InciterFunctionality specific to Inciter
- Reference
This directory contains code specific to Inciter.
- directory AMR/
- Adaptive mesh refinement for Inciter
- file ALE.cpp
- Definitions file for distributed ALE mesh motion.
- file ALE.hpp
- Declarations file for distributed ALE mesh motion.
- file ALECG.cpp
- ALECG for a PDE system with continuous Galerkin + ALE + RK.
- file ALECG.hpp
- ALECG for a PDE system with continuous Galerkin + ALE + RK.
- file DG.cpp
- DG advances a system of PDEs with the discontinuous Galerkin scheme.
- file DG.hpp
- DG advances a system of PDEs with the discontinuous Galerkin scheme.
- file DiagCG.cpp
- DiagCG for a PDE system with continuous Galerkin without a matrix.
- file DiagCG.hpp
- DiagCG for a PDE system with continuous Galerkin without a matrix.
- file Diagnostics.hpp
- Common data for collecting diagnostics.
- file DiagReducer.cpp
- Custom Charm++ reducer for merging std::vectors across PEs.
- file DiagReducer.hpp
- Custom Charm++ reducer for merging diagnostics across PEs.
- file Discretization.cpp
- file Discretization.hpp
- file DistFCT.cpp
- Charm++ chare array for distributed flux-corrected transport.
- file DistFCT.hpp
- Charm++ chare array for distributed flux-corrected transport.
- file ElemDiagnostics.cpp
- ElemDiagnostics class for collecting element diagnostics.
- file ElemDiagnostics.hpp
- ElemDiagnostics class for collecting diagnostics.
- file FaceData.cpp
- file FaceData.hpp
- file FieldOutput.cpp
- Extract field output for inciter.
- file FieldOutput.hpp
- Extract field output for inciter.
- file FluxCorrector.cpp
- FluxCorrector performs limiting for transport equations.
- file FluxCorrector.hpp
- FluxCorrector performs limiting for transport equations.
- file History.hpp
- Types for collecting history output.
- file NodeBC.cpp
- Boundary conditions for nodal discretizations.
- file NodeBC.hpp
- Boundary conditions for nodal discretizations.
- file NodeDiagnostics.cpp
- NodeDiagnostics class for collecting nodal diagnostics.
- file NodeDiagnostics.hpp
- NodeDiagnostics class for collecting diagnostics.
- file Partitioner.cpp
- Charm++ chare partitioner nodegroup used to perform mesh partitioning.
- file Partitioner.hpp
- Charm++ chare partitioner nodegroup used to perform mesh partitioning.
- file PUPAMR.cpp
- Charm++ Pack/UnPack utilities for AMR.
- file PUPAMR.hpp
- Charm++ Pack/UnPack utilities for AMR.
- file Refiner.cpp
- Mesh refiner for interfacing the mesh refinement library.
- file Refiner.hpp
- Mesh refiner for interfacing the mesh refinement library.
- file Scheme.hpp
- Polymorphic glue for calling Charm++ entry methods to base class Discretization, its children implementing specific discretization schemes, and helper classes.
- file Sorter.cpp
- Mesh sorter for global distributed mesh reordering.
- file Sorter.hpp
- Mesh sorter for global distributed mesh reordering.
- file Transfer.hpp
- Types for solution transfer between solvers holding different meshes.
- file Transporter.cpp
- Transporter drives the time integration of transport equations.
- file Transporter.hpp
- Transporter drives the time integration of transport equations.