifiedGradientViscousFlux(std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t ncomp,
const std::array<tk::
real, 3>& fn, const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 2>& centroids, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& state, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& cellAvgState, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& cellAvgT, const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3> dudx, const std::vector<std::array<real, 3>>& dTdx) -> std::vector<real> -
void volInt(std::size_t nmat,
real t,
const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t rdof, const std::size_t nelem, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const FluxFn& flux, const VelFn& vel, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel, Fields& R, int intsharp = 0) - Compute volume integrals for DG.
void update_rhs(ncomp_
t ncomp, const std::size_t ndof, const std::size_t ndof_el, const tk:: real wt, const std::size_t e, const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& dBdx, const std::vector<std::array<tk:: real, 3>>& fl, Fields& R) - Update the rhs by adding the source term integrals.
- void recoLeastSqExtStencil(std::size_t rdof, std::size_t e, const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const Fields& geoElem, Fields& W, const std::vector<std::size_t>& varList)
- Reconstruct the second-order solution using least-squares approach from an extended stencil involving the node-neighbors.
void transform_P0P1(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord, Fields& W, const std::vector<std::size_t>& varList) - Transform the reconstructed P1-derivatives to the Dubiner dofs.
void THINCReco(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const std::array<real, 3>& ref_xp, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, bool intInd, const std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt, ] const std::vector<real>& vfmin, ] const std::vector<real>& vfmax, std::vector<real>& state) -
void THINCRecoTransport(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const std::array<real, 3>& ref_xp, const Fields& U, const Fields&, ] const std::vector<real>& vfmin, ] const std::vector<real>& vfmax, std::vector<real>& state) - Compute THINC reconstructions for linear advection (transport)
void THINCFunction(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord, const std::array<real, 3>& ref_xp, real vol, real bparam, const std::vector<real>& alSol, bool intInd, const std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt, std::vector<real>& alReco) - Old THINC reconstruction function for volume fractions near interfaces.
void THINCFunction_new(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord, const std::array<real, 3>& ref_xp, real vol, real bparam, const std::vector<real>& alSol, bool intInd, const std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt, std::vector<real>& alReco) - New THINC reconstruction function for volume fractions near interfaces.
void computeTemperaturesFV(const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, std::size_t nmat, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const tk::Fields& geoElem, const tk::Fields& unk, const tk::Fields& prim, const std::vector<int>& srcFlag, tk::Fields& T) - Compute the temperatures based on FV conserved quantities.
auto evalPolynomialSol(const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, int intsharp, std::size_t ncomp, std::size_t nprim, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t nmat, std::size_t e, std::size_t dof_e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const std::array<real, 3>& ref_gp, const std::vector<real>& B, const Fields& U, const Fields& P) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Evaluate polynomial solution at quadrature point.
auto evalFVSol(const std::vector<inciter::
EOS>& mat_blk, int intsharp, std::size_t ncomp, std::size_t nprim, std::size_t rdof, std::size_t nmat, std::size_t e, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel, const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const std::array<real, 3>& ref_gp, const std::vector<real>& B, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, int srcFlag) -> std::vector<tk:: real> - Evaluate second-order FV solution at quadrature point.
- void safeReco(std::size_t rdof, std::size_t nmat, std::size_t el, int er, const Fields& U, std::array<std::vector<real>, 2>& state)
- Compute safe reconstructions near material interfaces.
void THINCReco(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh::
Coords& coord, const Fields& geoElem, const std::array<real, 3>& xp, const Fields& U, const Fields& P, bool intInd, const std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt, const std::vector<real>& vfmin, const std::vector<real>& vfmax, std::vector<real>& state) - Compute THINC reconstructions near material interfaces.
auto serialize(std::size_t meshid,
const std::vector<tk::
UniPDF>& u) -> std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<char[]>> - Serialize univariate PDF to raw memory stream.
- auto mergeUniPDFs(int nmsg, CkReductionMsg** msgs) -> CkReductionMsg*
- Charm++ custom reducer for merging a univariate PDF during reduction across PEs.
auto serialize(const std::vector<tk::
UniPDF>& u, const std::vector<tk:: BiPDF>& b, const std::vector<tk:: TriPDF>& t) -> std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<char[]>> - Serialize vectors of PDFs to raw memory stream.
- auto mergePDF(int nmsg, CkReductionMsg** msgs) -> CkReductionMsg*
- Charm++ custom reducer for merging PDFs during reduction across PEs.
static auto operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const tk::
UniPDF& p) -> std::ostream&
- const uint8_t UnkEqComp
- Tags for selecting data layout policies.
- const std::array<std::size_t, 2> ExoNnpe
- const std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 3>, 4> expofa
- const std::array<UnsMesh::
Face, 4> lpofa - const std::array<UnsMesh::
Edge, 6> lpoed - Const array defining the node ordering convention for tetrahedron edges.
- const std::array<UnsMesh::
Edge, 3> lpoet - Const array defining the node ordering convention for triangle edges.
- static highwayhash::HH_U64 hh_key constexpr
- static std::stringstream cerr_quiet
- std::tringstream used to quiet std::cerr's stream by redirecting to it
- static std::streambuf* cerr_old
- std::streambuf used to store state of std::cerr before redirecting it
Enum documentation
Typedef documentation
template<class li, class lo>
using tk:: cartesian_product = brigand::reverse_fold<brigand::list<li, lo>, brigand::list<brigand::list<>>, brigand::bind<brigand::join, brigand::bind<brigand::transform, brigand::_2, brigand::defer<brigand::bind<brigand::join, brigand::bind<brigand::transform, brigand::parent<brigand::_1>, brigand::defer<brigand::bind<brigand::list, brigand::bind<brigand::push_front, brigand::_1, brigand::parent<brigand::_1>>>>>>>>>>
Cartesian product of two brigand lists
using tk:: NodeCommMap = std::unordered_map<int, NodeSet>
Node communication map type
Global mesh node IDs bordering the mesh chunk held by fellow chares associated to chare IDs
using tk:: EdgeCommMap = std::unordered_map<int, EdgeSet>
Edge communication map type
Edge-end points with global mesh node IDs bordering the mesh chunk held by fellow chares associated to chare IDs
using tk:: CommMaps = std::map<int, AllCommMaps>
Communication map bundle type
All types of communication maps bundled and associated to chare IDs
using tk:: InitializeFn = std::function<std::vector<real>(ncomp_ t, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, real, real, real, real)>
Function prototype for Problem::intiialize() functions
Functions of this type are used to initialize the computed fields
using tk:: RiemannFluxFn = std::function<std::vector<real>(const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, const std::array<real, 3>&, const std::array<std::vector<real>, 2>&, const std::vector<std::array<real, 3>>&)>
Function prototype for Riemann flux functions
Functions of this type are used to compute numerical fluxes across a surface using a Riemann solver
using tk:: FluxFn = std::function<std::vector<std::array<real, 3>>(ncomp_ t, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, const std::vector<real>&, const std::vector<std::array<real, 3>>&)>
Function prototype for flux vector functions
Functions of this type are used to compute physical flux functions in the PDEs being solved. These are different than the RiemannFluxFn because they compute the actual flux functions, not the solution to a Riemann problem.
using tk:: StateFn = std::function<std::array<std::vector<real>, 2>(ncomp_ t, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, const std::vector<real>&, real, real, real, real, const std::array<tk:: real, 3>&)>
Function prototype for physical boundary states
Functions of this type are used to provide the left and right states of boundary faces along physical boundaries
using tk:: SrcFn = std::function<void(ncomp_ t, const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&, tk:: real, tk:: real, tk:: real, tk:: real, std::vector<tk:: real>&)>
Function prototype for evaluating a source term
Functions of this type are used to evaluate an arbitrary source term specialized to a particular problem, e.g., derived using the method of manufactured solutions
Function documentation
template<class Container>
void tk:: unique(Container& c)
Parameters | |
c in/out | Container |
Make elements of container unique (in-place, overwriting source container)
template<class Container>
Container tk:: uniquecopy(const Container& src)
Parameters | |
src in | Container |
Returns | Container containing only unique elements compared to src |
Make elements of container unique (on a copy, leaving the source as is)
template<typename Container>
auto tk:: cref_find(const Container& map,
const typename Container::key_type& key) -> const typename Container::mapped_type &
Find and return a constant reference to value for key in container that provides a find() member function with error handling.
Parameters | |
map in | Map associating values to keys |
key in | Key to search for |
Returns | A constant reference to the value associated to the key in map |
template<typename Container>
auto tk:: ref_find(const Container& map,
const typename Container::key_type& key) -> typename Container::mapped_type &
Find and return a reference to value for key in a container that provides a find() member function with error handling.
Parameters | |
map in | Map associating values to keys |
key in | Key to search for |
Returns | A reference to the value associated to the key in map |
template<typename T>
std::array<T, 2> tk:: extents(const std::vector<T>& vec)
Return minimum and maximum values of a vector.
Parameters | |
vec in | Vector whose extents to compute |
Returns | Array of two values with the minimum and maximum values |
template<typename Container>
auto tk:: extents(const Container& map) -> std::array< typename Container::mapped_type, 2 >
Find and return minimum and maximum values in associative container.
Parameters | |
map in | Map whose extents of values to find |
Returns | Array of two values with the minimum and maximum values in the map |
template<class T, std::size_t N>
std::array<T, N>& tk:: operator+=(std::array<T, N>& dst,
const std::array<T, N>& src)
Parameters | |
dst in/out | Destination array, i.e., left-hand side of a1 += a2 |
src in | Source array, i.e., righ-hand side of a1 += a2 |
Returns | Destination containing a1[0] += a2[0], a1[1] += a2[1], ... |
Add all elements of an array to those of another one
template<class T, class Allocator>
std::vector<T, Allocator>& tk:: operator+=(std::vector<T, Allocator>& dst,
const std::vector<T, Allocator>& src)
Parameters | |
dst in/out | Destination vector, i.e., left-hand side of v1 += v2 |
src in | Source vector, i.e., righ-hand side of v1 += v2 |
Returns | Destination containing v1[0] += v2[0], v1[1] += v2[1], ... |
Add all elements of a vector to those of another one If src.size() > dst.size() will grow dst to that of src.size() padding with zeros.
template<class T, class Allocator>
std::vector<T, Allocator>& tk:: operator/=(std::vector<T, Allocator>& dst,
const std::vector<T, Allocator>& src)
Parameters | |
dst in/out | Destination vector, i.e., left-hand side of v1 /= v2 |
src in | Source vector, i.e., righ-hand side of v1 /= v2 |
Returns | Destination containing v1[0] /= v2[0], v1[1] /= v2[1], ... |
Divide all elements of a vector with those of another one If src.size() > dst.size() will grow dst to that of src.size() padding with zeros.
template<class C1, class C2>
bool tk:: keyEqual(const C1& a,
const C2& b)
Parameters | |
a in | 1st container to compare |
b in | 2nd container to compare |
Returns | True if the containers have the same size and all keys (and only the keys) of the two containers are equal |
Test if all keys of two associative containers are equal
template<class Container>
std::size_t tk:: sumsize(const Container& c)
Parameters | |
c in | Container of containers |
Returns | Sum of the sizes of the containers of the container |
Compute the sum of the sizes of a container of containers
template<class Container>
std::size_t tk:: numunique(const Container& c)
Parameters | |
c in | Container of containers |
Returns | Number of unique values in a container of containers |
Compute the number of unique values in a container of containers
template<class Map>
std::size_t tk:: sumvalsize(const Map& c)
Template parameters | |
Map | Container of containers type |
Parameters | |
c in | Container of containers |
Returns | Sum of the sizes of the values of the associative container |
Compute the sum of the sizes of the values of an associative container
template<class Container>
void tk:: destroy(Container& c)
Parameters | |
c in | Container defining a swap() member function |
Free memory of a container
See http:/
template<typename Container, typename Predicate>
void tk:: erase_if(Container& items,
const Predicate& predicate)
Template parameters | |
Container | Type of container to remove from |
Predicate | Type for functor defining the predicate |
Parameters | |
items | Container object to remove from |
predicate | Predicate object instance to use |
Remove items from container based on predicate
template<class T>
void tk:: concat(std::vector<T>&& src,
std::vector<T>& dst)
Template parameters | |
T | Vector value type |
Parameters | |
src in/out | Source vector (moved from) |
dst in/out | Destination vector |
Concatenate vectors of T
template<class T>
void tk:: concat(std::vector<std::pair<bool, T>>&& src,
std::vector<std::pair<bool, T>>& dst)
Template parameters | |
T | Vector value type |
Parameters | |
src in/out | Source vector (moved from) |
dst in/out | Destination vector |
Overwrite vectors of pair< bool, tk::real >
template<class Key, class Hash = std::hash<Key>, class Eq = std::equal_to<Key>>
void tk:: concat(std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Eq>&& src,
std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Eq>& dst)
Template parameters | |
Key | Set key |
Hash | Set hasher |
Eq | Set equality operator |
Parameters | |
src in/out | Source set (moved from) |
dst in/out | Destination set |
Concatenate unordered sets
template<class Key, class Value>
std::ostream& tk:: operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const std::pair<const Key, Value>& v)
Parameters | |
os in/out | Output stream to write to |
v in | value_type entry of a map |
Returns | Updated output stream |
Operator << for writing value_type of a standard map to output streams
template<typename T>
std::string tk:: parameter(const T& v)
Convert and return value as string.
