Examples » RNGTest: Test a few RNGs with SmallCrush

This example runs RNGTest to subject a few selected random number generators to TestU01's SmallCrush battery.

Control file

# vim: filetype=sh:
# This is a comment
# Keywords are case-sensitive

title "Example RNG test suite"


#  mkl_mcg59
#    seed 213
#    uniform_method standard
#    gaussian_method icdf
#  end
  mkl_mcg31 seed 0 end
  mkl_mrg32k3a seed 2 end
    seed 0
    seqlen long
  rngsse_mrg32k3a seed 0 end


Example run on 8 CPUs

./charmrun +p8 Main/rngtest -v -c ../../tmp/rngtest.q


Running on 8 processors:  Main/rngtest -v -c ../../tmp/rngtest.q
charmrun>  /usr/bin/setarch x86_64 -R  mpirun -np 8  Main/rngtest -v -c ../../tmp/rngtest.q
Charm++> Running on MPI version: 3.0
Charm++> level of thread support used: MPI_THREAD_SINGLE (desired: MPI_THREAD_SINGLE)
Charm++> Running in non-SMP mode: numPes 8
Converse/Charm++ Commit ID: 1a4f4bc
CharmLB> Load balancer assumes all CPUs are same.
Charm++> Running on 1 unique compute nodes (8-way SMP).
Charm++> cpu topology info is gathered in 0.002 seconds.

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                         \/        \/        \/            \/     \/         

                                 < ENVIRONMENT >                                
                                 ------ o ------                          

 * Build environment:
     Hostname                       : karman
     Executable                     : rngtest
     Version                        : 0.1
     Release                        : LA-CC-XX-XXX
     Revision                       : 497a86fd7840c2f77a787e373c95ac2428f0dc2a
     CMake build type               : Debug
     Asserts                        : on (turn off: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE)
     Exception trace                : on (turn off: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE)
     MPI C++ wrapper                : /opt/openmpi/1.8/clang/system/bin/mpicxx
     Underlying C++ compiler        : /usr/bin/clang++-3.5
     Build date                     : Fri Jan 30 07:01:00 MST 2015

 * Run-time environment:
     Date, time                     : Mon Feb  2 16:01:55 2015
     Work directory                 : /home/jbakosi/code/quinoa/build/clang
     Executable (rel. to work dir)  : Main/rngtest
     Command line arguments         : '-v -c ../../tmp/rngtest.q'
     Output                         : verbose (quiet: omit -v)
     Control file                   : ../../tmp/rngtest.q
     Parsed control file            : success

                                   < FACTORY >                                  
                                   ---- o ----                            

 * Registered batteries:

                                   < PROBLEM >                                  
                                   ---- o ----                            

 * Title: Example RNG test suite

 * RNG battery: SmallCrush (10 tests, 15 stats)
     Birthday Spacings             
     Simplified Poker              
     Hamming Independence          
     Weight Distribution           
     Coupon Collector              
     Maximum-of-t Anderson-Darling 
     Random Walk 1 Stat H          
     Random Walk 1 Stat M          
     Random Walk 1 Stat J          
     Random Walk 1 Stat R          
     Random Walk 1 Stat C          
     Matrix Rank                   

 * RNGs tested (4):
   < MKL MCG311 >
     seed                           : 0
     uniform method                 : standard
     Gaussian method                : Box-Muller
   < MKL MRG32K3A >
     seed                           : 2
     uniform method                 : standard
     Gaussian method                : Box-Muller
   < RNGSSE GM55 >
     seed                           : 0
     sequence length                : long
   < RNGSSE MRG32K3A >
     seed                           : 0

                                 < SMALLCRUSH >                                 
                                 ------ o ------                          

 * Statistics computed (60 stats from 40 tests):
     Legend: [done/total/failed] Test, RNG : p-value
     (eps  means a value < 1.0e-300)
     (eps1 means a value < 1.0e-15)

