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Current view: top level - Control - Keywords.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: -128-NOTFOUND Lines: 67 67 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-12 08:36:05 Functions: 3 3 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 36 96 37.5 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/Control/Keywords.hpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
       7                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       8                 :            :   \brief     Definition of all keywords
       9                 :            :   \details   This file contains the definition of all keywords, including those
      10                 :            :     of command-line argument parsers as well as input, i.e., control, file
      11                 :            :     parsers. All keywords are shared among all parsers of all executables.
      12                 :            : 
      13                 :            :     All keywords are case-sensitive.
      14                 :            : 
      15                 :            :     The information contained in this file is used to build data structures for
      16                 :            :     on-screen help on the command-line arguments and control file keywords,
      17                 :            :     available via the --help, --helpctr, and --helpkw command-line arguments.
      18                 :            : 
      19                 :            :     A note on design: Defining structs that have static member functions
      20                 :            :     returning a std::string is a way of storing C++-style strings at
      21                 :            :     compile-time (which is not possible in a straightforward manner at this
      22                 :            :     time). This could also be done with C-style const char* as well. The
      23                 :            :     '*_info' structs store these strings, which then is used to specialize the
      24                 :            :     _kw::keyword_ template, defined in Control/Keyword.hpp. Specializing the
      25                 :            :     _keyword_ template also requires a specification of the precise string of
      26                 :            :     characters that make up a keyword eventually matched by the parsers. Since
      27                 :            :     these are all template arguments, the construction of keywords, their help,
      28                 :            :     as well as all grammars, are entirely assembled at compile-time. Since the
      29                 :            :     '*_info' struct member functions are static, they can be called without
      30                 :            :     instantiating an object and thus available at compile-time.
      31                 :            : 
      32                 :            :     The definition of an '*_info' struct _requires_ at least the name, short,
      33                 :            :     and long descriptions, defined by member functions _name()_,
      34                 :            :     _shortDescription()_, and _longDescription()_, respectively. Everything else
      35                 :            :     is optional. However, when adding a new keyword it is highly recommended to
      36                 :            :     define all of the _optional_ members if they make sense for the given
      37                 :            :     keyword. If an expect value type is also given, that can be hooked up into
      38                 :            :     where it is used.
      39                 :            : 
      40                 :            :     The most general definition of a keyword is as follows:
      41                 :            : 
      42                 :            :     \code{.cpp}
      43                 :            :       // Keyword info definition
      44                 :            :       struct keyword_info {
      45                 :            : 
      46                 :            :         // Required very short name, usually a single word or (for e.g.
      47                 :            :         // policies) a single character. This can be the keyword itself, but
      48                 :            :         // does not have to be. This field is used as an id of the option or
      49                 :            :         // setting.
      50                 :            :         static std::string name() { return "Name"; }
      51                 :            : 
      52                 :            :         // Required short keyword description
      53                 :            :         static std::string shortDescription() { return "Short description"; }
      54                 :            : 
      55                 :            :         // Required detailed keyword description. This returns a string literal,
      56                 :            :         // since this is usually multi-line and it is less work to maintain this
      57                 :            :         // way.
      58                 :            :         static std::string longDescription() { return
      59                 :            :           R"(Longer, possibly multi-line description of the keyword. Example
      60                 :            :           usage of the keyword is welcome here. Don't worry about formatting:
      61                 :            :           when this field is printed, extra spaces will be removed and line
      62                 :            :           breaks will be inserted.)";
      63                 :            :         }
      64                 :            : 
      65                 :            :         // Optional keyword alias. See also kw::Alias and
      66                 :            :         // <tpl_install_dir>/include/pegtl/pegtl/constants.hh for examples
      67                 :            :         // of what can be passed as template arguments (basically single
      68                 :            :         // characters). The one below defines the character 'c' as the alias.
      69                 :            :         // Aliases are single character long. The idea of an alias is to have a
      70                 :            :         // long as well as a short keyword for the same functionality.
