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Current view: top level - Main - MeshConvDriver.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: -128-NOTFOUND Lines: 81 86 94.2 %
Date: 2025-03-07 14:11:04 Functions: 3 3 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 122 272 44.9 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/Main/MeshConvDriver.cpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
       7                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       8                 :            :   \brief     Mesh converter driver
       9                 :            :   \details   Mesh converter driver.
      10                 :            : */
      11                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      12                 :            : 
      13                 :            : #include "Types.hpp"
      14                 :            : #include "Tags.hpp"
      15                 :            : #include "MeshConvDriver.hpp"
      16                 :            : #include "MeshFactory.hpp"
      17                 :            : #include "Writer.hpp"
      18                 :            : 
      19                 :            : #include "NoWarning/meshconv.decl.h"
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            : using meshconv::MeshConvDriver;
      22                 :            : 
      23                 :            : extern CProxy_Main mainProxy;
      24                 :            : 
      25                 :         18 : MeshConvDriver::MeshConvDriver( const ctr::CmdLine& cmdline, int ) :
      26                 :         18 :   m_print( cmdline.logname( cmdline.get< tag::io, tag::screen >(),
      27                 :            :                             cmdline.get< tag::io, tag::nrestart >() ),
      28                 :         18 :            cmdline.get< tag::verbose >() ? std::cout : std::clog,
      29                 :            :            std::ios_base::app ),
      30                 :         18 :   m_reorder( cmdline.get< tag::reorder >() ),
      31                 :            :   m_input(),
      32 [ -  + ][ +  - ]:         54 :   m_output()
                 [ +  - ]
      33                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      34                 :            : //  Constructor
      35                 :            : //! \param[in] cmdline Command line object storing data parsed from the command
      36                 :            : //!   line arguments
      37                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      38                 :            : {
      39                 :            :   // Save input file name
      40                 :            :   m_input = cmdline.get< tag::io, tag::input >();
      41                 :            :   // Save output file name
      42                 :            :   m_output = cmdline.get< tag::io, tag::output >();
      43                 :         18 : }
      44                 :            : 
      45                 :            : void
      46                 :         18 : MeshConvDriver::execute() const
      47                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      48                 :            : //  Execute: Convert mesh file
      49                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      50                 :            : {
      51                 :            :   m_print.endsubsection();
      52                 :            : 
      53                 :         18 :   std::vector< std::pair< std::string, tk::real > > times;
      54                 :            : 
      55                 :            :   // If input filename contains a '%', we aggregate multiple files
      56         [ +  + ]:         18 :   if (m_input.find('%') == std::string::npos) {
      57                 :            : 
      58                 :            :     // Convert single mesh
      59                 :            : 
      60                 :          0 :     times.push_back( {} );
      61         [ +  - ]:         34 :     auto mesh = tk::readUnsMesh( m_print, m_input, times[0] );
      62         [ +  - ]:         17 :     auto wtimes = tk::writeUnsMesh( m_print, m_output, mesh, m_reorder );
      63         [ +  - ]:         17 :     times.insert( end(times), begin(wtimes), end(wtimes) );
      64                 :            : 
      65                 :            :   } else {
      66                 :            : 
      67                 :            :     // Aggregate multiple meshes containing surface output
      68                 :            : 
      69                 :            :     // Find a '%' sign in the input filename, and assuming a syntax of
      70                 :            :     // '.<nfile>.%', find '<nfile>' as the number of files to aggregate.