     [1/40/1] Birthday Spacings, MKL MCG311                            : fail, p-value = eps
     [2/40/2] Collision, MKL MCG311                                    : fail, p-value = 8.95103e-06
     [3/40/2] Matrix Rank, MKL MCG311                                  : pass
     [4/40/0] Birthday Spacings, MKL MRG32K3A                          : pass
     [5/40/2] Simplified Poker, MKL MCG311                             : pass
     [6/40/2] Maximum-of-t, MKL MCG311                                 : pass
     [6/40/2] Maximum-of-t Anderson-Darling                            : pass
     [7/40/2] Hamming Independence, MKL MCG311                         : pass
     [8/40/0] Maximum-of-t, MKL MRG32K3A                               : pass
     [8/40/0] Maximum-of-t Anderson-Darling                            : pass
     [9/40/0] Collision, MKL MRG32K3A                                  : pass
     [10/40/2] Coupon Collector, MKL MCG311                            : pass
     [11/40/2] Gap, MKL MCG311                                         : pass
     [12/40/2] Weight Distribution, MKL MCG311                         : pass
     [13/40/0] Weight Distribution, MKL MRG32K3A                       : pass
     [14/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat H, RNGSSE GM55                       : pass
     [14/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat M                                    : pass
     [14/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat J                                    : pass
     [14/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat R                                    : pass
     [14/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat C                                    : pass
     [15/40/2] Random Walk 1 Stat H, MKL MCG311                        : pass
     [15/40/2] Random Walk 1 Stat M                                    : pass
     [15/40/2] Random Walk 1 Stat J                                    : pass
     [15/40/2] Random Walk 1 Stat R                                    : pass
     [15/40/2] Random Walk 1 Stat C                                    : pass
     [16/40/0] Gap, MKL MRG32K3A                                       : pass
     [17/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat H, MKL MRG32K3A                      : pass
     [17/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat M                                    : pass
     [17/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat J                                    : pass
     [17/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat R                                    : pass
     [17/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat C                                    : pass
     [18/40/0] Birthday Spacings, RNGSSE GM55                          : pass
     [19/40/0] Coupon Collector, MKL MRG32K3A                          : pass
     [20/40/0] Simplified Poker, MKL MRG32K3A                          : pass
     [21/40/0] Matrix Rank, MKL MRG32K3A                               : pass
     [22/40/0] Simplified Poker, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                       : pass
     [23/40/0] Collision, RNGSSE GM55                                  : pass
     [24/40/0] Hamming Independence, MKL MRG32K3A                      : pass
     [25/40/0] Weight Distribution, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                    : pass
     [26/40/0] Coupon Collector, RNGSSE GM55                           : pass
     [27/40/0] Weight Distribution, RNGSSE GM55                        : pass
     [28/40/0] Maximum-of-t, RNGSSE GM55                               : pass
     [28/40/0] Maximum-of-t Anderson-Darling                           : pass
     [29/40/0] Simplified Poker, RNGSSE GM55                           : pass
     [30/40/0] Gap, RNGSSE GM55                                        : pass
     [31/40/0] Hamming Independence, RNGSSE GM55                       : pass
     [32/40/0] Collision, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                              : pass
     [33/40/0] Matrix Rank, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                            : pass
     [34/40/0] Coupon Collector, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                       : pass
     [35/40/0] Gap, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                                    : pass
     [36/40/0] Matrix Rank, RNGSSE GM55                                : pass
     [37/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat H, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                   : pass
     [37/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat M                                    : pass
     [37/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat J                                    : pass
     [37/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat R                                    : pass
     [37/40/0] Random Walk 1 Stat C                                    : pass
     [38/40/0] Maximum-of-t, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                           : pass
     [38/40/0] Maximum-of-t Anderson-Darling                           : pass
     [39/40/0] Hamming Independence, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                   : pass
     [40/40/0] Birthday Spacings, RNGSSE MRG32K3A                      : pass

 * Failed statistics (2/60):
     The following tests gave p-values outside [0.001, 0.999]
     List groupped by RNG, in the order given in the input file
     Legend: Test, RNG : p-value
     (eps  means a value < 1.0e-300)
     (eps1 means a value < 1.0e-15)

     Birthday Spacings, MKL MCG311                                     : fail, p-value = eps
     Collision                                                         : fail, p-value = 8.95103e-06

 * Generator cost:
     Measured times in seconds in increasing order (low is good)

     MKL MCG311                     : 51.0734  (1x)
     MKL MRG32K3A                   : 51.9438  (1.02x)
     RNGSSE MRG32K3A                : 62.3795  (1.22x)
     RNGSSE GM55                    : 92.9222  (1.82x)

 * Generator quality:
     Number of failed tests in increasing order (low is good)

     MKL MRG32K3A                   : 0
     RNGSSE GM55                    : 0
     RNGSSE MRG32K3A                : 0
     MKL MCG311                     : 2

 * Timers (h:m:s):
     Migration of global-scope data                                    : 0:0:0
     Total runtime                                                     : 0:0:40

[Partition 0][Node 0] End of program