src/DiffEq/ directory

Stochastic and deterministic (ordinary) differential equations.


This directory contains implementations of discrete time integrators for deterministic and stochastic ordinary differential equations. (Ordinary as opposed to partial differential equations in src/PDE). At this time, all of these ordinary differential equations are used exclusively by Walker.

Configure<eq>.[Ch] contain functionality related to registration and querying user-configuration information on specific equation types.

All specific equation types "inherit" from the common "base", tk::DiffEq, so that user-configured instances of multiple specific equations (as a potentially coupled system) can be integrated in a generic fashion. This is done using concept-based runtime polymorphism.

The specific equation types are registered into a factory, walker::DiffEqFactory, which leads to generic code for configuring and using existing equation types and adding new ones.


directory Beta/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the beta PDF.
directory Dirichlet/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Dirichlet PDF.
directory Dissipation/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy in turbulent flows.
directory Gamma/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the gamma PDF.
directory OrnsteinUhlenbeck/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
directory Position/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the stochastic particle positions in turbulent flows.
directory SkewNormal/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the skew-normal PDF.
directory Velocity/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the stochastic particle velocities in turbulent flows.
directory WrightFisher/
Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Wright-Fisher process.


file CoupledEq.hpp
Functionality for querying information on coupled equations.
file DiffEq.hpp
Differential equation.
file DiffEqFactory.hpp
Differential equations factory.
file DiffEqStack.cpp
Stack of differential equations.
file DiffEqStack.hpp
Stack of differential equations.
file HydroProductions.hpp
Hydrodynamics (turbulent kinetic energy) production divided by the dissipation rate from DNS for the homogeneous Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
file HydroTimeScales.hpp
Inverse hydrodynamics time scales from DNS for the homogeneous Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
file InitPolicy.hpp
Initialization policies.