ctrInciter control facilitating user input to internal data transfer.
- class CmdLine
- CmdLine : Control< specialized to Inciter >
- class InputDeck
- InputDeck : Control< specialized to Inciter >, see Types.h,.
- class AMRError
- AMRError options: outsource searches to base templated on enum type.
- class AMRInitial
- AMRInitial options: outsource searches to base templated on enum type.
- class BC
- Class with base templated on the above enum class with associations.
- class Flux
- Flux options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- class Initiate
- Initiation options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- class Limiter
- Limiter options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- class Material
- Material options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- class MeshVelocity
- Mesh velocity options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- class MeshVelocitySmoother
- Mesh velocity options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- class PDE
- Class with base templated on the above enum class with associations.
- class Physics
- Physics options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- class PrefIndicator
- PrefIndicator options: outsource searches to base templated on enum type.
- class Problem
- Problem options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- class Scheme
- Scheme options: outsource to base templated on enum type.
- struct OutVar
- Output variable.
- enum class AMRErrorType: uint8_t { JUMP, HESSIAN }
- Mesh partitioning algorithm types.
- Initial AMR types.
- Boundary condition types.
- enum class FluxType: uint8_t { LaxFriedrichs, HLLC, UPWIND, AUSM, HLL, Rusanov }
- Flux types.
- enum class InitiateType: uint8_t { IMPULSE, LINEAR }
- Initiation types.
- enum class LimiterType: uint8_t { NOLIMITER, WENOP1, SUPERBEEP1, VERTEXBASEDP1 }
- Limiter types.
- enum class MaterialType: uint8_t { STIFFENEDGAS, JWL }
- Material types.
- enum class MeshVelocityType: uint8_t { SINE, FLUID, USER_DEFINED }
- Mesh velocity configuration option types.
- enum class MeshVelocitySmootherType: uint8_t { NONE, LAPLACE, HELMHOLTZ }
- Mesh velocity smoother configuration option types.
- enum class PDEType: uint8_t { TRANSPORT, COMPFLOW, MULTIMAT }
- Differential equation types.
- enum class PhysicsType: uint8_t { ADVECTION, ADVDIFF, EULER, NAVIERSTOKES, VELEQ }
- Physics types.
- enum class PrefIndicatorType: uint8_t { SPECTRAL_DECAY, NON_CONFORMITY }
- Types of adaptive indicators.
- Problem types.
- enum class SchemeType: uint8_t { DiagCG, ALECG, DG, P0P1, DGP1, DGP2, PDG }
- Scheme types.
using CmdLineMembers = brigand::list<tag::
io, ios, tag:: virtualization, kw::virtualization::info::expect::type, tag:: verbose, bool, tag:: chare, bool, tag:: nonblocking, bool, tag:: benchmark, bool, tag:: feedback, bool, tag:: help, bool, tag:: helpctr, bool, tag:: quiescence, bool, tag:: trace, bool, tag:: version, bool, tag:: license, bool, tag:: cmdinfo, tk:: ctr:: HelpFactory, tag:: ctrinfo, tk:: ctr:: HelpFactory, tag:: helpkw, tk:: ctr:: HelpKw, tag:: error, std::vector<std::string>, tag:: lbfreq, kw::lbfreq::info::expect::type, tag:: rsfreq, kw::rsfreq::info::expect::type> - Member data for tagged tuple.
using ncomps = tk::
ctr:: ncomponents<tag:: transport, tag:: compflow, tag:: multimat> - Number of components storage for all systems of equations supported.
using InputDeckMembers = brigand::list<tag::
cmd, CmdLine, tag:: title, kw::title::info::expect::type, tag:: selected, selects, tag:: amr, amr, tag:: ale, ale, tag:: pref, pref, tag:: discr, discretization, tag:: prec, precision, tag:: flformat, floatformat, tag:: component, ncomps, tag:: sys, std::map<tk:: ctr:: ncomp_t, tk:: ctr:: ncomp_t>, tag:: output, output_ parameters, tag:: param, parameters, tag:: couple, couple, tag:: diag, diagnostics, tag:: error, std::vector<std::string>, tag:: history, history> - Member data for tagged tuple.