Template parameters | |
T | Value type for input |
Parameters | |
v in | Value for input to return as a string |
Returns | String for input value |
template<typename V>
std::string tk:: parameters(const V& v)
Convert and return values from container as string.
Template parameters | |
V | Container range for works on |
Parameters | |
v in | Container whose components to return as a string |
Returns | Concatenated string of values read from a container |
template<uint8_t Layout>
std::pair<std::size_t, tk:: real> tk:: maxdiff(const Data<Layout>& lhs,
const Data<Layout>& rhs)
Parameters | |
lhs in | 1st Data object |
rhs in | 2nd Data object |
Returns | The index, i.e., the raw position, of and the largest absolute value of the difference between all corresponding elements of lhs and rhs. |
Compute the maximum difference between the elements of two Data objects The position returned is the position in the underlying raw data structure, independent of components, etc. If lhs == rhs with precision std::numeric_limits< tk::real >::epsilon(), a pair of (0,0.0) is returned.
template<class C, class Key, class Factory, typename... ConstructorArgs>
void tk:: record(Factory& f,
const Key& key,
ConstructorArgs&&... args)
Parameters | |
f in | Factory to register to (std::map with value using reference semantics) |
key in | Key used to identify the entry in the factory |
args in | Variable number of arguments to pass to the constructor being registered. Note that the constructor arguments are only bound to the constructor and stored in the factory (an std::map with value using reference semantics). The object is not instantiated here, i.e., the constructor is not called here. The object can be instantiated by function instantiate. |
Register class into factory with given key. This is used to register a derived-class object's constructor (deriving from some base class) to a factory. The factory itself is a std::map< key, std::function< Child*() > >, i.e., an associative container, associating some key to a std::function object holding a pointer of Child's base class constructor. The constructor and its bound arguments are stored via boost::factory, which, in this use-case, yields the correct function object of type Base constructor pointer and thus facilitates runtime polymorphism. This function works in conjunction with boost::factory, i.e., uses reference semantics (works with storing pointers of objects). For a simple example on how to use this function, see tests/unit/Base/Factory.h.
template<class Factory, class Key, class Obj = typename std::remove_pointer< typename Factory::mapped_type::result_type>::type>
std::unique_ptr<Obj> tk:: instantiate(const Factory& f,
const Key& key)
Parameters | |
f in | Factory to instantiate object from (std::map with value using reference semantics) |
key in | Key used to identify the object to instantiate from factory |
Returns | std::unique_ptr pointing to the object instantiated from factory |
Instantiate object from factory. Factory must have a mapped_value which must have a result_type ptr, e.g., std::map< Key, std::function< Obj*() > >. This wrapper function can be used to instantiate an derived-class object from a factory, repeatedly filled with wrapper function 'record' above. The factory, as described in the documentation of 'record', stores base class pointers in an associative container, thereby facilitating runtime polymorphism and a simple lookup-and-instantiate-style object creation. The object instantiated is of type Child class. This function works in conjunction with boost::factory, i.e., uses reference semantics (works with storing pointers of objects). For a simple example on how to use this function, see tests/unit//Base/Factory.h.
template<class Host, class ModelConstructor, class Factory, class Key, typename... ModelConstrArgs>
void tk:: recordModel(Factory& f,
const Key& key,
ModelConstrArgs&&... args)
Parameters | |
f in | Factory to register to (std::map with value using value semantics) |
key in | Key used to identify the entry in the factory |
args in | Variable number of arguments to pass to the constructor being registered. Note that the constructor arguments are only bound to the constructor and stored in the factory (an std::map with value using value semantics). The object is not instantiated here, i.e., the constructor is not called here. The object can be instantiated by simply calling the function call operator () on the mapped value. For an example, RNGStack::selected() in RNG/RNGStack.C. |
Register "model" class of "host" into factory with given key. This wrapper can be used to in a similar manner to 'record', but uses boost::value_factory to bind the model object constructor to its arguments and place it in the associative container storing host class objects. The container is thus of type std::map< key, std::function< T() > >, i.e., associating a key to a function holding a constructor (and not its pointer). Runtime polymorphism here is realized entirely within the "base" class. See walker::DiffEq in DiffEq/DiffEq.h for an example and more information on runtime polymorphism without client-side inheritance. As a result, this wrapper works with factories that use value semantics, as opposed to 'record' and instantiate which work with reference semantics factories. In order to differentiate between runtime polymorphic classes using reference semantics, consistent with classes realizing runtime polymorphism without client-side inheritance, we call Host as the "Base" class and Model as the "derived" (or child) class. This wrapper function works in conjunction with boost::value_factory, i.e., uses value semantics (works with storing objects instead of object pointers). For a simple example on how to use this function, see tests/unit//Base/Factory.h.
template<class Host, class ModelConstructor, class Factory, class Key>
void tk:: recordModelLate(Factory& f,
const Key& key)
Parameters | |
f in | Factory to register to (std::map with value using value semantics) |
key in | Key used to identify the entry in the factory |
Register model class of host into factory with given key using late binding. This variant of 'record' is very similar to 'recordModel', but registers a model class constructor to a factory with late binding of the constructor argument. Late binding allows specifying the constructor argument at the time when the object is instantiated instead of at the time when it is registered. This has all the benefits of using a factory and allows passing information into the model object only when it is available. The late bind is facilitated via std::bind instead of std::bind using a placeholder, _1, which stands for the first argument (bound later, i.e., not here). The value of the model constructor argument is then not used here, only its type, used to perform the late binding. The binding happens to both the model constructor via std::function (passed to the host constructor) as well as explicitly to the host constructor. Prescribing late binding to the model constructor ensures that the compiler requires the argument to the model constructor, i.e., ensures that the host constructor is required to pass the argument to the model constructor. Prescribing late binding to the host constructor puts in the actual request that an argument (with the correct type) must be passed to the host constructor at instantiate time, which then will forward it to the model constructor. See also, for example, walker::DiffEq's corresponding constructor. An example of client-side code is in walker::DiffEqStack::registerDiffEq for registration into factory, and DiffEqStack::createDiffEq for instantiation late-passing the argument.
template<class Host, class ModelConstructor, class Factory, class Key, typename... ModelConstrArgs>
void tk:: recordCharmModel(Factory& f,
const Key& key,
ModelConstrArgs&&... args)
Parameters | |
f in | Factory to register to (std::map with value using value semantics) |
key in | Key used to identify the entry in the factory |
args in | Variable number of arguments to pass to the constructor being registered. |
Register Charm++ model class of host into factory with given key. We bind a host constructor to its arguments of which the first one is a std::function holding a model constructor type (modeling, i.e., used polymorhically with host), followed by an optional number of others (possibly zero) with arbitrary types. Note that the model constructor is a nullptr (default- constructed) and only used to forward its type to the call site inside std::function. The host constructor function is then placed into the factory. This is because Charm++ chares do not explicitly invoke constructors, only call ckNew() on their proxy, which requires all constructor arguments to be present and forwarded to the actual constructor that is only called at a later point in time. This can then be used by those constructors of hosts that invoke the model constructors' proxies' ckNew() and ignore the std::function. See, e.g., rngtest::Battery() and the associated unit tests in tests/unit//Base/Factory.h.
template<typename A, typename B>
std::pair<B, A> tk:: flip_pair(const std::pair<A, B>& p)
Parameters | |
p in | std::pair of arbitrary types, A and B |
Returns | std::pair of arbitrary types, B and A |
Flip a std::pair of arbitrary types
template<typename A, typename B>
std::multimap<B, A> tk:: flip_map(const std::map<A, B>& src)
Parameters | |
src in | std::map of arbitrary key and value pairs of types A and B |
Returns | std::multimap of arbitrary key and value pairs of types B and A |
Flip a std::map of arbitrary types, yielding a std::multimap sorted by std::map::value_type.
template<class Key, class T, class Hash = std::hash<Key>, class Eq = std::equal_to<Key>>
std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<char[]>> tk:: serialize(const std::unordered_map<Key, T, Hash, Eq>& m)
Template parameters | |
Key | Map key |
T | Map value |
Hash | Map hasher |
Eq | Map equality operator |
Parameters | |
m in | Hash map to serialize |
Returns | Pair of the length and the raw stream containing the serialized map |
Serialize std::unordered_map to raw memory stream
template<class Key, class T, class Hash = std::hash<Key>, class Eq = std::equal_to<Key>>
CkReductionMsg* tk:: mergeHashMap(int nmsg,
CkReductionMsg** msgs)
Charm++ custom reducer for merging std::unordered_maps during reduction across PEs.
Template parameters | |
Key | Map key |
T | Map value |
Hash | Map hasher |
Eq | Map equality operator |
Parameters | |
nmsg in | Number of messages in msgs |
msgs in | Charm++ reduction message containing the serialized maps |
Returns | Aggregated std::unordered_maps built for further aggregation if needed |
During aggregation the map keys are inserted, i.e., the keys remain unique and the mapped values, assuming containers defining begin() and end() iterators() are concatenated.
uint64_t tk:: linearLoadDistributor(real virtualization,
uint64_t load,
int npe,
uint64_t& chunksize,
uint64_t& remainder)
Compute linear load distribution for given total work and virtualization.
Parameters | |
virtualization in | Degree of virtualization [0.0...1.0] |
load in | Total load, e.g., number of particles, number of mesh cells |
npe in | Number of processing elements to distribute the load to |
chunksize in/out | Chunk size, see detailed description |
remainder in/out | Remainder, see detailed description |
Returns | Number of work units |
Compute load distibution (number of chares and chunksize) based on total work (e.g., total number of particles) and virtualization
The virtualization parameter, specified by the user, is a real number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive, which controls the degree of virtualization or over-decomposition. Independent of the value of virtualization the work is approximately evenly distributed among the available processing elements, given by npe. For zero virtualization (no over-decomposition), the work is simply decomposed into total_work/numPEs, which yields the smallest number of Charm++ chares and the largest chunks of work units. The other extreme is unity virtualization, which decomposes the total work into the smallest size work units possible, yielding the largest number of Charm++ chares. Obviously, the optimum will be between 0.0 and 1.0, depending on the problem.
The formula implemented uses a linear relationship between the virtualization parameter and the number of work units with the extremes described above. The formula is given by
chunksize = (1 - n) * v + n;
- v = degree of virtualization
- n = load/npes
- load = total work, e.g., number of particles, number of mesh cells
- npes = number of hardware processing elements
template<typename Enum, typename Ch, typename Tr, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<Enum>, int> = 0>
std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& tk:: operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const Enum& e)
Parameters | |
os in | Output stream into to write to |
e in | Value of enum-class type to write to stream |
Returns | Updated output stream for chain-use of the operator |
Operator << for writing an enum class to an output stream
template<class T, typename Ch, typename Tr>
std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& tk:: operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const std::vector<T>& v)
Parameters | |
os in | Output stream to write to |
v in | Vector to write to stream |
Returns | Updated output stream for chain-use of the operator |
Operator << for writing a std::vector to an output stream
template<typename Ch, typename Tr, class Key, class Value, class Compare = std::less<Key>>
std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& tk:: operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const std::map<Key, Value, Compare>& m)
Parameters | |
os in | Output stream to write to |
m in | Map to write to stream |
Returns | Updated output stream for chain-use of the operator |
Operator << for writing an std::map to an output stream
template<typename T, typename Ch, typename Tr>
std::basic_string<Ch, Tr> tk:: operator<<(std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>& lhs,
const T& e)
Parameters | |
lhs in | Output std::basic_string into which e is written |
e in | Value of arbitrary type to write to string |
Returns | Updated string |
Operator << for adding (concatenating) T to a std::basic_string for lvalues.
template<typename T, typename Ch, typename Tr>
std::basic_string<Ch, Tr> tk:: operator<<(std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>&& lhs,
const T& e)
Parameters | |
lhs in | Output std::basic_string into which e is written |
e in | Value of arbitrary type to write to string |
Returns | Updated string |
Operator << for adding (concatenating) T to a std::basic_string for rvalues.
std::string tk:: splitLines(std::string str,
std::string indent,
const std::string& name = "",
std::size_t width = 80)
Clean up whitespaces and format a long string into multiple lines.
Parameters | |
str in | String to format |
indent in | String to use as identation |
name in | String to insert before string to output |
width in | Width in characters to insert newlines for output |
std::string tk:: baselogname(const std::string& executable)
Parameters | |
executable in | Name of the executable |
Returns | Base log file name |
std::string tk:: logname(const std::string& executable,
int numrestart = 0)
Construct log file name.
