Examples » Inciter: Example setup for marching a transonic problem to steady-state

This example runs the ALECG hydrodynamics algorithm marching the solution to steady state using a local time-stepping procedure. The problem is initialized with a free-stream Mach number of M=0.84 and an angle of attack of 3.06 degrees.

Image Surface mesh for computing the flow around the F16, nelem=6M, npoin=1M, see below.

Control file

# vim: filetype=sh:
# This is a comment
# Keywords are case-sensitive

title "F16"


  ttyi 10      # TTY output interval

  cfl 0.5
  steady_state true
  residual 1.0e-5
  rescomp 1

  scheme alecg

    algorithm mj

    depvar u
    physics euler

      density 1.225 end # density of air at STP, kg/m3
      pressure 1.0e+5 end # N/m^2
      # sound speed: sqrt(1.4*1.0e+5/1.225) = 338.06 m/s
      # free stream Mach number: M = 0.84
      # angle of attack: 3.06 degrees
      # u = M * a * cos(3.06*pi/180) = 283.57
      # v = M * a * sin(3.06*pi/180) = 15.159
      velocity 0.0 15.159 -283.57 end

      gamma 1.4 end

      sideset 1 2 7 end

      pressure 1.0e+5
      density 1.225
      velocity 0.0 15.159 -283.57 end
      sideset 12 end


    interval 1000
    sideset 1 2 7 end

    interval  1
    format    scientific
    error     l2
    precision 12


Run on 34 CPUs

./charmrun +p34 Main/inciter -v -i ../../tmp/f16b_tet.exo -c ../../tmp/f16.q

Screen output during the run

      ,::,`                                                            `.
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                 |   |   |  \  \___|  ||  | \  ___/|  | \/
                 |___|___|  /\___  >__||__|  \___  >__|
                          \/     \/              \/

                                 < ENVIRONMENT >                                
                                 ------ o ------                          

 * Build environment:
     Hostname                                 : lagrange
     Executable                               : inciter
     Version                                  : 0.3 (C20072)
     Revision SHA1                            : Quinoa_v0.3-557-gde8827343
     CMake build type                         : RELEASE
     Asserts                                  : off (turn on: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG)
     MPI C++ wrapper                          : /usr/bin/mpicxx
     Underlying C++ compiler                  : /usr/lib/ccache/g++
     Build date                               : Thu 17 Jun 2021 12:36:08 PM MDT

 * Run-time environment:
     Date, time                               : Thu Jun 17 13:03:09 2021
     Work directory                           : /home/jbakosi/code/quinoa/build/gnu
     Executable (relative to work dir)        : Main/inciter
     Command line arguments                   : '-v -i ../../tmp/f16b_tet.exo -c ../../tmp/f16.q'
     Screen output, -v                        : verbose
     Screen output log file, -O               : inciter_screen.log
     Input log file                           : inciter_input.log
     Number of processing elements            : 34 (34x1)
     Quiescence detection, -q                 : off
     Chare state output, -S                   : off
     Call and stack trace, -t                 : on
     Non-blocking migration, -n               : off
     Benchmark mode, -b                       : off
     Load-balancing frequency, -l             : 1
     Checkpoint/restart frequency, -r         : 1000
     Control file                             : ../../tmp/f16.q
     Parsed control file                      : success

                                   < FACTORY >                                  
                                   ---- o ----                            

 * Unknowns data layout (CMake: FIELD_DATA_LAYOUT):

 * PDE factory legend, policy codes:
     Physics configuration (policy code: p)
        A - Advection
        D - Advection + diffusion
        E - Euler
        N - Navier-Stokes
        V - Velocity equilibrium
     Test problem (policy code: t)
        U - User-defined
        S - Shear-diffusion
        V - Vortical flow
        N - Nonlinear energy growth
        R - Rayleigh-Taylor
        T - Taylor-Green
        Z - Zalesak's slotted cylinder
        G - Advection of 2D Gaussian hump
        C - Advection of cylinder
        X - Deformation of cylinder in a vortex
        F - Shedding flow over triangular wedge
        H - Sod shock-tube
        O - Rotated Sod shock-tube
        B - Sedov blast-wave
        I - Interface advection
        A - Advection of 2D Gaussian hump for Euler equations
        W - Water-air shock-tube
        E - Shock He-bubble problem
        D - Underwater explosion problem

 * Registered PDEs using continuous Galerkin (CG) methods:
     Unique equation types                    : 2
     With all policy combinations             : 30
     Compressible single-material flow        : p:EN, t:ABFHNORTUV
     Transport                                : p:AD, t:CGSXZ

