Quinoa all test code coverage report
Current view: top level - Main - RNGTestPrint.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: Quinoa_v0.3-957-gb4f0efae0 Lines: 91 91 100.0 %
Date: 2021-11-11 18:25:50 Functions: 9 9 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 136 270 50.4 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/Main/RNGTestPrint.hpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
       7                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       8                 :            :   \brief     RNGTest-specific pretty printer functionality
       9                 :            :   \details   RNGTest-specific pretty printer functionality.
      10                 :            : */
      11                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      12                 :            : #ifndef RNGTestPrint_h
      13                 :            : #define RNGTestPrint_h
      14                 :            : 
      15                 :            : #include "Types.hpp"
      16                 :            : #include "RNGPrint.hpp"
      17                 :            : #include "RNGTest/InputDeck/InputDeck.hpp"
      18                 :            : #include "Flip_map.hpp"
      19                 :            : 
      20                 :            : namespace rngtest {
      21                 :            : 
      22                 :            : extern ctr::InputDeck g_inputdeck_defaults;
      23                 :            : extern ctr::InputDeck g_inputdeck;
      24                 :            : 
      25                 :            : //! RNGTestPrint : tk::RNGPrint
      26                 :            : class RNGTestPrint : public tk::RNGPrint {
      27                 :            : 
      28                 :            :   public:
      29                 :            :     //! Constructor
      30                 :            :     //! \param[in] screen Screen output filename
      31                 :            :     //! \param[in,out] str Verbose stream
      32                 :            :     //! \param[in] mode Open mode for screen output file, see
      33                 :            :     //!   http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/ios_base/openmode
      34                 :            :     //! \param[in,out] qstr Quiet stream
      35                 :            :     //! \see tk::RNGPrint::RNGPrint and tk::Print::Print
      36                 :        500 :     explicit RNGTestPrint( const std::string& screen,
      37                 :            :                            std::ostream& str = std::clog,
      38                 :            :                            std::ios_base::openmode mode = std::ios_base::out,
      39                 :        500 :                            std::ostream& qstr = std::cout ) :
      40                 :        500 :       RNGPrint( screen, str, mode, qstr ) {}
      41                 :            : 
      42                 :            :     //! Bring vanilla overloads from base into scope in case local overloads fail
      43                 :            :     using Print::section;
      44                 :            :     using Print::item;
      45                 :            : 
      46                 :            :     //! Print section only if differs from default
      47                 :            :     template< class Option, typename... tags >
      48                 :            :     void Section() const {
      49                 :            :       if (g_inputdeck.get< tags... >() !=
      50                 :            :             g_inputdeck_defaults.get< tags... >()) {
      51                 :            :         Option opt;
      52                 :            :         auto& group = opt.group();
      53                 :            :         auto& value = opt.name( g_inputdeck.get< tags... >() );
      54                 :            :         m_stream << m_section_title_value_fmt % m_section_indent
      55                 :            :                                               % m_section_bullet
      56                 :            :                                               % group
      57                 :            :                                               % value;
      58                 :            :         m_stream << m_section_underline_fmt
      59                 :            :                     % m_section_indent
      60                 :            :                     % std::string( m_section_indent.size() + 3 +
      61                 :            :                                    group.size() + value.size(), '-' );
      62                 :            :       }
      63                 :            :     }
      64                 :            : 
      65                 :            :     //! Print control option: 'group : option' only if differs from its default
      66                 :            :     template< class Option, typename... tags>
      67                 :            :     void Item() const {
      68                 :            :       if (g_inputdeck.get<tags...>() != g_inputdeck_defaults.get<tags...>()) {
      69                 :            :         Option opt;
      70                 :            :         m_stream << m_item_name_value_fmt % m_item_indent
      71                 :            :                                           % opt.group()
      72                 :            :                                           % opt.name(g_inputdeck.get<tags...>());
      73                 :            :       }
      74                 :            :     }
      75                 :            : 
      76                 :            :     //! Print battery only if differs from default
      77                 :            :     //! \param[in] ntest Number tests in battery
      78                 :            :     //! \param[in] nstat Number statistics in battery
      79                 :          4 :     void battery( std::size_t ntest, std::size_t nstat ) const {
      80                 :          4 :       if (g_inputdeck.get< tag::selected, tag::battery >() !=
      81         [ +  - ]:          4 :           g_inputdeck_defaults.get< tag::selected, tag::battery >() ) {
      82         [ +  - ]:          8 :         ctr::Battery b;
      83                 :          4 :         auto& group = b.group();
      84         [ +  - ]:          4 :         auto& value = b.name( g_inputdeck.get< tag::selected, tag::battery >() );
      85         [ +  - ]:          4 :         std::stringstream ss;
      86 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          4 :         ss << value << " (" << ntest << " tests, " << nstat << " stats)";
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
      87                 :         12 :         m_stream << m_section_title_value_fmt % m_section_indent
      88 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          4 :                                               % m_section_bullet
      89         [ +  - ]:          4 :                                               % group
      90 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          8 :                                               % ss.str();
                 [ +  - ]
      91                 :          4 :         m_stream << m_section_underline_fmt
      92         [ +  - ]:          4 :                     % m_section_indent
      93                 :         12 :                     % std::string( m_section_indent.size() + 3 +