Parameters | |
executable in | Name of the executable |
numrestart in | Number of times restarted |
Returns | The name of the log file to use |
void tk:: signalHandler(int signum)
Signal handler for multiple signals, SIGABRT, SIGSEGV, etc.
Parameters | |
signum in | Signal number |
Signals caught: SIGABRT is generated when the program calls the abort() function, such as when an assert() triggers SIGSEGV is generated when the program makes an illegal memory access, such as reading unaligned memory, dereferencing a null pointer, reading memory out of bounds etc. SIGILL is generated when the program tries to execute a malformed instruction. This happens when the execution pointer starts reading non-program data, or when a pointer to a function is corrupted. SIGFPE is generated when executing an illegal floating point instruction, most commonly division by zero or floating point overflow.
int tk:: setSignalHandlers()
Set signal handlers for multiple signals, SIGABRT, SIGSEGV, etc.
Returns | Ignore, used for calling in a constructor's initializer list |
void tk:: processExceptionCharm()
Process an exception from the Charm++ runtime system.
See Josuttis, The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference, 2nd Edition, 2012.
template<typename T>
T tk:: swap_endian(T u)
Parameters | |
u in | Integral type to convert |
Returns | Converted integer |
Swap endianness of an integral type
double tk:: swap_endian(double u)
Parameters | |
u in | Double to convert |
Returns | Converted double |
Swap endianness of a double
template<class Tuple>
void tk:: print(std::ostream& os,
const std::string& name,
const Tuple& c)
Template parameters | |
Tuple | Tuple object type |
Parameters | |
os in/out | Output stream to print to |
name in | Name of (root) Tuple |
c in | Command line object to output to file |
Output command line object (a TaggedTuple) to file
template<class List>
std::ostream& tk:: operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const tk:: TaggedTuple<List>& t)
Template parameters | |
List | brigand::list of types in the tagged tuple |
Parameters | |
os in/out | Output stream to output to |
t in | TaggedTuple to print |
Returns | Output stream |
Simple (unformatted, one-line) output of a TaggedTuple to output stream
template<class List, class Ignore = brigand::set<>>
void tk:: print(std::ostream& os,
const tk:: TaggedTuple<List>& t)
Simple (unformatted, one-line) output of a TaggedTuple to output stream with ignore.
Template parameters | |
List | brigand::list of types in the tagged tuple |
Ignore | brigand::list of types to not print |
Parameters | |
os in/out | Output stream to output to |
t in | TaggedTuple to print |
Timer:: Watch tk:: hms(tk:: real stamp)
Convert existing time stamp as a real to Watch (global scope)
Parameters | |
stamp in | Time stamp as a real number |
Returns | Time as hours, minutes, and seconds, as a Watch struct. |
Convert existing time stamp as a real to Watch (global-scope)
void tk:: cross(real v1x,
real v1y,
real v1z,
real v2x,
real v2y,
real v2z,
real& rx,
real& ry,
real& rz)
Parameters | |
v1x in | x coordinate of the 1st vector |
v1y in | y coordinate of the 1st vector |
v1z in | z coordinate of the 1st vector |
v2x in | x coordinate of the 2nd vector |
v2y in | y coordinate of the 2nd vector |
v2z in | z coordinate of the 2nd vector |
rx out | x coordinate of the product vector |
ry out | y coordinate of the product vector |
rz out | z coordinate of the product vector |
Compute the cross-product of two vectors
void tk:: crossdiv(real v1x,
real v1y,
real v1z,
real v2x,
real v2y,
real v2z,
real j,
real& rx,
real& ry,
real& rz)
Parameters | |
v1x in | x coordinate of the 1st vector |
v1y in | y coordinate of the 1st vector |
v1z in | z coordinate of the 1st vector |
v2x in | x coordinate of the 2nd vector |
v2y in | y coordinate of the 2nd vector |
v2z in | z coordinate of the 2nd vector |
j in | The scalar to divide the product with |
rx out | x coordinate of the product vector |
ry out | y coordinate of the product vector |
rz out | z coordinate of the product vector |
Compute the cross-product of two vectors divided by a scalar
tk:: real tk:: triple(real v1x,
real v1y,
real v1z,
real v2x,
real v2y,
real v2z,
real v3x,
real v3y,
real v3z)
Parameters | |
v1x in | x coordinate of the 1st vector |
v1y in | y coordinate of the 1st vector |
v1z in | z coordinate of the 1st vector |
v2x in | x coordinate of the 2nd vector |
v2y in | y coordinate of the 2nd vector |
v2z in | z coordinate of the 2nd vector |
v3x in | x coordinate of the 3rd vector |
v3y in | y coordinate of the 3rd vector |
v3z in | z coordinate of the 3rd vector |
Returns | Scalar value of the triple product |
Compute the triple-product of three vectors
real tk:: Jacobian(const std::array<real, 3>& v1,
const std::array<real, 3>& v2,
const std::array<real, 3>& v3,
const std::array<real, 3>& v4)
Compute the determinant of the Jacobian of a coordinate transformation over a tetrahedron.
Parameters | |
v1 in | (x,y,z) coordinates of 1st vertex of the tetrahedron |
v2 in | (x,y,z) coordinates of 2nd vertex of the tetrahedron |
v3 in | (x,y,z) coordinates of 3rd vertex of the tetrahedron |
v4 in | (x,y,z) coordinates of 4th vertex of the tetrahedron |
Returns | Determinant of the Jacobian of transformation of physical tetrahedron to reference (xi, eta, zeta) space |
std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3> tk:: inverseJacobian(const std::array<real, 3>& v1,
const std::array<real, 3>& v2,
const std::array<real, 3>& v3,
const std::array<real, 3>& v4)
Compute the inverse of the Jacobian of a coordinate transformation over a tetrahedron.
Parameters | |
v1 in | (x,y,z) coordinates of 1st vertex of the tetrahedron |
v2 in | (x,y,z) coordinates of 2nd vertex of the tetrahedron |
v3 in | (x,y,z) coordinates of 3rd vertex of the tetrahedron |
v4 in | (x,y,z) coordinates of 4th vertex of the tetrahedron |
Returns | Inverse of the Jacobian of transformation of physical tetrahedron to reference (xi, eta, zeta) space |
tk:: real tk:: determinant(const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& a)
Parameters | |
a in | 3x3 matrix |
Returns | Determinant of the 3x3 matrix |
Compute the determinant of 3x3 matrix
void tk:: movePoint(const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& origin,
std::array<tk:: real, 3>& point)
Parameters | |
origin in | Origin of reference frame to which point is to be moved |
point in/out | Point that needs to be moved to reference frame |
Move a point to a reference space given coordinates of origin of that space
void tk:: rotatePoint(const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& angles,
std::array<tk:: real, 3>& point)
Parameters | |
angles in | Angles in 3D space by which point is to be rotated |
point in/out | Point that needs to be rotated |
Rotate a point in 3D space by specifying rotation angles in degrees
std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3> tk:: getRightCauchyGreen(const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>& g)
Get the Right Cauchy-Green strain tensor from the inverse deformation gradient tensor.
Parameters | |
g in | Inverse deformation gradient tensor |
Returns | Right Cauchy-Green tensor |
std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3> tk:: getLeftCauchyGreen(const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>& g)
Get the Left Cauchy-Green strain tensor from the inverse deformation gradient tensor.
Parameters | |
g in | Inverse deformation gradient tensor |
Returns | Left Cauchy-Green tensor |
std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3> tk:: getDevHencky(const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3>& g)
Get the deviatoric Hencky strain tensor from the inverse deformation gradient tensor.
Parameters | |
g in | Inverse deformation gradient tensor |
Returns | Deviatoric Hencky strain tensor |
std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> tk:: transpose3by3(std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> mat)
Get transpose of a 3 by 3 matrix.
Parameters | |
mat in | matrix to be transposed |
Returns | transposed matrix |
std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> tk:: getRotationMatrix(const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r)
Get rotation matrix in 2D array form given a normal direction. The remaining directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
Parameters | |
r in | Coordinates of the first basis vector r = (rx,ry,rz). |
Returns | rotation matrix |
std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> tk:: rotateTensor(const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& mat,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r)
Rotate a second order tensor (e.g. a Strain/Stress matrix) from the (x,y,z) to a new (r,s,t) coordinate system. The directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
Parameters | |
mat in | matrix to be rotated. |
r in | Coordinates of the first basis vector r = (rx,ry,rz). |
Returns | rotated tensor |
std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> tk:: unrotateTensor(const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& mat,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r)
Rotate a second order tensor (e.g. a Strain/Stress matrix) from the (x,y,z) to a new (r,s,t) coordinate system. The directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
Parameters | |
mat in | matrix to be rotated. |
r in | Coordinates of the first basis vector r = (rx,ry,rz). |
Returns | rotated tensor |
std::array<tk:: real, 3> tk:: rotateVector(const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& v,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r)
Rotate a vector (e.g. a velocity) from the (x,y,z) to a new (r,s,t) coordinate system. The directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
Parameters | |
v in | Vector to be rotated. |
r in | Coordinates of the first basis vector r = (rx,ry,rz). |
Returns | rotated vector |
std::array<tk:: real, 3> tk:: unrotateVector(const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& v,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& r)
Unrotate a vector (e.g. a velocity) from the (x,y,z) to a new (r,s,t) coordinate system. The directions are given by section 5.3.1 of Miller, G. H., and P. Colella. "A conservative three-dimensional Eulerian method for coupled solid–fluid shock capturing." Journal of Computational Physics 183.1 (2002): 26-82.
Parameters | |
v in | Vector to be rotated. |
r in | Coordinates of the first basis vector r = (rx,ry,rz). |
Returns | rotated vector |
std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3> tk:: reflectTensor(const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& mat,
const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& reflectMat)
Reflect a second order tensor (e.g. a Strain/Stress matrix)
Parameters | |
mat in | matrix to be rotated. |
reflectMat in | Reflection matrix |
Returns | reflected tensor |
MeshReaderType tk:: detectInput(const std::string& filename)
Detect input mesh file type.
Parameters | |
filename in | File to open and detect its type |
Returns | enum specifying the mesh reader type |
MeshWriterType tk:: pickOutput(const std::string& filename)
Determine output mesh file type.
Parameters | |
filename in | Filename to pick its type based on extension given |
Returns | enum specifying the mesh writer type |
UnsMesh tk:: readUnsMesh(const tk:: Print& print,
const std::string& filename,
std::pair<std::string, tk:: real>& timestamp)
Read unstructured mesh from file.
Parameters | |
print in | Pretty printer |
filename in | Filename to read mesh from |
timestamp out | A time stamp consisting of a timer label (a string), and a time state (a tk:: |
Returns | Unstructured mesh object |
Create unstructured mesh to store mesh
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, tk:: real>> tk:: writeUnsMesh(const tk:: Print& print,
const std::string& filename,
UnsMesh& mesh,
bool reorder)
Write unstructured mesh to file.
Parameters | |
print in | Pretty printer |
filename in | Filename to write mesh to |
mesh in | Unstructured mesh object to write from |
reorder in | Whether to also reorder mesh nodes |
Returns | Vector of time stamps consisting of a timer label (a string), and a time state (a tk:: |
static std::string tk:: workdir()
Returns | A stirng containing the current working directory |
std::string tk:: curtime()
Wrapper for the standard C library's gettimeofday() from.
Returns | A stirng containing the current date and time |
void tk:: echoHeader(const Print& print,
HeaderType header)
Echo program header.
Parameters | |
print in | Pretty printer |
header in | Header type enum indicating which header to print |
void tk:: echoBuildEnv(const Print& print,
const std::string& executable)
Echo build environment.
Parameters | |
print in | Pretty printer |
executable in | Name of the executable |
Echo information read from build_dir/Base/Config.h filled by CMake based on src/Main/
void tk:: echoRunEnv(const Print& print,
int argc,
char** argv,
bool verbose,
bool quiescence,
bool charestate,
bool trace,
const std::string& screen_log,
const std::string& input_log)
Echo runtime environment.
Parameters | |
print in | Pretty printer |
argc in | Number of command-line arguments to executable |
argv in | C-style string array to command-line arguments to executable |
verbose in | True for verbose screen-output |
quiescence in | True if quiescence detection is enabled |
charestate in | True if chare state collection is enabled |
trace in | True if call and stack trace output is enabled |
screen_log in | Screen output log file name |
input_log in | Input log file name |
template<class Driver, class CmdLine>
Driver tk:: Main(int argc,
char* argv[],
const CmdLine& cmdline,
HeaderType header,
const std::string& executable,
const std::string& def,
int nrestart)
Generic Main() used for all executables for code-reuse and a uniform output.