using PDEKey = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: pde, PDEType, tag:: physics, ctr:: PhysicsType, tag:: problem, ctr:: ProblemType>> - Differential equation key used to access a diff eq in a factory.
using selects = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: pde, std::vector<ctr:: PDEType>, tag:: partitioner, tk:: ctr:: PartitioningAlgorithmType, tag:: filetype, tk:: ctr:: FieldFileType>> - Storage of selected options.
using amr = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: amr, bool, tag:: t0ref, bool, tag:: dtref, bool, tag:: dtref_uniform, bool, tag:: dtfreq, kw::amr_dtfreq::info::expect::type, tag:: init, std::vector<AMRInitialType>, tag:: refvar, std::vector<std::string>, tag:: id, std::vector<std::size_t>, tag:: error, AMRErrorType, tag:: tolref, tk:: real, tag:: tolderef, tk:: real, tag:: edge, std::vector<kw::amr_edgelist::info::expect::type>, tag:: xminus, kw::amr_xminus::info::expect::type, tag:: xplus, kw::amr_xplus::info::expect::type, tag:: yminus, kw::amr_yminus::info::expect::type, tag:: yplus, kw::amr_yplus::info::expect::type, tag:: zminus, kw::amr_zminus::info::expect::type, tag:: zplus, kw::amr_zplus::info::expect::type>> - Adaptive-mesh refinement options.
using moving_sides = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: sideset, std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>, tag:: fntype, tk:: ctr:: UserTableType, tag:: fn, std::vector<tk:: real>>> - A list of side sets moving with a user-defined function in time.
using time_dependent_bc = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: sideset, std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>, tag:: fn, std::vector<tk:: real>>> - A list of side sets along with a user-defined function for time dependent BC.
using ale = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: ale, bool, tag:: mesh_motion, std::vector<kw::mesh_motion::info::expect::type>, tag:: dvcfl, kw::dvcfl::info::expect::type, tag:: vortmult, kw::vortmult::info::expect::type, tag:: maxit, kw::meshvel_maxit::info::expect::type, tag:: tolerance, kw::meshvel_tolerance::info::expect::type, tag:: meshvelocity, MeshVelocityType, tag:: smoother, MeshVelocitySmootherType, tag:: bcdir, std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>, tag:: bcsym, std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>, tag:: meshforce, std::vector<kw::meshforce::info::expect::type>, tag:: move, std::vector<moving_ sides>>> - ALE mesh motion options.
using pref = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: pref, bool, tag:: indicator, PrefIndicatorType, tag:: ndofmax, std::size_t, tag:: tolref, tk:: real>> - p-adaptive refinement options
using discretization = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: nstep, kw::nstep::info::expect::type, tag:: term, kw::term::info::expect::type, tag:: t0, kw::t0::info::expect::type, tag:: dt, kw::dt::info::expect::type, tag:: cfl, kw::cfl::info::expect::type, tag:: pelocal_reorder, bool, tag:: operator_reorder, bool, tag:: steady_state, bool, tag:: residual, kw::residual::info::expect::type, tag:: rescomp, kw::rescomp::info::expect::type, tag:: fct, bool, tag:: fctclip, bool, tag:: fcteps, kw::fcteps::info::expect::type, tag:: ctau, kw::ctau::info::expect::type, tag:: scheme, inciter:: ctr:: SchemeType, tag:: limiter, inciter:: ctr:: LimiterType, tag:: cweight, kw::cweight::info::expect::type, tag:: rdof, std::size_t, tag:: ndof, std::size_t>> - Discretization parameters storage.
using precision = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: diag, kw::precision::info::expect::type, tag:: history, kw::precision::info::expect::type>> - ASCII output floating-point precision in digits.
