walker::ctr::CoeffPolicy class

CoeffPolicy options: outsource searches to base templated on enum type.

Base classes

template<typename Enum>
class tk::Toggle
Toggle is the base for an Option, doing generic searches.

Public types

using keywords = brigand::list<kw::constcoeff, kw::decay, kw::homogeneous, kw::homdecay, kw::montecarlo_homdecay, kw::hydrotimescale, kw::const_shear, kw::stationary, kw::inst_velocity>
Valid expected choices to make them also available at compile-time.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

CoeffPolicy() explicit
Options constructor.

Function documentation

walker::ctr::CoeffPolicy::CoeffPolicy() explicit

Options constructor.

Simply initialize in-line and pass associations to base, which will handle client interactions