      71                 :            :         // Currently, this is only hooked up for command-line arguments and not
      72                 :            :         // for control-file keywords, which is intentional. Command-line
      73                 :            :         // arguments are a lot less than control file keywords and are more
      74                 :            :         // frequently typed by the user. Thus command-line argument aliases are
      75                 :            :         // user-friendly. There are many control file keywords and aliases would
      76                 :            :         // only cause confusion. Defining an alias for a command-line argument
      77                 :            :         // enables the command-line parser to match on '--longer_keyword' as
      78                 :            :         // well as on '-c'. Depending on whether the alias typedef is defined
      79                 :            :         // for a keyword or not, the correct grammar is automatically generated
      80                 :            :         // at compile-time, matching on both the longer keyword as well as on
      81                 :            :         // the alias. Defining an alias for a control file keyword can be done
      82                 :            :         // but has no effect in a control file parser.
      83                 :            :         using alias = Alias< c >;
      84                 :            : 
      85                 :            :         // Optional single-character (policy) code. See also kw::Code and
      86                 :            :         // <tpl_install_dir/include/pegtl/pegtl/constants.hh for examples
      87                 :            :         // of what can be passed as template arguments (basically single
      88                 :            :         // characters). The one below defines the character 'C' as the (policy)
      89                 :            :         // code. This code is used for abbreviating policies used to configure
      90                 :            :         // various orthogonal behaviors of classes using policy-based design.
      91                 :            :         using code = Code< C >;
      92                 :            : 
      93                 :            :         // Optional expected data for the keyword - bundled to struct expect.
      94                 :            :         // This struct is entirely optional within a keyword definition.
      95                 :            :         // However, if it is defined, it must at least define the static member
      96                 :            :         // function description() which returns the description of the type the
      97                 :            :         // keyword expects. It may also optionally define the following fields:
      98                 :            :         //
      99                 :            :         //    - type - defining the expected type
     100                 :            :         //    - lower - lower bound of the expected value
     101                 :            :         //    - upper - upper bound of the expected value
     102                 :            :         //    - choices - valid choices for the expected value
     103                 :            :         //
     104                 :            :         struct expect {
     105                 :            : 
     106                 :            :           // If this struct is defined, required expected type description, max
     107                 :            :           // 10 characters long
     108                 :            :           static std::string description() { return "int"; }
     109                 :            : 
     110                 :            :           // Optional expected type
     111                 :            :           using type = std::streamsize;
     112                 :            : 
     113                 :            :           // Optional expected value lower bound
     114                 :            :           static const type lower = 1;
     115                 :            : 
     116                 :            :           // Optional expected value upper bound
     117                 :            :           static const type upper = 10;
     118                 :            : 
     119                 :            :           // Optional expected valid choices description, here giving
     120                 :            :           // information on the expected type and the valid bounds. Note that
     121                 :            :           // this can be any string, but if they exist, it is a good idea give
     122                 :            :           // at least some information on the bounds, as below, since the bounds
     123                 :            :           // are NOT displayed in the help for a keyword. This decision keeps
     124                 :            :           // the bounds specifications generic since they can be any type. As a
     125                 :            :           // result, the help structures, defined in HelpFactory.hpp, are simpler
     126                 :            :           // as they do not have to be parameterized by the type of the bounds,
     127                 :            :           // which greatly simplifies that code.
     128                 :            :           static std::string choices() {
     129                 :            :             return "integer [" + std::to_string(lower) + "..." +
     130                 :            :                    std::to_string(upper) + ']';
     131                 :            :           }
     132                 :            : 
     133                 :            :         };
     134                 :            : 
     135                 :            :       };
     136                 :            : 
     137                 :            :       // Keyword definition, passing the above info struct as the first
     138                 :            :       // template argument, and the rest of the template arguments are the
     139                 :            :       // characters of the keyword to be matched by the parser. Remember: all
     140                 :            :       // keywords are case-sensitive. This one contrived example below defines
     141                 :            :       // keyword 'kw', matching the keyword 'KeYwOrD'.
     142                 :            :       using kw = keyword< keyword_info, K,e,Y,w,O,r,D >;
     143                 :            :     \endcode
     144                 :            :   \see Control/Keyword.hpp
     145                 :            :   \see Control/HelpFactory.hpp
     146                 :            : */
     147                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     148                 :            : #ifndef Keywords_h
     149                 :            : #define Keywords_h
     150                 :            : 
     151                 :            : #include <limits>
     152                 :            : 
     153                 :            : #undef I
     154                 :            : #include <pegtl/contrib/alphabet.hpp>
     155                 :            : 
     156                 :            : #include "Types.hpp"
     157                 :            : #include "Keyword.hpp"
     158                 :            : #include "QuinoaBuildConfig.hpp"
     159                 :            : 
     160                 :            : //! Keywords used by all input deck and command line parsers
     161                 :            : namespace kw {
     162                 :            : 
     163                 :            : using namespace tao::pegtl::alphabet;
     164                 :            : 
     165                 :            : struct end_info {
     166                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "end"; }
     167                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "End of an input block"; }
     168                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     169                 :            :     R"(The end of a block is given by the 'end' keyword in the input file.