using floatformat = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: diag, tk:: ctr:: TxtFloatFormatType, tag:: history, tk:: ctr:: TxtFloatFormatType>> - ASCII output floating-point format.
using interval_iter = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: tty, kw::ttyi::info::expect::type, tag:: field, kw::interval_iter::info::expect::type, tag:: history, kw::interval_iter::info::expect::type, tag:: diag, kw::interval_iter::info::expect::type>> - Output intervals in units of iteration count.
using interval_time = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: field, kw::interval_time::info::expect::type, tag:: history, kw::interval_time::info::expect::type>> - Output intervals in units of physics time.
using time_range = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: field, std::vector<std::vector<kw::time_range::info::expect::type>>, tag:: history, std::vector<std::vector<kw::time_range::info::expect::type>>>> - Output time ranges in units of physics time.
using output_parameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: iter, interval_ iter, tag:: time, interval_ time, tag:: range, time_ range>> - Output configuration parameters.
using history = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: point, std::vector<std::vector<kw::point::info::expect::type>>, tag:: id, std::vector<std::string>>> - History output parameters storage.
using ios = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: nrestart, int, tag:: control, kw::control::info::expect::type, tag:: input, kw::input::info::expect::type, tag:: output, kw::output::info::expect::type, tag:: refined, kw::refined::info::expect::type, tag:: screen, kw::screen::info::expect::type, tag:: surface, std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>, tag:: diag, kw::diagnostics_cmd::info::expect::type, tag:: particles, std::string, tag:: outvar, std::vector<OutVar>, tag:: restart, kw::restart::info::expect::type>> - IO parameters storage.
using diagnostics = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: error, std::vector<tk:: ctr:: ErrorType>>> - Error/diagnostics output configuration.
using InitiateParameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: init, InitiateType, tag:: point, std::vector<kw::point::info::expect::type>, tag:: radius, kw::radius::info::expect::type, tag:: velocity, kw::velocity::info::expect::type>> - Initiation configuration for box IC.
using box = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: xmin, kw::xmin::info::expect::type, tag:: xmax, kw::xmax::info::expect::type, tag:: ymin, kw::ymin::info::expect::type, tag:: ymax, kw::ymax::info::expect::type, tag:: zmin, kw::zmin::info::expect::type, tag:: zmax, kw::zmax::info::expect::type, tag:: materialid, kw::materialid::info::expect::type, tag:: mass, kw::mass::info::expect::type, tag:: density, kw::density::info::expect::type, tag:: velocity, std::vector<kw::velocity::info::expect::type>, tag:: pressure, kw::pressure::info::expect::type, tag:: energy, kw::energy::info::expect::type, tag:: energy_content, kw::energy_content::info::expect::type, tag:: temperature, kw::temperature::info::expect::type, tag:: initiate, InitiateParameters>> - Box, given by coordinates, specifying physics variables.
using ic = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: density, std::vector<std::vector<kw::density::info::expect::type>>, tag:: materialid, std::vector<std::vector<kw::materialid::info::expect::type>>, tag:: velocity, std::vector<std::vector<kw::velocity::info::expect::type>>, tag:: pressure, std::vector<std::vector<kw::pressure::info::expect::type>>, tag:: energy, std::vector<std::vector<kw::energy::info::expect::type>>, tag:: temperature, std::vector<std::vector<kw::temperature::info::expect::type>>, tag:: box, std::vector<std::vector<box>>>> - Initial condition configuration.
using bc = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: bcdir, std::vector<std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>>, tag:: bcsym, std::vector<std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>>, tag:: bcinlet, std::vector<std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>>, tag:: bcoutlet, std::vector<std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>>, tag:: bcfarfield, std::vector<std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>>, tag:: bcextrapolate, std::vector<std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>>>> - Boundary conditions configuration (list of side sets for each eq system)
using couple = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: transfer, std::vector<Transfer>>> - Solver coupling.
