Quinoa all test code coverage report
Current view: top level - PDE - CGPDE.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: Quinoa_v0.3-957-gb4f0efae0 Lines: 34 34 100.0 %
Date: 2021-11-11 18:25:50 Functions: 4 4 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 21 32 65.6 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/PDE/CGPDE.cpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
       7                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       8                 :            :   \brief     Functions common to ALECG
       9                 :            :   \details   Functions common to ALECG.
      10                 :            : */
      11                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      12                 :            : 
      13                 :            : #include <array>
      14                 :            : #include <vector>
      15                 :            : #include <unordered_map>
      16                 :            : 
      17                 :            : #include "Vector.hpp"
      18                 :            : #include "DerivedData.hpp"
      19                 :            : #include "Exception.hpp"
      20                 :            : #include "Around.hpp"
      21                 :            : #include "Fields.hpp"
      22                 :            : #include "CGPDE.hpp"
      23                 :            : #include "FunctionPrototypes.hpp"
      24                 :            : 
      25                 :            : namespace inciter {
      26                 :            : namespace cg {
      27                 :            : 
      28                 :            : std::vector< tk::real >
      29                 :    1104211 : solinc( tk::ncomp_t system, tk::ncomp_t ncomp, tk::real x, tk::real y,
      30                 :            :         tk::real z, tk::real t, tk::real dt, tk::InitializeFn solution )
      31                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      32                 :            : // Evaluate the increment from t to t+dt of the analytical solution at (x,y,z)
      33                 :            : // for all components
      34                 :            : //! \param[in] system Equation system index, i.e., which equation system we
      35                 :            : //!   operate on among the systems of PDEs configured by the user
      36                 :            : //! \param[in] ncomp Number of scalar components in this PDE system
      37                 :            : //! \param[in] x X coordinate where to evaluate the solution
      38                 :            : //! \param[in] y Y coordinate where to evaluate the solution
      39                 :            : //! \param[in] z Z coordinate where to evaluate the solution
      40                 :            : //! \param[in] t Time where to evaluate the solution increment starting from
      41                 :            : //! \param[in] dt Time increment at which evaluate the solution increment to
      42                 :            : //! \param[in] solution Function used to evaluate the solution
      43                 :            : //! \return Increment in values of all components evaluated at (x,y,z,t+dt)
      44                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      45                 :            : {
      46         [ +  - ]:    2208422 :   auto st1 = solution( system, ncomp, x, y, z, t );
      47         [ +  - ]:    1104211 :   auto st2 = solution( system, ncomp, x, y, z, t+dt );
      48                 :            : 
      49                 :            :   std::transform( begin(st1), end(st1), begin(st2), begin(st2),
      50                 :    5795926 :                   []( tk::real s, tk::real& d ){ return d -= s; } );
      51                 :            : 
      52                 :    2208422 :   return st2;
      53                 :            : }
      54                 :            : 
      55                 :            : std::unordered_map< int,
      56                 :            :   std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::array< tk::real, 4 > > >
      57                 :       2268 : bnorm(
      58                 :            :   const std::map< int, std::vector< std::size_t > >& bface,
      59                 :            :   const std::vector< std::size_t >& triinpoel,
      60                 :            :   const std::array< std::vector< tk::real >, 3 >& coord,
      61                 :            :   const std::vector< std::size_t >& gid,
      62                 :            :   const std::unordered_map< int, std::unordered_set< std::size_t > >& bcnodes )
      63                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      64                 :            : //! Compute boundary point normals
      65                 :            : //! \param[in] bface Boundary-faces mapped to side sets used in the input file
      66                 :            : //! \param[in] triinpoel Boundary-face connectivity where BCs set (local ids)
      67                 :            : //! \param[in] coord Mesh node coordinates
      68                 :            : //! \param[in] gid Local->global node id map
      69                 :            : //! \param[in] bcnodes Local node ids associated to side set ids at which BCs
      70                 :            : //!   are set that require normals
      71                 :            : //! \return Face normals in boundary points, Inner key: local node id, value:
      72                 :            : //!   unit normal and inverse distance square between face centroids and points,
      73                 :            : //!   outer key: side set id
      74                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      75                 :            : {
      76                 :       2268 :   const auto& x = coord[0];
      77                 :       2268 :   const auto& y = coord[1];
      78                 :       2268 :   const auto& z = coord[2];
      79                 :            : 
      80                 :            :   // Lambda to compute the inverse distance squared between boundary face
      81                 :            :   // centroid and boundary point. Here p is the global node id and g is the
      82                 :            :   // geometry of the boundary face, see tk::geoFaceTri().