 * Registered PDEs using discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods:
     Unique equation types                    : 3
     With all policy combinations             : 21
     Compressible multi-material flow         : p:V, t:DEHIUW
     Compressible single-material flow        : p:E, t:ABFHNORTUV
     Transport                                : p:A, t:CGSXZ

                                   < PROBLEM >                                  
                                   ---- o ----                            

 * Title: F16 

 * Discretization parameters:
     Discretization scheme                    : ALECG+RK
     PE-locality mesh reordering              : false
     Operator-access mesh reordering          : false
     Local time stepping                      : true
     L2-norm residual convergence criterion   : 1e-05
     Convergence criterion component index    : 1
     Number of time steps                     : 18446744073709551615
     Start time                               : 0
     Terminate time                           : 1.79769e+308
     CFL coefficient                          : 0.5

 * Partial differential equations integrated (1):
   < Compressible single-material flow >
     dependent variable                       : u
     physics                                  : Euler
     problem                                  : User-defined
     number of components                     : 5
     start offset in unknowns array           : 0
     ratio of specific heats                  : 1.4
     material stiffness                       : 0
     specific heat at constant volume         : 717.5
     IC background density                    : 1.225
     IC background velocity                   : { 0 15.159 -283.57 }
     IC background pressure                   : 100000
     Farfield BC sideset(s)                   : { 12 }
     Farfield BC density                      : 1.225000
     Farfield BC velocity                     : { 0 15.159 -283.57 }
     Farfield BC pressure                     : 100000.000000
     Symmetry BC sideset(s)                   : { 1 2 7 }

 * Input/Output filenames and directories:
     Input mesh(es)                           : { ../../tmp/f16b_tet.exo }
     Volume field output file(s)              : out.e-s.<meshid>.<numchares>.<chareid>
     Surface field output file(s)             : out-surf.<surfid>.e-s.<meshid>.<numchares>.<chareid>
     History output file(s)                   : out.hist.{pointid}
     Diagnostics file                         : diag
     Checkpoint/restart directory             : restart/

 * Output intervals:
     TTY                                      : 10
     Field and surface                        : 1000
     Diagnostics                              : 1
     Checkpoint/restart                       : 1000

 * Output fields:
     Node field(s)                            : { density pressure specific_total_energy x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity }
     Surface side set(s)                      : { 1 2 7 }

Quinoa> Reading mesh(es)
Quinoa> Mesh read time: 1.948046 sec

 * Initial load distribution:
     Total number of tetrahedra               : 6028542
     Total number of points                   : 1042051
     Total number of work units               : 34

 * Mesh partitioning:
     Mesh partitioning algorithm              : multi-jagged
     Virtualization [0.0...1.0]               : 0

 * Initial load distribution:
     Total number of tetrahedra               : 6028542
     Total number of points                   : 1042051
     Total number of work units               : 34

Quinoa> Preparing mesh ... done
Quinoa> Mesh 0 distribution statistics: min/max/avg(edgelength) = 0.000728 / 18.314657 / 0.495553, min/max/avg(V^{1/3}) = 0.002931 / 6.964812 / 0.200741, min/max/avg(ntets) = 177310 / 177311 / 177310

 * Time integration: Navier-Stokes solver
     Legend: it - iteration count
              t - physics time
             dt - physics time step size
            ETE - estimated wall-clock time elapsed (h:m:s)
            ETA - estimated wall-clock time for accomplishment (h:m:s)
            EGT - estimated grind wall-clock time (ms/timestep)
            flg - status flags, legend:
                  f - field (volume and surface)
                  d - diagnostics
                  t - physics time history
                  h - h-refinement
                  l - load balancing
                  r - checkpoint
      it             t            dt        ETE        ETA        EGT  flg
Quinoa> Preparing workers ... done
Quinoa> Load balancing on (if enabled in Charm++)
Quinoa> Starting time stepping ...
      10  5.948514e-05  6.085095e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2056  dl
      20  1.205544e-04  6.116550e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2053  dl
      30  1.817655e-04  6.123686e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2042  dl
      40  2.430199e-04  6.126608e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2042  dl
      50  3.042976e-04  6.128686e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2042  dl
      60  3.655963e-04  6.130900e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2047  dl
      70  4.269196e-04  6.133588e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2043  dl
      80  4.882731e-04  6.136872e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2044  dl
      90  5.496628e-04  6.140794e-06  000:00:00  000:00:00       2043  dl

 * Timers (h:m:s):
     Migrate global-scope data                                                   : 0:0:0
     Total runtime                                                               : 0:3:28

As the above screen output shows, the simulation took about three and a half minutes using 34 CPUs.


Image Pressure contours.