Parameters | |
argc in | Number of command-line arguments to executable |
argv in | C-style string array to command-line arguments to executable |
cmdline in | Command line object storing data parsed from the command line arguments |
header in | Header type enum indicating which executable header to print |
executable in | Name of the executable |
def in | Default log file name |
nrestart in | Number of times restarted |
Returns | Instantiated driver object which can then be used to execute() whatever it is intended to drive |
The template arguments configure this Main class that is practically used instead of the usual main(). This allows code-reuse and a unfirom screen-output. The template arguments are:
- Driver, specializaing the driver type to be created, see tk::Driver
- Printer, specializaing the pretty printer type to use, see tk::
Print - CmdLine, specializing the command line object storing data parsed from the command line
template<class MainProxy, class CmdLine>
void tk:: MainCtor(MainProxy& mp,
const MainProxy& thisProxy,
std::vector<tk:: Timer>& timer,
const CmdLine& cmdline,
const CkCallback& quiescenceTarget)
Template parameters | |
MainProxy | Main Charm++ chare proxy for the executable |
CmdLine | Executable-specific tagged tuple storing the rusult of the command line parser |
Parameters | |
mp in/out | MainProxy to set for the main chare |
thisProxy in | 'thisProxy' to set as MainProxy |
timer in/out | Vector of timers, held by the main chare, in which to start the first timer, measuring the migration of global-scope data |
cmdline in | Command line grammar stack for the executable (assumed already parsed) |
quiescenceTarget in | Pre-created Charm++ callback to use as the target function to call if quiescence is detected |
Generic Main Charm++ module constructor for all executables
template<class CmdLine>
void tk:: dumpstate(const CmdLine& cmdline,
const std::string& def,
int nrestart,
CkReductionMsg* msg)
Template parameters | |
CmdLine | Executable-specific tagged tuple storing the rusult of the command line parser |
Parameters | |
cmdline in | Command line grammar stack for the executable |
def in | Default log file name |
nrestart in | Number of times restarted |
msg in | Charm++ reduction message containing the chare state aggregated from all PEs |
Generic function to dump the Charm++ chare state (if collected)
template<class CmdLine>
void tk:: finalize(const CmdLine& cmdline,
const std::vector<tk:: Timer>& timer,
tk::CProxy_ChareStateCollector& state,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, tk:: Timer:: Watch>>& timestamp,
const std::string& def,
int nrestart,
const CkCallback& dumpstateTarget,
bool clean = true)
Parameters | |
cmdline in | Command line grammar stack for the executable |
timer in | Vector of timers, held by the main chare |
state in/out | Chare state collector proxy |
timestamp in/out | Vector of time stamps in h:m:s with labels |
def in | Default log file name |
nrestart in | Number of times restarted |
dumpstateTarget in | Pre-created Charm++ callback to use as the target function for dumping chare state |
clean in | True if we should exit with a zero exit code, false to exit with a nonzero exit code |
Generic finalize function for different executables
bool tk:: slave(const NodeCommMap& map,
std::size_t node,
int chare)
Decide if a node is not counted by a chare.
Parameters | |
map in | Node commuinication map to search in |
node in | Global node id to search for |
chare in | Caller chare id (but really can be any chare id) |
Returns | True if the node is a slave (counted by another chare with a lower chare id) |
If a node is found in the node communication map and is associated to a lower chare id than the chare id given, it is counted by another chare (and not the caller one), hence a "slave" (for the purpose of this count).
tk:: real tk:: count(const NodeCommMap& map,
std::size_t node)
Count the number of contributions to a node.
Parameters | |
map in | Node commuinication map to search in |
node in | Global node id to search for |
Returns | Count of contributions to node |
int tk:: orient(const UnsMesh:: Edge& t,
const UnsMesh:: Edge& e)
Determine edge orientation.
Returns | -1.0 if edge t is oriented the same as edge e, +1.0 opposite |
std::size_t tk:: npoin_in_graph(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel)
Compute number of points (nodes) in mesh from connectivity.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the |
Returns | Number of mesh points (nodes) |
std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>> tk:: genEsup(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe)
Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding points.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
nnpe in | Number of nodes per element |
Returns | Linked lists storing elements surrounding points |
The data generated here is stored in a linked list, more precisely, two linked arrays (vectors), esup1 and esup2, where esup2 holds the indices at which esup1 holds the element ids surrounding points. Looping over all elements surrounding all points can then be accomplished by the following loop:
for (std::size_t p=0; p<npoin; ++p) for (auto i=esup.second[p]+1; i<=esup.second[p+1]; ++i) use element id esup.first[i]
To find out the number of points, npoin, the mesh connectivity, inpoel, can be queried:
auto minmax = std::minmax_element( begin(inpoel), end(inpoel) ); Assert( *minmax.first == 0, "node ids should start from zero" ); auto npoin = *minmax.second + 1;
std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>> tk:: genPsup(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup)
Generate derived data structure, points surrounding points.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
nnpe in | Number of nodes per element |
esup in | Elements surrounding points as linked lists, see tk:: |
Returns | Linked lists storing points surrounding points |
The data generated here is stored in a linked list, more precisely, two linked arrays (vectors), psup1 and psup2, where psup2 holds the indices at which psup1 holds the point ids surrounding points. Looping over all points surrounding all points can then be accomplished by the following loop:
for (std::size_t p=0; p<npoin; ++p) for (auto i=psup.second[p]+1; i<=psup.second[p+1]; ++i) use point id psup.first[i]
To find out the number of points, npoin, the mesh connectivity, inpoel, can be queried:
auto minmax = std::minmax_element( begin(inpoel), end(inpoel) ); Assert( *minmax.first == 0, "node ids should start from zero" ); auto npoin = *minmax.second + 1;
or the length-1 of the generated index list: auto npoin = psup.second.size()-1;
std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>> tk:: genEdsup(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup)
Generate derived data structure, edges surrounding points.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
nnpe in | Number of nodes per element (3 or 4) |
esup in | Elements surrounding points as linked lists, see tk:: |
Returns | Linked lists storing edges (point ids p < q) emanating from points |
The data generated here is stored in a linked list, more precisely, two linked arrays (vectors), edsup1 and edsup2, where edsup2 holds the indices at which edsup1 holds the edge-end point ids emanating from points for all points. The generated data structure, linked lists edsup1 and edsup2, are very similar to psup1 and psup2, generated by genPsup(), except here only unique edges are stored, i.e., for edges with point ids p < q, only ids q are stored that are still associated to point p. Looping over all unique edges can then be accomplished by the following loop:
for (std::size_t p=0; p<npoin; ++p) for (auto i=edsup.second[p]+1; i<=edsup.second[p+1]; ++i) use edge with point ids p < edsup.first[i]
To find out the number of points, npoin, the mesh connectivity, inpoel, can be queried:
auto minmax = std::minmax_element( begin(inpoel), end(inpoel) ); Assert( *minmax.first == 0, "node ids should start from zero" ); auto npoin = *minmax.second + 1;
std::vector<std::size_t> tk:: genInpoed(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup)
Generate derived data structure, edge connectivity.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
nnpe in | Number of nodes per element (3 or 4) |
esup in | Elements surrounding points as linked lists, see tk:: |
Returns | Linear vector storing edge connectivity (point ids p < q) |
The data generated here is stored in a linear vector and is very similar to the linked lists, edsup1 and _edsup2, generated by genEdsup(). The difference is that in the linear vector, inpoed, generated here, both edge point ids are stored as a pair, p < q, as opposed to the linked lists edsup1 and edsup2, in which edsup1 only stores the edge-end point ids (still associated to edge-start point ids when used together with edsup2). The rationale is that while inpoed is larger in memory, it allows direct access to edges (pair of point ids making up an edge), edsup1 and edsup2 are smaller in memory, still allow accessing the same data (edge point id pairs) but only in a linear fashion, not by direct access to particular edges. Accessing all unique edges using the edge connectivity data structure, inpoed, generated here can be accomplished by
for (std::size_t e=0; e<inpoed.size()/2; ++e) { use point id p of edge e = inpoed[e*2]; use point id q of edge e = inpoed[e*2+1]; }
std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>> tk:: genEsupel(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup)
Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding points of elements.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
nnpe in | Number of nodes per element |
esup in | Elements surrounding points as linked lists, see tk:: |
Returns | Linked lists storing elements surrounding points of elements |
The data generated here is stored in a linked list, more precisely, two linked arrays (vectors), esupel1 and esupel2, where esupel2 holds the indices at which esupel1 holds the element ids surrounding points of elements. Looping over all elements surrounding the points of all elements can then be accomplished by the following loop:
for (std::size_t e=0; e<nelem; ++e) for (auto i=esupel.second[e]+1; i<=esupel.second[e+1]; ++i) use element id esupel.first[i]
To find out the number of elements, nelem, the size of the mesh connectivity vector, inpoel, can be devided by the number of nodes per elements, nnpe: auto nelem = inpoel.size()/nnpe;
std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>> tk:: genEsuel(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup)
Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding elements.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
nnpe in | Number of nodes per element |
esup in | Elements surrounding points as linked lists, see tk:: |
Returns | Linked lists storing elements surrounding elements |
The data generated here is stored in a linked list, more precisely, two linked arrays (vectors), esuel1 and esuel2, where esuel2 holds the indices at which esuel1 holds the element ids surrounding elements. Looping over elements surrounding elements can then be accomplished by the following loop:
for (std::size_t e=0; e<nelem; ++e) for (auto i=esuel.second[e]+1; i<=esuel.second[e+1]; ++i) use element id esuel.first[i]
To find out the number of elements, nelem, the size of the mesh connectivity vector, inpoel, can be devided by the number of nodes per elements, nnpe: auto nelem = inpoel.size()/nnpe;
std::vector<std::size_t> tk:: genInedel(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoed)
Generate derived data structure, edges of elements.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
nnpe in | Number of nodes per element |
inpoed in | Edge connectivity as linear vector, see tk:: |
Returns | Linear vector storing all edge ids * 2 of all elements |
The data generated here is stored in a linear vector with all edge ids (as defined by inpoed) of all elements. The edge ids stored in inedel can be directly used to index the vector inpoed. Because the derived data structure generated here, inedel, is intended to be used in conjunction with the linear vector inpoed and not with the linked lists edsup1 and edsup2, this function takes inpoed as an argument. Accessing the edges of element e using the edge of elements data structure, inedel, generated here can be accomplished by
for (std::size_t e=0; e<nelem; ++e) { for (std::size_t i=0; i<nepe; ++i) { use edge id inedel[e*nepe+i] of element e, or use point ids p < q of edge id inedel[e*nepe+i] of element e as p = inpoed[ inedel[e*nepe+i]*2 ] q = inpoed[ inedel[e*nepe+i]*2+1 ] } }
where nepe denotes the number of edges per elements: 3 for triangles, 6 for tetrahedra. To find out the number of elements, nelem, the size of the mesh connectivity vector, inpoel, can be devided by the number of nodes per elements, nnpe: auto nelem = inpoel.size()/nnpe;
std::unordered_map<UnsMesh:: Edge, std::vector<std::size_t>, UnsMesh:: Hash<2>, UnsMesh:: Eq<2>> tk:: genEsued(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
std::size_t nnpe,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup)
Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding edges.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
nnpe in | Number of nodes per element (3 or 4) |
esup in | Elements surrounding points as linked lists, see tk:: |
Returns | Associative container storing elements surrounding edges (value), assigned to edge-end points (key) |
Looping over elements surrounding all edges can be accomplished by the following loop:
for (const auto& [edge,surr_elements] : esued) { use element edge-end-point ids edge[0] and edge[1] for (auto e : surr_elements) { use element id e } }
esued.size() equals the number of edges.
std::size_t tk:: genNbfacTet(std::size_t tnbfac,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel_complete,
const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bface_complete,
const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& lid,
std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel,
std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bface)
Generate total number of boundary faces in this chunk.
Parameters | |
tnbfac in | Total number of boundary faces in the entire mesh. |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. |
triinpoel_complete in | Interconnectivity of points and boundary-face in the entire mesh. |
bface_complete in | Map of boundary-face lists mapped to corresponding side set ids for the entire mesh. |
lid in | Mapping between the node indices used in the smaller inpoel connectivity (a subset of the entire triinpoel_complete connectivity), e.g., after mesh partitioning. |
triinpoel in/out | Interconnectivity of points and boundary-face in this mesh-partition. |
bface in/out | Map of boundary-face lists mapped to corresponding side set ids for this mesh-partition |
Returns | Number of boundary-faces on this chare/mesh-partition. |
This function takes a mesh by its domain-element (tetrahedron-connectivity) in inpoel and a boundary-face (triangle) connectivity in triinpoel_complete. Based on these two arrays, it searches for those faces of triinpoel_complete that are also in inpoel and as a result it generates (1) the number of boundary faces shared with the mesh in inpoel and (2) the intersection of the triangle element connectivity whose faces are shared with inpoel. An example use case is where triinpoel_complete contains the connectivity for the boundary of the full problem/mesh and inpoel contains the connectivity for only a chunk of an already partitioned mesh. This function then intersects triinpoel_complete with inpoel and returns only those faces that share nodes with inpoel.
std::vector<int> tk:: genEsuelTet(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup)
Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding elements as a fixed length data structure as a full vector, including boundary elements as -1.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Inteconnectivity of points and elements. These are the node ids of each element of an unstructured mesh. Example: std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel { 12, 14, 9, 11, 10, 14, 13, 12 }; specifies two tetrahedra whose vertices (node ids) are { 12, 14, 9, 11 }, and { 10, 14, 13, 12 }. |
esup in | Elements surrounding points as linked lists, see tk:: |
Returns | Vector storing elements surrounding elements |
The data generated here is stored in a single vector, with length nfpe * nelem. Note however, that nelem is not explicitly provided, but calculated from inpoel. For boundary elements, at the boundary face, this esuelTet stores value -1 indicating that this is outside the domain. The convention for numbering the local face (triangle) connectivity is very important, e.g., in generating the inpofa array later. This node ordering convention is stored in tk::auto nelem = inpoel.size()/nnpe;
std::size_t tk:: genNipfac(std::size_t nfpe,
std::size_t nbfac,
const std::vector<int>& esuelTet)
Generate number of internal and physical-boundary faces.
