Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : // *****************************************************************************
2 : : /*!
3 : : \file src/Control/Inciter/InputDeck/InputDeck.hpp
4 : : \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
5 : : 2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
6 : : 2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
7 : : All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
8 : : \brief Inciter's new input deck definition
9 : : \details This file defines the heterogeneous struct that is used for storing
10 : : the data from user input during the control file parsing of the
11 : : computational shock hydrodynamics tool, Inciter.
12 : : */
13 : : // *****************************************************************************
14 : : #ifndef InputDeck_h
15 : : #define InputDeck_h
16 : :
17 : : #include <getopt.h>
18 : : #include "Types.hpp"
19 : : #include "TaggedTuple.hpp"
20 : : #include "Inciter/CmdLine/CmdLine.hpp"
21 : : #include "Transfer.hpp"
22 : : #include "Inciter/OutVar.hpp"
23 : : #include "Inciter/Options/PDE.hpp"
24 : : #include "Inciter/Options/Problem.hpp"
25 : : #include "Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp"
26 : : #include "Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp"
27 : : #include "Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp"
28 : : #include "Inciter/Options/Initiate.hpp"
29 : : #include "Inciter/Options/AMRInitial.hpp"
30 : : #include "Inciter/Options/AMRError.hpp"
31 : : #include "Inciter/Options/PrefIndicator.hpp"
32 : : #include "Inciter/Options/MeshVelocity.hpp"
33 : : #include "Inciter/Options/MeshVelocitySmoother.hpp"
34 : : #include "Inciter/Options/Material.hpp"
35 : : #include "Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp"
36 : : #include "Options/TxtFloatFormat.hpp"
37 : : #include "Options/FieldFile.hpp"
38 : : #include "Options/Error.hpp"
39 : : #include "Options/UserTable.hpp"
40 : :
41 : : namespace inciter {
42 : :
43 : : namespace ctr {
44 : :
45 : : using ncomp_t = std::size_t;
46 : :
47 : : using bclist = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
48 : : tag::dirichlet, std::vector< std::size_t >,
49 : : tag::symmetry, std::vector< std::size_t >,
50 : : tag::inlet, std::vector< std::size_t >,
51 : : tag::outlet, std::vector< std::size_t >,
52 : : tag::farfield, std::vector< std::size_t >,
53 : : tag::extrapolate, std::vector< std::size_t >,
54 : : tag::noslipwall, std::vector< std::size_t >
55 : : > >;
56 : :
57 : : // Transport
58 : : using transportList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
59 : : tag::physics, PhysicsType,
60 : : tag::ncomp, std::size_t,
61 : : tag::intsharp, int,
62 : : tag::intsharp_param, tk::real,
63 : : tag::problem, ProblemType,
64 : : tag::diffusivity, std::vector< tk::real >,
65 : : tag::lambda, std::vector< tk::real >,
66 : : tag::u0, std::vector< tk::real >
67 : : > >;
68 : :
69 : : // CompFlow
70 : : using compflowList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
71 : : tag::physics, PhysicsType,
72 : : tag::problem, ProblemType,
73 : : tag::alpha, tk::real,
74 : : tag::beta, tk::real,
75 : : tag::betax, tk::real,
76 : : tag::betay, tk::real,
77 : : tag::betaz, tk::real,
78 : : tag::r0, tk::real,
79 : : tag::p0, tk::real,
80 : : tag::ce, tk::real,
81 : : tag::kappa, tk::real
82 : : > >;
83 : :
84 : : // MultiMat
85 : : using multimatList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
86 : : tag::physics, PhysicsType,
87 : : tag::nmat, std::size_t,
88 : : tag::prelax, uint64_t,
89 : : tag::prelax_timescale, tk::real,
90 : : tag::intsharp, int,
91 : : tag::intsharp_param, tk::real,
92 : : tag::rho0constraint, uint64_t,
93 : : tag::dt_sos_massavg, int,
94 : : tag::problem, ProblemType,
95 : : tag::viscous, bool
96 : : > >;
97 : :
98 : : // MultiSpecies
99 : : using multispeciesList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
100 : : tag::physics, PhysicsType,
101 : : tag::nspec, std::size_t,
102 : : tag::problem, ProblemType,
103 : : tag::viscous, bool
104 : : > >;
105 : :
106 : : // Material/EOS object
107 : : using materialList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
108 : : tag::eos, MaterialType,
109 : : tag::id, std::vector< uint64_t >,
110 : : tag::gamma, std::vector< tk::real >,
111 : : tag::pstiff, std::vector< tk::real >,
112 : : tag::w_gru, std::vector< tk::real >,
113 : : tag::A_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
114 : : tag::B_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
115 : : tag::C_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
116 : : tag::R1_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
117 : : tag::R2_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
118 : : tag::rho0_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
119 : : tag::de_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
120 : : tag::rhor_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
121 : : tag::Tr_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
122 : : tag::Pr_jwl, std::vector< tk::real >,
123 : : tag::mu, std::vector< tk::real >,
