Quinoa regression test code coverage report
Current view: top level - RNGTest - StatTest.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: Quinoa_v0.3-957-gb4f0efae0 Lines: 15 18 83.3 %
Date: 2021-11-11 13:17:06 Functions: 204 240 85.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 3 14 21.4 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/RNGTest/StatTest.hpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
       7                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       8                 :            :   \brief     Random number generator statistical test
       9                 :            :   \details   This file defines a generic random number generator statistical
      10                 :            :     test class. The class uses runtime polymorphism without client-side
      11                 :            :     inheritance: inheritance is confined to the internals of the class,
      12                 :            :     invisible to client-code. The class exclusively deals with ownership
      13                 :            :     enabling client-side value semantics. Credit goes to Sean Parent at Adobe:
      14                 :            :     https://github.com/sean-parent/
      15                 :            :     sean-parent.github.com/wiki/Papers-and-Presentations.
      16                 :            : */
      17                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      18                 :            : #ifndef StatTest_h
      19                 :            : #define StatTest_h
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            : #include <functional>
      22                 :            : #include <memory>
      23                 :            : 
      24                 :            : #include "NoWarning/charm++.hpp"
      25                 :            : 
      26                 :            : #include "Macro.hpp"
      27                 :            : #include "Options/RNG.hpp"
      28                 :            : 
      29                 :            : namespace rngtest {
      30                 :            : 
      31                 :            : //! \brief Random number generator statistical test
      32                 :            : //! \details This class uses runtime polymorphism without client-side
      33                 :            : //!   inheritance: inheritance is confined to the internals of the this class,
      34                 :            : //!   invisible to client-code. The class exclusively deals with ownership
      35                 :            : //!   enabling client-side value semantics. Credit goes to Sean Parent at Adobe:
      36                 :            : //!   https://github.com/sean-parent/sean-parent.github.com/wiki/
      37                 :            : //!   Papers-and-Presentations. For example client code that models a Battery,
      38                 :            : //!   see rngtest::TestU01.
      39                 :            : class StatTest {
      40                 :            : 
      41                 :            :   public:
      42                 :            :     //! \brief Constructor taking a function pointer to a constructor of an
      43                 :            :     //!    object modeling Concept
      44                 :            :     //! \details Passing std::function allows late execution of the constructor
      45                 :            :     //!   of T, i.e., at some future time, and thus usage from a factory. Note
      46                 :            :     //!   that the value of the first function argument, std::function<T()>, is
      47                 :            :     //!   not used here, but its constructor type, T, is used to enable the
      48                 :            :     //!   compiler to deduce the model constructor type, used to create its
      49                 :            :     //!   Charm proxy, defined by T::Proxy. The actual constructor of T is not
      50                 :            :     //!   called here but at some future time by the Charm++ runtime system,
      51                 :            :     //!   here only an asynchrounous ckNew() is called, i.e., a message (or
      52                 :            :     //!   request) for a future call to T's constructor. This overload can only
      53                 :            :     //!   be used for Charm++ chare objects defining typedef 'Proxy', which must
      54                 :            :     //!   define the Charm++ proxy. All optional constructor arguments are
      55                 :            :     //!   forwarded to ckNew() and thus to T's constructor. If it was somehow
      56                 :            :     //!   possible to obtain all bound arguments' types and values from an
      57                 :            :     //!   already-bound std::function, we could use those instead of having to
      58                 :            :     //!   explicitly forward the model constructor arguments via this host
      59                 :            :     //!   constructor.
      60                 :            :     //! \param[in] c Function pointer to a constructor of an object modeling
      61                 :            :     //!    Concept
      62                 :            :     //! \param[in] args Constructor arguments
      63                 :            :     //! \see See also tk::recordCharmModel().
      64                 :            :     template< typename T, typename... CtrArgs >
      65                 :        264 :     explicit StatTest( std::function<T()> c [[maybe_unused]], CtrArgs... args )
      66                 :            :       : self( std::make_unique< Model< typename T::Proxy > >
      67         [ +  - ]:        264 :               (std::move(T::Proxy::ckNew(std::forward<CtrArgs>(args)...))) ) {
      68 [ -  + ][ -  - ]:        264 :       Assert( c == nullptr, "std::function argument to StatTest Charm "
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      69                 :            :                             "constructor must be nullptr" );
      70                 :        264 :     }
      71                 :            : 
      72                 :            :     //! Public interface to contribute number of results/test, i.e., p-values
      73                 :        224 :     void npval() const { self->npval(); }
      74                 :            : 
      75                 :            :     //! Public interface to contribute test name(s)
      76                 :        224 :     void names() const { self->names(); }
      77                 :            : 
      78                 :            :     //! Public interface to running a test
      79                 :        264 :     void run() const { self->run(); }
      80                 :            : 
      81                 :            :     //! Public interface to contributing a test's run time measured in seconds
      82                 :        264 :     void time() const { self->time(); }
      83                 :            : 
      84                 :            :     //! Copy assignment
      85                 :            :     StatTest& operator=( const StatTest& x )
      86                 :            :     { StatTest tmp(x); *this = std::move(tmp); return *this; }
      87                 :            :     //! Copy constructor
      88                 :            :     StatTest( const StatTest& x ) : self( x.self->copy() ) {}
      89                 :            :     //! Move assignment
      90                 :            :     StatTest& operator=( StatTest&& ) noexcept = default;
      91                 :            :     //! Move constructor
      92                 :        612 :     StatTest( StatTest&& ) noexcept = default;
      93                 :            : 
      94                 :            :   private:
      95                 :            :     //! Concept is a pure virtual base class specifying the requirements of
      96                 :            :     //! polymorphic objects deriving from it
      97                 :            :     struct Concept {
      98                 :        264 :       Concept() = default;
      99                 :          0 :       Concept( const Concept& ) = default;
     100                 :          0 :       virtual ~Concept() = default;
     101                 :            :       virtual Concept* copy() const = 0;
     102                 :            :       virtual void npval() = 0;
     103                 :            :       virtual void names() = 0;
     104                 :            :       virtual void run() = 0;
     105                 :            :       virtual void time() = 0;
     106                 :            :     };
     107                 :            : 
     108                 :            :     //! Model models the Concept above by deriving from it and overriding the
     109                 :            :     //! the virtual functions required by Concept
     110                 :            :     template< typename T >
     111                 :            :     struct Model : Concept {
     112         [ +  - ]:        264 :       explicit Model( T x ) : data( std::move(x) ) {}
     113         [ -  - ]:          0 :       Concept* copy() const override { return new Model( *this ); }
     114                 :        224 :       void npval() override { data.npval(); }
     115                 :        224 :       void names() override { data.names(); }
     116                 :        264 :       void run() override { data.run(); }
     117                 :        264 :       void time() override { data.time(); }
     118                 :            :       T data;
     119                 :            :     };
     120                 :            : 
     121                 :            :     std::unique_ptr< Concept > self;    //!< Base pointer used polymorphically
     122                 :            : };
     123                 :            : 
     124                 :            : } // rngtest::
     125                 :            : 
     126                 :            : #endif // StatTest_h

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