     170                 :            :     Example: "rngs ... end".)";
     171                 :            :   }
     172                 :            : };
     173                 :            : using end = keyword< end_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("end") >;
     174                 :            : 
     175                 :            : struct help_info {
     176                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "help"; }
     177                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     178                 :       2941 :     R"(Display one-liner help on all command-line arguments)"; }
     179                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     180                 :       2941 :     R"(Get a short one-liner help on all command-line arguments from an
     181                 :            :     executable. It also triggers the help from the Charm++ runtime system and in
     182                 :            :     addition to that of the executable, it also lists command-line arguments
     183                 :            :     from Converse Machine, Tracing, Load Balancer, Record/Replay, and Charm++
     184                 :            :     command-line parameters.)";
     185                 :            :   }
     186                 :            :   using alias = Alias< h >;
     187                 :            : };
     188                 :            : using help = keyword< help_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("help") >;
     189                 :            : 
     190                 :            : struct helpctr_info {
     191                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "helpctr"; }
     192                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     193                 :       2900 :     "Display one-liner help on all control file keywords"; }
     194                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     195                 :       2900 :     R"(This keyword can be used to get a short one-liner help on all control
     196                 :            :     file keywords from an executable.)";
     197                 :            :   }
     198                 :            :   using alias = Alias< C >;
     199                 :            : };
     200                 :            : using helpctr = keyword< helpctr_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("helpctr") >;
     201                 :            : 
     202                 :            : struct helpkw_info {
     203                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "helpkw"; }
     204                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     205                 :       2941 :     "Display verbose help on a single keyword"; }
     206                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     207                 :       2941 :     R"(This keyword can be used to get a verbose help on a single command-line
     208                 :            :     argument or control-file keyword (i.e., help on keyword) from an
     209                 :            :     executable.)";
     210                 :            :   }
     211                 :            :   using alias = Alias< H >;
     212                 :            :   struct expect {
     213                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     214         [ +  - ]:       2941 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     215                 :            :   };
     216                 :            : };
     217                 :            : using helpkw = keyword< helpkw_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("helpkw") >;
     218                 :            : 
     219                 :            : struct pdfs_info {
     220                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "PDFs block"; }
     221                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     222                 :            :     "Start of probability density function (PDF) input block"; }
     223                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     224                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to start a block in the input file containing the
     225                 :            :     descriptions and settings of requested output for probability density
     226                 :            :     functions (PDFs). Example: "pdfs mypdf( y1 : 1.0e-2 ) end", which
     227                 :            :     requests a single-variate PDF to be output to file, whose sample space
     228                 :            :     variable is y1, using automatic determination of the bounds of the sample
     229                 :            :     space, using 1.0e-2 as the sample space bin size, and call the PDF
     230                 :            :     "mypdf". For more info on the structure of the pdfs ... end block, see
     231                 :            :     doc/pages/statistics_output.dox.)";
     232                 :            :   }
     233                 :            : };
     234                 :            : using pdfs = keyword< pdfs_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("pdfs") >;
     235                 :            : 
     236                 :            : struct raw_info {
     237                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "raw"; }
     238                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     239                 :            :     "Select the raw initialization policy"; }
     240                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     241                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to select the raw
     242                 :            :     initialization policy. The initialization policy is used to specify how
     243                 :            :     the initial conditions are set at t = 0 before time-integration.
     244                 :            :     Example: "init raw", which selects raw initialization policy, which
     245                 :            :     leaves the memory uninitialized. Note that this option may behave
     246                 :            :     differently depending on the particular equation or physical model. See the
     247                 :            :     the init policies in DiffEq/InitPolicy.hpp for valid options.)"; }
     248                 :            : };
     249                 :            : using raw = keyword< raw_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("raw") >;
     250                 :            : 
     251                 :            : struct zero_info {
     252                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "zero"; }
     253                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     254                 :            :     "Select the zero initialization policy"; }
     255                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     256                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to select the zero
     257                 :            :     initialization policy. The initialization policy is used to specify how
     258                 :            :     the initial conditions are set at t = 0 before time-integration.