      71                 :          1 :     auto percent_pos = m_input.find( '%' );
      72         [ +  - ]:          1 :     auto input_basename = m_input.substr( 0, percent_pos );
      73                 :            :     auto dot1 = m_input.find_last_of( '.', percent_pos );
      74                 :          1 :     auto dot2 = m_input.find_last_of( '.', dot1-1 );
      75         [ +  - ]:          1 :     auto nfile_str = m_input.substr( dot2+1, dot1-dot2-1  );
      76         [ +  - ]:          2 :     std::stringstream ss( nfile_str );
      77         [ -  + ]:          1 :     if (nfile_str.empty())
      78 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :       Throw( "The percent sign must be followed by an "
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      79                 :            :              "integer, the number of files to aggregate" );
      80                 :            :     std::size_t nfile;
      81                 :            :     ss >> nfile;
      82 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          3 :     m_print.diag( "Aggregating " + std::to_string(nfile) +
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ -  + ][ -  + ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      83 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:          2 :                   " files from base filename: '" + input_basename +'\'' );
         [ -  + ][ -  + ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      84                 :            : 
      85                 :            :     const auto eps = std::numeric_limits< tk::real >::epsilon();
      86                 :            : 
      87                 :            :     // Lambda to echo some diagnostics on the mesh being processes to screen
      88                 :         10 :     auto diag = [&]( const std::string& name, const tk::UnsMesh& mesh ){
      89 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         30 :       m_print.diag( name + ": ntri: " +
         [ +  - ][ -  + ]
         [ -  + ][ -  - ]
                 [ -  - ]
      90 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         40 :         std::to_string(mesh.triinpoel().size()/3) +
         [ -  + ][ -  + ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      91 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         40 :         ", ntime: " + std::to_string(mesh.vartimes().size()) +
         [ +  - ][ -  + ]
         [ -  + ][ -  + ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
                 [ -  - ]
      92 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         20 :         (!mesh.nodevars().empty() ? ", node_var: " +
                 [ -  - ]
      93 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         50 :            std::to_string(mesh.nodevars()[0].size()) : "") +
         [ -  + ][ +  - ]
         [ -  + ][ -  - ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      94 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         20 :         (!mesh.nodevars()[0].empty() ? ", npoin: " +
                 [ -  - ]
      95 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         50 :            std::to_string(mesh.nodevars()[0][0].size()) : "") +
         [ -  + ][ +  - ]
         [ -  + ][ -  - ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      96 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         20 :         (!mesh.elemvars().empty() ? ", elem_var: " +
                 [ -  - ]
      97 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         50 :            std::to_string(mesh.elemvars()[0].size()) : "") +
         [ -  + ][ +  - ]
         [ -  + ][ -  - ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      98 [ -  + ][ -  - ]:         10 :         (!mesh.elemvars()[0].empty() ? ", nelem: " +
                 [ +  - ]
      99 [ -  - ][ -  + ]:         10 :            std::to_string(mesh.elemvars()[0][0].size()) : "") );
                 [ -  - ]
     100                 :         10 :     };
     101                 :            : 
     102                 :            :     // Output-mesh containers, will store aggregated surface(s) and field output
     103                 :            :     tk::UnsMesh::Coords coords;
     104                 :            :     auto& X = coords[0];
     105                 :            :     auto& Y = coords[1];
     106                 :            :     auto& Z = coords[2];
     107                 :          1 :     std::size_t npoin = 0;
     108                 :            :     std::size_t nelem = 0;
     109                 :            :     std::vector< std::size_t > otriinpoel;
     110                 :          1 :     std::vector< std::string > nodevarnames;
     111                 :          1 :     std::vector< std::string > elemvarnames;
     112                 :            :     std::vector< tk::real > vartimes;
     113                 :          1 :     std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< tk::real > > > nodevars;
     114                 :          1 :     std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< tk::real > > > elemvars;
     115                 :            :     // Counter for number of non-empty meshes processed
     116                 :            :     std::size_t k = 0;
     117         [ +  + ]:         31 :     for (std::size_t m=0; m<nfile; ++m) {
     118 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:         60 :       std::string name = input_basename + std::to_string(m);
     119 [ +  - ][ -  - ]:         30 :       times.push_back( {} );
     120         [ +  - ]:         30 :       auto mesh = tk::readUnsMesh( m_print, name, times.back() );
     121                 :            :       const auto& triinpoel = mesh.triinpoel();
     122                 :            :       // Skip meshes with a single triange cell
     123         [ +  + ]:         30 :       if (triinpoel.size() == 3) continue;
     124                 :            :       const auto& x = mesh.x();
     125                 :            :       const auto& y = mesh.y();
     126                 :            :       const auto& z = mesh.z();
     127         [ +  - ]:          9 :       nodevarnames = mesh.nodevarnames();
