Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : // ***************************************************************************** 2 : : /*! 3 : : \file src/Inciter/NodeBC.cpp 4 : : \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi, 5 : : 2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC., 6 : : 2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC. 7 : : All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details. 8 : : \brief Boundary conditions for nodal discretizations 9 : : \details Boundary conditions for nodal discretizations, such as continuous 10 : : Galerkin finite elements. 11 : : */ 12 : : // ***************************************************************************** 13 : : 14 : : #include <vector> 15 : : #include <map> 16 : : #include <unordered_map> 17 : : #include <algorithm> 18 : : 19 : : #include "NodeBC.hpp" 20 : : #include "CGPDE.hpp" 21 : : #include "Fields.hpp" 22 : : #include "Vector.hpp" 23 : : 24 : : namespace inciter { 25 : : 26 : : extern std::vector< CGPDE > g_cgpde; 27 : : 28 : : std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::vector< std::pair< bool, tk::real > > > 29 : 43914 : match( std::size_t meshid, 30 : : [[maybe_unused]] tk::ncomp_t ncomp, 31 : : tk::real t, 32 : : tk::real dt, 33 : : const std::vector< tk::real >& tp, 34 : : const std::vector< tk::real >& dtp, 35 : : const tk::UnsMesh::Coords& coord, 36 : : const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::size_t >& lid, 37 : : const std::map< int, std::vector< std::size_t > >& bnode, 38 : : bool increment ) 39 : : // ***************************************************************************** 40 : : // Match user-specified boundary conditions at nodes for side sets 41 : : //! \param[in] ncomp Number of scalar components in PDE system 42 : : //! \param[in] t Physical time at which to query boundary conditions 43 : : //! \param[in] dt Time step size (for querying BC increments in time) 44 : : //! \param[in] tp Physical time for each mesh node 45 : : //! \param[in] dtp Time step size for each mesh node 46 : : //! \param[in] coord Mesh node coordinates 47 : : //! \param[in] lid Local node IDs associated to local node IDs 48 : : //! \param[in] bnode Map storing global mesh node IDs mapped to side set ids 49 : : //! \param[in] increment If true, evaluate the solution increment between 50 : : //! t and t+dt for Dirichlet BCs. If false, evlauate the solution instead. 51 : : //! \return Vector of pairs of bool and boundary condition value associated to 52 : : //! local mesh node IDs at which the user has set Dirichlet boundary 53 : : //! conditions for all systems of PDEs integrated. The bool indicates whether 54 : : //! the BC is set at the node for that component: if true, the real value is 55 : : //! the increment (from t to dt) in (or the value of) the BC specified for a 56 : : //! component. 57 : : //! \details Boundary conditions (BC), mathematically speaking, are applied on 58 : : //! finite surfaces. These finite surfaces are given by element sets (i.e., a 59 : : //! list of elements). This function queries Dirichlet boundary condition 60 : : //! values from all PDEs in the multiple systems of PDEs integrated at the 61 : : //! node lists associated to side set IDs, given by bnode. Each 62 : : //! PDE system returns a BC data structure. Note that the BC mesh nodes that 63 : : //! this function results in (stored in dirbc) only contains those nodes that 64 : : //! are supplied via bnode. i.e., in parallel only a part of the mesh is 65 : : //! worked on. 66 : : // ***************************************************************************** 67 : : { 68 : : using inciter::g_cgpde; 69 : : 70 : : // Vector of pairs of bool and boundary condition value associated to mesh 71 : : // node IDs at which the user has set Dirichlet BCs for all PDEs integrated. 72 : : std::unordered_map< std::size_t, 73 : : std::vector< std::pair< bool, tk::real > > > dirbc; 74 : : 75 : : // Details for the algorithm below: PDE::dirbc() returns a new map that 76 : : // associates a vector of pairs associated to local node IDs. (The pair is a 77 : : // pair of bool and real value, the former is the fact that the BC is to be 78 : : // set while the latter is the value if it is to be set). The length of this 79 : : // NodeBC vector, returning from each system of PDEs equals to the number of 80 : : // scalar components the given PDE integrates. Here we contatenate this map 81 : : // for all PDEs being integrated. If there are multiple BCs set at a mesh node 82 : : // (dirbc::key), either because (1) in the same PDE system the user prescribed 83 : : // BCs on side sets that share nodes