using mesh = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: id, std::vector<std::size_t>, tag:: filename, std::vector<std::string>, tag:: location, std::vector<std::vector<kw::location::info::expect::type>>, tag:: orientation, std::vector<std::vector<kw::orientation::info::expect::type>>, tag:: reference, std::vector<char>>> - Mesh assignment and configuration.
using StagnationParameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: point, std::vector<std::vector<kw::point::info::expect::type>>, tag:: radius, std::vector<std::vector<kw::radius::info::expect::type>>>> - Stagnation points parameters storage.
using SkipParameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: point, std::vector<std::vector<kw::point::info::expect::type>>, tag:: radius, std::vector<std::vector<kw::radius::info::expect::type>>>> - Skip points parameters storage.
using SpongeParameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: sideset, std::vector<std::vector<kw::sideset::info::expect::type>>, tag:: velocity, std::vector<std::vector<kw::velocity::info::expect::type>>, tag:: pressure, std::vector<std::vector<kw::pressure::info::expect::type>>>> - Sponge parameters storage.
using TransportPDEParameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: depvar, std::vector<char>, tag:: mesh, mesh, tag:: physics, std::vector<PhysicsType>, tag:: problem, std::vector<ProblemType>, tag:: diffusivity, std::vector<std::vector<kw::pde_diffusivity::info::expect::type>>, tag:: lambda, std::vector<std::vector<kw::pde_lambda::info::expect::type>>, tag:: u0, std::vector<std::vector<kw::pde_u0::info::expect::type>>, tag:: bc, bc, tag:: bctimedep, std::vector<std::vector<time_ dependent_ bc>>, tag:: sponge, SpongeParameters, tag:: intsharp, std::vector<kw::intsharp::info::expect::type>, tag:: intsharp_param, std::vector<kw::intsharp_param::info::expect::type>>> - Transport equation parameters storage.
using material = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: id, std::vector<kw::id::info::expect::type>, tag:: eos, MaterialType, tag:: gamma, std::vector<kw::mat_gamma::info::expect::type>, tag:: pstiff, std::vector<kw::mat_pstiff::info::expect::type>, tag:: mu, std::vector<kw::mat_mu::info::expect::type>, tag:: cv, std::vector<kw::mat_cv::info::expect::type>, tag:: k, std::vector<kw::mat_k::info::expect::type>>> - Material configuration.
using CompFlowPDEParameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: depvar, std::vector<char>, tag:: mesh, mesh, tag:: physics, std::vector<PhysicsType>, tag:: problem, std::vector<ProblemType>, tag:: farfield_pressure, std::vector<kw::pressure::info::expect::type>, tag:: farfield_density, std::vector<kw::density::info::expect::type>, tag:: farfield_velocity, std::vector<std::vector<kw::velocity::info::expect::type>>, tag:: bc, bc, tag:: bctimedep, std::vector<std::vector<time_ dependent_ bc>>, tag:: sponge, SpongeParameters, tag:: ic, ic, tag:: stag, StagnationParameters, tag:: skip, SkipParameters, tag:: sysfct, std::vector<int>, tag:: sysfctvar, std::vector<std::vector<kw::sysfctvar::info::expect::type>>, tag:: alpha, std::vector<kw::pde_alpha::info::expect::type>, tag:: beta, std::vector<kw::pde_beta::info::expect::type>, tag:: betax, std::vector<kw::pde_betax::info::expect::type>, tag:: betay, std::vector<kw::pde_betay::info::expect::type>, tag:: betaz, std::vector<kw::pde_betaz::info::expect::type>, tag:: r0, std::vector<kw::pde_r0::info::expect::type>, tag:: ce, std::vector<kw::pde_ce::info::expect::type>, tag:: kappa, std::vector<kw::pde_kappa::info::expect::type>, tag:: p0, std::vector<kw::pde_p0::info::expect::type>, tag:: material, std::vector<std::vector<material>>, tag:: matidxmap, tk:: TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: eosidx, std::vector<std::size_t>, tag:: matidx, std::vector<std::size_t>>>, tag:: npar, std::vector<kw::npar::info::expect::type>, tag:: flux, std::vector<FluxType>, tag:: lua, std::vector<std::string>>> - Compressible flow equation parameters storage.
using MultiMatPDEParameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: depvar, std::vector<char>, tag:: mesh, mesh, tag:: physics, std::vector<PhysicsType>, tag:: problem, std::vector<ProblemType>, tag:: bc, bc, tag:: bctimedep, std::vector<std::vector<time_ dependent_ bc>>, tag:: ic, ic, tag:: farfield_pressure, std::vector<kw::pressure::info::expect::type>, tag:: sponge, SpongeParameters, tag:: alpha, std::vector<kw::pde_alpha::info::expect::type>, tag:: beta, std::vector<kw::pde_beta::info::expect::type>, tag:: betax, std::vector<kw::pde_betax::info::expect::type>, tag:: betay, std::vector<kw::pde_betay::info::expect::type>, tag:: betaz, std::vector<kw::pde_betaz::info::expect::type>, tag:: r0, std::vector<kw::pde_r0::info::expect::type>, tag:: ce, std::vector<kw::pde_ce::info::expect::type>, tag:: kappa, std::vector<kw::pde_kappa::info::expect::type>, tag:: p0, std::vector<kw::pde_p0::info::expect::type>, tag:: material, std::vector<std::vector<material>>, tag:: matidxmap, tk:: TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: eosidx, std::vector<std::size_t>, tag:: matidx, std::vector<std::size_t>>>, tag:: nmat, std::vector<kw::nmat::info::expect::type>, tag:: prelax, std::vector<kw::prelax::info::expect::type>, tag:: prelax_timescale, std::vector<kw::prelax_timescale::info::expect::type>, tag:: intsharp, std::vector<kw::intsharp::info::expect::type>, tag:: intsharp_param, std::vector<kw::intsharp_param::info::expect::type>, tag:: flux, std::vector<FluxType>>> - Compressible flow equation parameters storage.
using parameters = tk::
TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag:: transport, TransportPDEParameters, tag:: compflow, CompFlowPDEParameters, tag:: multimat, MultiMatPDEParameters>> - Parameters storage.
- using Location = pegtl::position
- PEGTL location/position type to use throughout all of Inciter's parsers.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, AMRErrorType& e)
- Pack/Unpack AMRErrorType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, AMRInitialType& e)
- Pack/Unpack AMRInitialType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, BCType& e)
- Pack/Unpack: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, FluxType& e)
- Pack/Unpack FluxType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, InitiateType& e)
- Pack/Unpack InitiateType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, LimiterType& e)
- Pack/Unpack LimiterType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, MaterialType& e)
- Pack/Unpack MaterialType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, MeshVelocityType& e)
- Pack/Unpack MeshVelocityType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, MeshVelocitySmootherType& e)
- Pack/Unpack MeshVelocitySmootherType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, PDEType& e)
- Pack/Unpack: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, PhysicsType& e)
- Pack/Unpack PhysicsType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, PrefIndicatorType& e)
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, ProblemType& e)
- Pack/Unpack ProblemType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void operator|(PUP::er& p, SchemeType& e)
- Pack/Unpack SchemeType: forward overload to generic enum class packer.
- void pup(PUP::er& p, OutVar& v)
- Pack/Unpack: Namespace-scope serialize OutVar object for Charm++.
- static auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const OutVar& outvar) -> std::ostream&
Function documentation
void inciter:: ctr:: operator|(PUP::er& p,
PrefIndicatorType& e)
Pack/Unpack PrefIndicatorType: forward overload to generic enum class packer
static std::ostream& inciter:: ctr:: operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const OutVar& outvar)
Parameters | |
os in/out | Output stream to write to |
outvar in | OutVar to write |
Returns | Updated output stream |
Operator << for writing OutVar to output streams