inciter::HLLC struct

HLLC approximate Riemann solver.


Public static functions

static auto flux(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn, const std::array<std::vector<tk::real>, 2>& u, const std::vector<std::array<tk::real, 3>>& = {}) -> tk::RiemannFluxFn::result_type
static auto type() -> ctr::FluxType noexcept

Function documentation

static tk::RiemannFluxFn::result_type inciter::HLLC::flux(const std::vector<EOS>& mat_blk, const std::array<tk::real, 3>& fn, const std::array<std::vector<tk::real>, 2>& u, const std::vector<std::array<tk::real, 3>>& = {})

fn in Face/Surface normal
in Left and right unknown/state vector
Returns Riemann solution according to Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact

HLLC approximate Riemann solver flux function

static ctr::FluxType inciter::HLLC::type() noexcept

Returns Flux type

Flux type accessor