Parameters | |
nfpe in | Number of faces per element. |
nbfac in | Number of boundary faces. |
esuelTet in | Elements surrounding elements. |
Returns | Total number of faces in the mesh |
The unsigned integer here gives the number of internal and
std::vector<int> tk:: genEsuf(std::size_t nfpe,
std::size_t nipfac,
std::size_t nbfac,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& belem,
const std::vector<int>& esuelTet)
Generate derived data structure, elements surrounding faces.
Parameters | |
nfpe in | Number of faces per element. |
nipfac in | Number of internal and physical-boundary faces. |
nbfac in | Number of boundary faces. |
belem in | Boundary element vector. |
esuelTet in | Elements surrounding elements. |
Returns | Elements surrounding faces. |
The unsigned integer vector gives the IDs of the elements to the
std::vector<std::size_t> tk:: genInpofaTet(std::size_t nipfac,
std::size_t nbfac,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel,
const std::vector<int>& esuelTet)
Generate derived data structure, node-face connectivity.
Parameters | |
nipfac in | Number of internal and physical-boundary faces. |
nbfac in | Number of boundary faces. |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity. |
triinpoel in | Face-node connectivity. |
esuelTet in | Elements surrounding elements. |
Returns | Points surrounding faces. The unsigned integer vector gives the elements to the left and to the right of each face in the mesh. |
std::vector<std::size_t> tk:: genBelemTet(std::size_t nbfac,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpofa,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup)
Generate derived data structure, host/boundary element.
Parameters | |
nbfac in | Number of boundary faces. |
inpofa in | Face-node connectivity. |
esup in | Elements surrounding points as linked lists, see tk:: |
Returns | Host elements or boundary elements. The unsigned integer vector gives the elements to the left of each boundary face in the mesh. |
Fields tk:: genGeoFaceTri(std::size_t nipfac,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpofa,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord)
Generate derived data structure, face geometry.
Parameters | |
nipfac in | Number of internal and physical-boundary faces. |
inpofa in | Face-node connectivity. |
coord in | Co-ordinates of nodes in this mesh-chunk. |
Returns | Face geometry information. This includes face area, unit normal pointing outward of the element to the left of the face, and face centroid coordinates. Use the following examples to access this information for face-f. |
face area: geoFace(f,0,0), unit-normal x-component: geoFace(f,1,0), y-component: geoFace(f,2,0), z-component: geoFace(f,3,0), centroid x-coordinate: geoFace(f,4,0), y-coordinate: geoFace(f,5,0), z-coordinate: geoFace(f,6,0).
std::array<real, 3> tk:: normal(const std::array<real, 3>& x,
const std::array<real, 3>& y,
const std::array<real, 3>& z)
Compute the unit normal vector of a triangle.
Parameters | |
x in | x-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle |
y in | y-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle |
z in | z-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle |
Returns | Unit normal |
Compute the unit normal vector of a triangle
real tk:: area(const std::array<real, 3>& x,
const std::array<real, 3>& y,
const std::array<real, 3>& z)
Compute the area of a triangle.
Parameters | |
x in | x-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle |
y in | y-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle |
z in | z-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle |
Returns | Area |
Compute the are of a triangle
Fields tk:: geoFaceTri(const std::array<real, 3>& x,
const std::array<real, 3>& y,
const std::array<real, 3>& z)
Compute geometry of the face given by three vertices.
Parameters | |
x in | x-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangular face. |
y in | y-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangular face. |
z in | z-coordinates of the three vertices of the triangular face. |
Returns | Face geometry information. This includes face area, unit normal pointing outward of the element to the left of the face, and face centroid coordinates. |
Compute geometry of the face given by three vertices face area: geoFace(f,0,0), unit-normal x-component: geoFace(f,1,0), y-component: geoFace(f,2,0), z-component: geoFace(f,3,0), centroid x-coordinate: geoFace(f,4,0), y-coordinate: geoFace(f,5,0), z-coordinate: geoFace(f,6,0).
Fields tk:: genGeoElemTet(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord)
Generate derived data structure, element geometry.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity. |
coord in | Co-ordinates of nodes in this mesh-chunk. |
Returns | Element geometry information. This includes element volume, element centroid coordinates, and minimum edge length. Use the following examples to access this information for element-e. volume: geoElem(e,0,0), centroid x-coordinate: geoElem(e,1,0), y-coordinate: geoElem(e,2,0), z-coordinate: geoElem(e,3,0). minimum edge-length: geoElem(e,4,0). |
bool tk:: leakyPartition(const std::vector<int>& esueltet,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord)
Perform leak-test on mesh (partition)
Parameters | |
esueltet in | Elements surrounding elements for tetrahedra, see tk::genEsueltet() |
inpoel in | Element connectivity |
coord in | Node coordinates |
Returns | True if partition leaks. |
This function computes a surface integral over the boundary of the incoming mesh (partition). A non-zero vector result indicates a leak, e.g., a hole in the mesh (partition), which indicates an error either in the
bool tk:: conforming(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
bool cerr,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& rid)
Check if mesh (partition) is conforming.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Element connectivity |
coord in | Node coordinates |
cerr in | True if hanging-node edge data should be output to std::cerr (true by default) |
rid in | AMR Lib node id map std::cerr (true by default) |
Returns | True if mesh (partition) has no hanging nodes and thus the mesh is conforming, false if non-conforming. |
A conforming mesh by definition has no hanging nodes. A node is hanging if an edge of one element coincides with two (or more) edges (of two or more other elements). Thus, testing for conformity relies on checking the coordinates of all vertices: if any vertex coincides with that of a mid-point node of an edge, that is a hanging node. Note that this assumes that hanging nodes can only be at the mid-point of edges. This may happen after a mesh refinement step, due to a problem/bug, within the mesh refinement algorithm given by J. Waltz, Parallel adaptive refinement for unsteady flow calculations on 3D unstructured grids, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 46: 37–57, 2004, which always adds/removes vertices at the mid-points of edges of a tetrahedron mesh within a single refinement step. Thus this algorithm is intended for this specific case, i.e., test for conformity after a single refinement step and not after multiple ones or for detecting hanging nodes in an arbitrary mesh.
bool tk:: intet(const std::array<std::vector<real>, 3>& coord,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::vector<real>& p,
std::size_t e,
std::array<real, 4>& N)
Determine if a point is in a tetrahedron.
Parameters | |
coord in | Mesh node coordinates |
inpoel in | Mesh element connectivity |
p in | Point coordinates |
e in | Mesh cell index |
N in/out | Shapefunctions evaluated at the point |
Returns | True if ppoint is in mesh cell |
tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords tk:: curl(const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coord,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& v)
Compute curl of a vector field at nodes of unstructured tetrahedra mesh.
Parameters | |
coord in | Mesh node coordinates |
inpoel in | Mesh element connectivity |
v in | Vector field whose curl to compute |
Returns | Weak (partial) result of curl of v (partial beacuse it still needs a division by the nodal volumes. |
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: div(const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coord,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& v)
Compute divergence of vector field at nodes of unstructured tetrahedra mesh.
Parameters | |
coord in | Mesh node coordinates |
inpoel in | Mesh element connectivity |
v in | Vector field whose divergence to compute |
Returns | Weak (partial) result of div v (partial beacuse it still needs a division by the nodal volumes. |
tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords tk:: grad(const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coord,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& phi)
Compute gradient of a scalar field at nodes of unstructured tetrahedra mesh.
Parameters | |
coord in | Mesh node coordinates |
inpoel in | Mesh element connectivity |
phi in | Scalar field whose gradient to compute |
Returns | Weak (partial) result of grad phi (partial beacuse it still needs a division by the nodal volumes. |
void tk:: normal(real x1,
real x2,
real x3,
real y1,
real y2,
real y3,
real z1,
real z2,
real z3,
real& nx,
real& ny,
real& nz)
Parameters | |
x1 in | x coordinate of the 1st vertex of the triangle |
x2 in | x coordinate of the 2nd vertex of the triangle |
x3 in | x coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle |
y1 in | y coordinate of the 1st vertex of the triangle |
y2 in | y coordinate of the 2nd vertex of the triangle |
y3 in | y coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle |
z1 in | z coordinate of the 1st vertex of the triangle |
z2 in | z coordinate of the 2nd vertex of the triangle |
z3 in | z coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle |
nx out | x coordinate of the unit normal |
ny out | y coordinate of the unit normal |
nz out | z coordinate of the unit normal |
Compute the unit normal vector of a triangle
real tk:: area(real x1,
real x2,
real x3,
real y1,
real y2,
real y3,
real z1,
real z2,
real z3)
Parameters | |
x1 in | x coordinate of the 1st vertex of the triangle |
x2 in | x coordinate of the 2nd vertex of the triangle |
x3 in | x coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle |
y1 in | y coordinate of the 1st vertex of the triangle |
y2 in | y coordinate of the 2nd vertex of the triangle |
y3 in | y coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle |
z1 in | z coordinate of the 1st vertex of the triangle |
z2 in | z coordinate of the 2nd vertex of the triangle |
z3 in | z coordinate of the 3rd vertex of the triangle |
Returns | Area of the triangle |
Compute the are of a triangle
std::array<tk:: real, 3> tk:: nodegrad(std::size_t node,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coord,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup,
const tk::Fields& U,
ncomp_ t c)
Compute gradient at a mesh node.
Parameters | |
node in | Node id at which to compute gradient |
coord in | Mesh node coordinates |
inpoel in | Mesh element connectivity |
esup in | Linked lists storing elements surrounding points, see tk:: |
U in | Field vector whose component gradient to compute |
c in | Scalar component to compute gradient of |
Returns | Gradient of U(c) at mesh node |
std::array<tk:: real, 3> tk:: edgegrad(const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coord,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& esued,
const tk::Fields& U,
ncomp_ t c)
Compute gradient at a mesh edge.
Parameters | |
coord in | Mesh node coordinates |
inpoel in | Mesh element connectivity |
esued in | List of elements surrounding edge, see tk:: |
U in | Field vector whose component gradient to compute |
c in | Scalar component to compute gradient of |
Returns | Gradient of U(c) at mesh edge |
std::size_t tk:: shiftToZero(std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel)
Shift node IDs to start with zero in element connectivity.
Parameters | |
inpoel in/out | Inteconnectivity of points and elements |
Returns | Amount shifted |
This function implements a simple reordering of the node ids of the element connectivity in inpoel by shifting the node ids so that the smallest is zero.
void tk:: remap(std::vector<std::size_t>& ids,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& map)
Apply new mapping to vector of indices.
Parameters | |
ids in/out | Vector of integer IDs to remap |
map in | Array of indices creating a new order |
This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the integer IDs passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed between the array index and its value. The function overwrites every value, i, of vector ids with map[i].
void tk:: remap(std::vector<tk:: real>& r,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& map)
Apply new mapping to vector of real numbers.
Parameters | |
r in/out | Vector of real numbers to remap |
map in | Array of indices creating a new order |
This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the real values passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed between the array index and its value. The function moves every value r[i] to r[ map[i] ].
std::vector<std::size_t> tk:: remap(const std::vector<std::size_t>& ids,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& map)
Create remapped vector of indices using a vector.
Parameters | |
ids in | Vector of integer IDs to remap |
map in | Array of indices creating a new order |
Returns | Remapped vector of ids |
This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the integer IDs passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed between the array index and its value. The function creates and returns a new container with remapped ids of identical size of the origin ids container.
void tk:: remap(std::vector<std::size_t>& ids,
const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& map)
In-place remap vector of indices using a map.
Parameters | |
ids in | Vector of integer IDs to remap |
map in | Hash-map of key->value creating a new order |
This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the integer IDs passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed as a hash-map of key->value pairs, where the key is the original and the value is the new ids of the mapping. The function overwrites the ids container with the remapped ids of identical size.
std::vector<std::size_t> tk:: remap(const std::vector<std::size_t>& ids,
const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& map)
Create remapped vector of indices using a map.