124 : : tag::yield_stress, std::vector< tk::real >,
125 : : tag::cv, std::vector< tk::real >,
126 : : tag::k, std::vector< tk::real >
127 : : > >;
128 : :
129 : : // Boundary conditions block
130 : : using bcList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
131 : : tag::mesh, std::vector< std::size_t >,
132 : : tag::dirichlet, std::vector< std::size_t >,
133 : : tag::symmetry, std::vector< std::size_t >,
134 : : tag::inlet, std::vector< std::size_t >,
135 : : tag::outlet, std::vector< std::size_t >,
136 : : tag::farfield, std::vector< std::size_t >,
137 : : tag::extrapolate, std::vector< std::size_t >,
138 : : tag::noslipwall, std::vector< std::size_t >,
139 : : tag::stag_point, std::vector< tk::real >,
140 : : tag::radius, tk::real,
141 : : tag::velocity, std::vector< tk::real >,
142 : : tag::pressure, tk::real,
143 : : tag::density, tk::real,
144 : : tag::temperature, tk::real,
145 : : tag::mass_fractions, std::vector< tk::real >,
146 : : tag::materialid, std::size_t,
147 : : tag::timedep, std::vector<
148 : : tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
149 : : tag::sideset, std::vector< uint64_t >,
150 : : tag::fn, std::vector< tk::real >
151 : : > >
152 : : >
153 : : > >;
154 : :
155 : : // IC box
156 : : using boxList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
157 : : tag::materialid, std::size_t,
158 : : tag::volume, tk::real,
159 : : tag::mass, tk::real,
160 : : tag::density, tk::real,
161 : : tag::velocity, std::vector< tk::real >,
162 : : tag::pressure, tk::real,
163 : : tag::energy, tk::real,
164 : : tag::energy_content, tk::real,
165 : : tag::temperature, tk::real,
166 : : tag::mass_fractions, std::vector< tk::real >,
167 : : tag::xmin, tk::real,
168 : : tag::xmax, tk::real,
169 : : tag::ymin, tk::real,
170 : : tag::ymax, tk::real,
171 : : tag::zmin, tk::real,
172 : : tag::zmax, tk::real,
173 : : tag::orientation, std::vector< tk::real >,
174 : : tag::initiate, inciter::ctr::InitiateType,
175 : : tag::point, std::vector< tk::real >,
176 : : tag::init_time, tk::real,
177 : : tag::front_width, tk::real,
178 : : tag::front_speed, tk::real
179 : : > >;
180 : :
181 : : // IC meshblock
182 : : using meshblockList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
183 : : tag::blockid, std::uint64_t,
184 : : tag::materialid, std::size_t,
185 : : tag::volume, tk::real,
186 : : tag::mass, tk::real,
187 : : tag::density, tk::real,
188 : : tag::velocity, std::vector< tk::real >,
189 : : tag::pressure, tk::real,
190 : : tag::energy, tk::real,
191 : : tag::energy_content, tk::real,
192 : : tag::temperature, tk::real,
193 : : tag::mass_fractions, std::vector< tk::real >,
194 : : tag::initiate, inciter::ctr::InitiateType,
195 : : tag::point, std::vector< tk::real >,
196 : : tag::init_time, tk::real,
197 : : tag::front_width, tk::real,
198 : : tag::front_speed, tk::real
199 : : > >;
200 : :
201 : : // Initial conditions (ic) block
202 : : using icList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
203 : : tag::materialid, std::size_t,
204 : : tag::pressure, tk::real,
205 : : tag::temperature, tk::real,
206 : : tag::mass_fractions, std::vector< tk::real >,
207 : : tag::density, tk::real,
208 : : tag::energy, tk::real,
209 : : tag::velocity, std::vector< tk::real >,
210 : : tag::box, std::vector< boxList >,
211 : : tag::meshblock, std::vector< meshblockList >
212 : : > >;
213 : :
214 : : // Overset mesh block
215 : : using meshList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
216 : : tag::filename, std::string,
217 : : tag::location, std::vector< tk::real >,
218 : : tag::orientation, std::vector< tk::real >,
219 : : tag::velocity, std::vector< tk::real >
220 : : > >;
221 : :
222 : : // Field output block
223 : : using fieldOutputList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
224 : : tag::interval, uint32_t,
225 : : tag::time_interval, tk::real,
226 : : tag::time_range, std::vector< tk::real >,
227 : : tag::refined, bool,
228 : : tag::filetype, tk::ctr::FieldFileType,
229 : : tag::sideset, std::vector< uint64_t >,
230 : : tag::outvar, std::vector< OutVar >,
231 : : tag::elemalias, std::vector< std::string >, // only for error checking
232 : : tag::elemvar, std::vector< std::string >, // only for error checking
233 : : tag::nodealias, std::vector< std::string >, // only for error checking
234 : : tag::nodevar, std::vector< std::string > // only for error checking
235 : : > >;
236 : :
237 : : // Diagnostics block
238 : : using diagnosticsList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
239 : : tag::interval, uint32_t,
240 : : tag::error, tk::ctr::ErrorType,
241 : : tag::format, tk::ctr::TxtFloatFormatType,
242 : : tag::precision, std::streamsize
243 : : > >;
244 : :
245 : : // History output block
246 : : using historyOutputList = tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
247 : : tag::interval, uint32_t,
248 : : tag::time_interval, tk::real,
249 : : tag::time_range, std::vector< tk::real >,
250 : : tag::format, tk::ctr::TxtFloatFormatType,
251 : : tag::precision, std::streamsize,
252 : : tag::point, std::vector<