     259                 :            :     Example: "init zero", which selects zero initialization policy, which
     260                 :            :     puts zeros in memory. Note that this option may behave differently
     261                 :            :     depending on the particular equation or physical model. See the init
     262                 :            :     policies in DiffEq/InitPolicy.hpp for valid options.)"; }
     263                 :            : };
     264                 :            : using zero = keyword< zero_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("zero") >;
     265                 :            : 
     266                 :            : struct ncomp_info {
     267                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "ncomp"; }
     268                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     269                 :            :     "Set number of scalar components for a system of differential equations"; }
     270                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     271                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to specify the number of scalar
     272                 :            :     components of a vector. 'ncomp' means "number of components". It is also
     273                 :            :     used for specifying the number of scalar components of a transporter scalar
     274                 :            :     (see also the keywords 'transport').)";
     275                 :            :   }
     276                 :            :   struct expect {
     277                 :            :     using type = std::size_t;
     278                 :            :     static constexpr type lower = 1;
     279                 :            :     static std::string description() { return "uint"; }
     280                 :            :   };
     281                 :            : };
     282                 :            : using ncomp = keyword< ncomp_info,  TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("ncomp") >;
     283                 :            : 
     284                 :            : struct ttyi_info {
     285                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "ttyi"; }
     286                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     287                 :            :     "Set screen output interval"; }
     288                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     289                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to specify the interval in time steps for screen
     290                 :            :     output during a simulation.)";
     291                 :            :   }
     292                 :            :   struct expect {
     293                 :            :     using type = uint32_t;
     294                 :            :     static constexpr type lower = 0;
     295                 :            :     static std::string description() { return "uint"; }
     296                 :            :   };
     297                 :            : };
     298                 :            : using ttyi = keyword< ttyi_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("ttyi") >;
     299                 :            : 
     300                 :            : struct control_info {
     301                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "control"; }
     302                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription()
     303                 :       2900 :   { return "Specify the control file name [REQUIRED]"; }
     304                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     305                 :       2900 :     R"(This keyword is used to specify the name of the control file from which
     306                 :            :     detailed user input is parsed.)";
     307                 :            :   }
     308                 :            :   using alias = Alias< c >;
     309                 :            :   struct expect {
     310                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     311         [ +  - ]:       2900 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     312                 :            :   };
     313                 :            : };
     314                 :            : using control = keyword< control_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("control") >;
     315                 :            : 
     316                 :            : struct verbose_info {
     317                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "verbose"; }
     318                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     319                 :       2941 :     "Select verbose screen output"; }
     320                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     321                 :       2941 :     R"(This keyword is used to select verbose screen-output as opposed to the
     322                 :            :     default quiet output. With quiet output only the most important messages
     323                 :            :     are echoed to screen.)";
     324                 :            :   }
     325                 :            :   using alias = Alias< v >;
     326                 :            : };
     327                 :            : using verbose = keyword< verbose_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("verbose") >;
     328                 :            : 
     329                 :            : struct charestate_info {
     330                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "charestate"; }
     331                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     332                 :       2941 :     "Enable verbose chare state screen output"; }
     333                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     334                 :       2941 :     R"(This keyword is used to enable verbose Charm++ chare state collection and
     335                 :            :     screen output. The chare state is displayed after a run is finished and the
     336                 :            :     data collected is grouped by chare id (thisIndex), and within groups data
     337                 :            :     is ordered by the time-stamp when a given chare member function is
     338                 :            :     called. See src/Base/ChareState.hpp for details on what is collected. Note
     339                 :            :     that to collect chare state, the given chare must be instrumented. Note that
     340                 :            :     if quescence detection is enabled,
     341                 :            :     chare state collection is also automatically enabled, but the chare state is
     342                 :            :     only output if quiescence is detected (which also triggers an error).)";