Parameters | |
ids in | Vector of integer IDs to create new container of ids from |
map in | Hash-map of key->value creating a new order |
Returns | Remapped vector of ids |
This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the integer IDs passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed as a hash-map of key->value pairs, where the key is the original and the value is the new ids of the mapping. The function creates and returns a new container with the remapped ids of identical size of the original ids container.
std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>> tk:: remap(const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& ids,
const std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>& map)
Create remapped map of vector of indices using a map.
Parameters | |
ids in | Map of vector of integer IDs to create new container of ids from |
map in | Hash-map of key->value creating a new order |
Returns | Remapped vector of ids |
This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the map of integer IDs passed in using the map passed in by applying remap(vector,map) on each vector of ids. The keys in the returned map will be the same as in ids.
std::vector<std::size_t> tk:: renumber(const std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>>& psup)
Reorder mesh points with the advancing front technique.
Parameters | |
psup in | Points surrounding points |
Returns | Mapping created by renumbering (reordering) |
std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t> tk:: assignLid(const std::vector<std::size_t>& gid)
Assign local ids to global ids.
Parameters | |
gid in | Global ids |
Returns | Map associating global ids to local ids |
std::tuple<std::vector<std::size_t>, std::vector<std::size_t>, std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t>> tk:: global2local(const std::vector<std::size_t>& ginpoel)
Generate element connectivity of local node IDs from connectivity of global node IDs also returning the mapping between local to global IDs.
Parameters | |
ginpoel in | Element connectivity with global node IDs |
Returns | Tuple of (1) element connectivity with local node IDs, (2) the vector of unique global node IDs (i.e., the mapping between local to global node IDs), and (3) mapping between global to local node IDs. |
bool tk:: positiveJacobians(const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::array<std::vector<real>, 3>& coord)
Test positivity of the Jacobian for all cells in a mesh.
Parameters | |
inpoel in | Element connectivity (zero-based, i.e., local if parallel) |
coord in | Node coordinates |
Returns | True if Jacobians of all mesh cells are positive |
std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>> tk:: bfacenodes(const std::map<int, std::vector<std::size_t>>& bface,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& triinpoel)
Generate nodes of side set faces.
Parameters | |
bface in | Boundary-faces mapped to side set ids |
triinpoel in | Boundary-face connectivity |
Returns | Nodes of side set faces for each side set passed in |
std::array<tk:: real, 3> tk:: eval_gp(const std::size_t igp,
const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& coordfa,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& coordgp)
Compute the coordinates of quadrature points for face integral.
Parameters | |
igp in | Index of quadrature points |
coordfa in | Array of nodal coordinates for face element |
coordgp in | Array of coordinates for quadrature points in reference space |
Returns | Array of coordinates for quadrature points in physical space |
std::array<tk:: real, 3> tk:: eval_gp(const std::size_t igp,
const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 4>& coord,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coordgp)
Compute the coordinates of quadrature points for volume integral.
Parameters | |
igp in | Index of quadrature points |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates for tetrahedron element |
coordgp in | Array of coordinates for quadrature points in reference space |
Returns | Array of coordinates for quadrature points in physical space |
std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3> tk:: eval_dBdxi(const std::size_t ndof,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& coordgp)
Compute the derivatives of Dubiner basis wrt. reference coordinates.
Parameters | |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
coordgp in | Coordinates in ref element where derivatives are needed |
Returns | Array of the derivatives of basis functions |
std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3> tk:: eval_dBdx_p1(const std::size_t ndof,
const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& jacInv)
Compute the derivatives of basis function for DG(P1)
Parameters | |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
jacInv in | Array of the inverse of Jacobian |
Returns | Array of the derivatives of basis functions |
void tk:: eval_dBdx_p2(const std::size_t igp,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coordgp,
const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 3>& jacInv,
std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& dBdx)
Compute the derivatives of basis function for DG(P2)
Parameters | |
igp in | Index of quadrature points |
coordgp in | Gauss point coordinates for tetrahedron element |
jacInv in | Array of the inverse of Jacobian |
dBdx in/out | Array of the derivatives of basis function |
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: eval_basis(const std::size_t ndof,
const tk:: real xi,
const tk:: real eta,
const tk:: real zeta)
Compute the Dubiner basis functions.
Parameters | |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
xi in | Coordinates for quadrature points in reference space |
eta in | Coordinates for quadrature points in reference space |
zeta in | Coordinates for quadrature points in reference space |
Returns | Vector of basis functions |
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: eval_state(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t ndof_el,
const std::size_t e,
const Fields& U,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& B)
Compute the state variables for the tetrahedron element.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
ndof_el in | Number of degrees of freedom for the local element |
e in | Index for the tetrahedron element |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
B in | Vector of basis functions |
Returns | Vector of state variable for tetrahedron element |
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>> tk:: DubinerToTaylor(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t e,
const std::size_t ndof,
const tk::Fields& U,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& coord)
Transform the solution with Dubiner basis to the solution with Taylor basis.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
e in | Id of element whose solution is to be limited |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
U in | High-order solution vector with Dubiner basis |
inpoel in | Element connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
Returns | High-order solution vector with Taylor basis |
void tk:: TaylorToDubiner(ncomp_ t ncomp,
std::size_t e,
std::size_t ndof,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const tk::Fields& geoElem,
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& unk)
Convert the solution with Taylor basis to the solution with Dubiner basis.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
e in | Id of element whose solution is to be limited |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
inpoel in | Element connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem | |
unk in/out | High-order solution vector with Taylor basis |
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: eval_TaylorBasis(const std::size_t ndof,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& x,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& x_c,
const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 4>& coordel)
Evaluate the Taylor basis at points.
Parameters | |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
x in | Nodal coordinates |
x_c in | Coordinates of the centroid |
coordel in | Array of nodal coordinates for the tetrahedron |
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>> tk:: DubinerToTaylorRefEl(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t e,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t ndof_el,
const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& mtInv,
const tk::Fields& U)
Transform the solution from Dubiner basis to Taylor basis.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
e in | Id of element whose solution is to be limited |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
ndof_el in | Local number of degrees of freedom for the element |
mtInv in | Inverse of Taylor mass matrix |
U in | High-order solution vector with Dubiner basis |
Returns | High-order solution vector with Taylor basis (ref element) |
void tk:: TaylorToDubinerRefEl(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t ndof,
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& unk)
Transform the solution from Taylor to Dubiner basis.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
unk in/out | High-order solution vector with Taylor basis that gets transformed to solution with Dubiner basis |
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: eval_TaylorBasisRefEl(std::size_t ndof,
tk:: real x,
tk:: real y,
tk:: real z)
Evaluate the Taylor basis at a point in the reference element.
Parameters | |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
x in | Xi coordinate of point in reference element |
y in | Eta coordinate of point in reference element |
z in | Zeta coordinate of point in reference element |
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>> tk:: invMassMatTaylorRefEl(std::size_t dof)
Obtain inverse mass matrix for Taylor basis in reference element.
Parameters | |
dof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
Returns | Inverse mass matrix |
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>> tk:: massMatrixTaylorRefEl(std::size_t dof)
Obtain mass matrix for Taylor basis in reference element.
Parameters | |
dof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
Returns | Mass matrix |
void tk:: bndSurfInt(const bool pref,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& bcconfig,
const inciter:: FaceData& fd,
const Fields& geoFace,
const Fields& geoElem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
real t,
const RiemannFluxFn& flux,
const VelFn& vel,
const StateFn& state,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel,
Fields& R,
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv,
int intsharp)
Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for DG.
Parameters | |
pref in | Indicator for p-adaptive algorithm |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
bcconfig in | BC configuration vector for multiple side sets |
fd in | Face connectivity and boundary conditions object |
geoFace in | Face geometry array |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
t in | Physical time |
flux in | Riemann flux function to use |
vel in | Function to use to query prescribed velocity (if any) |
state in | Function to evaluate the left and right solution state at boundaries |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitives at recent time step |
ndofel in | Vector of local number of degrees of freedom |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
riemannDeriv in/out | Derivatives of partial-pressures and velocities computed from the Riemann solver for use in the non-conservative terms. These derivatives are used only for multi-material hydro and unused for single-material compflow and linear transport. |
intsharp in | Interface compression tag, an optional argument, with default 0, so that it is unused for single-material and transport. |
Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for DG
This function computes contributions from surface integrals along all faces for a particular boundary condition type, configured by the state function
void tk:: update_rhs_bc(ncomp_ t ncomp,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t ndof_l,
const tk:: real wt,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& fn,
const std::size_t el,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& fl,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& B_l,
Fields& R,
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv)
Update the rhs by adding the boundary surface integration term.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
ndof_l in | Number of degrees of freedom for the left element |
wt in | Weight of gauss quadrature point |
fn in | Face/Surface normal |
el in | Left element index |
fl in | Surface flux |
B_l in | Basis function for the left element |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
riemannDeriv in/out | Derivatives of partial-pressures and velocities computed from the Riemann solver for use in the non-conservative terms. These derivatives are used only for multi-material hydro and unused for single-material compflow and linear transport. |
void tk:: bndSurfIntFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& bcconfig,
const inciter:: FaceData& fd,
const Fields& geoFace,
const Fields& geoElem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
real t,
const RiemannFluxFn& flux,
const VelFn& vel,
const StateFn& state,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<int>& srcFlag,
Fields& R,
int intsharp)
Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for FV.
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
bcconfig in | BC configuration vector for multiple side sets |
fd in | Face connectivity and boundary conditions object |
geoFace in | Face geometry array |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
t in | Physical time |
flux in | Riemann flux function to use |
vel in | Function to use to query prescribed velocity (if any) |
state in | Function to evaluate the left and right solution state at boundaries |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitives at recent time step |
srcFlag in | Whether the energy source was added |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
intsharp in | Interface compression tag, an optional argument, with default 0, so that it is unused for single-material and transport. |
Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for FV
This function computes contributions from surface integrals along all faces for a particular boundary condition type, configured by the state function
void tk:: bndSurfIntViscousFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& bcconfig,
const inciter:: FaceData& fd,
const Fields& geoFace,
const Fields& geoElem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
real t,
const StateFn& state,
const StateFn& gradFn,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const Fields& T,
const std::vector<int>& srcFlag,
Fields& R,
int intsharp)
Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for FV.
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
bcconfig in | BC configuration vector for multiple side sets |
fd in | Face connectivity and boundary conditions object |
geoFace in | Face geometry array |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
t in | Physical time |
state in | Function to evaluate the left and right solution state at boundaries |
gradFn in | Function to evaluate the left and right solution gradients at boundaries |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitives at recent time step |
T in | Vector of temperatures at recent time step |
srcFlag in | Whether the energy source was added |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
intsharp in | Interface compression tag, an optional argument, with default 0, so that it is unused for single-material and transport. |
Compute boundary surface flux integrals for a given boundary type for FV
This function computes contributions from surface integrals along all faces for a particular boundary condition type, configured by the state function
void tk:: initialize(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const Fields& L,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const InitializeFn& solution,
Fields& unk,
real t,
const std::size_t nielem)
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
mat_blk | |
L in | Block diagonal mass matrix |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of node coordinates |
solution in | Function to call to evaluate known solution or initial conditions at x,y,z,t |
unk in/out | Array of unknowns |
t in | Physical time |
nielem in | Number of internal elements |
Initalize a PDE system for DG by projecting the exact solution in the DG solution space
Initalize a system of DGPDEs by projecting the exact solution in the DG solution space
This is the public interface exposed to client code.
void tk:: update_rhs(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t ndof,
const tk:: real wt,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& B,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& s,
std::vector<tk:: real>& R)
Update the rhs by adding the initial analytical solution term.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
wt in | Weight of gauss quadrature point |
B in | Vector of basis functions |
s in | Vector of analytical solution at quadrature point |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector |
void tk:: eval_init(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::size_t e,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& R,
const Fields& L,
Fields& unk)
Compute the initial conditions.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
e in | Element index |
R in | Right-hand side vector |
L in | Block diagonal mass matrix |
unk in/out | Array of unknowns |
template<class eq>
void tk:: BoxElems(const tk::Fields& geoElem,
std::size_t nielem,
std::vector<std::unordered_set<std::size_t>>& inbox)
Template parameters | |
eq | Equation type to operate on, e.g., tag::compflow, tag::multimat |
Parameters | |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
nielem in | Number of internal elements |
inbox in/out | List of nodes at which box user ICs are set for each IC box |
Determine if elements lie inside user defined IC boxes
void tk:: mass(ncomp_ t ncomp,
ncomp_ t ndof,
const Fields& geoElem,
Fields& l)
Compute the block-diagnoal mass matrix for DG.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
ndof in | Number of solution degrees of freedom |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
l in/out | Block diagonal mass matrix |
tk::Fields tk:: lump(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& coord,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel)
Compute lumped mass matrix for CG.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Total number of scalar components in the eq system |
coord in | Mesh node coordinates |
inpoel in | Mesh element connectivity |
Returns | Lumped mass matrix |
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: massMatrixDubiner(std::size_t dof,
tk:: real vol)
Compute the diagonal mass matrix for DG with Dubiner basis functions.
