Inciter control file keywords


This page documents the control file keywords of Inciter (Compressible flow solver). The entire list can be generated by the inciter executable as <build-dir>/Main/inciter --helpctr. Detailed description of a particular keyword (say A_jwl) can be generated by the inciter executable as <build-dir>/Main/inciter --helpkw A_jwl.

List of all control file keywords

                        A_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS A parameter
                        B_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS B parameter
                        C_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS C parameter
                       Pr_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS er parameter
                            R          vector of reals Specific gas constant
                       R1_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS R1 parameter
                       R2_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS R2 parameter
                       Tr_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS Tr parameter
                accuracy_test                     bool Toggle accuracy test setup
                      advdiff                          Specify the advection + diffusion physics
                    advection                          Specify the advection physics
                          ale              block-title Start block configuring ALE
                        alecg                          Select continuous Galerkin with ALE + Runge-Kutta
                          amr              block-title Start configuration block configuring adaptive mesh refinement
                     analytic                          Request analytic solution
                         ausm                          Select the Advection Upstream Splitting Method (AUSM) flux function
                           bc       vector block-title Start configuration block for boundary conditions
                      blockid                     uint Specify mesh block id
                          box       vector block-title Introduce a box block used to assign initial conditions
                          cfl                     real Set the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) coefficient
                     compflow              block-title Start configuration block for the compressible flow equations
                        coord                  3 reals Specify point coordinates
                       coords              block-title Configure initial refinement using coordinate planes
                     cp_coeff          vector of reals specific heat coefficients for TPG
                           cv          vector of reals specific heat at constant volume
                      cweight                     real Set value for central linear weight used by WENO, cweight
                   cyl_advect                          Select advection of cylinder test problem
                   cyl_vortex                          Select deformation of cylinder in a vortex test problem
                       de_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS de parameter
                      default                          Select the default ASCII floating-point output
                      density                     real Request/specify density
                       depvar                   string Select dependent variable name for PDE.
                           dg                          Select 1st-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta
                         dgp1                          Select 2nd-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta
                         dgp2                          Select 3nd-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta
                  diagnostics              block-title Specify the diagnostics block
                    dirichlet        vector of uint(s) List sidesets with Dirichlet boundary conditions
                           dt                     real Select constant time step size
               dt_sos_massavg                 uint 0/1 Toggle method for calculating speed of sound used for time step in a cell
                       dtfreq                     uint Set mesh refinement frequency during time stepping
                        dtref                     bool Enable mesh refinement at t>0
                dtref_uniform                     bool Enable mesh refinement at t>0 but only perform uniform refinement
                        dvcfl                     real Set the volume-change Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) coefficient
                     edgelist          vector of uints Configure edge-node pairs for initial refinement
                      elemvar         vector of string Specify list of elem-centered variables for output
                       energy                     real Specify energy per unit mass
               energy_content                     real Specify energy per unit volume
                  energy_pill                          Specify the energy pill physics
                          eos                   string Select equation of state (type)
        equilinterface_advect                          Select the advection of equilibrium interface problem 
                        error                   string Select an error type
                        euler                          Specify the Euler (inviscid) compressible flow physics
                     exodusii                          Select ExodusII output
                  extrapolate        vector of uint(s) List sidesets with Extrapolation boundary conditions
                     farfield        vector of uint(s) List sidesets with farfield boundary conditions
                 field_output              block-title Start of field_output input block
                     filename                   string Set filename
                     filetype                   string Select output file type
                        fixed                          Select the fixed ASCII floating-point output
                        fluid                          Select the fluid velocity for ALE
                         flux                   string Select flux function
                           fn                    reals Specify a discrete user-defined function
                       fntype                   string Select how a user-defined function is interpreted
                       format                   string Specify the ASCII floating-point output format
                  front_speed                     real Specify a front speed
                  front_width                     real Specify a front width
                           fv                          Select 2nd-order finite volume discretization + Runge-Kutta
                        gamma          vector of reals ratio of specific heats
                   gauss_hump                          Select advection of 2D Gaussian hump test problem
          gauss_hump_compflow                          Select advection of 2D Gaussian hump test problem
     godunovromenski_aluminum                          Select the GODUNOVROMENSKIALUMINUM equation of state
                    helmholtz                          Select the Helmholtz velocity for ALE
                      hessian                   string Error estimation based on the Hessian normalized by solution value
               history_output                   string Start of history_output input block
                          hll                          Select the Harten-Lax-vanLeer (HLL) flux function
                         hllc                          Select the Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact (HLLC) flux function
                         hsfc                          Select Hilbert Space Filling Curve (HSFC) mesh partitioner
                           ic              block-title Introduce an ic block used to configure initial conditions
                           id          vector of uints ID
                  imex_abstol                     real Set absolute tolerance for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme
                 imex_maxiter                     uint Set maximum number of iterations for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme
                  imex_reltol                     real Set relative tolerance for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme
             imex_runge_kutta                 uint 0/1 Toggle use of IMplicit-EXplicit Runge-Kutta scheme
                      impulse                          Select the impulse initiation type, for a box/meshblock IC
                      inciter              block-title Start configuration block for inciter
                    indicator                   string Configure the specific adaptive indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme
                    init_time                     real Specify the initialization time
                      initial        vector of strings Configure initial mesh refinement (before time stepping)
           initial_conditions                   string Select initial-conditions-based initial mesh refinement
                     initiate                   string Initiation type
                        inlet        vector of uint(s) List sidesets with inlet boundary conditions
          interface_advection                          Select the interface advection test problem 
                     interval                     uint Set interval (in units of iteration count)
                     intsharp                 uint 0/1 Toggle multi-material interface sharpening
               intsharp_param                     real Parameter for multi-material interface sharpening
                         jump                   string Error estimation based on the solution jump normalized by solution value
                          jwl                          Select the JWL equation of state
                            k          vector of reals heat conductivity
                           l2                          Select the L2 norm
                      laplace                          Select the Laplace mesh velocity smoother for ALE
                laxfriedrichs                          Select Lax-Friedrichs flux function
                        ldfss                          Select the Low Diffusion Flux Splitting Scheme (LDFSS)
                      limiter                   string Select limiter function
            limsol_projection                     bool Toggle limited solution projection
                       linear                          Select the linear initiation type, for a box/meshblock IC
                         linf                          Select the L_{infinity} norm
                     location        vector of 3 reals Configure location
                  lowspeed_kp                          Select the low-speed coefficient K_p in the AUSM+up flux function
                         mass                     real Specify mass
               mass_fractions          vector of reals Specify species mass fractions
                     material       vector block-title Start configuration block for material (eos) properties
           material_indicator                          Request material_indicator
                   materialid                     uint Specify material id
                    matidxmap                          AUTO-GENERATED Material index map for EOS
                        maxit                     uint Set the max number of iterations for the ALE mesh velocity linear solve
                    maxlevels                     uint Set maximum allowed mesh refinement levels
                         mesh          vector of uints List meshes on which the following BCs apply
                  mesh_motion          vector of uints List of dimension indices that are allowed to move in ALE calculations
                mesh_velocity                   string Select mesh velocity
                    meshblock       vector block-title Introduce a meshblock block used to assign initial conditions
                    meshforce        vector of 4 reals Set ALE mesh force model parameter(s)
                           mj                          Select multi-jagged (MJ) mesh partitioner
                         move       vector block-title Start configuration block configuring surface movement in ALE
                           mu          vector of reals shear modulus/dynamic viscosity
                     multimat              block-title Start configuration block for the compressible multi-material equations
                 multispecies              block-title Start configuration block for the compressible multi-species equations
                        ncomp                     uint Set number of scalar components for a system of transport equations
                         ndof                     uint Number of evolved solution DOFs
                      ndofmax      uint either 4 or 10 Configure the maximum number of degree of freedom for p-adaptive DG
             nl_energy_growth                          Select the nonlinear energy growth test problem
                         nmat                     uint Set number of materials for the multi-material system
                      nodevar         vector of string Specify list of node-centered variables for output
                    nolimiter                          No limiter used
               non_conformity                   string Select the non-conformity indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme
                         none                          Select none option
                   noslipwall        vector of uint(s) List sidesets with no-slip wall boundary conditions
                        nspec                     uint Set number of species for the multi-species system
                        nstep                     uint Set number of time steps to take
             operator_reorder                     bool Operator-access reorder
                  orientation        vector of 3 reals Configure orientation
                       outlet        vector of uint(s) List sidesets with outlet boundary conditions
                    oversetfe                          Select continuous Galerkin finite element with overset meshes + Runge-Kutta
                         p0p1                          Select 2nd-order finite volume discretization + Runge-Kutta
                 partitioning                   string Select mesh partitioning algorithm
                          pdg                          Select p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta
              pelocal_reorder                     bool PE-local reorder
                          phg                          Select parallel hypergraph mesh partitioner
                      physics                   string Specify the physics configuration for a system of PDEs
                        point       vector block-title Start configuration block for history point, or a single point in IC blocks
                    precision                     uint Precision in digits for ASCII floating-point output
                         pref              block-title Start configuration block configuring p-adaptive refinement
                       prelax                 uint 0/1 Toggle multi-material finite pressure relaxation
             prelax_timescale                     real Time-scale for multi-material finite pressure relaxation
                     pressure                     real Request/specify pressure
                      problem                   string Specify problem configuration for partial differential equation solver
                       pstiff          vector of reals EoS stiffness parameter
                       radius                     real Specify a radius
              rayleigh_taylor                          Select the Rayleigh-Taylor test problem 
                          rcb                          Select recursive coordinate bisection mesh partitioner
                         rdof                     uint Total number of solution DOFs
                      refined                     bool Toggle refined field output on/off
                       refvar           vector of char Configure dependent variables used for adaptive mesh refinement
                      rescomp                     uint Equation system component index for convergence
                     residual                     real Set the convergence criterion for the residual to reach
                     rho0_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS rho0 parameter
               rho0constraint                 uint 0/1 Toggle the density constraint correction
                     rhor_jwl          vector of reals JWL EoS rhor parameter
                          rib                          Select recursive inertial bisection mesh partitioner
            richtmyer_meshkov                          Select the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability problem 
        rotated_sod_shocktube                          Select the rotated Sod shock-tube test problem 
                       scheme                   string Select discretization scheme
                   scientific                          Select the scientific ASCII floating-point output
              sedov_blastwave                          Select the Sedov blast-wave test problem 
                   shear_diff                          Select the shear + diffusion test problem 
                shedding_flow                          Select the Shedding flow test problem 
         shock_detector_coeff                     real Configure the coefficient used in shock indicator
               shock_hebubble                          Select the shock He-bubble test problem 
            shockdensity_wave                          Select the shock-density wave test problem 
                      sideset          vector of uints Specify list of side sets
                         sine                          Prescribe sinusoidal mesh velocity for ALE
              sinewave_packet                          Select the advection of sinewave packet problem 
                     slot_cyl                          Select Zalesak's slotted cylinder test problem
              smallshearsolid                          Select the SMALLSHEARSOLID equation of state
                     smoother                   string Select mesh velocity smoother
                sod_shocktube                          Select the Sod shock-tube test problem 
                      species       vector block-title Start configuration block for species (eos) properties
        specific_total_energy                          Request specific total energy
               spectral_decay                   string Select the spectral-decay indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme
                         stag        vector of uint(s) List sidesets with stagnation boundary conditions
                 steady_state                     bool March to steady state
                 stiffenedgas                          Select the stiffened gas equation of state
                   superbeep1                          Select the Superbee limiter for DGP1
                     symmetry        vector of uint(s) List sidesets with symmetry boundary conditions
                           t0                     real Set starting non-dimensional time
                        t0ref                     bool Enable mesh refinement at t<0
                 taylor_green                          Select the Taylor-Green test problem 
                  temperature                     real Specify temperature
                         term                     real Set maximum physical time to simulate
                time_interval                     real Set interval (in units of physics time)
                   time_range        vector of 3 reals Configure physics time range for output (in units of physics time)
                      timedep              block-title Start configuration block describing time dependent boundary conditions
                        title                   string Title
                 tol_derefine                     real Configure derefine tolerance
                   tol_refine                     real Configure refine tolerance
                    tolerance                     real Set the tolerance for the ALE mesh velocity linear solve
                       tolref     real between 0 and 1 Configure the tolerance for p-refinement for p-adaptive DG
                    transport              block-title Start configuration block for an transport equation
                         ttyi                     uint Set screen output interval
                underwater_ex                          Select the underwater explosion test problem 
                      uniform                   string Select uniform initial mesh refinement
             uniform_derefine                   string Select uniform initial mesh de-refinement
                       upwind                          Select the upwind flux function
                 user_defined                          Select user-defined specification for a problem
                     velocity        vector of 3 reals Specify velocity
                vertexbasedp1                          Select the vertex-based limiter for DGP1
                       volume                     real Specify volume
      volumetric_total_energy                          Request total volumetric energy
                vortical_flow                          Select the vortical flow test problem 
                     vortmult                     real Configure vorticity multiplier for ALE mesh velocity
                        w_gru          vector of reals Grueneisen coefficient
           waterair_shocktube                          Select the water-air shock-tube test problem 
                       wenop1                          Select the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) limiter for DGP1
                   x-momentum                          Request x-momentum
                   x-velocity                          Request x-velocity
                         xmax                     real Maximum x coordinate
                         xmin                     real Minimum x coordinate
                       xminus                     real Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an x-normal plane
                        xplus                     real Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an x-normal plane
                   y-momentum                          Request y-momentum
                   y-velocity                          Request y-velocity
                 yield_stress          vector of reals Yield stress of solid material
                         ymax                     real Maximum y coordinate
                         ymin                     real Minimum y coordinate
                       yminus                     real Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an y-normal plane
                        yplus                     real Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an y-normal plane
                   z-momentum                          Request z-momentum
                   z-velocity                          Request z-velocity
                         zmax                     real Maximum z coordinate
                         zmin                     real Minimum z coordinate
                       zminus                     real Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an z-normal plane
                        zplus                     real Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an z-normal plane