     343                 :            :   }
     344                 :            :   using alias = Alias< S >;
     345                 :            : };
     346                 :            : using charestate = keyword< charestate_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("state") >;
     347                 :            : 
     348                 :            : struct benchmark_info {
     349                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "benchmark"; }
     350                 :       2900 :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "Select benchmark mode"; }
     351                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     352                 :       2900 :     R"(This keyword is used to select benchmark mode. In benchmark mode no large
     353                 :            :        file output is performed, overriding the configuration in the control
     354                 :            :        file.)";
     355                 :            :   }
     356                 :            :   using alias = Alias< b >;
     357                 :            : };
     358                 :            : 
     359                 :            : using benchmark = keyword< benchmark_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("benchmark") >;
     360                 :            : 
     361                 :            : struct nonblocking_info {
     362                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "nonblocking"; }
     363                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription()
     364                 :       2900 :   { return "Select non-blocking migration"; }
     365                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     366                 :       2900 :     R"(This keyword is used to select non-blocking, instead of the default
     367                 :            :        blocking, migration. WARNING: This feature is experimental, not well
     368                 :            :        tested, and may not always work as expected.)";
     369                 :            :   }
     370                 :            :   using alias = Alias< n >;
     371                 :            : };
     372                 :            : 
     373                 :            : using nonblocking =
     374                 :            :   keyword< nonblocking_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("nonblocking") >;
     375                 :            : 
     376                 :            : struct lbfreq_info {
     377                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "Load balancing frequency"; }
     378                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription()
     379                 :       2900 :   { return "Set load-balancing frequency during time stepping"; }
     380                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     381                 :       2900 :     R"(This keyword is used to set the frequency of load-balancing during
     382                 :            :        time stepping. The default is 1, which means that load balancing is
     383                 :            :        initiated every time step. Note, however, that this does not necessarily
     384                 :            :        mean that load balancing will be performed by the runtime system every
     385                 :            :        time step, only that the Charm++ load-balancer is initiated. For more
     386                 :            :        information, see the Charm++ manual.)";
     387                 :            :   }
     388                 :            :   using alias = Alias< l >;
     389                 :            :   struct expect {
     390                 :            :     using type = std::size_t;
     391                 :            :     static constexpr type lower = 1;
     392                 :            :     static constexpr type upper = std::numeric_limits< type >::max()-1;
     393         [ +  - ]:       2900 :     static std::string description() { return "int"; }
     394                 :       2900 :     static std::string choices() {
     395 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:       5800 :       return "integer between [" + std::to_string(lower) + "..." +
         [ +  - ][ -  + ]
         [ -  + ][ -  + ]
         [ +  - ][ -  - ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
                 [ -  - ]
     396         [ +  - ]:       5800 :              std::to_string(upper) + "] (both inclusive)";
     397                 :            :     }
     398                 :            :   };
     399                 :            : };
     400                 :            : using lbfreq = keyword< lbfreq_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("lbfreq") >;
     401                 :            : 
     402                 :            : struct rsfreq_info {
     403                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "Checkpoint/restart frequency"; }
     404                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription()
     405                 :       2900 :   { return "Set checkpoint/restart frequency during time stepping"; }
     406                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     407                 :       2900 :     R"(This keyword is used to set the frequency of dumping checkpoint/restart
     408                 :            :        files during time stepping. The default is 1000, which means that
     409                 :            :        checkpoint/restart files are dumped at every 1000th time step.)";
     410                 :            :   }
     411                 :            :   using alias = Alias< r >;
     412                 :            :   struct expect {
     413                 :            :     using type = std::size_t;
     414                 :            :     static constexpr type lower = 1;
     415                 :            :     static constexpr type upper = std::numeric_limits< type >::max()-1;
     416         [ +  - ]:       2900 :     static std::string description() { return "int"; }
     417                 :       2900 :     static std::string choices() {
     418 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:       5800 :       return "integer between [" + std::to_string(lower) + "..." +
         [ +  - ][ -  + ]
         [ -  + ][ -  + ]
         [ +  - ][ -  - ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
                 [ -  - ]
     419         [ +  - ]:       5800 :              std::to_string(upper) + "] (both inclusive)";
     420                 :            :     }
     421                 :            :   };
     422                 :            : };