Parameters | |
dof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
vol in | Volume of element whose mass matrix is desired |
Returns | Diagonal of the mass matrix |
void tk:: nonConservativeInt(const bool pref,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::size_t nelem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel,
Fields& R,
int intsharp)
Compute volume integrals of non-conservative terms for multi-material DG.
Parameters | |
pref in | Indicator for p-adaptive algorithm |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
nelem in | Total number of elements |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitive quantities at recent time step |
riemannDeriv in | Derivatives of partial-pressures and velocities computed from the Riemann solver for use in the non-conservative terms |
ndofel in | Vector of local number of degrees of freedome |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector added to |
intsharp in | Interface reconstruction indicator |
This is called for multi-material DG, computing volume integrals of terms in the volume fraction and energy equations, which do not exist in the single-material flow formulation (for CompFlow
DG). For further details see Pelanti, M., & Shyue, K. M. (2019). A numerical model for multiphase liquid–vapor–gas flows with interfaces and cavitation. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 113, 208-230.
void tk:: updateRhsNonCons(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t nmat,
const std::size_t ndof,
] const std::size_t ndof_el,
const tk:: real wt,
const std::size_t e,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& B,
] const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& dBdx,
const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& ncf,
Fields& R)
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
nmat in | Number of materials |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
ndof_el in | Number of degrees of freedom for local element |
wt in | Weight of gauss quadrature point |
e in | Element index |
B in | Basis function evaluated at local quadrature point |
dBdx in | Vector of basis function derivatives |
ncf in | Vector of non-conservative terms |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: nonConservativeIntFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::size_t e,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& fn,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& var_riemann)
Compute volume integrals of non-conservative terms for multi-material FV.
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
e in | Element for which contribution is to be calculated |
fn in | Face normal |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitive quantities at recent time step |
var_riemann in | Riemann-values of partial-pressures and velocities computed from the Riemann solver for use in the non-conservative terms |
This is called for multi-material FV, computing integrals of terms in the volume fraction and energy equations, which do not exist in the single-material flow formulation (for CompFlow
). For further details see Pelanti, M., & Shyue, K. M. (2019). A numerical model for multiphase liquid–vapor–gas flows with interfaces and cavitation. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 113, 208-230.
void tk:: pressureRelaxationInt(const bool pref,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::size_t nelem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel,
const tk:: real ct,
Fields& R,
int intsharp)
Compute volume integrals of pressure relaxation terms in multi-material DG.
Parameters | |
pref in | Indicator for p-adaptive algorithm |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
nelem in | Total number of elements |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitive quantities at recent time step |
ndofel in | Vector of local number of degrees of freedome |
ct in | Pressure relaxation time-scale for this system |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector added to |
intsharp in | Interface reconstruction indicator |
This is called for multi-material DG to compute volume integrals of finite pressure relaxation terms in the volume fraction and energy equations, which do not exist in the single-material flow formulation (for CompFlow
DG). For further details see Dobrev, V. A., Kolev, T. V., Rieben, R. N., & Tomov, V. Z. (2016). Multi‐material closure model for high‐order finite element Lagrangian hydrodynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 82(10), 689-706.
void tk:: updateRhsPre(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t ndof,
] const std::size_t ndof_el,
const tk:: real wt,
const std::size_t e,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& B,
std::vector<tk:: real>& ncf,
Fields& R)
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
ndof_el in | Number of degrees of freedom for local element |
wt in | Weight of gauss quadrature point |
e in | Element index |
B in | Basis function evaluated at local quadrature point |
ncf in | Vector of non-conservative terms |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
void tk:: pressureRelaxationIntFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::size_t nelem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const tk:: real ct,
Fields& R)
Compute volume integrals of pressure relaxation terms in multi-material FV.
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
nelem in | Total number of elements |
inpoel | |
coord | |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitive quantities at recent time step |
ct in | Pressure relaxation time-scale for this system |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector added to |
This is called for multi-material FV to compute volume integrals of finite pressure relaxation terms in the volume fraction and energy equations, which do not exist in the single-material flow formulation (for CompFlow
). For further details see Dobrev, V. A., Kolev, T. V., Rieben, R. N., & Tomov, V. Z. (2016). Multi‐material closure model for high‐order finite element Lagrangian hydrodynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 82(10), 689-706.
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>> tk:: solvevriem(std::size_t nelem,
const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& vriem,
const std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannLoc)
Solve the reconstruct velocity used for volume fraction equation.
Parameters | |
nelem in | Numer of elements |
vriem in/out | Vector of the riemann velocity |
riemannLoc in/out | Vector of coordinates where Riemann velocity data is available |
Returns | Vector of Riemann velocity polynomial solution |
void tk:: evaluRiemann(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const int e_left,
const int e_right,
const std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& fl,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& fn,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& gp,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& state,
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& vriem,
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannLoc)
Compute the riemann velociry at the interface.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
e_left in | Index for the left element |
e_right in | Index for the right element |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
fl in | Surface flux |
fn in | Face/Surface normal |
gp in | Gauss points coordinates |
state in | Vector of state variables for left and right side |
vriem in/out | Vector of the riemann velocity |
riemannLoc in/out | Vector of coordinates where Riemann velocity data is available |
std::vector<std::array<tk:: real, 3>> tk:: fluxTerms(std::size_t ncomp,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>&,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& ugp)
Compute the flux-function for the multimaterial PDEs.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of components in this PDE system |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
ugp in | State vector at the Gauss point at which flux is required |
Returns | Flux vectors for all components in multi-material PDE system |
std::size_t tk:: NGvol(const std::size_t ndof) constexpr
Parameters | |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
Initialization of number of Gauss points for volume integration
std::size_t tk:: NGfa(const std::size_t ndof) constexpr
Parameters | |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
Initialization of number of Gauss points for face integration
std::size_t tk:: NGdiag(const std::size_t ndof) constexpr
Initialization of number of Gauss points for volume integration in error estimation.
Parameters | |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
std::size_t tk:: NGinit(const std::size_t ndof) constexpr
Initialization of number of Gauss points for volume integration in DG initialization.
Parameters | |
ndof in | Number of degrees of freedom |
void tk:: GaussQuadratureTet(std::size_t NG,
std::array<std::vector<real>, 3>& coordgp,
std::vector<real>& wgp)
Initialize Gaussian quadrature points locations and weights for a tetrahedron.
Parameters | |
NG in | number of quadrature points |
coordgp in/out | 3 spatial coordinates of quadrature points |
wgp in/out | Weights of quadrature points |
Initialize Gaussian quadrature points locations and weights for a tetrahedron
void tk:: GaussQuadratureTri(std::size_t NG,
std::array<std::vector<real>, 2>& coordgp,
std::vector<real>& wgp)
Initialize Gaussian quadrature points locations and weights for a triangle.
Parameters | |
NG in | number of quadrature points |
coordgp in/out | 2 spatial coordinates of quadrature points |
wgp in/out | Weights of quadrature points |
Initialize Gaussian quadrature points locations and weights for a triangle
void tk:: solidTermsVolInt(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::size_t nelem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel,
const tk:: real dt,
Fields& R,
int intsharp)
Compute Solid Terms with volume integrals.
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
nelem in | Maximum number of elements |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitives at recent time step |
ndofel in | Vector of local number of degrees of freedom |
dt in | Delta time |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
intsharp in | Interface compression tag, an optional argument, with default 0, so that it is unused for single-material and transport. |
void tk:: update_rhs(std::size_t nmat,
const std::size_t ndof,
const tk:: real wt,
const std::size_t e,
const std::size_t solidx,
const std::vector<real>& s,
Fields& R)
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
ndof | |
wt in | Weight of gauss quadrature point |
e in | Element index |
solidx in | Material index indicator |
s in | Source term vector |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
void tk:: srcInt(const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
real t,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t nelem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const SrcFn& src,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel,
Fields& R,
std::size_t nmat = 1)
Compute source term integrals for DG.
Parameters | |
mat_blk in | Material block EOS |
t in | Physical time |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
nelem in | Maximum number of elements |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
src in | Source function to use |
ndofel in | Vector of local number of degrees of freedome |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
nmat in | Number of materials. A default is set to 1, so that calling code for single material systems primitive quantities does not need to specify this argument. |
void tk:: update_rhs(const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t ndof_el,
const tk:: real wt,
const std::size_t e,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& B,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& s,
Fields& R)
Update the rhs by adding the source term integrals.
Parameters | |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
ndof_el in | Number of degrees of freedom for local element |
wt in | Weight of gauss quadrature point |
e in | Element index |
B in | Vector of basis functions |
s in | Source term vector |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
void tk:: srcIntFV(const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
real t,
const std::size_t nelem,
const Fields& geoElem,
const SrcFn& src,
Fields& R,
std::size_t nmat)
Compute source term integrals for FV.
Parameters | |
mat_blk in | Material block EOS |
t in | Physical time |
nelem in | Maximum number of elements |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
src in | Source function to use |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
nmat in | Number of materials. A default is set to 1, so that calling code for single material systems primitive quantities does not need to specify this argument. |
void tk:: surfInt(const bool pref,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
real t,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const std::vector<std::size_t>&,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const inciter:: FaceData& fd,
const Fields& geoFace,
const Fields& geoElem,
const RiemannFluxFn& flux,
const VelFn& vel,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel,
const tk:: real,
Fields& R,
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv,
int intsharp)
Compute internal surface flux integrals for DG.
Parameters | |
pref in | Indicator for p-adaptive algorithm |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
t in | Physical time |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
fd in | Face connectivity and boundary conditions object |
geoFace in | Face geometry array |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
flux in | Riemann flux function to use |
vel in | Function to use to query prescribed velocity (if any) |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitives at recent time step |
ndofel in | Vector of local number of degrees of freedom |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
riemannDeriv in/out | Derivatives of partial-pressures and velocities computed from the Riemann solver for use in the non-conservative terms. These derivatives are used only for multi-material hydro and unused for single-material compflow and linear transport. |
intsharp in | Interface compression tag, an optional argument, with default 0, so that it is unused for single-material and transport. |
void tk:: update_rhs_fa(ncomp_ t ncomp,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t ndof_l,
const std::size_t ndof_r,
const tk:: real wt,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& fn,
const std::size_t el,
const std::size_t er,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& fl,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& B_l,
const std::vector<tk:: real>& B_r,
Fields& R,
std::vector<std::vector<tk:: real>>& riemannDeriv)
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
ndof_l in | Number of degrees of freedom for left element |
ndof_r in | Number of degrees of freedom for right element |
wt in | Weight of gauss quadrature point |
fn in | Face/Surface normal |
el in | Left element index |
er in | Right element index |
fl in | Surface flux |
B_l in | Basis function for the left element |
B_r in | Basis function for the right element |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
riemannDeriv in/out | Derivatives of partial-pressures and velocities computed from the Riemann solver for use in the non-conservative terms. These derivatives are used only for multi-material hydro and unused for single-material compflow and linear transport. |
void tk:: surfIntFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
real t,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const inciter:: FaceData& fd,
const Fields& geoFace,
const Fields& geoElem,
const RiemannFluxFn& flux,
const VelFn& vel,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<int>& srcFlag,
Fields& R,
int intsharp)
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk | |
t in | Physical time |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
fd in | Face connectivity and boundary conditions object |
geoFace in | Face geometry array |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
flux in | Riemann flux function to use |
vel in | Function to use to query prescribed velocity (if any) |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitives at recent time step |
srcFlag in | Whether the energy source was added |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
intsharp in | Interface compression tag, an optional argument, with default 0, so that it is unused for single-material and transport. |
void tk:: surfIntViscousFV(std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const inciter:: FaceData& fd,
const Fields& geoFace,
const Fields& geoElem,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const Fields& T,
const std::vector<int>& srcFlag,
Fields& R,
int intsharp)
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
mat_blk in | Material EOS block |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
fd in | Face connectivity and boundary conditions object |
geoFace in | Face geometry array |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitives at recent time step |
T in | Vector of temperatures at recent time step |
srcFlag in | Whether the energy source was added |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
intsharp in | Interface compression tag, an optional argument, with default 0, so that it is unused for single-material and transport. |
std::vector<real> tk:: modifiedGradientViscousFlux(std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t ncomp,
const std::array<tk:: real, 3>& fn,
const std::array<std::array<tk:: real, 3>, 2>& centroids,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& state,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& cellAvgState,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 2>& cellAvgT,
const std::array<std::array<real, 3>, 3> dudx,
const std::vector<std::array<real, 3>>& dTdx)
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials |
ncomp in | Number of component equations in the PDE system |
fn in | Face/Surface normal |
centroids in | Left and right cell centroids |
state in | Left and right unknown/state vector |
cellAvgState in | Left and right cell-averaged unknown/state vector |
cellAvgT in | Left and right cell-averaged temperature vector |
dudx in | Average velocity gradient tensor |
dTdx in | Average temperature gradient tensor |
Returns | Numerical viscous flux using the Modified Gradient approach. |
The average gradient is modified according to Weiss et al. to obtain a stable discretization (average results in unstable central central difference). Ref: Weiss, J. M., Maruszewski, J. P., & Smith, W. A. (1999). Implicit solution of preconditioned Navier-Stokes equations using algebraic multigrid. AIAA journal, 37(1), 29-36.
void tk:: volInt(std::size_t nmat,
real t,
const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t rdof,
const std::size_t nelem,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const FluxFn& flux,
const VelFn& vel,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& ndofel,
Fields& R,
int intsharp = 0)
Compute volume integrals for DG.