      83                 :    3633768 :   auto invdistsq = [&]( const tk::Fields& g, std::size_t p ){
      84                 :    3633768 :     return 1.0 / ( (g(0,4,0) - x[p])*(g(0,4,0) - x[p]) +
      85                 :    3633768 :                    (g(0,5,0) - y[p])*(g(0,5,0) - y[p]) +
      86                 :    3633768 :                    (g(0,6,0) - z[p])*(g(0,6,0) - z[p]) );
      87                 :       2268 :   };
      88                 :            : 
      89                 :            :   // Compute boundary point normals on all side sets summing inverse distance
      90                 :            :   // weighted face normals to points. This is only a partial sum at shared
      91                 :            :   // boundary points in parallel. Inner key: global node id, value: normals and
      92                 :            :   // inverse distance square, outer key, side set id.
      93                 :            :   std::unordered_map< int,
      94                 :       2268 :     std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::array< tk::real, 4 > > > norm;
      95         [ +  + ]:       7373 :   for (const auto& [ setid, faceids ] : bface) { // for all side sets
      96         [ +  + ]:    1337983 :     for (auto f : faceids) { // for all side set triangles
      97                 :            :       tk::UnsMesh::Face
      98                 :    1332878 :         face{ triinpoel[f*3+0], triinpoel[f*3+1], triinpoel[f*3+2] };
      99                 :    1332878 :       std::array< tk::real, 3 > fx{ x[face[0]], x[face[1]], x[face[2]] };
     100                 :    1332878 :       std::array< tk::real, 3 > fy{ y[face[0]], y[face[1]], y[face[2]] };
     101                 :    1332878 :       std::array< tk::real, 3 > fz{ z[face[0]], z[face[1]], z[face[2]] };
     102         [ +  - ]:    2665756 :       auto g = tk::geoFaceTri( fx, fy, fz );
     103         [ +  + ]:    5331512 :       for (auto p : face) {  // for all 3 nodes of a boundary triangle face
     104         [ +  + ]:   13010514 :         for (const auto& [s,nodes] : bcnodes) {  // for all bnd nodes w/ normals
     105         [ +  + ]:    9011880 :           if (setid == s) {  // only contribute to side set we operate on
     106         [ +  - ]:    3633768 :             auto i = nodes.find(p);
     107         [ +  - ]:    3633768 :             if (i != end(nodes)) {        // only if user set bc on node
     108         [ +  - ]:    3633768 :               tk::real r = invdistsq(g,p);
     109 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:    3633768 :               auto& n = norm[s][gid[p]];  // associate set id and global node id
     110         [ +  - ]:    3633768 :               n[0] += r*g(0,1,0);
     111         [ +  - ]:    3633768 :               n[1] += r*g(0,2,0);
     112         [ +  - ]:    3633768 :               n[2] += r*g(0,3,0);
     113                 :    3633768 :               n[3] += r;
     114                 :            :             }
     115                 :            :           }
     116                 :            :         }
     117                 :            :       }
     118                 :            :     }
     119                 :            :   }
     120                 :            : 
     121                 :       4536 :   return norm;
     122                 :            : }
     123                 :            : 
     124                 :            : } // cg::
     125                 :            : } // inciter::

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14