tk::zoltan namespace

Interoperation with the Zoltan library, used for static mesh partitioning.



template<typename ZoltanTypes>
class GeometricMeshElemAdapter


auto geomPartMesh(tk::ctr::PartitioningAlgorithmType algorithm, const std::array<std::vector<tk::real>, 3>& centroid, const std::vector<long long>& elemid, int npart) -> std::vector<std::size_t>
Partition mesh using Zoltan2 with a geometric partitioner, such as RCB, RIB.

Function documentation

std::vector<std::size_t> tk::zoltan::geomPartMesh(tk::ctr::PartitioningAlgorithmType algorithm, const std::array<std::vector<tk::real>, 3>& centroid, const std::vector<long long>& elemid, int npart)

Partition mesh using Zoltan2 with a geometric partitioner, such as RCB, RIB.

algorithm in Partitioning algorithm type
centroid in Mesh element coordinates
elemid in Global mesh element ids
npart in Number of desired graph partitions
Returns Array of chare ownership IDs mapping graph points to concurrent async chares

This function uses Zoltan to partition the mesh graph in parallel. It assumes that the mesh graph is distributed among all the MPI ranks.