Detailed description of control file keywords

Keyword 'A_jwl'

JWL EoS A parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property A (units: Pa) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'B_jwl'

JWL EoS B parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property B (units: Pa) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'C_jwl'

JWL EoS C parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property C (units: Pa) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'Pr_jwl'

JWL EoS er parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property Pr, which is the pressure at the reference state (units: Pa) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state. It is used to calculate the reference temperature for the EoS.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'R'

Specific gas constant

This keyword is used to specify the species property, specific gas constant, in units J/kg.K.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'R1_jwl'

JWL EoS R1 parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property R1 for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'R2_jwl'

JWL EoS R2 parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property R2 for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'Tr_jwl'

JWL EoS Tr parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property Tr, which is the temperature of reference state (units: K) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'accuracy_test'

Toggle accuracy test setup

This keyword is used to specify if the current setup is for an order-of-accuracy testing, used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization in inciter. This deactivates certain robustness corrections which might impact order-of-accuracy. Only intended for simple test problems and not for real problems.

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'advdiff'

Specify the advection + diffusion physics

This keyword is used to select the advection + diffusion physics for transport PDEs. Only usable for 'transport'.

Keyword 'advection'

Specify the advection physics

This keyword is used to select the advection physics for the transport PDE system. Only usable for 'transport'.

Keyword 'ale'

Start block configuring ALE

This keyword is used to introduce the ale block, used to configure arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh movement.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'alecg'

Select continuous Galerkin with ALE + Runge-Kutta

This keyword is used to select the continuous Galerkin finite element scheme in the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) reference frame combined with Runge-Kutta (RK) time stepping. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'amr'

Start configuration block configuring adaptive mesh refinement

This keyword is used to introduce the amr block, used to configure adaptive mesh refinement.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'analytic'

Request analytic solution

This keyword is used to request the analytic solution (if exist) as an output variable.