Parameters | |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
t in | Physical time |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
rdof in | Total number of degrees of freedom included reconstructed ones |
nelem in | Maximum number of elements |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
flux in | Flux function to use |
vel in | Function to use to query prescribed velocity (if any) |
U in | Solution vector at recent time step |
P in | Vector of primitives at recent time step |
ndofel in | Vector of local number of degrees of freedom |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector added to |
intsharp in | Interface compression tag, an optional argument, with default 0, so that it is unused for single-material and transport. |
void tk:: update_rhs(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::size_t ndof,
const std::size_t ndof_el,
const tk:: real wt,
const std::size_t e,
const std::array<std::vector<tk:: real>, 3>& dBdx,
const std::vector<std::array<tk:: real, 3>>& fl,
Fields& R)
Update the rhs by adding the source term integrals.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this PDE system |
ndof in | Maximum number of degrees of freedom |
ndof_el in | Number of degrees of freedom for local element |
wt in | Weight of gauss quadrature point |
e in | Element index |
dBdx in | Vector of basis function derivatives |
fl in | Vector of numerical flux |
R in/out | Right-hand side vector computed |
void tk:: recoLeastSqExtStencil(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t e,
const std::map<std::size_t, std::vector<std::size_t>>& esup,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const Fields& geoElem,
Fields& W,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& varList)
Reconstruct the second-order solution using least-squares approach from an extended stencil involving the node-neighbors.
Parameters | |
rdof in | Maximum number of reconstructed degrees of freedom |
e in | Element whoes solution is being reconstructed |
esup in | Elements surrounding points |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
W in/out | Solution vector to be reconstructed at recent time step |
varList in | List of indices in W, that need to be reconstructed |
A second-order (piecewise linear) solution polynomial is obtained from the first-order (piecewise constant) FV solutions by using a least-squares (LS) reconstruction process. This LS reconstruction function using the nodal-neighbors of a cell, to get an overdetermined system of equations for the derivatives of the solution. This overdetermined system is solved in the least-squares sense using the normal equations approach.
void tk:: transform_P0P1(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
Fields& W,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& varList)
Transform the reconstructed P1-derivatives to the Dubiner dofs.
Parameters | |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed dofs |
e in | Element for which reconstruction is being calculated |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
W in/out | Second-order reconstructed vector which gets transformed to the Dubiner reference space |
varList in | List of indices in W, that need to be reconstructed |
Since the DG solution (and the primitive quantities) are assumed to be stored in the Dubiner space, this transformation from Taylor coefficients to Dubiner coefficients is necessary.
void tk:: THINCReco(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const std::array<real, 3>& ref_xp,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
bool intInd,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt,
] const std::vector<real>& vfmin,
] const std::vector<real>& vfmax,
std::vector<real>& state)
Parameters | |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed dofs |
nmat in | Total number of materials |
e in | Element for which interface reconstruction is being calculated |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
ref_xp in | Quadrature point in reference space |
U in | Solution vector |
P in | Vector of primitives |
intInd in | Boolean which indicates if the element contains a material interface |
matInt in | Array indicating which material has an interface |
vfmin in | Vector containing min volume fractions for each material in this cell |
vfmax in | Vector containing max volume fractions for each material in this cell |
state in/out | Unknown/state vector at quadrature point, modified if near interfaces using THINC |
This function is an interface for the multimat PDEs that use the algebraic multi-material THINC reconstruction. This particular function should only be called for multimat.
void tk:: THINCRecoTransport(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const std::array<real, 3>& ref_xp,
const Fields& U,
const Fields&,
] const std::vector<real>& vfmin,
] const std::vector<real>& vfmax,
std::vector<real>& state)
Compute THINC reconstructions for linear advection (transport)
Parameters | |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed dofs |
e in | Element for which interface reconstruction is being calculated |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
ref_xp in | Quadrature point in reference space |
U in | Solution vector |
vfmin in | Vector containing min volume fractions for each material in this cell |
vfmax in | Vector containing max volume fractions for each material in this cell |
state in/out | Unknown/state vector at quadrature point, modified if near interfaces using THINC |
This function is an interface for the transport PDEs that use the algebraic multi-material THINC reconstruction. This particular function should only be called for transport.
void tk:: THINCFunction(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const std::array<real, 3>& ref_xp,
real vol,
real bparam,
const std::vector<real>& alSol,
bool intInd,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt,
std::vector<real>& alReco)
Old THINC reconstruction function for volume fractions near interfaces.
Parameters | |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed dofs |
nmat in | Total number of materials |
e in | Element for which interface reconstruction is being calculated |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
ref_xp in | Quadrature point in reference space |
vol in | Element volume |
bparam in | User specified Beta for THINC, from the input file |
alSol in | Volume fraction solution vector for element e |
intInd in | Interface indicator, true if e is interface element |
matInt in | Vector indicating materials which constitute interface |
alReco in/out | Unknown/state vector at quadrature point, which gets modified if near interface using MM-THINC |
This function computes the interface reconstruction using the algebraic multi-material THINC reconstruction for each material at the given (ref_xp) quadrature point. This function is based on the following: Pandare A. K., Waltz J., & Bakosi J. (2021) Multi-Material Hydrodynamics with Algebraic Sharp Interface Capturing. Computers & Fluids, doi: https:/
void tk:: THINCFunction_new(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const std::array<real, 3>& ref_xp,
real vol,
real bparam,
const std::vector<real>& alSol,
bool intInd,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& matInt,
std::vector<real>& alReco)
New THINC reconstruction function for volume fractions near interfaces.
Parameters | |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed dofs |
nmat in | Total number of materials |
e in | Element for which interface reconstruction is being calculated |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
ref_xp in | Quadrature point in reference space |
vol in | Element volume |
bparam in | User specified Beta for THINC, from the input file |
alSol in | Volume fraction solution vector for element e |
intInd in | Interface indicator, true if e is interface element |
matInt in | Vector indicating materials which constitute interface |
alReco in/out | Unknown/state vector at quadrature point, which gets modified if near interface using MM-THINC |
This function computes the interface reconstruction using the algebraic multi-material THINC reconstruction for each material at the given (ref_xp) quadrature point. This function succeeds the older version of the mm-THINC (see THINCFunction), but is still under testing and is currently experimental.
void tk:: computeTemperaturesFV(const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
std::size_t nmat,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const tk:: UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const tk::Fields& geoElem,
const tk::Fields& unk,
const tk::Fields& prim,
const std::vector<int>& srcFlag,
tk::Fields& T)
Compute the temperatures based on FV conserved quantities.
Parameters | |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
nmat in | Number of materials in this PDE system |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
unk in | Array of conservative variables |
prim in | Array of primitive variables |
srcFlag in | Whether the energy source was added |
T in/out | Array of material temperature dofs |
This function computes the dofs of material temperatures based on conservative quantities from an FV scheme, using EOS calls. It uses the weak form m_{ij} T_i = \int T_{EOS}(rho, rhoE, u) B_j.
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: evalPolynomialSol(const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
int intsharp,
std::size_t ncomp,
std::size_t nprim,
std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
std::size_t dof_e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const std::array<real, 3>& ref_gp,
const std::vector<real>& B,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P)
Evaluate polynomial solution at quadrature point.
Parameters | |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
intsharp in | Interface reconstruction indicator |
ncomp in | Number of components in the PDE system |
nprim in | Number of primitive quantities |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed dofs |
nmat in | Total number of materials |
e in | Element for which polynomial solution is being evaluated |
dof_e in | Degrees of freedom for element |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
ref_gp in | Quadrature point in reference space |
B in | Basis function at given quadrature point |
U in | Solution vector |
P in | Vector of primitives |
Returns | High-order unknown/state vector at quadrature point, modified if near interfaces using THINC |
std::vector<tk:: real> tk:: evalFVSol(const std::vector<inciter:: EOS>& mat_blk,
int intsharp,
std::size_t ncomp,
std::size_t nprim,
std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t e,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& inpoel,
const UnsMesh:: Coords& coord,
const Fields& geoElem,
const std::array<real, 3>& ref_gp,
const std::vector<real>& B,
const Fields& U,
const Fields& P,
int srcFlag)
Evaluate second-order FV solution at quadrature point.
Parameters | |
mat_blk in | EOS material block |
intsharp in | Interface reconstruction indicator |
ncomp in | Number of components in the PDE system |
nprim in | Number of primitive quantities |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed dofs |
nmat in | Total number of materials |
e in | Element for which polynomial solution is being evaluated |
inpoel in | Element-node connectivity |
coord in | Array of nodal coordinates |
geoElem in | Element geometry array |
ref_gp in | Quadrature point in reference space |
B in | Basis function at given quadrature point |
U in | Solution vector |
P in | Vector of primitives |
srcFlag in | Whether the energy source was added to element e |
Returns | High-order unknown/state vector at quadrature point, modified if near interfaces using THINC |
void tk:: safeReco(std::size_t rdof,
std::size_t nmat,
std::size_t el,
int er,
const Fields& U,
std::array<std::vector<real>, 2>& state)
Compute safe reconstructions near material interfaces.
Parameters | |
rdof in | Total number of reconstructed dofs |
nmat in | Total number of material is PDE system |
el in | Element on the left-side of face |
er in | Element on the right-side of face |
U in | Solution vector at recent time-stage |
state in/out | Second-order reconstructed state, at cell-face, that is being modified for safety |
When the consistent limiting is applied, there is a possibility that the material densities and energies violate TVD bounds. This function enforces the TVD bounds locally
std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<char[]>> tk:: serialize(std::size_t meshid,
const std::vector<tk:: UniPDF>& u)
Serialize univariate PDF to raw memory stream.
Parameters | |
meshid in | Mesh ID |
u in | Univariate PDFs |
Returns | Pair of the length and the raw stream containing the serialized PDFs |
CkReductionMsg* tk:: mergeUniPDFs(int nmsg,
CkReductionMsg** msgs)
Charm++ custom reducer for merging a univariate PDF during reduction across PEs.
Parameters | |
nmsg in | Number of messages in msgs |
msgs in | Charm++ reduction message containing the serialized PDF |
Returns | Aggregated PDF built for further aggregation if needed |
std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<char[]>> tk:: serialize(const std::vector<tk:: UniPDF>& u,
const std::vector<tk:: BiPDF>& b,
const std::vector<tk:: TriPDF>& t)
Serialize vectors of PDFs to raw memory stream.
Parameters | |
u in | Vector of univariate PDFs |
b in | Vector of bivariate PDFs |
t in | Vector of trivariate PDFs |
Returns | Pair of the length and the raw stream containing the serialized PDFs |
CkReductionMsg* tk:: mergePDF(int nmsg,
CkReductionMsg** msgs)
Charm++ custom reducer for merging PDFs during reduction across PEs.
Parameters | |
nmsg in | Number of messages in msgs |
msgs in | Charm++ reduction message containing the serialized PDFs |
Returns | Aggregated PDFs built for further aggregation if needed |
static std::ostream& tk:: operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const tk:: UniPDF& p)
Parameters | |
os in/out | Stream to output to |
p in | PDF to output |
Returns | Updated stream |
Output univariate PDF to output stream
Variable documentation
const std::array<std::size_t, 2> tk:: ExoNnpe
ExodusII mesh cell number of nodes
List of number of nodes per element for different element types supported in the order of tk::
const std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 3>, 4> tk:: expofa
ExodusII face-node numbering for tetrahedron side sets
const std::array<UnsMesh:: Face, 4> tk:: lpofa
Const array defining the node ordering convention for tetrahedron faces
This two-dimensional array stores the naming/ordering convention of the node indices of a tetrahedron (tet) element. The dimensions are 4x3 as a tetrahedron has a total of 4 nodes and each (triangle) face has 3 nodes. Thus the array below associates tet node 0 with nodes {1,2,3}, tet node 1 with {2,0,3}, tet node 2 with {3,0,1}, and tet node 3 with {0,2,1}. Note that not only these mappings are important, but also the order of the nodes within the triplets as this specific order also defines the outwards normal of each face.
static highwayhash::HH_U64 tk:: hh_key constexpr
Highway hash "secret" key