SchemeBase class for generic forwarding interface to discretization proxies.
Public types
- struct resizePostAMR
- Function tags for specific Scheme classes to use with ckLocal()
- struct setup
- Entry method tags for specific Scheme classes to use with bcast()
- using ProxyElem = std::variant<CProxy_DG::element_t, CProxy_ALECG::element_t, CProxy_OversetFE::element_t, CProxy_FV::element_t>
- Variant type listing all chare element proxy types.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- Scheme() explicit
- Empty constructor for Charm++.
SchemeType scheme, bool ale = false, bool linearsolver = false, tk:: Centering centering = tk:: Centering:: NODE) explicit
Public functions
template<typename Fn, typename... Args>void bcast(Args&&... args)
template<typename Fn, typename... Args>auto ckLocal(const CkArrayIndex1D& x, Args&&... args) const -> auto
template<typename... Args>void insert(const CkArrayIndex1D& x, Args&&... args)
- auto disc() -> CProxy_Discretization& noexcept
- auto ale() -> CProxy_ALE& noexcept
- auto conjugategradients() -> tk::CProxy_ConjugateGradients& noexcept
- auto ghosts() -> CProxy_Ghosts& noexcept
- auto getProxy() -> const Proxy& noexcept
- auto index() const -> std::size_t noexcept
- auto index_element() const -> std::size_t noexcept
- auto arrayoptions() -> const CkArrayOptions&
Charm++ pack/unpack serializer member functions
- Proxy proxy
- Variant storing one proxy to which this class is configured for.
- CProxy_Discretization discproxy
- Charm++ proxy to data and code common to all discretizations.
- CProxy_ALE aleproxy
- Charm++ proxy to ALE class.
- tk::CProxy_ConjugateGradients conjugategradientsproxy
- Charm++ proxy to conjugate gradients linear solver class.
- CProxy_Ghosts ghostsproxy
- Charm++ proxy to Ghosts class.
- CkArrayOptions bound
- Charm++ array options for binding chares.
- void pup(PUP::er& p)
- Pack/Unpack serialize member function.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, Scheme& s)
- Pack/Unpack serialize operator|.
Function documentation
inciter:: Scheme:: Scheme(ctr:: SchemeType scheme,
bool ale = false,
bool linearsolver = false,
tk:: Centering centering = tk:: Centering:: NODE) explicit
Parameters | |
scheme in | Discretization scheme |
ale in | True if enable ALE |
linearsolver in | True if enable a linear solver |
centering |
Constructor Based on the input enum we create at least two empty chare arrays: (1) discproxy which contains common functionality and data for all discretizations, and (2) proxy, which have functionality and data specific to a given discretization. Note that proxy is bound (in migration behavior and properties) to discproxy.
template<typename Fn, typename... Args>
void inciter:: Scheme:: bcast(Args&&... args)
Template parameters | |
Fn | Function tag identifying the entry method to call |
Args | Types of arguments to pass to entry method |
Parameters | |
args in | Arguments to member function entry method to be called |
Issue broadcast to Scheme entry method This function issues a broadcast to a member function entry method of the Scheme chare array (the child of Discretization) and is thus equivalent to proxy.Fn(...).
template<typename Fn, typename... Args>
auto inciter:: Scheme:: ckLocal(const CkArrayIndex1D& x,
Args&&... args) const
Template parameters | |
Fn | Function tag identifying the function to call |
Args | Types of arguments to pass to function |
Parameters | |
x in | Chare array element index |
args in | Arguments to member function function to be called |
Call Scheme function via Charm++ chare array element's ckLocal() This function calls a member function via Charm++'s ckLocal() behind the element proxy configured, indexed by the array index x. Since the call is behind ckLocal(), the member function does not have to be a Charm++ entry method.
template<typename... Args>
void inciter:: Scheme:: insert(const CkArrayIndex1D& x,
Args&&... args)
Parameters | |
x in | Chare array element index |
args in | Arguments to member function (entry method) to be called |
Function to call the insert entry method of an element proxy This function calls the insert member function of a chare array element proxy and thus equivalent to proxy[x].insert(...), using the last argument as default.
CProxy_Discretization& inciter:: Scheme:: disc() noexcept
Returns | Discretization Charm++ chare array proxy |
Get reference to discretization proxy
tk::CProxy_ConjugateGradients& inciter:: Scheme:: conjugategradients() noexcept
Returns | ConjugateGradients Charm++ chare array proxy |
Get reference to ConjugateGradients proxy
std::size_t inciter:: Scheme:: index() const noexcept
Returns | Zero-based index into the set of types of Proxy |
Query underlying proxy type
std::size_t inciter:: Scheme:: index_element() const noexcept
Returns | Zero-based index that can be used, e.g., indexing into the set of types of ProxyElem |
Query underlying proxy element type
const CkArrayOptions& inciter:: Scheme:: arrayoptions()
Returns | Charm++ array options object reference |
Charm++ array options accessor for binding external proxies
void inciter:: Scheme:: pup(PUP::er& p)
Pack/Unpack serialize member function.
Parameters | |
p in/out | Charm++'s PUP::er serializer object reference |