Keyword 'ausm'

Select the Advection Upstream Splitting Method (AUSM) flux function

This keyword is used to select the AUSM flux function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. It is only set up for for multi-material hydro, and not selectable for anything else.

Keyword 'bc'

Start configuration block for boundary conditions

This keyword is used to introduce the bc block, used for boundary conditions. This is a vector block, where each vector entry specifies BCs for a particular mesh

Expected type: vector block-title

Keyword 'blockid'

Specify mesh block id

This keyword is used to configure the mesh block id within the meshblock-block as a part of the initialization. It is strongly recommended to use contiguous block ids in mesh file starting from 1.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'box'

Introduce a box block used to assign initial conditions

This keyword is used to introduce a IC box block used to assign initial conditions within a box given by spatial coordinates.

Expected type: vector block-title

Keyword 'cfl'

Set the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) coefficient

This keyword is used to specify the CFL coefficient for variable-time-step-size simulations. Setting 'cfl' and 'dt' are mutually exclusive. If both 'cfl' and 'dt' are set, 'dt' wins.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'compflow'

Start configuration block for the compressible flow equations

This keyword is used to introduce the compflow block, used to specify the configuration for a system of partial differential equations, governing single material compressible fluid flow.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'coord'

Specify point coordinates

This keyword is used to specify coordinates of the history-point.

Expected type: 3 reals

Keyword 'coords'

Configure initial refinement using coordinate planes

This keyword can be used to configure entire volumes on a given side of a plane in 3D space. The keyword introduces an coords block within an amr block. All edges of the input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie within the given ranges. Example: 'xminus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point coordinates are less than 0.5. Multiple specifications are understood by combining with a logical AND. That is: 'xminus 0.5 yplus 0.3' refines all edges whose end-point x coordinates are less than 0.5 AND y coordinates are larger than 0.3.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'cp_coeff'

specific heat coefficients for TPG

This keyword is used to specify species' coefficients in the thermally perfect gas polynomial fit for specific heat at constant volume.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'cv'

specific heat at constant volume

This keyword is used to specify the material property, specific heat at constant volume.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'cweight'

Set value for central linear weight used by WENO, cweight

This keyword is used to set the central linear weight used for the central stencil in the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) limiter for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'cyl_advect'

Select advection of cylinder test problem

This keyword is used to select the advection of cylinder test problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection terms of the scalar transport equation.

Keyword 'cyl_vortex'

Select deformation of cylinder in a vortex test problem

This keyword is used to select the test problem which deforms a cylinder in a vortical velocity field. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection terms of the scalar transport equation.

Keyword 'de_jwl'

JWL EoS de parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property de, which is the heat of detonation for products; and for reactants, it is chosen such that the ambient internal energy (e0) is 0 (units: J/kg). Used for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'default'

Select the default ASCII floating-point output

This keyword is used to select the 'default' floating-point output format for ASCII floating-point real number output. For more info on these various formats, see

Keyword 'density'

Request/specify density

This keyword is used to request/specify the density. Usage is context specific. When specifed as 'elemvar' or 'nodevar' inside field_output, requests density as an output quantity. Otherwise, specifies density at IC/BC.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'depvar'

Select dependent variable name for PDE.

Select dependent variable name for PDE.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'dg'

Select 1st-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta

This keyword is used to select the first-order accurate discontinuous Galerkin, DG(P0), spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. As this is first order accurate, it is intended for testing and debugging purposes only. Selecting this spatial discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme for time discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'dgp1'

Select 2nd-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta

This keyword is used to select the second-order accurate discontinuous Galerkin, DG(P1), spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. Selecting this spatial discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme for time discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'dgp2'

Select 3nd-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta

This keyword is used to select the third-order accurate discontinuous Galerkin, DG(P2), spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. Selecting this spatial discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme for time discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.

inciter command-line keyword -d, –diagnostics

Specify the diagnostics file name

This option is used to define the diagnostics file name.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'dirichlet'

List sidesets with Dirichlet boundary conditions

This keyword is used to list Dirichlet sidesets. This keyword is used to list multiple sidesets on which a prescribed Dirichlet BC is then applied. Such prescribed BCs at each point in space and time are evaluated using a built-in function, e.g., using the method of manufactured solutions.

Expected type: vector of uint(s)

Keyword 'dt'

Select constant time step size

This keyword is used to specify the time step size that used as a constant during simulation. Setting 'cfl' and 'dt' are mutually exclusive. If both 'cfl' and 'dt' are set, 'dt' wins.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'dt_sos_massavg'

Toggle method for calculating speed of sound used for time step in a cell

This keyword is used to specify the method to calculate the speed of sound in a cell used for the time step. If set to 1, the speed of sound will be calculated using the mass average, rather than the maximum value across materials. It is used for multimat, and has no effect for the other PDE types.

Expected type: uint 0/1

Keyword 'dtfreq'

Set mesh refinement frequency during time stepping

This keyword is used to configure the frequency of mesh refinement during time stepping.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'dtref'

Enable mesh refinement at t>0

This keyword is used to enable solution-adaptive mesh refinement during time stepping.

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'dtref_uniform'

Enable mesh refinement at t>0 but only perform uniform refinement

This keyword is used to force uniform-only solution-adaptive mesh refinement during time stepping.

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'dvcfl'

Set the volume-change Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) coefficient

This keyword is used to specify the volume-change (dV/dt) CFL coefficient for variable-time-step-size simulations due to volume change in time in arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) calculations. Setting 'dvcfl' only has effect in ALE calculations and used together with 'cfl'. See also J. Waltz, N.R. Morgan, T.R. Canfield, M.R.J. Charest, L.D. Risinger, J.G. Wohlbier, A three-dimensional finite element arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for shock hydrodynamics on unstructured grids, Computers & Fluids, 92: 172-187,

Expected type: real

Keyword 'edgelist'

Configure edge-node pairs for initial refinement

This keyword can be used to configure a list of edges that are explicitly tagged for initial refinement during setup in inciter. The keyword introduces an edgelist block within an amr block and must contain a list of integer pairs, i.e., the number of ids must be even, denoting the end-points of the nodes (=edge) which should be tagged for refinement.

Expected type: vector of uints

Keyword 'elemvar'

Specify list of elem-centered variables for output

This keyword is used to specify elem-centered variables for output to file. It is used in field_output blocks.

Expected type: vector of string

Keyword 'energy'

Specify energy per unit mass

This keyword is used to configure energy per unit mass, used for, e.g., boundary or initial conditions.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'energy_content'

Specify energy per unit volume

This keyword is used to configure energy per unit volume, used for initial conditions.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'energy_pill'

Specify the energy pill physics

This keyword is used to select an energy pill initialization as physics configuration for multiple material compressible flow. Parameters for the linearly traveling front are required to be specified when energy_pill is selected. See 'linear' for more details. Currently setup only for 'multimat'

Keyword 'eos'

Select equation of state (type)

This keyword is used to select an equation of state for a material.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'equilinterface_advect'

Select the advection of equilibrium interface problem

This keyword is used to select the advection of equilibrium interface problem. This is a manufactured problem with source terms with nonlinear solutions near the material interface. Source terms are used to ensure that the conservation laws are satisfied by the manufactured solution.

Keyword 'error'

Select an error type

This keyword is used to select the error type. Used either in the diagnostics block to specify error norm, or in the AMR block to specify the error for solution-adaptive mesh refinement.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'euler'

Specify the Euler (inviscid) compressible flow physics

This keyword is used to select the Euler (inviscid) compressible flow physics configuration. Usable for 'compflow' and 'multimat'

Keyword 'exodusii'

Select ExodusII output

This keyword is used to select the ExodusII output file type readable by, e.g., ParaView of either a requested probability density function (PDF) within a pdfs ... end block or for mesh-based field output in a field_output ... end block. Example: "filetype exodusii", which selects ExodusII file output. For more info on ExodusII, see

Keyword 'extrapolate'

List sidesets with Extrapolation boundary conditions

This keyword is used to list (multiple) extrapolate BC sidesets.