     128         [ +  - ]:          9 :       elemvarnames = mesh.elemvarnames();
     129         [ +  - ]:          9 :       vartimes = mesh.vartimes();
     130                 :            :       // Echo some diagnostics on the mesh being processes to screen
     131         [ +  - ]:          9 :       diag( name, mesh );
     132                 :            :       // Aggregate data from each triangle element in mesh
     133         [ +  + ]:      63693 :       for (std::size_t e=0; e<triinpoel.size()/3; ++e) {
     134         [ +  + ]:     254736 :         for (std::size_t n=0; n<3; ++n) {
     135                 :     191052 :           auto j = triinpoel[ e*3+n ];
     136                 :            :           bool visited = false;
     137                 :            :           // WARNING: linear search below, will not scale well
     138         [ +  + ]: 3378984362 :           for (std::size_t i=0; i<X.size(); ++i) {
     139                 :            :             // If mesh point has already been seen (on a previous mesh)
     140 [ +  + ][ +  + ]: 3378793310 :             if (std::abs(x[j]-X[i]) < eps &&
     141 [ +  + ][ +  + ]: 3378793310 :                 std::abs(y[j]-Y[i]) < eps &&
                 [ +  + ]
     142         [ +  + ]:   10327686 :                 std::abs(z[j]-Z[i]) < eps)
     143                 :            :             { // no point in connectivity but nothing else
     144                 :            :               visited = true;
     145         [ +  - ]:     159179 :               otriinpoel.push_back( i );
     146                 :            :             }
     147                 :            :           }
     148         [ +  + ]:     191052 :           if (!visited) { // Mesh point not yet seen
     149                 :            :             // save coordinates and (global) point id in aggregated connectivity
     150         [ +  - ]:      31873 :             X.push_back( x[j] );
     151         [ +  - ]:      31873 :             Y.push_back( y[j] );
     152         [ +  - ]:      31873 :             Z.push_back( z[j] );
     153         [ +  - ]:      31873 :             otriinpoel.push_back( npoin );
     154                 :            :             // aggregate nodal field data for all times and variables
     155                 :            :             std::size_t time = 0;
     156                 :            :             std::size_t varid = 0;
     157         [ +  + ]:     127492 :             for (const auto& t : mesh.nodevars()) {  // for all times
     158 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:      95622 :               if (k == 0 && npoin == 0) nodevars.push_back( {} );
     159         [ +  + ]:     669333 :               for (const auto& v : t) {              // for all variables
     160 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:     573732 :                 if (k == 0 && npoin == 0) nodevars.back().push_back( {} );
     161         [ +  - ]:     573714 :                 nodevars[time][varid].push_back( v[j] );
     162                 :     573714 :                 ++varid;
     163                 :            :               }
     164                 :      95619 :               ++time;
     165                 :            :               varid = 0;
     166                 :            :             }
     167                 :      31873 :             ++npoin;      // increase number of nodes in output mesh
     168                 :            :           }
     169                 :            :         }
     170                 :            : 
     171                 :            :         // aggregate elemental field data for all times and variables
     172                 :            :         std::size_t etime = 0;
     173                 :            :         std::size_t evarid = 0;
     174         [ +  + ]:     254736 :         for (const auto& t : mesh.elemvars()) {  // for all times
     175         [ +  + ]:     191055 :           if (k == 0 && nelem == 0) elemvars.push_back( {} );
     176         [ -  + ]:     191052 :           for (const auto& v : t) {              // for all variables
     177         [ -  - ]:          0 :             if (k == 0 && nelem == 0) elemvars.back().push_back( {} );
     178         [ -  - ]:          0 :             elemvars[etime][evarid].push_back( v[e] );
     179                 :          0 :             ++evarid;
     180                 :            :           }
     181                 :     191052 :           ++etime;
     182                 :            :           evarid = 0;
     183                 :            :         }
     184                 :      63684 :         ++nelem;    // increase number of elements in output mesh
     185                 :            :       }
     186                 :          9 :       ++k;        // increase number of non-empty meshes processed
     187                 :            :     }
     188                 :            : 
     189                 :            :     // Construct aggregated output mesh
     190                 :            :     tk::UnsMesh outmesh( coords, otriinpoel, nodevarnames, elemvarnames,
     191         [ +  - ]:          2 :       vartimes, nodevars, elemvars );
     192                 :            :     // Echo diagnostics on the aggreegate output mesh
     193         [ +  - ]:          1 :     diag( m_output, outmesh );
     194                 :            :     // Write output mesh to file
     195         [ +  - ]:          1 :     auto wtimes = tk::writeUnsMesh( m_print, m_output, outmesh, m_reorder );
     196                 :            :     // Collect wall-clock time data
     197         [ +  - ]:          1 :     times.insert( end(times), begin(wtimes), end(wtimes) );
     198                 :            : 
     199                 :            :   }
     200                 :            : 
     201         [ +  - ]:         18 :   mainProxy.timestamp( times );
     202                 :            : 
     203         [ +  - ]:         18 :   mainProxy.finalize();
     204                 :         18 : }

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