253 : : tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
254 : : tag::id, std::string,
255 : : tag::coord, std::vector< tk::real >
256 : : > >
257 : : >
258 : : > >;
259 : :
260 : : using ConfigMembers = brigand::list<
261 : :
262 : : tag::title, std::string,
263 : :
264 : : // Command line parameters
265 : : tag::cmd, CmdLine,
266 : :
267 : : // time stepping options
268 : : tag::nstep, uint64_t,
269 : : tag::term, tk::real,
270 : : tag::t0, tk::real,
271 : : tag::dt, tk::real,
272 : : tag::cfl, tk::real,
273 : : tag::ttyi, uint32_t,
274 : : tag::imex_runge_kutta, uint32_t,
275 : : tag::imex_maxiter, uint32_t,
276 : : tag::imex_reltol, tk::real,
277 : : tag::imex_abstol, tk::real,
278 : :
279 : : // steady-state solver options
280 : : tag::steady_state, bool,
281 : : tag::residual, tk::real,
282 : : tag::rescomp, uint32_t,
283 : :
284 : : // mesh partitioning and reordering/sorting choices
285 : : tag::partitioning, tk::ctr::PartitioningAlgorithmType,
286 : : tag::pelocal_reorder, bool,
287 : : tag::operator_reorder, bool,
288 : :
289 : : // discretization scheme choices
290 : : tag::scheme, SchemeType,
291 : : tag::ndof, std::size_t,
292 : : tag::rdof, std::size_t,
293 : : tag::flux, FluxType,
294 : : tag::lowspeed_kp, tk::real,
295 : :
296 : : // limiter options
297 : : tag::limiter, LimiterType,
298 : : tag::cweight, tk::real,
299 : : tag::shock_detector_coeff, tk::real,
300 : : tag::accuracy_test, bool,
301 : : tag::limsol_projection, bool,
302 : :
303 : : // PDE options
304 : : tag::ncomp, std::size_t,
305 : : tag::pde, PDEType,
306 : : tag::transport, transportList,
307 : : tag::compflow, compflowList,
308 : : tag::multimat, multimatList,
309 : : tag::multispecies, multispeciesList,
310 : :
311 : : // Dependent variable name
312 : : tag::depvar, std::vector< char >,
313 : :
314 : : tag::sys, std::map< std::size_t, std::size_t >,
315 : :
316 : : tag::material, std::vector< materialList >,
317 : :
318 : : tag::matidxmap, tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
319 : : tag::eosidx, std::vector< std::size_t >,
320 : : tag::matidx, std::vector< std::size_t >,
321 : : tag::solidx, std::vector< std::size_t >
322 : : > >,
323 : :
324 : : // Conditions
325 : : tag::bc, std::vector< bcList >,
326 : : tag::ic, icList,
327 : : tag::mesh, std::vector< meshList >,
328 : : tag::transfer, std::vector< Transfer >,
329 : :
330 : : // ALE block
331 : : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 : : tag::ale, tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
333 : : tag::ale, bool,
334 : : tag::smoother, MeshVelocitySmootherType,
335 : : tag::mesh_velocity, MeshVelocityType,
336 : : tag::mesh_motion, std::vector< std::size_t >,
337 : : tag::meshforce, std::vector< tk::real >,
338 : : tag::dvcfl, tk::real,
339 : : tag::vortmult, tk::real,
340 : : tag::maxit, std::size_t,
341 : : tag::tolerance, tk::real,
342 : : tag::dirichlet, std::vector< std::size_t >,
343 : : tag::symmetry, std::vector< std::size_t >,
344 : : tag::move, std::vector<
345 : : tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
346 : : tag::sideset, std::vector< uint64_t >,
347 : : tag::fntype, tk::ctr::UserTableType,
348 : : tag::fn, std::vector< tk::real >
349 : : > >
350 : : >
351 : : > >,
352 : :
353 : : // p-refinement block
354 : : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 : : tag::pref, tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
356 : : tag::pref, bool,
357 : : tag::indicator, PrefIndicatorType,
358 : : tag::ndofmax, std::size_t,
359 : : tag::tolref, tk::real
360 : : > >,
361 : :
362 : : // AMR block
363 : : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
364 : : tag::amr, tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
365 : : tag::amr, bool,
366 : : tag::t0ref, bool,
367 : : tag::dtref, bool,
368 : : tag::dtref_uniform, bool,
369 : : tag::dtfreq, std::size_t,
370 : : tag::maxlevels, std::size_t,
371 : : tag::initial, std::vector< AMRInitialType >,
372 : : tag::edgelist, std::vector< std::size_t >,
373 : : tag::coords, tk::TaggedTuple< brigand::list<
374 : : tag::xminus, tk::real,
375 : : tag::xplus, tk::real,
376 : : tag::yminus, tk::real,
377 : : tag::yplus, tk::real,
378 : : tag::zminus, tk::real,
379 : : tag::zplus, tk::real
380 : : > >,
381 : : tag::error, AMRErrorType,
382 : : tag::refvar, std::vector< char >,
383 : : tag::tol_refine, tk::real,
384 : : tag::tol_derefine, tk::real
385 : : > >,
386 : :
387 : : // Output options
388 : : tag::field_output, fieldOutputList,
389 : : tag::diagnostics, diagnosticsList,
390 : : tag::history_output, historyOutputList
391 : : >;
392 : :
393 : : // Class storing the Config params
394 : 189 : class InputDeck : public tk::TaggedTuple< ConfigMembers > {
395 : :
396 : : public:
397 : : //! Set of tags to ignore when printing this InputDeck
398 : : using ignore = CmdLine::ignore;
399 : :
400 : : //! \brief Constructor: set defaults
401 : : //! \param[in] cl Previously parsed and store command line
402 : : //! \details Anything not set here is initialized by the compiler using the
403 : : //! default constructor for the corresponding type.