Expected type: vector of uint(s)

Keyword 'farfield'

List sidesets with farfield boundary conditions

This keyword is used to list (multiple) farfield BC sidesets. Keywords allowed in a bc_farfield block are 'density', 'velocity', 'pressure'

Expected type: vector of uint(s)

Keyword 'field_output'

Start of field_output input block

This keyword is used to start a block in the input file containing the list and settings of requested field output.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'filename'

Set filename

Set filename, e.g., mesh filename for solver coupling.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'filetype'

Select output file type

This keyword is used to specify the output file type of mesh-based field output in a field_output block.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'fixed'

Select the fixed ASCII floating-point output

This keyword is used to select the 'fixed' floating-point output format for ASCII floating-point real number output. For more info on these various formats, see

Keyword 'fluid'

Select the fluid velocity for ALE

This keyword is used to select the 'fluid' velocity as the mesh velocity for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion.

Keyword 'flux'

Select flux function

This keyword is used to select a flux function, used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp for valid options.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'fn'

Specify a discrete user-defined function

This keyword is used to specify a user-defined function block with discrete points, listed inside the fn block. Used in ale mesh motion and time-dependent BC specification

Expected type: reals

Keyword 'fntype'

Select how a user-defined function is interpreted

This keyword is used to select how a user-defined function should be interpreted.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'format'

Specify the ASCII floating-point output format

This keyword is used to select the floating-point output format for ASCII floating-point number output. Valid options are 'default', 'fixed', and 'scientific'. For more info on these various formats, see

Expected type: string

Keyword 'front_speed'

Specify a front speed

This keyword is used to specify the speed at which a front propagates for a mesh block or box IC, with 'initiate linear' type.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'front_width'

Specify a front width

This keyword is used to specify the width of the propagating front for a mesh block or box IC, with 'initiate linear' type. The suggested value of the front width is about 4-5 times the mesh size inside the mesh block or box.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'fv'

Select 2nd-order finite volume discretization + Runge-Kutta

This keyword is used to select the second-order accurate finite volume, P0P1, spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. This method uses a least-squares procedure to reconstruct the second-order solution from the first-order one. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'gamma'

ratio of specific heats

This keyword is used to specify the material property, ratio of specific heats.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'gauss_hump'

Select advection of 2D Gaussian hump test problem

This keyword is used to select the advection of 2D Gaussian hump test problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection terms of the scalar transport equation.

Keyword 'gauss_hump_compflow'

Select advection of 2D Gaussian hump test problem

This keyword is used to select the advection of 2D Gaussian hump test problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection terms of the Euler equations. The baseline of the density distribution in this testcase is 1 instead of 0 in gauss_hump_transport which enables it to be the regression testcase for p-adaptive DG scheme.

Keyword 'godunovromenski_aluminum'

Select the GODUNOVROMENSKIALUMINUM equation of state

This keyword is used to select the Godunov-Romenski equation of state for solids and a hydro EoS for aluminum. These function were taken from Barton, Philip T. "An interface-capturing Godunov method for the simulation of compressible solid-fluid problems." Journal of Computational Physics 390 (2019): 25-50.

Keyword 'helmholtz'

Select the Helmholtz velocity for ALE

This keyword is used to select the a velocity, computed from the Helmholtz-decomposition as the mesh velocity for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion. See J. Bakosi, J. Waltz, N. Morgan, Improved ALE mesh velocities for complex flows, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fl., 1-10, 2017,

Keyword 'hessian'

Error estimation based on the Hessian normalized by solution value

This keyword is used to select the Hessian-based error indicator for solution-adaptive mesh refinement. The error is estimated by computing the Hessian (2nd derivative matrix) of the solution normalized by sum of the absolute values of the gradients at edges-end points.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'history_output'

Start of history_output input block

This keyword is used to start a block in the input file containing the descriptions and settings of requested history output.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'hll'

Select the Harten-Lax-vanLeer (HLL) flux function

This keyword is used to select the HLL flux function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. It is only set up for for multi-material hydro, and not selectable for anything else.

Keyword 'hllc'

Select the Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact (HLLC) flux function

This keyword is used to select the Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact flux function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'hsfc'

Select Hilbert Space Filling Curve (HSFC) mesh partitioner

This keyword is used to select the Hilbert Space Filling Curve (HSFC) mesh partitioner. HSFC is a geometry-based partitioner used to distribute an input mesh among processing elements. See Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'ic'

Introduce an ic block used to configure initial conditions

This keyword is used to introduce an ic block used to set initial conditions.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'id'


This keyword is used to specify an ID, a positive integer. Usage is context specific, i.e. what block it is specified in. E.g. Inside the material block, it is used to specify a block consisting of IDs of materials of that EOS type

Expected type: vector of uints

Keyword 'imex_abstol'

Set absolute tolerance for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme

This keywords is used to specify the absolute tolerance that the non-linear solver uses to obtain the implicit unknowns within the Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'imex_maxiter'

Set maximum number of iterations for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme

This keywords is used to specify the maximum number of iterations that the non-linear solver uses to obtain the implicit unknowns within the Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'imex_reltol'

Set relative tolerance for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme

This keywords is used to specify the relative tolerance that the non-linear solver uses to obtain the implicit unknowns within the Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'imex_runge_kutta'

Toggle use of IMplicit-EXplicit Runge-Kutta scheme

This keywords is used to turn IMEX integrator on/off for solid materials in a multimat run. Plastic terms are integrated implicitly in time. This flag will activate an Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme to replace the explicit one that is usually used. Scheme taken from Cavaglieri, D., & Bewley, T. (2015). Low-storage implicit/explicit Runge–Kutta schemes for the simulation of stiff high-dimensional ODE systems. Journal of Computational Physics, 286, 172-193.

Expected type: uint 0/1

Keyword 'impulse'

Select the impulse initiation type, for a box/meshblock IC

This keyword can be used to select the 'impulse' initiation/assignment type for box initial conditions. It simply assigns the prescribed values to all mesh points within a configured box at t=0.

Keyword 'inciter'

Start configuration block for inciter

This keyword is used to select inciter. Inciter, is a continuum-realm shock hydrodynamics tool, solving a system of PDEs. The entire control file must be enclosed within the inciter block

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'indicator'

Configure the specific adaptive indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme

This keyword can be used to configure a specific type of adaptive indicator for p-adaptive refinement of the DG scheme. The keyword must be used in a pref block. Available options are 'pref_spectral_decay' and 'pref_non_conformity'.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'init_time'

Specify the initialization time

This keyword is used to specify the time at which the propagating front is initialized for a mesh block or box IC, with 'initiate linear' type. Delays in initializing separate mesh blocks or boxes can be achieved using different initialization times.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'initial'

Configure initial mesh refinement (before time stepping)

This keyword is used to add to a list of initial mesh refinement types that happens before t = 0. Allowed options are 'uniform', 'uniform_derefine', 'initial_conditions', 'coords', 'edgelist'

Expected type: vector of strings

Keyword 'initial_conditions'

Select initial-conditions-based initial mesh refinement

This keyword is used to select initial-conditions-based initial mesh refinement.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'initiate'

Initiation type

This keyword is used to select an initiation type to configure how values are assigned for a box/meshblock initialization. This can be used to specify, how the values are assigned to mesh nodes within a box. Uses: (1) impulse: assign the full values at t=0 for all points in a box, (2) linear: use a linear function in time and space, configured with an initiation point in space, a constant velocity of the growing spherical front in time (and space) linearly, and width of the front and assigns values to mesh points falling within the growing spherical shell inside a configured box.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'inlet'

List sidesets with inlet boundary conditions

This keyword is used to list (multiple) inlet BC sidesets.

Expected type: vector of uint(s)

Keyword 'interface_advection'

Select the interface advection test problem

This keyword is used to select the interface advection test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to test the well-balancedness of the multi-material discretization and its interface capturing capabilities.