      94 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         12 :                                    group.size() + ss.str().size(), '-' );
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
      95                 :            :       }
      96                 :          4 :     }
      97                 :            : 
      98                 :            :     //! Print statistical test name(s)
      99                 :            :     //! \param[in] testnames Names of tests
     100                 :        224 :     void names( const std::vector< std::string >& testnames ) const {
     101         [ +  + ]:        560 :       for (const auto& n : testnames)
     102 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:        336 :         m_stream << m_list_item_fmt % m_item_indent % n;
                 [ +  - ]
     103                 :        224 :     }
     104                 :            : 
     105                 :            :     //! Print statistical tests header (with legend)
     106                 :            :     //! \param[in] t String to use as title
     107                 :            :     //! \param[in] npval Number of p-values from tests
     108                 :            :     //! \param[in] ntest Number of tests
     109                 :          4 :     void statshead( const std::string& t, std::size_t npval, std::size_t ntest )
     110                 :            :     const {
     111         [ +  - ]:          4 :       std::stringstream ss;
     112 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          4 :       ss << t << " (" << npval << " stats from " << ntest << " tests)";
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
     113                 :         12 :       m_stream << m_section_title_fmt % m_section_indent
     114 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          4 :                                       % m_section_bullet
     115 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          8 :                                       % ss.str();
                 [ +  - ]
     116                 :          4 :       m_stream << m_section_underline_fmt
     117         [ +  - ]:          4 :                   % m_section_indent
     118 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          8 :                   % std::string( m_section_indent.size() + 2 + ss.str().size(),
     119 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          4 :                                 '-');
     120 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         12 :       raw( m_item_indent + "Legend: [done/total/failed] Test, RNG : p-value\n" +
     121 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          8 :            m_item_indent + "(eps  means a value < 1.0e-300)\n" +
     122 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         12 :            m_item_indent + "(eps1 means a value < 1.0e-15)\n\n" );
     123                 :            : 
     124                 :          4 :     }
     125                 :            : 
     126                 :            :     //! \brief Print one-liner info for test
     127                 :            :     //! \details Columns: [done/total/failed]
     128                 :            :     //!   - done: number of tests completed so far (note that a test may produce
     129                 :            :     //!     more than one statistics and thus p-values)
     130                 :            :     //!   - total: total number of tests: number of tests in the suite times the
     131                 :            :     //!     number of RNGs tested (note that a test may produce more than one
     132                 :            :     //!     statistics and thus p-values)
     133                 :            :     //!   - failed: number of failed tests by a given RNG so far
     134                 :            :     //! name of the statistical test
     135                 :            :     //! name of RNG
     136                 :            :     //! result of test: "pass" or "fail, p-value = ..."
     137                 :            :     //! \param[in] ncomplete Number of completed tests
     138                 :            :     //! \param[in] ntest Total number of tests
     139                 :            :     //! \param[in] nfail Number of failed tests for RNG
     140                 :            :     //! \param[in] status Vector of vector of string with the following assumed
     141                 :            :     //!   structure:
     142                 :            :     //!   - status[0]: vector of name(s) of the test(s),
     143                 :            :     //!                length: number of p-values
     144                 :            :     //!   - status[1]: vector of p-value strings: "pass" or "fail, p-value = ...",
     145                 :            :     //!                length: number of p-values
     146                 :            :     //!   - status[2]: vector of length 1: RNG name used to run the test
     147                 :        264 :     void test( std::size_t ncomplete,
     148                 :            :                std::size_t ntest,
     149                 :            :                std::map< std::string, std::size_t >& nfail,
     150                 :            :                const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > >& status ) const
     151                 :            :     {
     152         [ +  - ]:        264 :       const auto& numfail = nfail.find( status[2][0] );
     153 [ -  + ][ -  - ]:        264 :       Assert( numfail != nfail.end(), "Cannot find RNG" );
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
     154                 :            : 
     155                 :            :       // Lambda to count number of failed tests
     156                 :        818 :       auto nfailed = [ &numfail, &status ]() {
     157 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:       1404 :         for (const auto& p : status[1]) if (p.size() > 4) ++numfail->second;
     158                 :        396 :         return numfail->second;
     159                 :        264 :       };
     160                 :            : 
     161                 :            :       // Construct and echo info-line for all statistics resulted from test
     162         [ +  + ]:        660 :       for (std::size_t t=0; t<status[0].size(); ++t) {
     163         [ +  - ]:        396 :         std::stringstream ss;
     164 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:        396 :         ss << "[" << ncomplete << "/" << ntest << "/" << nfailed()
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
     165 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:        396 :            << "] " << status[0][t];
     166 [ +  + ][ +  - ]:        396 :         if (t==0) ss << ", " << status[2][0];
                 [ +  - ]
     167                 :        396 :         (status[1][t] == "pass" ? m_stream : m_qstream) <<
     168 [ +  + ][ +  - ]:        396 :           m_item_widename_value_fmt % m_item_indent % ss.str() % status[1][t];
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
     169                 :            :       }
     170                 :        264 :     }
     171                 :            : 
     172                 :            :     //! \brief Print failed statistical test names, RNGs, and p-values
     173                 :            :     //! \details Requirements on the template argument, class Failed: must have
     174                 :            :     //!    public fields test, rng, and pval.
