inciter::CompFlowProblemNLEnergyGrowth class

CompFlow system of PDEs problem: nonlinear energy growth (NLEG)

Public static functions

static auto initialize(ncomp_t system, ncomp_t, tk::real x, tk::real y, tk::real z, tk::real t) -> tk::InitializeFn::result_type
Initialize numerical solution.
static auto analyticSolution(ncomp_t system, ncomp_t, tk::real x, tk::real y, tk::real z, tk::real t) -> tk::InitializeFn::result_type
Evaluate analytical solution at (x,y,z,t) for all components.
static auto src(ncomp_t system, tk::real x, tk::real y, tk::real z, tk::real t, tk::real& r, tk::real& ru, tk::real& rv, tk::real& rw, tk::real& re) -> tk::CompFlowSrcFn::result_type
static auto type() -> ctr::ProblemType noexcept
Return problem type.

Public functions

auto analyticFieldNames(ncomp_t) const -> std::vector<std::string>
Return analytic field names to be output to file.
auto names(ncomp_t) const -> std::vector<std::string>
Return names of integral variables to be output to diagnostics file.

Function documentation

static tk::InitializeFn::result_type inciter::CompFlowProblemNLEnergyGrowth::initialize(ncomp_t system, ncomp_t, tk::real x, tk::real y, tk::real z, tk::real t)

Initialize numerical solution.

system in Equation system index, i.e., which compressible flow equation system we operate on among the systems of PDEs
in X coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Y coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Z coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Time where to evaluate the solution
Returns Values of all components evaluated at (x,y,z,t)

Evaluate analytical solution at (x,y,z,t) for all components

static tk::InitializeFn::result_type inciter::CompFlowProblemNLEnergyGrowth::analyticSolution(ncomp_t system, ncomp_t, tk::real x, tk::real y, tk::real z, tk::real t)

Evaluate analytical solution at (x,y,z,t) for all components.

system in Equation system index, i.e., which compressible flow equation system we operate on among the systems of PDEs
in X coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Y coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Z coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Time where to evaluate the solution
Returns Values of all components evaluated at (x,y,z,t)

Evaluate analytical solution at (x,y,z,t) for all components

static tk::CompFlowSrcFn::result_type inciter::CompFlowProblemNLEnergyGrowth::src(ncomp_t system, tk::real x, tk::real y, tk::real z, tk::real t, tk::real& r, tk::real& ru, tk::real& rv, tk::real& rw, tk::real& re)

system in Equation system index, i.e., which compressible flow equation system we operate on among the systems of PDEs
in X coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Y coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Z coordinate where to evaluate the solution
in Physical time at which to evaluate the source
in/out Density source
ru in/out X momentum source
rv in/out Y momentum source
rw in/out Z momentum source
re in/out Specific total energy source

Compute and return source term for NLEG manufactured solution

std::vector<std::string> inciter::CompFlowProblemNLEnergyGrowth::analyticFieldNames(ncomp_t) const

Return analytic field names to be output to file.

Returns Vector of strings labelling fields output in file

std::vector<std::string> inciter::CompFlowProblemNLEnergyGrowth::names(ncomp_t) const

Return names of integral variables to be output to diagnostics file.

Returns Vector of strings labelling integral variables output