Keyword 'interval'

Set interval (in units of iteration count)

This keyword is used to specify an interval in units of iteration count (i.e., number of time steps). This must be used within a relevant block.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'intsharp'

Toggle multi-material interface sharpening

This keyword is used to turn interface sharpening on/off. It uses the multi-material THINC interface reconstruction. Ref. Pandare A. K., Waltz J., & Bakosi J. (2021) Multi-Material Hydrodynamics with Algebraic Sharp Interface Capturing. Computers & Fluids, doi: It is used for the multi-material and the transport solver, and has no effect when used for the other PDE types.

Expected type: uint 0/1

Keyword 'intsharp_param'

Parameter for multi-material interface sharpening

This keyword is used to specify the parameter for the interface sharpening. This parameter affects how many cells the material interfaces span, after the use of sharpening. It is used for multimat and transport, and has no effect for the other PDE types.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'jump'

Error estimation based on the solution jump normalized by solution value

This keyword is used to select the jump-based error indicator for solution-adaptive mesh refinement. The error is estimated by computing the magnitude of the jump in the solution value normalized by the solution value.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'jwl'

Select the JWL equation of state

This keyword is used to select the Jones, Wilkins, Lee equation of state.

Keyword 'k'

heat conductivity

This keyword is used to specify the material property, heat conductivity.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'l2'

Select the L2 norm

This keyword is used to enable computing the L2 norm.

Keyword 'laplace'

Select the Laplace mesh velocity smoother for ALE

This keyword is used to select the 'Laplace' mesh velocity smoother for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion.

Keyword 'laxfriedrichs'

Select Lax-Friedrichs flux function

This keyword is used to select the Lax-Friedrichs flux function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'ldfss'

Select the Low Diffusion Flux Splitting Scheme (LDFSS)

This keyword is used to select the LDFSS flux function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. It is only set up for for multi-material hydro, and not selectable for anything else.

Keyword 'limiter'

Select limiter function

This keyword is used to select a limiter function, used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for valid options.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'limsol_projection'

Toggle limited solution projection

This keyword is used to specify limited solution projection. This is used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization in inciter, for multi-material hydrodynamics. This uses a projection to obtain bulk momentum and material energies from the limited primitive quantities. This step is essential to obtain closure-law obeying limited quantities. See Pandare et al. (2023). On the Design of Stable, Consistent, and Conservative High-Order Methods for Multi-Material Hydrodynamics. J Comp Phys (490).

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'linear'

Select the linear initiation type, for a box/meshblock IC

This keyword is be used to specify the 'linear' initiation parameters for a particular box or meshblock, as a part of the 'energy_pill' initialization. Linear initiation uses a linear function in time and space, configured with an initiation point in space, a constant velocity of the growing spherical front in time (and space) linearly, and width of the front and assigns values to mesh points falling within the growing spherical shell inside a configured box or meshblock. The following keywords are required in the box/meshblock block if 'linear' is used: 'init_time', 'front_width', 'front_speed'

Keyword 'linf'

Select the L_{infinity} norm

This keyword is used to enable computing the L-infinity norm.

Keyword 'location'

Configure location

Configure location of a mesh relative to another.

Expected type: vector of 3 reals

Keyword 'lowspeed_kp'

Select the low-speed coefficient K_p in the AUSM+up flux function

This keyword is used to select the low-speed coefficient K_p in the AUSM+up flux function used for the DG or FV spatial discretization for multi-material hydro, and not used for anything else. The default value is 0, and recommended value for low speed flows (Mach < 0.1) is 1.

Keyword 'mass'

Specify mass

This keyword is used to configure the mass within a box/meshblock.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'mass_fractions'

Specify species mass fractions

This keyword is used to configure species mass fractions, used for, e.g., boundary or initial conditions.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'material'

Start configuration block for material (eos) properties

This keyword is used to introduce a material block, used to specify material properties.

Expected type: vector block-title

Keyword 'material_indicator'

Request material_indicator

This keyword is used to request the material indicator function as an output variable.

Keyword 'materialid'

Specify material id

This keyword is used to configure the material id within an IC box, IC mesh-block, farfield BC, or in the background as a part of the initialization.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'matidxmap'

AUTO-GENERATED Material index map for EOS

The following AUTO-GENERATED data structure is used to index into the correct material vector entry. This is done using the following three maps: 1. eosidx: This vector provides the eos-index (value) in the vector<tag::material> for the given user-spec material id (index). 2. matidx: This vector provides the material-index (value) inside the vector<tag::material>[eosidx] block for the given user-specified material id (index). 3. solidx: This vector provides the solid-index (value) assigned to the given user-specified material id (index). It is 0 for fluids.

Keyword 'maxit'

Set the max number of iterations for the ALE mesh velocity linear solve

This keyword is used to specify the maximum number of linear solver iterations taken to converge the mesh velocity linear solve in arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) calculations. See also J. Waltz, N.R. Morgan, T.R. Canfield, M.R.J. Charest, L.D. Risinger, J.G. Wohlbier, A three-dimensional finite element arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for shock hydrodynamics on unstructured grids, Computers & Fluids, 92: 172-187,

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'maxlevels'

Set maximum allowed mesh refinement levels

This keyword is used to configure the maximum allowed mesh refinement levels.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'mesh'

List meshes on which the following BCs apply

This keyword is used to list multiple meshes on which the boundary conditions listed in this particular bc-block apply.

Expected type: vector of uints

Keyword 'mesh_motion'

List of dimension indices that are allowed to move in ALE calculations

This keyword is used to specify a list of integers (0, 1, or 2) whose coordinate directions corresponding to x, y, or z are allowed to move with the mesh velocity in ALE calculations. Useful for 1D/2D problems.

Expected type: vector of uints

Keyword 'mesh_velocity'

Select mesh velocity

This keyword is used to select a mesh velocity option, used for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion. Valid options are 'sine', 'fluid', and 'user_defined".

Expected type: string

Keyword 'meshblock'

Introduce a meshblock block used to assign initial conditions

This keyword is used to introduce a IC meshblock block used to assign initial conditions within a mesh block specified in the mesh file.

Expected type: vector block-title

Keyword 'meshforce'

Set ALE mesh force model parameter(s)

This keyword is used to specify a vector of real numbers used to parameterize a mesh force model for ALE. The length of the vector must exactly be 4.

Expected type: vector of 4 reals

Keyword 'mj'

Select multi-jagged (MJ) mesh partitioner

This keyword is used to select the multi-jagged (MJ) mesh partitioner. MJ is a geometry-based partitioner used to distribute an input mesh among processing elements. See Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'move'

Start configuration block configuring surface movement in ALE

This keyword is used to introduce a move block, used to configure surface movement for ALE simulations.

Expected type: vector block-title

Keyword 'mu'

shear modulus/dynamic viscosity

This keyword is used to specify the material property, shear modulus for solids, or dynamic viscosity for fluids.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'multimat'

Start configuration block for the compressible multi-material equations

This keyword is used to introduce the multimat block, used to specify the configuration for a system of partial differential equations, governing compressible multi-material hydrodynamics assuming velocity equilibrium (single velocity).

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'multispecies'

Start configuration block for the compressible multi-species equations

This keyword is used to introduce the multispecies block, used to specify the configuration for a system of partial differential equations, governing compressible multi-species fluid dynamics.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'ncomp'

Set number of scalar components for a system of transport equations

This keyword is used to specify the number of scalar components of transport (linear advection) equations.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'ndof'

Number of evolved solution DOFs

The number of solution DOFs that are evolved.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'ndofmax'

Configure the maximum number of degree of freedom for p-adaptive DG

This keyword can be used to configure a maximum number of degree of freedom for p-adaptive refinement of the DG scheme. The keyword must be used in a pref block.

Expected type: uint either 4 or 10

Keyword 'nl_energy_growth'

Select the nonlinear energy growth test problem

This keyword is used to select the nonlinear energy growth test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to test nonlinear, time dependent energy growth and the subsequent development of pressure gradients due to coupling between the internal energy and the equation of state. For more details, see Waltz, et. al, "Manufactured solutions for the three-dimensional Euler equations with relevance to Inertial Confinement Fusion", Journal of Computational Physics 267 (2014) 196-209.