     423                 :            : using rsfreq = keyword< rsfreq_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("rsfreq") >;
     424                 :            : 
     425                 :            : struct feedback_info {
     426                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "feedback"; }
     427                 :       2900 :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "Enable on-screen feedback"; }
     428                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     429                 :       2900 :     R"(This keyword is used to enable more detailed on-screen feedback on
     430                 :            :        particular tasks and sub-tasks as they happen. This is useful for large
     431                 :            :        problems and debugging.)";
     432                 :            :   }
     433                 :            :   using alias = Alias< f >;
     434                 :            : };
     435                 :            : using feedback = keyword< feedback_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("feedback") >;
     436                 :            : 
     437                 :            : struct version_info {
     438                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "Show version"; }
     439                 :       2941 :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "Show version information"; }
     440                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     441                 :       2941 :     R"(This keyword is used to display version information for the
     442                 :            :        executable/tool on the standard output and exit successfully.)";
     443                 :            :   }
     444                 :            :   using alias = Alias< V >;
     445                 :            : };
     446                 :            : using version = keyword< version_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("version") >;
     447                 :            : 
     448                 :            : struct license_info {
     449                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "Show license"; }
     450                 :       2941 :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "Show license information"; }
     451                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     452                 :       2941 :     R"(This keyword is used to display license information for the
     453                 :            :        executable/tool on the standard output and exit successfully.)";
     454                 :            :   }
     455                 :            :   using alias = Alias< L >;
     456                 :            : };
     457                 :            : using license = keyword< license_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("license") >;
     458                 :            : 
     459                 :            : struct trace_info {
     460                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "trace"; }
     461                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription()
     462                 :       2941 :   { return "Disable call and stack trace"; }
     463                 :       2941 :   static std::string longDescription() { return R"(This keyword can be used to
     464                 :            :     disable the on-screen call trace and stack trace after an exception is
     465                 :            :     thrown. Trace output is on by default and in some cases, the call and
     466                 :            :     stack trace can be huge and not very helpful, hence this command line
     467                 :            :     option.)"; }
     468                 :            :   using alias = Alias< t >;
     469                 :            : };
     470                 :            : using trace = keyword< trace_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("trace") >;
     471                 :            : 
     472                 :            : struct quiescence_info {
     473                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "quiescence"; }
     474                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription()
     475                 :       2941 :   { return "Enable quiescence detection"; }
     476                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     477                 :       2941 :     R"(This keyword is used to enable the quiescence detection feature of
     478                 :            :        Charm++, used to catch logic errors in the asynchronous control flow,
     479                 :            :        resulting in deadlocks. This is useful for automated testing and
     480                 :            :        debugging and does have some overhead, so it is off by default.)";
     481                 :            :   }
     482                 :            :   using alias = Alias< q >;
     483                 :            : };
     484                 :            : using quiescence =
     485                 :            :   keyword< quiescence_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("quiescence") >;
     486                 :            : 
     487                 :            : struct virtualization_info {
     488                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "virtualization"; }
     489                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     490                 :       2900 :     R"(Set degree of virtualization)"; }
     491                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     492                 :       2900 :     R"(This option is used to set the degree of virtualization
     493                 :            :     (over-decomposition). The virtualization parameter is a real number
     494                 :            :     between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive, which controls the degree of
     495                 :            :     virtualization or over-decomposition. Independent of the value of
     496                 :            :     virtualization the work is approximately evenly distributed among the
     497                 :            :     available processing elements. For zero virtualization (no
     498                 :            :     over-decomposition), the work is simply decomposed into
     499                 :            :     total_work/numPEs, which yields the smallest number of Charm++ chares and
     500                 :            :     the largest chunks of work units. The other extreme is unity
     501                 :            :     virtualization, which decomposes the total work into the smallest size
     502                 :            :     work units possible, yielding the largest number of Charm++ chares.