or (2) because more than a single PDE 84 : : // system assigns BCs to a given node (on different variables), the NodeBC 85 : : // vector must be correctly stored. "Correctly" here means that the size of 86 : : // the NodeBC vectors must all be the same and equal to the sum of all scalar 87 : : // components integrated by all PDE systems integrated. Example: single-phase 88 : : // compressible flow (density, momentum, energy = 5) + transported scalars of 89 : : // 10 variables -> NodeBC vector length = 15. Note that in case (1) above a 90 : : // new node encountered must "overwrite" the already existing space for the 91 : : // NodeBC vector. "Overwrite" here means that it should keep the existing BCs 92 : : // and add the new ones yielding the union the two prescription for BCs but in 93 : : // the same space that already exist in the NodeBC vector. In case (2), 94 : : // however, the NodeBC pairs must go to the location in the vector assigned to 95 : : // the given PDE system, i.e., using the above example BCs for the 10 (or 96 : : // less) scalars should go in the positions starting at 5, leaving the first 5 97 : : // false, indicating no BCs for the flow variables. 98 : : // 99 : : // Note that the logic described above is only partially implemented at this 100 : : // point. What works is the correct insertion of multiple BCs for nodes shared 101 : : // among multiple side sets, e.g., corners, originating from the same PDE 102 : : // system. What is not yet implemented is the case when there are no BCs set 103 : : // for flow variables but there are BCs for transport, the else branch below 104 : : // will incorrectly NOT skip the space for the flow variables. In other words, 105 : : // this only works for a single PDE system and a sytem of systems. This 106 : : // machinery is only tested with a single system of PDEs at this point. 107 : : // 108 : : // When a particular node belongs to two or more side sets with different BCs, 109 : : // there is an ambiguity as to which of the multiple BCs should be applied to 110 : : // the node. This issue is described in case (1) above. In the current 111 : : // implementation, every side set applies the BC to the common node in 112 : : // question, successively overwriting the BC applied by the previous side set. 113 : : // Effectively, the BC corresponding to the last side set ID is applied to the 114 : : // common node. Since bnode is an ordered map, the side set with a larger 115 : : // id wins if a node belongs to multiple side sets. 116 : : 117 : : // Lambda to convert global to local node ids of a list of nodes 118 : 8169559 : auto local = [ &lid ]( const std::vector< std::size_t >& gnodes ){ 119 : 69934 : std::vector< std::size_t > lnodes( gnodes.size() ); 120 [ + + ]: 8239493 : for (std::size_t i=0; i<gnodes.size(); ++i) 121 : 8169559 : lnodes[i] = tk::cref_find( lid, gnodes[i] ); 122 : 69934 : return lnodes; 123 : 43914 : }; 124 : : 125 : : // Query Dirichlet BCs for all PDEs integrated and assign to nodes 126 [ + + ]: 113848 : for (const auto& s : bnode) { // for all side sets passed in 127 : : std::size_t c = 0; 128 [ + - ]: 69934 : auto l = local(s.second); // generate local node ids on side set 129 : : // query Dirichlet BCs at nodes of this side set 130 : : auto eqbc = 131 [ + - ][ - - ]: 139868 : g_cgpde[meshid].dirbc( t, dt, tp, dtp, {s.first,l}, coord, increment ); 132 [ + + ]: 811581 : for (const auto& n : eqbc) { 133 [ + - ]: 741647 : auto id = n.first; // BC node ID 134 : : const auto& bcs = n.second; // BCs 135 : : auto& nodebc = dirbc[ id ]; // BCs to be set for node 136 [ + + ]: 741647 : if (nodebc.size() > c) { // node already has BCs from this PDE 137 : : Assert( nodebc.size() == c+bcs.size(), "Size mismatch" ); 138 [ + + ]: 923016 : for (std::size_t i=0; i<bcs.size(); i++) { 139 [ + - ]: 769180 : if (bcs[i].first) nodebc[c+i] = bcs[i]; 140 : : } 141 : : } else { // node does not yet have BCs from this PDE 142 : : // This branch needs to be completed for system of systems of PDEs. 143 : : // See note above. 144 [ + - ]: 587811 : nodebc.insert( end(nodebc), begin(bcs), end(bcs) ); 145 : : } 146 : : } 147 : : if (!eqbc.empty()) c += eqbc.cbegin()->second.size(); 148 : : } 149 : : 150 : : // Verify the size of each NodeBC vectors. They must have the same lengths and 151 : : // equal to the total number of scalar components for all systems of PDEs 152 : : // integrated. 153 : : Assert( std::all_of( begin(dirbc), end(dirbc), 154 : : [ ncomp ]( const auto& n ){ return n.second.size() == ncomp; } ), 155 : : "Size of NodeBC vector incorrect" ); 156 : : 157 : 43914 : return dirbc; 158 : : } 159 : : 160 : : } // inciter::