Keyword 'nmat'

Set number of materials for the multi-material system

This keyword is used to specify the number of materials for multi-material flow, see also the keyword 'multimat'.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'nodevar'

Specify list of node-centered variables for output

This keyword is used to specify node-centered variables for output to file. It is used in field_output blocks.

Expected type: vector of string

Keyword 'nolimiter'

No limiter used

This keyword is used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization without any limiter in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'non_conformity'

Select the non-conformity indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme

This keyword is used to select the non-conformity indicator used for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/PrefIndicator.hpp for other valid options.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'none'

Select none option

This keyword is used to select the 'none' option from a list of configuration options.

Keyword 'noslipwall'

List sidesets with no-slip wall boundary conditions

This keyword is used to list (multiple) no-slip wall BC sidesets.

Expected type: vector of uint(s)

Keyword 'nspec'

Set number of species for the multi-species system

This keyword is used to specify the number of species for multi-species flow, see also the keyword 'multispecies'.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'nstep'

Set number of time steps to take

This keyword is used to specify the number of time steps to take in a simulation. The number of time steps are used in conjunction with the maximmum time specified by keyword 'term': the simulation stops whichever is reached first. Both 'nstep' and 'term' can be left unspecified, in which case their default values are used. See also 'term'.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'operator_reorder'

Operator-access reorder

This keyword is used in inciter as a keyword in the inciter...end block as "operator_reorder on" (or off) to do (or not do) a local mesh node reordering based on the PDE operator access pattern. This reordering is optional.

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'orientation'

Configure orientation

Configure orientation of an IC box for rotation about centroid of box.

Expected type: vector of 3 reals

Keyword 'outlet'

List sidesets with outlet boundary conditions

This keyword is used to list (multiple) outlet BC sidesets.

Expected type: vector of uint(s)

Keyword 'oversetfe'

Select continuous Galerkin finite element with overset meshes + Runge-Kutta

This keyword is used to select the continuous Galerkin finite element scheme with Runge-Kutta (RK) time stepping, combined with overset grids. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'p0p1'

Select 2nd-order finite volume discretization + Runge-Kutta

This keyword is used to select the second-order accurate finite volume, P0P1, spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. This method uses a least-squares procedure to reconstruct the second-order solution from the first-order one. Selecting this spatial discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme for time discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'partitioning'

Select mesh partitioning algorithm

This keyword is used to select a mesh partitioning algorithm. See Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for valid options.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'pdg'

Select p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta

This keyword is used to select the polynomial adaptive discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretizaion used in Inciter. Selecting this spatial discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme for time discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'pelocal_reorder'

PE-local reorder

This keyword is used in inciter as a keyword in the inciter...end block as "pelocal_reorder true" (or false) to do (or not do) a global distributed mesh reordering across all PEs that yields an approximately continuous mesh node ID order as mesh partitions are assigned to PEs after mesh partitioning. This reordering is optional.

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'phg'

Select parallel hypergraph mesh partitioner

This keyword is used to select the parallel hypergraph (PHG) mesh partitioner. PHG is a graph-based partitioner used to distribute an input mesh among processing elements. See Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'physics'

Specify the physics configuration for a system of PDEs

This keyword is used to select the physics configuration for a particular PDE system. Valid options depend on the system of PDEs in which the keyword is used.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'point'

Start configuration block for history point, or a single point in IC blocks

This keyword is used to either introduce a vector block used to specify probes for history output, or in the IC/BC block to specify a single point. When used in history output, it takes sub-entries of 'id' and 'coord'. When used in IC/BC, directly takes three reals as coordinates.

Expected type: vector block-title

Keyword 'precision'

Precision in digits for ASCII floating-point output

This keyword is used to select the precision in digits for ASCII floating-point real number output. Example: "precision=10", which selects ten digits for floating-point output, e.g., 3.141592654. The number of digits must be larger than zero and lower than the maximum representable digits for the given floating-point type. For more info on setting the precision in C++, see, and

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'pref'

Start configuration block configuring p-adaptive refinement

This keyword is used to introduce the pref block, to configure p-adaptive refinement

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'prelax'

Toggle multi-material finite pressure relaxation

This keyword is used to turn finite pressure relaxation between multiple materials on/off. It is used only for the multi-material solver, and has no effect when used for the other PDE types.

Expected type: uint 0/1

Keyword 'prelax_timescale'

Time-scale for multi-material finite pressure relaxation

This keyword is used to specify the time-scale at which finite pressure relaxation between multiple materials occurs. The default value of 0.25 corresponds to a relaxation time that is 4 times the time required for a sound wave to pass through a computational element. It is used only for multimat, and has no effect for the other PDE types.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'pressure'

Request/specify pressure

This keyword is used to request/specify the pressure. Usage is context specific. When specifed as 'elemvar' or 'nodevar' inside field_output, requests pressure as an output quantity. Otherwise, specifies pressure at IC/BC.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'problem'

Specify problem configuration for partial differential equation solver

This keyword is used to specify the problem configuration for the partial differential equation solver.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'pstiff'

EoS stiffness parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property, stiffness parameter in the stiffened gas equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'radius'

Specify a radius

This keyword is used to specify a radius, used, e.g., in specifying a point in 3D space for setting a stagnation (velocity vector = 0).

Expected type: real

Keyword 'rayleigh_taylor'

Select the Rayleigh-Taylor test problem

This keyword is used to select the Rayleigh-Taylor unstable configuration test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to assess time dependent fluid motion in the presence of Rayleigh-Taylor unstable conditions, i.e. opposing density and pressure gradients. For more details, see Waltz, et. al, "Manufactured solutions for the three-dimensional Euler equations with relevance to Inertial Confinement Fusion", Journal of Computational Physics 267 (2014) 196-209.

Keyword 'rcb'

Select recursive coordinate bisection mesh partitioner

This keyword is used to select the recursive coordinate bisection (RCB) mesh partitioner. RCB is a geometry-based partitioner used to distribute an input mesh among processing elements. See Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'rdof'

Total number of solution DOFs

The total number of solution DOFs, including the reconstructed and the evolved ones.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'refined'

Toggle refined field output on/off

This keyword can be used to turn on/off refined field output, which refines the mesh and evaluates the solution on the refined mesh for saving the solution.

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'refvar'

Configure dependent variables used for adaptive mesh refinement

This keyword is used to configured a list of dependent variables that trigger adaptive mesh refinement based on estimating their numerical error. These refinement variables are used for both initial (i.e., before time stepping) mesh refinement as well as during time stepping. Only previously (i.e., earlier in the input file) selected dependent variables can be configured as refinement variables. Dependent variables are required to be defined in all equation system configuration blocks, e.g., transport ... end, by using the 'depvar' keyword. Example: transport depvar c end amr refvar c end end. Selecting a particular scalar component in a system is done by appending the equation number to the refvar: Example: transport depvar q ncomp 3 end amr refvar q1 q2 end end, which configures two refinement variables: the first and third scalar component of the previously configured transport equation system.

Expected type: vector of char

Keyword 'rescomp'

Equation system component index for convergence

This keyword is used to specify a single integer that is used to denote the equation component index in the complete system of equations configured, to use for the convergence criterion for local time stepping marching towards steady state.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'residual'

Set the convergence criterion for the residual to reach

This keyword is used to specify a convergence criterion for the local time stepping marching to steady state, below which the simulation is considered converged.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'rho0_jwl'

JWL EoS rho0 parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property rho0, which is the density of initial state (units: kg/m3) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'rho0constraint'

Toggle the density constraint correction

This keyword is used to toggle the density constraint in solid dynamics on/off. It is used only for the multi-material solver in the presence of solids. The default is 1 (on).