404 : 1333 : explicit InputDeck( const CmdLine& cl = {} ) {
405 : : // Set previously parsed command line
406 : : get< tag::cmd >() = cl;
407 : : // Default time stepping params
408 : 1333 : get< tag::dt >() = 0.0;
409 : 1333 : get< tag::cfl >() = 0.0;
410 : : // Default AMR settings
411 : : auto rmax =
412 : : std::numeric_limits< tk::real >::max() / 100;
413 : 1333 : get< tag::amr, tag::coords, tag::xminus >() = rmax;
414 : 1333 : get< tag::amr, tag::coords, tag::xplus >() = -rmax;
415 : 1333 : get< tag::amr, tag::coords, tag::yminus >() = rmax;
416 : 1333 : get< tag::amr, tag::coords, tag::yplus >() = -rmax;
417 : 1333 : get< tag::amr, tag::coords, tag::zminus >() = rmax;
418 [ + - ]: 1333 : get< tag::amr, tag::coords, tag::zplus >() = -rmax;
419 : :
420 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
421 : : /*
422 : : Keyword vector
423 : : The following code generates a vector of keywords, for the sole purpose
424 : : of documentation and user-help (accessible via the --helpctr and
425 : : --helpkw cmdline arguments. If entries for a keyword are not added to
426 : : this vector, help will not be output for it. The entries follow the
427 : : function signature of the tk::entry_t constructor (defined in
428 : : Base/Types.hpp).
429 : : */
430 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
431 : : std::set< tk::entry_t > keywords;
432 : :
433 : : keywords.insert({"inciter",
434 : : "Start configuration block for inciter",
435 : : R"(This keyword is used to select inciter. Inciter, is a continuum-realm
436 : : shock hydrodynamics tool, solving a system of PDEs. The entire control
437 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : file must be enclosed within the inciter block)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
438 : :
439 : : keywords.insert({"title", "Title", R"(The title may be specified in
440 [ + - ][ + - ]: 3999 : the input file. It is optional.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
441 : :
442 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
443 : : // time stepping options
444 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
445 : :
446 : : keywords.insert({"nstep", "Set number of time steps to take",
447 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the number of time steps to take in a
448 : : simulation. The number of time steps are used in conjunction with the
449 : : maximmum time specified by keyword 'term': the simulation stops whichever
450 : : is reached first. Both 'nstep' and 'term' can be left unspecified, in
451 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : which case their default values are used. See also 'term'.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
452 : :
453 : : keywords.insert({"term", "Set maximum physical time to simulate",
454 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the termination time in a simulation.