     503                 :            :     Obviously, the optimum will be between 0.0 and 1.0, depending on the
     504                 :            :     problem.)";
     505                 :            :   }
     506                 :            :   using alias = Alias< u >;
     507                 :            :   struct expect {
     508                 :            :     using type = tk::real;
     509                 :            :     static constexpr type lower = 0.0;
     510                 :            :     static constexpr type upper = 1.0;
     511         [ +  - ]:       2900 :     static std::string description() { return "real"; }
     512                 :       2900 :     static std::string choices() {
     513 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:       5800 :       return "real between [" + std::to_string(lower) + "..." +
         [ +  - ][ -  + ]
         [ -  + ][ -  + ]
         [ -  + ][ -  - ]
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
                 [ -  - ]
     514         [ +  - ]:       5800 :              std::to_string(upper) + "] (both inclusive)";
     515                 :            :     }
     516                 :            :   };
     517                 :            : };
     518                 :            : using virtualization =
     519                 :            :   keyword< virtualization_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("virtualization") >;
     520                 :            : 
     521                 :            : struct pdf_info {
     522                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "pdf"; }
     523                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     524                 :            :     "Specify the name of the PDF output file"; }
     525                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     526                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to specify the name of the output file in which to
     527                 :            :     store probability density functions (PDFs) during a simulation.)";
     528                 :            :   }
     529                 :            :   using alias = Alias< p >;
     530                 :            :   struct expect {
     531                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     532                 :            :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     533                 :            :   };
     534                 :            : };
     535                 :            : using pdf = keyword< pdf_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("pdf") >;
     536                 :            : 
     537                 :            : struct stat_info {
     538                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "stat"; }
     539                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     540                 :            :     "Specify the name of the statistical moments output file"; }
     541                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     542                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to specify the name of the output file in which to
     543                 :            :     store statistical moments during a simulation.)";
     544                 :            :   }
     545                 :            :   using alias = Alias< s >;
     546                 :            :   struct expect {
     547                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     548                 :            :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     549                 :            :   };
     550                 :            : };
     551                 :            : using stat = keyword< stat_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("stat") >;
     552                 :            : 
     553                 :            : struct input_info {
     554                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "input"; }
     555                 :       2936 :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "Specify the input file"; }
     556                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     557                 :       2936 :     R"(This option is used to define the name of input file.)";
     558                 :            :   }
     559                 :            :   using alias = Alias< i >;
     560                 :            :   struct expect {
     561                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     562         [ +  - ]:       2936 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     563                 :            :   };
     564                 :            : };
     565                 :            : using input = keyword< input_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("input") >;
     566                 :            : 
     567                 :            : struct output_info {
     568                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "output"; }
     569                 :       2936 :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "Specify the output file"; }
     570                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     571                 :       2936 :     R"(This option is used to define the output file name. In MeshConv, this is
     572                 :            :     used to specify the output mesh file name. In Inciter this is used to
     573                 :            :     specify the output base filename. The base filename is appended by
     574                 :            :     ".e-s.<meshid>.<numchares>.<chareid>", where 'e-s' probably stands for
     575                 :            :     ExodusII sequence (the output file format), <meshid> counts the number of
     576                 :            :     new meshes (this is incremented whenever the mesh is new compared to the
     577                 :            :     previous iteration, due to, e.g., mesh refinement), <numchares> is the total
     578                 :            :     number of mesh partitions, and <chareid> is the work unit (or mesh
     579                 :            :     partition) id.)";
     580                 :            :   }
     581                 :            :   using alias = Alias< o >;
     582                 :            :   struct expect {
     583                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     584         [ +  - ]:       2936 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     585                 :            :   };
     586                 :            : };
     587                 :            : using output = keyword< output_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("output") >;
     588                 :            : 
     589                 :            : struct refined_info {
     590                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "Refined field output"; }
     591                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     592                 :            :     "Turn refined field output on/off"; }
     593                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     594                 :            :     R"(This keyword can be used to turn on/off refined field output, which
     595                 :            :     refines the mesh and evaluates the solution on the refined mesh for saving
     596                 :            :     the solution.)"; }
     597                 :            :   struct expect {
     598                 :            :     using type = bool;
     599                 :            :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     600                 :            :     static std::string choices() { return "true | false"; }
     601                 :            :   };
     602                 :            : };
     603                 :            : using refined =keyword< refined_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("refined") >;
     604                 :            : 
     605                 :            : struct screen_info {
     606                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "screen"; }
     607                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() {
     608                 :       2941 :     return "Specify the screen output file"; }
     609                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     610                 :       2941 :     R"(This option is used to set the screen output file name. The default is
     611                 :            :     "<executable>_screen.log".)";
     612                 :            :   }