Expected type: uint 0/1

Keyword 'rhor_jwl'

JWL EoS rhor parameter

This keyword is used to specify the material property rhor, which is the density of reference state (units: kg/m3) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'rib'

Select recursive inertial bisection mesh partitioner

This keyword is used to select the recursive inertial bisection (RIB) mesh partitioner. RIB is a geometry-based partitioner used to distribute an input mesh among processing elements. See Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'richtmyer_meshkov'

Select the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability problem

This keyword is used to select the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability problem. In this problem, a shock hits a perturbed material interface.

Keyword 'rotated_sod_shocktube'

Select the rotated Sod shock-tube test problem

This keyword is used to select the rotated Sod shock-tube test problem. This the same as Sod shocktube but the geometry is rotated about X, Y, Z each by 45 degrees (in that order) so that none of the domain boundary align with any of the coordinate directions. The purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the approximate Riemann solver and its shock and interface capturing capabilities in an arbitrarily oriented geometry. For more details on the Sod problem, see G. A. Sod, "A Survey of Several Finite Difference Methods for Systems of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", J. Comput. Phys., 27 (1978) 1–31.

Keyword 'scheme'

Select discretization scheme

This keyword is used to select a spatial discretization scheme, necessarily connected to the temporal discretization scheme. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for valid options.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'scientific'

Select the scientific ASCII floating-point output

This keyword is used to select the 'scientific' floating-point output format for ASCII floating-point real number output. For more info on these various formats, see

Keyword 'sedov_blastwave'

Select the Sedov blast-wave test problem

This keyword is used to select the Sedov blast-wave test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the approximate Riemann solver and its strong shock and interface capturing capabilities.

Keyword 'shear_diff'

Select the shear + diffusion test problem

This keyword is used to select the shear diffusion test problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection and diffusion terms of the scalar transport equation.

Keyword 'shedding_flow'

Select the Shedding flow test problem

This keyword is used to select the Shedding flow test problem. It describe a quasi-2D inviscid flow over a triangular wedge in tetrahedron grid. The purpose of this test problem is to test the capability of DG scheme for retaining the shape of vortices and also different error indicator behavior for this external flow problem when p-adaptive DG scheme is applied.

Keyword 'shock_detector_coeff'

Configure the coefficient used in shock indicator

This keyword can be used to configure the coefficient used in the threshold calculation for the shock indicator.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'shock_hebubble'

Select the shock He-bubble test problem

This keyword is used to select the shock He-bubble test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the multi-material algorithm and its shock-interface interaction capabilities. For more details, see Quirk, J. J., & Karni, S. (1996). On the dynamics of a shock–bubble interaction. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 318, 129-163.

Keyword 'shockdensity_wave'

Select the shock-density wave test problem

This keyword is used to select the shock-density wave test problem. THe purpose of this test problem is to assess the accuracy of high order method in predicting the interaction of a density wave with a shock front. For more details, see Yu, L., Matthias I. (2014). Discontinuous Galerkin method for multicomponent chemically reacting flows and combustion. Journal of Computational Physics, 270, 105-137.

Keyword 'sideset'

Specify list of side sets

This keyword is used to specify side sets. Usage is context specific, i.e. depends on what block it is specified in. Eg. in the field_output block it specifies the sidesets on which field output is desired.

Expected type: vector of uints

Keyword 'sine'

Prescribe sinusoidal mesh velocity for ALE

This keyword is used to prescribe a sinusoidal mesh velocity for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion.

Keyword 'sinewave_packet'

Select the advection of sinewave packet problem

This keyword is used to select the advection of sinewave packet problem.

Keyword 'slot_cyl'

Select Zalesak's slotted cylinder test problem

This keyword is used to select Zalesak's slotted cylinder test problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection and diffusion terms of the scalar transport equation.

Keyword 'smallshearsolid'

Select the SMALLSHEARSOLID equation of state

This keyword is used to select the small shear strain equation of state for solids. This EOS uses a small-shear approximation for the elastic contribution, and a stiffened gas EOS for the hydrodynamic contribution of the internal energy See Plohr, J. N., & Plohr, B. J. (2005). Linearized analysis of Richtmyer–Meshkov flow for elastic materials. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 537, 55-89 for further details.

Keyword 'smoother'

Select mesh velocity smoother

This keyword is used to select a mesh velocity smoother option, used for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion. Valid options are 'laplace', 'helmholtz', and 'none'

Expected type: string

Keyword 'sod_shocktube'

Select the Sod shock-tube test problem

This keyword is used to select the Sod shock-tube test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the approximate Riemann solver and its shock and interface capturing capabilities. For more details, see G. A. Sod, "A Survey of Several Finite Difference Methods for Systems of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", J. Comput. Phys., 27 (1978) 1–31.

Keyword 'species'

Start configuration block for species (eos) properties

This keyword is used to introduce a species block, used to specify species properties in the multi species solver.

Expected type: vector block-title

Keyword 'specific_total_energy'

Request specific total energy

This keyword is used to request the specific total energy as an output variable.

Keyword 'spectral_decay'

Select the spectral-decay indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme

This keyword is used to select the spectral-decay indicator used for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/PrefIndicator.hpp for other valid options.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'stag'

List sidesets with stagnation boundary conditions

This keyword is used to list (multiple) stagnation BC sidesets.

Expected type: vector of uint(s)

Keyword 'steady_state'

March to steady state

This keyword is used indicate that local time stepping should be used to march towards a stationary solution.

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'stiffenedgas'

Select the stiffened gas equation of state

This keyword is used to select the stiffened gas equation of state.

Keyword 'superbeep1'

Select the Superbee limiter for DGP1

This keyword is used to select the Superbee limiter used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) P1 spatial discretization used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'symmetry'

List sidesets with symmetry boundary conditions

This keyword is used to list (multiple) symmetry BC sidesets.

Expected type: vector of uint(s)

Keyword 't0'

Set starting non-dimensional time

This keyword is used to specify the starting time in a simulation.

Expected type: real

Keyword 't0ref'

Enable mesh refinement at t<0

This keyword is used to enable initial mesh refinement, which can be configured to perform multiple levels of mesh refinement based on various refinement criteria and configuration settings.

Expected type: bool

Keyword 'taylor_green'

Select the Taylor-Green test problem

This keyword is used to select the Taylor-Green vortex test problem. The purpose of this problem is to test time accuracy and the correctness of the discretization of the viscous term in the Navier-Stokes equation. For more details on the flow, see G.I. Taylor, A.E. Green, "Mechanism of the Production of Small Eddies from Large Ones", Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 1937 158 499-521; DOI: 10.1098/rspa.1937.0036. Published 3 February 1937.

Keyword 'temperature'

Specify temperature

This keyword is used to configure temperature, used for, e.g., boundary or initial conditions.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'term'

Set maximum physical time to simulate

This keyword is used to specify the termination time in a simulation. The termination time and number of time steps, specified by 'nstep', are used in conjunction to determine when to stop a simulation: whichever is reached first. Both 'nstep' and 'term' can be left unspecified, in which case their default values are used. See also 'nstep'.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'time_interval'

Set interval (in units of physics time)

This keyword is used to specify an interval in units of physics time. This must be used within a relevant block.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'time_range'

Configure physics time range for output (in units of physics time)

This keyword is used to configure field-, or history-output, specifying a start time, a stop time, and an output frequency in physics time units. Example: 'time_range = {0.2, 0.3, 0.001}', which specifies that from t=0.2 to t=0.3 output should happen at physics time units of dt=0.001. This must be used within a relevant block.