455 : : The termination time and number of time steps, specified by 'nstep', are
456 : : used in conjunction to determine when to stop a simulation: whichever is
457 : : reached first. Both 'nstep' and 'term' can be left unspecified, in which
458 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : case their default values are used. See also 'nstep'.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
459 : :
460 : : keywords.insert({"t0", "Set starting non-dimensional time",
461 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the starting time in a simulation.)",
462 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
463 : :
464 : : keywords.insert({"dt", "Select constant time step size",
465 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the time step size that used as a
466 : : constant during simulation. Setting 'cfl' and 'dt' are mutually
467 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : exclusive. If both 'cfl' and 'dt' are set, 'dt' wins.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
468 : :
469 : : keywords.insert({"cfl",
470 : : "Set the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) coefficient",
471 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the CFL coefficient for
472 : : variable-time-step-size simulations. Setting 'cfl' and 'dt' are mutually
473 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : exclusive. If both 'cfl' and 'dt' are set, 'dt' wins.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
474 : :
475 : : keywords.insert({"ttyi", "Set screen output interval",
476 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the interval in time steps for screen
477 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : output during a simulation.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
478 : :
479 : : keywords.insert({"imex_runge_kutta",
480 : : "Toggle use of IMplicit-EXplicit Runge-Kutta scheme",
481 : : R"(This keywords is used to turn IMEX integrator on/off for solid materials
482 : : in a multimat run. Plastic terms are integrated implicitly in time. This
483 : : flag will activate an Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme to replace the
484 : : explicit one that is usually used. Scheme taken from Cavaglieri, D., &
485 : : Bewley, T. (2015). Low-storage implicit/explicit Runge–Kutta schemes for
486 : : the simulation of stiff high-dimensional ODE systems. Journal of
487 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Computational Physics, 286, 172-193.)", "uint 0/1"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
488 : :
489 : : keywords.insert({"imex_maxiter",
490 : : "Set maximum number of iterations for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme",
491 : : R"(This keywords is used to specify the maximum number of iterations that
492 : : the non-linear solver uses to obtain the implicit unknowns within the
493 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
494 : :
495 : : keywords.insert({"imex_reltol",
496 : : "Set relative tolerance for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme",
497 : : R"(This keywords is used to specify the relative tolerance that
498 : : the non-linear solver uses to obtain the implicit unknowns within the
499 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
500 : :
501 : : keywords.insert({"imex_abstol",
502 : : "Set absolute tolerance for non-linear solver with IMEX-RK scheme",
503 : : R"(This keywords is used to specify the absolute tolerance that
504 : : the non-linear solver uses to obtain the implicit unknowns within the
505 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
506 : :
507 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
508 : : // steady-state solver options
509 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
510 : :
511 : : keywords.insert({"steady_state", "March to steady state",
512 : : R"(This keyword is used indicate that local time stepping should be used
513 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : to march towards a stationary solution.)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
514 : :
515 : : keywords.insert({"residual",
516 : : "Set the convergence criterion for the residual to reach",
517 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify a convergence criterion for the local
518 : : time stepping marching to steady state, below which the simulation is
519 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : considered converged.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
520 : :
521 : : keywords.insert({"rescomp",
522 : : "Equation system component index for convergence",
523 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify a single integer that is used to denote
524 : : the equation component index in the complete system of equations
525 : : configured, to use for the convergence criterion for local
526 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : time stepping marching towards steady state.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
527 : :
528 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
529 : : // mesh partitioning and reordering/sorting choices
530 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
531 : :
532 : : keywords.insert({"partitioning",
533 : : "Select mesh partitioning algorithm",
534 : : R"(This keyword is used to select a mesh partitioning algorithm. See
535 : : Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for valid options.)",
536 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
537 : :
538 : : keywords.insert({"rcb",
539 : : "Select recursive coordinate bisection mesh partitioner",
540 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the recursive coordinate bisection (RCB)
541 : : mesh partitioner. RCB is a geometry-based partitioner used to distribute
542 : : an input mesh among processing elements. See
543 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
544 : :
545 : : keywords.insert({"rib",
546 : : "Select recursive inertial bisection mesh partitioner",
547 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the recursive inertial bisection (RIB)
548 : : mesh partitioner. RIB is a geometry-based partitioner used to distribute
549 : : an input mesh among processing elements. See
550 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
551 : :
552 : : keywords.insert({"hsfc",
553 : : "Select Hilbert Space Filling Curve (HSFC) mesh partitioner",
554 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Hilbert Space Filling Curve (HSFC)
555 : : mesh partitioner. HSFC is a geometry-based partitioner used to distribute
556 : : an input mesh among processing elements. See
557 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
558 : :
559 : : keywords.insert({"phg",
560 : : "Select parallel hypergraph mesh partitioner",
561 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the parallel hypergraph (PHG)
562 : : mesh partitioner. PHG is a graph-based partitioner used to distribute an
563 : : input mesh among processing elements. See
564 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
565 : :
566 : : keywords.insert({"mj",
567 : : "Select multi-jagged (MJ) mesh partitioner",
568 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the multi-jagged (MJ) mesh partitioner.
569 : : MJ is a geometry-based partitioner used to distribute an input mesh among
570 : : processing elements. See
571 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Control/Options/PartitioningAlgorithm.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
572 : :
573 : : keywords.insert({"pelocal_reorder",
574 : : "PE-local reorder",
575 : : R"(This keyword is used in inciter as a keyword in the inciter...end block
576 : : as "pelocal_reorder true" (or false) to do (or not do) a global
577 : : distributed mesh reordering across all PEs that yields an approximately
578 : : continuous mesh node ID order as mesh partitions are assigned to PEs after
579 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : mesh partitioning. This reordering is optional.)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
580 : :
581 : : keywords.insert({"operator_reorder",
582 : : "Operator-access reorder",
583 : : R"(This keyword is used in inciter as a keyword in the inciter...end block
584 : : as "operator_reorder on" (or off) to do (or not do) a local mesh node
585 : : reordering based on the PDE operator access pattern. This reordering is
586 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : optional.)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
587 : :
588 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
589 : : // discretization scheme choices
590 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
591 : :
592 : : keywords.insert({"scheme", "Select discretization scheme",
593 : : R"(This keyword is used to select a spatial discretization scheme,
594 : : necessarily connected to the temporal discretization scheme. See
595 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for valid options.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
596 : :
597 : : keywords.insert({"alecg",
598 : : "Select continuous Galerkin with ALE + Runge-Kutta",
599 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the continuous Galerkin finite element
600 : : scheme in the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) reference frame combined
601 : : with Runge-Kutta (RK) time stepping.
