RiemannApproximate Riemann solvers.
- Reference
This directory contains various approximate Riemann solver implementations as well as a Riemann solver factory and the "base class", RiemannSolver, used to access various Riemann solvers in a polymorphic fashion.
- file AUSM.hpp
- Advection Upstream Splitting Method (AUSM+) Riemann flux function.
- file HLL.hpp
- Harten-Lax-vanLeer's (HLL) Riemann flux function.
- file HLLC.hpp
- Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact (HLLC) Riemann flux function.
- file LaxFriedrichs.hpp
- Lax-Friedrichs Riemann flux function.
- file RiemannSolver.hpp
- Riemann solver interface class for various Riemann solvers.
- file Rusanov.hpp
- Rusanov Riemann flux function.
- file Upwind.hpp
- Upwind Riemann flux function.