     613                 :            :   using alias = Alias< O >;
     614                 :            :   struct expect {
     615                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     616         [ +  - ]:       2941 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     617                 :            :   };
     618                 :            : };
     619                 :            : using screen = keyword< screen_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("screen") >;
     620                 :            : 
     621                 :            : struct restart_info {
     622                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "checkpoint/restart directory name"; }
     623                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription()
     624                 :       2900 :     { return "Specify the directory for restart files"; }
     625                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     626                 :       2900 :     R"(This option is used to specify the directory name in which to save
     627                 :            :     checkpoint/restart files.)";
     628                 :            :   }
     629                 :            :   using alias = Alias< R >;
     630                 :            :   struct expect {
     631                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     632         [ +  - ]:       2900 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     633                 :            :   };
     634                 :            : };
     635                 :            : using restart = keyword< restart_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("restart") >;
     636                 :            : 
     637                 :            : struct diagnostics_cmd_info {
     638                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "diagnostics"; }
     639                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription()
     640                 :       2900 :   { return "Specify the diagnostics file name"; }
     641                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     642                 :       2900 :     R"(This option is used to define the diagnostics file name.)";
     643                 :            :   }
     644                 :            :   using alias = Alias< d >;
     645                 :            :   struct expect {
     646                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     647         [ +  - ]:       2900 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     648                 :            :   };
     649                 :            : };
     650                 :            : using diagnostics_cmd =
     651                 :            :   keyword< diagnostics_cmd_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("diagnostics") >;
     652                 :            : 
     653                 :            : struct reorder_cmd_info {
     654                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "reorder"; }
     655                 :         36 :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "Reorder mesh nodes"; }
     656                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     657                 :         36 :     R"(This keyword is used as a command line argument to instruct the mesh
     658                 :            :     converter to not only convert but also reorder the mesh nodes using the
     659                 :            :     advancing front technique. Reordering is optional in meshconv and
     660                 :            :     inciter.)";
     661                 :            :   }
     662                 :            :   using alias = Alias< r >;
     663                 :            :   struct expect {
     664                 :            :     using type = bool;
     665         [ +  - ]:         36 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     666                 :            :   };
     667                 :            : };
     668                 :            : using reorder_cmd = keyword< reorder_cmd_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("reorder") >;
     669                 :            : 
     670                 :            : struct group_info {
     671                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "group"; }
     672                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     673                 :          5 :     "Select test group(s) to run"; }
     674                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     675                 :          5 :     R"(This option can be used to select one or more test groups to run by
     676                 :            :     specifying the full or a partial name of a test group. All tests of a
     677                 :            :     selected group will be executed. If this option is not given, all test
     678                 :            :     groups are executed by default. Examples: '--group make_list' - run only
     679                 :            :     the 'make_list' test group, '--group Parser' - run the test groups that have
     680                 :            :     the string 'Parser' in their name, e.g., groups 'Control/FileParser' and
     681                 :            :     'Control/StringParser'.)";
     682                 :            :   }
     683                 :            :   using alias = Alias< g >;
     684                 :            :   struct expect {
     685                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     686         [ +  - ]:          5 :     static std::string description() { return "string"; }
     687                 :            :   };
     688                 :            : };
     689                 :            : using group = keyword< group_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("group") >;
     690                 :            : 
     691                 :            : struct inciter_info {
     692                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "inciter"; }
     693                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     694                 :            :     "Start configuration block for inciter"; }
     695                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     696                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to select inciter. Inciter, is a continuum-realm
     697                 :            :     shock hydrodynamics tool, solving a PDE.)";
     698                 :            :   }
     699                 :            : };
     700                 :            : using inciter = keyword< inciter_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("inciter") >;
     701                 :            : 
     702                 :            : struct sideset_info {
     703                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "sideset"; }
     704                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return
     705                 :            :     "Specify configuration for setting BC on a side set";
     706                 :            :   }
     707                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return
     708                 :            :     R"(This keyword is used to specify boundary conditions on a side set for a
     709                 :            :     solving partial differential equation.)";
     710                 :            :   }
     711                 :            :   struct expect {
     712                 :            :     using type = std::string;
     713                 :            :     static std::string description() { return "strings"; }
     714                 :            :   };
     715                 :            : };
     716                 :            : using sideset = keyword< sideset_info, TAOCPP_PEGTL_STRING("sideset") >;
     717                 :            : 
     718                 :            : // This will go away once all the keywords below are documented
     719                 :            : struct undefined_info {
     720                 :            :   static std::string name() { return "undef"; }
     721                 :            :   static std::string shortDescription() { return "undefined"; }
     722                 :            :   static std::string longDescription() { return "Undefined."; }
     723                 :            : };
     724                 :            : 
     725                 :            : } // kw::
     726                 :            : 
     727                 :            : #endif // Keywords_h

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14