602 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
603 : :
604 : : keywords.insert({"oversetfe",
605 : : "Select continuous Galerkin finite element with overset meshes + "
606 : : "Runge-Kutta",
607 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the continuous Galerkin finite element
608 : : scheme with Runge-Kutta (RK) time stepping, combined with overset grids.
609 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
610 : :
611 : : keywords.insert({"dg",
612 : : "Select 1st-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta",
613 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the first-order accurate discontinuous
614 : : Galerkin, DG(P0), spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. As this is first
615 : : order accurate, it is intended for testing and debugging purposes only.
616 : : Selecting this spatial discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme
617 : : for time discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other
618 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
619 : :
620 : : keywords.insert({"p0p1",
621 : : "Select 2nd-order finite volume discretization + Runge-Kutta",
622 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the second-order accurate finite volume,
623 : : P0P1, spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. This method uses a
624 : : least-squares procedure to reconstruct the second-order solution from the
625 : : first-order one. Selecting this spatial discretization also selects the
626 : : Runge-Kutta scheme for time discretization.
627 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
628 : :
629 : : keywords.insert({"dgp1",
630 : : "Select 2nd-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta",
631 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the second-order accurate discontinuous
632 : : Galerkin, DG(P1), spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. Selecting this
633 : : spatial discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme for time
634 : : discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other
635 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
636 : :
637 : : keywords.insert({"dgp2",
638 : : "Select 3nd-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta",
639 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the third-order accurate discontinuous
640 : : Galerkin, DG(P2), spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. Selecting this
641 : : spatial discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme for time
642 : : discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other
643 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
644 : :
645 : : keywords.insert({"pdg",
646 : : "Select p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin discretization + Runge-Kutta",
647 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the polynomial adaptive discontinuous
648 : : Galerkin spatial discretizaion used in Inciter. Selecting this spatial
649 : : discretization also selects the Runge-Kutta scheme for time
650 : : discretization. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid
651 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
652 : :
653 : : keywords.insert({"fv",
654 : : "Select 2nd-order finite volume discretization + Runge-Kutta",
655 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the second-order accurate finite volume,
656 : : P0P1, spatial discretiztaion used in Inciter. This method uses a
657 : : least-squares procedure to reconstruct the second-order solution from the
658 : : first-order one. See Control/Inciter/Options/Scheme.hpp for other valid
659 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
660 : :
661 : : keywords.insert({"ndof", "Number of evolved solution DOFs",
662 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : R"(The number of solution DOFs that are evolved.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
663 : :
664 : : keywords.insert({"rdof", "Total number of solution DOFs",
665 : : R"(The total number of solution DOFs, including the reconstructed and the
666 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : evolved ones.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
667 : :
668 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
669 : : // limiter options
670 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
671 : :
672 : : keywords.insert({"limiter", "Select limiter function",
673 : : R"(This keyword is used to select a limiter function, used for
674 : : discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. See
675 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for valid options.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
676 : :
677 : : keywords.insert({"nolimiter", "No limiter used",
678 : : R"(This keyword is used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial
679 : : discretization without any limiter in inciter. See
680 [ + - ][ + - ]: 3999 : Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
681 : :
682 : : keywords.insert({"wenop1",
683 : : "Select the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) limiter for DGP1",
684 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory
685 : : limiter used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) P1 spatial discretization
686 : : used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for other valid
687 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
688 : :
689 : : keywords.insert({"cweight",
690 : : "Set value for central linear weight used by WENO, cweight",
691 : : R"(This keyword is used to set the central linear weight used for the
692 : : central stencil in the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) limiter
693 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
694 : :
695 : : keywords.insert({"superbeep1",
696 : : "Select the Superbee limiter for DGP1",
697 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Superbee limiter used for
698 : : discontinuous Galerkin (DG) P1 spatial discretization used in inciter.
699 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : See Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
700 : :
701 : : keywords.insert({"shock_detector_coeff",
702 : : "Configure the coefficient used in shock indicator",
703 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure the coefficient used in the
704 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : threshold calculation for the shock indicator.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
705 : :
706 : : keywords.insert({"vertexbasedp1",
707 : : "Select the vertex-based limiter for DGP1",
708 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the vertex-based limiter used for
709 : : discontinuous Galerkin (DG) P1 spatial discretization used in inciter.
710 : : Ref. Kuzmin, D. (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for
711 : : p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of computational and
712 : : applied mathematics, 233(12), 3077-3085.
713 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : See Control/Inciter/Options/Limiter.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
714 : :
715 : : keywords.insert({"accuracy_test", "Toggle accuracy test setup",
716 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify if the current setup is for an
717 : : order-of-accuracy testing, used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial
718 : : discretization in inciter. This deactivates certain robustness corrections
719 : : which might impact order-of-accuracy. Only intended for simple test
720 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : problems and not for real problems.)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
721 : :
722 : : keywords.insert({"limsol_projection",
723 : : "Toggle limited solution projection",
724 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify limited solution projection.