     175                 :            :     //! \param[in] t String to use as title
     176                 :            :     //! \param[in] npval Number of p-values from tests
     177                 :            :     //! \param[in] nfail Number of failed tests for RNG
     178                 :            :     template< class Failed >
     179                 :          2 :     void failed( const std::string& t,
     180                 :            :                  std::size_t npval,
     181                 :            :                  const std::vector< Failed >& nfail ) const
     182                 :            :     {
     183         [ +  - ]:          4 :       std::stringstream ss;
     184 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          2 :       ss << t << " (" << nfail.size() << "/" << npval << ")";
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
     185 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          2 :       section( ss.str() );
     186 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          2 :       raw( m_item_indent + "The following tests gave p-values outside "
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
                 [ +  - ]
     187                 :            :                            "[0.001, 0.999]\n" +
     188                 :          2 :            m_item_indent + "List groupped by RNG, in the order given in the "
     189                 :            :                            "input file\n" +
     190                 :          2 :            m_item_indent + "Legend: Test, RNG : p-value\n" +
     191                 :          2 :            m_item_indent + "(eps  means a value < 1.0e-300)\n" +
     192         [ +  - ]:          2 :            m_item_indent + "(eps1 means a value < 1.0e-15)\n\n" );
     193                 :          4 :       std::string oldname;
     194         [ +  + ]:         20 :       for (const auto& f : nfail) {
     195         [ +  - ]:         36 :         std::string newname( f.rng );
     196 [ +  + ][ +  - ]:         18 :         std::string rngname( newname == oldname ? "" : (", " + newname) );
         [ +  - ][ +  + ]
                 [ -  - ]
     197         [ +  - ]:         18 :         oldname = newname;
     198                 :         36 :         m_stream << m_item_widename_value_fmt
     199         [ +  - ]:         18 :                     % m_item_indent
     200         [ +  - ]:         36 :                     % (f.test + rngname)
     201 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         36 :                     % f.pval;
                 [ +  - ]
     202                 :            :       }
     203                 :          2 :     }
     204                 :            : 
     205                 :            :     //! Print RNGs and their measured run times
     206                 :            :     //! \param[in] name Section name
     207                 :            :     //! \param[in] costnote A note on how to interpret the costs
     208                 :            :     //! \param[in] c Costs for RNGs
     209                 :          2 :     void cost( const std::string& name,
     210                 :            :                const std::string& costnote,
     211                 :            :                std::map< std::string, tk::real > c ) const
     212                 :            :     {
     213 [ -  + ][ -  - ]:          2 :       Assert( !c.empty(), "Empty map passed to cost()" );
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
     214         [ +  - ]:          4 :       std::multimap< tk::real, std::string > times = tk::flip_map( c );
     215         [ +  - ]:          2 :       section< tk::QUIET >( name );
     216 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          2 :       raw< tk::QUIET >( m_item_indent + costnote + "\n\n" );
                 [ +  - ]
     217                 :          2 :       tk::real fastest = times.begin()->first;
     218         [ +  + ]:          8 :       for (const auto& t : times) {
     219         [ +  - ]:          6 :         std::stringstream ss;
     220 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          6 :         ss << t.first << "  (" << std::setprecision(3) << t.first/fastest
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
     221         [ +  - ]:          6 :            << "x)";
     222 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          6 :         item< tk::QUIET >( t.second, ss.str() );
     223                 :            :       }
     224                 :          2 :     }
     225                 :            : 
     226                 :            :     //! Print RNGs and their number of failed tests
     227                 :            :     //! \param[in] name Section name
     228                 :            :     //! \param[in] ranknote A note on how to interpret ranks
     229                 :            :     //! \param[in] f Ranks for RNGs
     230                 :          2 :     void rank( const std::string& name,
     231                 :            :                const std::string& ranknote,
     232                 :            :                std::map< std::string, std::size_t > f ) const
     233                 :            :     {
     234 [ -  + ][ -  - ]:          2 :       Assert( !f.empty(), "Empty map passed to rank()" );
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
     235         [ +  - ]:          4 :       std::multimap< std::size_t, std::string > nfail = tk::flip_map( f );
     236         [ +  - ]:          2 :       section< tk::QUIET >( name );
     237 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          2 :       raw< tk::QUIET >( m_item_indent + ranknote + "\n\n" );
                 [ +  - ]
     238 [ +  + ][ +  - ]:          8 :       for (const auto& t : nfail) item< tk::QUIET >( t.second, t.first );
     239                 :          2 :     }
     240                 :            : };
     241                 :            : 
     242                 :            : } // rngtest::
     243                 :            : 
     244                 :            : #endif // RNGTestPrint_h

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