Expected type: vector of 3 reals

Keyword 'timedep'

Start configuration block describing time dependent boundary conditions

This keyword is used to introduce a bc_timedep block, used to specify the configuration of time dependent boundary conditions for a partial differential equation. A discrete function in time t in the form of a table with 6 columns (t, pressure(t), density(t), vx(t), vy(t), vz(t)) is expected inside a fn ... end block, specified within the bc_timedep block. Multiple such bc_timedep blocks can be specified for different time dependent BCs on different groups of side sets.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'title'


The title may be specified in the input file. It is optional.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'tol_derefine'

Configure derefine tolerance

This keyword is used to set the tolerance used to tag an edge for derefinement if the relative error is below this value.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'tol_refine'

Configure refine tolerance

This keyword is used to set the tolerance used to tag an edge for refinement if the relative error exceeds this value.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'tolerance'

Set the tolerance for the ALE mesh velocity linear solve

This keyword is used to specify the tolerance to converge the mesh velocity linear solve for in arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) calculations. See also J. Waltz, N.R. Morgan, T.R. Canfield, M.R.J. Charest, L.D. Risinger, J.G. Wohlbier, A three-dimensional finite element arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for shock hydrodynamics on unstructured grids, Computers & Fluids, 92: 172-187, 2014.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'tolref'

Configure the tolerance for p-refinement for p-adaptive DG

This keyword can be used to configure a tolerance for p-adaptive refinement for the DG scheme. The keyword must be used in a pref block. All elements with a refinement indicator larger than this tolerance will be p-refined.

Expected type: real between 0 and 1

Keyword 'transport'

Start configuration block for an transport equation

This keyword is used to introduce a transport block, used to specify the configuration for a transport equation type.

Expected type: block-title

Keyword 'ttyi'

Set screen output interval

This keyword is used to specify the interval in time steps for screen output during a simulation.

Expected type: uint

Keyword 'underwater_ex'

Select the underwater explosion test problem

This keyword is used to select the underwater explosion test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the multi-material algorithm and its interface capturing capabilities in the presence of strong shocks and large deformations. For more details, see Chiapolino, A., Saurel, R., & Nkonga, B. (2017). Sharpening diffuse interfaces with compressible fluids on unstructured meshes. Journal of Computational Physics, 340, 389-417.

Keyword 'uniform'

Select uniform initial mesh refinement

This keyword is used to select uniform initial mesh refinement.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'uniform_derefine'

Select uniform initial mesh de-refinement

This keyword is used to select uniform initial mesh de-refinement.

Expected type: string

Keyword 'upwind'

Select the upwind flux function

This keyword is used to select the upwind flux function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. It is only usable for scalar transport. See Control/Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'user_defined'

Select user-defined specification for a problem

This keyword is used to select the user-defined specification for an option. This could be a 'problem' to be solved by a partial differential equation, but can also be a 'user-defined' mesh velocity specification for ALE mesh motion.

Keyword 'velocity'

Specify velocity

This keyword is used to configure a velocity vector used in a context-specific way, e.g., for boundary or initial conditions, or specifying overset mesh velocity.

Expected type: vector of 3 reals

Keyword 'vertexbasedp1'

Select the vertex-based limiter for DGP1

This keyword is used to select the vertex-based limiter used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) P1 spatial discretization used in inciter. Ref. Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085. See Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'volume'

Specify volume

This keyword is used to configure the volume of a meshblock.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'volumetric_total_energy'

Request total volumetric energy

This keyword is used to request the volumetric total energy as an output variable.

Keyword 'vortical_flow'

Select the vortical flow test problem

This keyword is used to select the vortical flow test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to test velocity errors generated by spatial operators in the presence of 3D vorticity and in particluar the superposition of planar and vortical flows, analogous to voritcity stretching. For more details, see Waltz, et. al, "Manufactured solutions for the three-dimensional Euler equations with relevance to Inertial Confinement Fusion", Journal of Computational Physics 267 (2014) 196-209.

Keyword 'vortmult'

Configure vorticity multiplier for ALE mesh velocity

This keyword is used to configure the multiplier for the vorticity term in the mesh velocity smoother (mesh_velocity=fluid) or for the potential gradient for the Helmholtz mesh velocity (mesh_velocity=helmholtz) for ALE mesh motion. For 'fluid' this is coefficient c2 in Eq.(36) of Waltz, Morgan, Canfield, Charest, Risinger, Wohlbier, A three-dimensional finite element arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for shock hydrodynamics on unstructured grids, Computers & Fluids, 2014, and for 'helmholtz', this is coefficient a1 in Eq.(23) of Bakosi, Waltz, Morgan, Improved ALE mesh velocities for complex flows, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2017.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'w_gru'

Grueneisen coefficient

This keyword is used to specify the material property, Gruneisen coefficient for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'waterair_shocktube'

Select the water-air shock-tube test problem

This keyword is used to select the Water-air shock-tube test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the multi-material pressure relaxation procedure and its interface capturing capabilities. For more details, see Chiapolino, A., Saurel, R., & Nkonga, B. (2017). Sharpening diffuse interfaces with compressible fluids on unstructured meshes. Journal of Computational Physics, 340, 389-417.

Keyword 'wenop1'

Select the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) limiter for DGP1

This keyword is used to select the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory limiter used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) P1 spatial discretization used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for other valid options.

Keyword 'x-momentum'

Request x-momentum

This keyword is used to request the fluid x-momentum as an output variable.

Keyword 'x-velocity'

Request x-velocity

This keyword is used to request the fluid x-velocity as an output variable.

Keyword 'xmax'

Maximum x coordinate

This keyword used to configure a maximum x coordinate to specify a box.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'xmin'

Minimum x coordinate

This keyword used to configure a minimum x coordinate to specify a box.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'xminus'

Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an x-normal plane

This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges whose end-points are less than the x coordinate of a plane perpendicular to coordinate x in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block within an amr-block with syntax 'xminus <real>'. All edges of the input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie less than (-) the real number given. Example: 'xminus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point x-coordinates are less than 0.5.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'xplus'

Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an x-normal plane

This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges whose end-points are larger than the x coordinate of a plane perpendicular to coordinate x in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block within an amr-block with syntax 'xplus <real>'. All edges of the input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie larger than (+) the real number given. Example: 'xplus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point coordinates are larger than 0.5.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'y-momentum'

Request y-momentum

This keyword is used to request the fluid y-momentum as an output variable.

Keyword 'y-velocity'

Request y-velocity

This keyword is used to request the fluid y-velocity as an output variable.

Keyword 'yield_stress'

Yield stress of solid material

This keyword is used to specify the material property yield stress, which indicates the stress (units: Pa) after which the material begins plastic flow.

Expected type: vector of reals

Keyword 'ymax'

Maximum y coordinate

This keyword used to configure a maximum y coordinate to specify a box.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'ymin'

Minimum y coordinate

This keyword used to configure a minimum y coordinate to specify a box.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'yminus'

Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an y-normal plane

This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges whose end-points are less than the y coordinate of a plane perpendicular to coordinate y in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block within an amr-block with syntax 'yminus <real>'. All edges of the input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie less than (-) the real number given. Example: 'yminus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point coordinates are less than 0.5.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'yplus'

Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an y-normal plane

This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges whose end-points are larger than the y coordinate of a plane perpendicular to coordinate y in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block within an amr-block with syntax 'yplus <real>'. All edges of the input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie larger than (+) the real number given. Example: 'yplus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point coordinates are larger than 0.5.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'z-momentum'

Request z-momentum

This keyword is used to request the fluid z-momentum as an output variable.

Keyword 'z-velocity'

Request z-velocity

This keyword is used to request the fluid z-velocity as an output variable.

Keyword 'zmax'

Maximum z coordinate

This keyword used to configure a maximum z coordinate to specify a box.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'zmin'

Minimum z coordinate

This keyword used to configure a minimum z coordinate to specify a box.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'zminus'

Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an z-normal plane

This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges whose end-points are less than the z coordinate of a plane perpendicular to coordinate z in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block within an amr-block with syntax 'zminus <real>'. All edges of the input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie less than (-) the real number given. Example: 'zminus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point coordinates are less than 0.5.

Expected type: real

Keyword 'zplus'

Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an z-normal plane

This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges whose end-points are larger than the z coordinate of a plane perpendicular to coordinate z in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block within an amr-block with syntax 'zplus <real>'. All edges of the input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie larger than (+) the real number given. Example: 'zplus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point coordinates are larger than 0.5.

Expected type: real