src/Inciter/DG.hpp file

DG advances a system of PDEs with the discontinuous Galerkin scheme.


DG advances a system of partial differential equations (PDEs) using discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element (FE) spatial discretization (on tetrahedron elements) combined with Runge-Kutta (RK) time stepping.

There are a potentially large number of DG Charm++ chares created by Transporter. Each DG gets a chunk of the full load (part of the mesh) and does the same: initializes and advances a number of PDE systems in time.

The implementation uses the Charm++ runtime system and is fully asynchronous, overlapping computation and communication. The algorithm utilizes the structured dagger (SDAG) Charm++ functionality. The high-level overview of the algorithm structure and how it interfaces with Charm++ is discussed in the Charm++ interface file src/Inciter/


namespace inciter
Inciter declarations and definitions.


class inciter::DG
DG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with DG+RK.