725 : : This is used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization in
726 : : inciter, for multi-material hydrodynamics. This uses a projection to
727 : : obtain bulk momentum and material energies from the limited primitive
728 : : quantities. This step is essential to obtain closure-law obeying limited
729 : : quantities. See Pandare et al. (2023). On the Design of Stable,
730 : : Consistent, and Conservative High-Order Methods for Multi-Material
731 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Hydrodynamics. J Comp Phys (490).)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
732 : :
733 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
734 : : // flux options
735 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
736 : :
737 : : keywords.insert({"flux", "Select flux function",
738 : : R"(This keyword is used to select a flux function, used for
739 : : discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter. See
740 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Control/Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp for valid options.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
741 : :
742 : : keywords.insert({"laxfriedrichs",
743 : : "Select Lax-Friedrichs flux function",
744 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Lax-Friedrichs flux function used
745 : : for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization used in inciter.
746 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : See Control/Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
747 : :
748 : : keywords.insert({"hllc",
749 : : "Select the Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact (HLLC) flux function",
750 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact flux
751 : : function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization
752 : : used in inciter. See Control/Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp for other valid
753 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
754 : :
755 : : keywords.insert({"upwind", "Select the upwind flux function",
756 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the upwind flux
757 : : function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization
758 : : used in inciter. It is only usable for scalar transport.
759 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : See Control/Inciter/Options/Flux.hpp for other valid options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
760 : :
761 : : keywords.insert({"ausm",
762 : : "Select the Advection Upstream Splitting Method (AUSM) flux function",
763 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the AUSM flux
764 : : function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization
765 : : used in inciter. It is only set up for for multi-material hydro, and
766 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : not selectable for anything else.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
767 : :
768 : : keywords.insert({"ldfss",
769 : : "Select the Low Diffusion Flux Splitting Scheme (LDFSS)",
770 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the LDFSS flux
771 : : function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization
772 : : used in inciter. It is only set up for for multi-material hydro, and
773 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : not selectable for anything else.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
774 : :
775 : : keywords.insert({"lowspeed_kp",
776 : : "Select the low-speed coefficient K_p in the AUSM+up flux function",
777 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the low-speed coefficient K_p in the
778 : : AUSM+up flux function used for the DG or FV spatial discretization for
779 : : multi-material hydro, and not used for anything else. The default
780 : : value is 0, and recommended value for low speed flows (Mach < 0.1) is
781 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 1.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
782 : :
783 : : keywords.insert({"hll",
784 : : "Select the Harten-Lax-vanLeer (HLL) flux function",
785 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the HLL flux
786 : : function used for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization
787 : : used in inciter. It is only set up for for multi-material hydro, and
788 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : not selectable for anything else.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
789 : :
790 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
791 : : // PDE keywords
792 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
793 : :
794 : : keywords.insert({"problem",
795 : : "Specify problem configuration for partial differential equation solver",
796 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the problem configuration for the
797 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : partial differential equation solver.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
798 : :
799 : : keywords.insert({"transport",
800 : : "Start configuration block for an transport equation",
801 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce a transport block, used to
802 : : specify the configuration for a transport equation type.)",
803 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
804 : :
805 : : keywords.insert({"ncomp",
806 : : "Set number of scalar components for a system of transport equations",
807 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the number of scalar
808 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : components of transport (linear advection) equations.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
809 : :
810 : : keywords.insert({"compflow",
811 : : "Start configuration block for the compressible flow equations",
812 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce the compflow block, used to
813 : : specify the configuration for a system of partial differential equations,
814 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : governing single material compressible fluid flow.)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
815 : :
816 : : keywords.insert({"multimat",
817 : : "Start configuration block for the compressible multi-material equations",
818 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce the multimat block,
819 : : used to specify the configuration for a system of partial differential
820 : : equations, governing compressible multi-material hydrodynamics assuming
821 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : velocity equilibrium (single velocity).)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
822 : :
823 : : keywords.insert({"multispecies",
824 : : "Start configuration block for the compressible multi-species equations",
825 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce the multispecies block,
826 : : used to specify the configuration for a system of partial differential
827 : : equations, governing compressible multi-species fluid dynamics.)",
828 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
829 : :
830 : : keywords.insert({"nmat",
831 : : "Set number of materials for the multi-material system",
832 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the number of materials for
833 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : multi-material flow, see also the keyword 'multimat'.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
834 : :
835 : : keywords.insert({"nspec",
836 : : "Set number of species for the multi-species system",
837 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the number of species for
838 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : multi-species flow, see also the keyword 'multispecies'.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
839 : :
840 : : keywords.insert({"prelax",
841 : : "Toggle multi-material finite pressure relaxation",
842 : : R"(This keyword is used to turn finite pressure relaxation between
843 : : multiple materials on/off. It is used only for the multi-material solver,
844 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : and has no effect when used for the other PDE types.)", "uint 0/1"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
845 : :
846 : : keywords.insert({"prelax_timescale",
847 : : "Time-scale for multi-material finite pressure relaxation",
848 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the time-scale at which finite pressure
849 : : relaxation between multiple materials occurs. The default value of 0.25
850 : : corresponds to a relaxation time that is 4 times the time required for a
851 : : sound wave to pass through a computational element. It is used only for
852 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : multimat, and has no effect for the other PDE types.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
853 : :
854 : : keywords.insert({"intsharp",
855 : : "Toggle multi-material interface sharpening",
856 : : R"(This keyword is used to turn interface sharpening on/off. It uses the
857 : : multi-material THINC interface reconstruction.
858 : : Ref. Pandare A. K., Waltz J., & Bakosi J. (2021) Multi-Material
859 : : Hydrodynamics with Algebraic Sharp Interface Capturing. Computers &
860 : : Fluids, doi: It is used
861 : : for the multi-material and the transport solver, and has no effect when
862 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : used for the other PDE types.)", "uint 0/1"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
863 : :
864 : : keywords.insert({"intsharp_param",
865 : : "Parameter for multi-material interface sharpening",
866 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the parameter for the interface
867 : : sharpening. This parameter affects how many cells the material interfaces
868 : : span, after the use of sharpening. It is used for multimat and transport,
869 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : and has no effect for the other PDE types.)", "real" });
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
870 : :
871 : : keywords.insert({"rho0constraint",
872 : : "Toggle the density constraint correction",
873 : : R"(This keyword is used to toggle the density constraint in solid
874 : : dynamics on/off. It is used only for the multi-material solver in the
875 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : presence of solids. The default is 1 (on).)", "uint 0/1"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
876 : :
877 : : keywords.insert({"dt_sos_massavg",
878 : : "Toggle method for calculating speed of sound used for time step in a cell",
879 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the method to calculate the speed of
880 : : sound in a cell used for the time step. If set to 1, the speed of sound
881 : : will be calculated using the mass average, rather than the maximum value
882 : : across materials. It is used for multimat, and has no effect for the
883 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : other PDE types.)", "uint 0/1" });
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
884 : :
885 : : // Dependent variable name
886 : : keywords.insert({"depvar",
887 : : "Select dependent variable name for PDE.",
888 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : R"(Select dependent variable name for PDE.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
889 : :
890 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
891 : : // physics choices
892 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
893 : :
894 : : keywords.insert({"physics",
895 : : "Specify the physics configuration for a system of PDEs",
896 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the physics configuration for a
897 : : particular PDE system. Valid options depend on the system of PDEs in
898 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : which the keyword is used.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
899 : :
900 : : keywords.insert({"advection",
901 : : "Specify the advection physics",
902 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the advection physics for the transport
903 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : PDE system. Only usable for 'transport'.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
904 : :
905 : : keywords.insert({"advdiff",
906 : : "Specify the advection + diffusion physics",
907 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the advection + diffusion physics
908 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for transport PDEs. Only usable for 'transport'.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
909 : :
910 : : keywords.insert({"euler",
911 : : "Specify the Euler (inviscid) compressible flow physics",
912 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Euler (inviscid) compressible
913 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : flow physics configuration. Usable for 'compflow' and 'multimat')"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
914 : :
915 : : keywords.insert({"energy_pill",
916 : : "Specify the energy pill physics",
917 : : R"(This keyword is used to select an energy pill initialization as physics
918 : : configuration for multiple material compressible flow. Parameters for the
919 : : linearly traveling front are required to be specified when energy_pill is
920 : : selected. See 'linear' for more details. Currently setup only for
921 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 'multimat')"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
922 : :
923 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
924 : : // material/eos object
925 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
926 : :
927 : : keywords.insert({"material",
928 : : "Start configuration block for material (eos) properties",
929 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce a material block, used to
930 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : specify material properties.)", "vector block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
931 : :
932 : : keywords.insert({"id", "ID",
933 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify an ID, a positive integer. Usage is
934 : : context specific, i.e. what block it is specified in. E.g. Inside the
935 : : material block, it is used to specify a block consisting of IDs of
936 [ + - ][ + - ]: 3999 : materials of that EOS type)", "vector of uints"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
937 : :
938 : : keywords.insert({"eos", "Select equation of state (type)",
939 : : R"(This keyword is used to select an equation of state for a material.)",
940 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
941 : :
942 : : keywords.insert({"gamma", "ratio of specific heats",
943 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property, ratio of
944 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : specific heats.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
945 : :
946 : : keywords.insert({"pstiff", "EoS stiffness parameter",
947 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property, stiffness
948 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : parameter in the stiffened gas equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
949 : :
950 : : keywords.insert({"w_gru", "Grueneisen coefficient",
951 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property, Gruneisen
952 : : coefficient for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.)",
953 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
954 : :
955 : : keywords.insert({"A_jwl", "JWL EoS A parameter",
956 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property A (units: Pa)
957 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
958 : :
959 : : keywords.insert({"B_jwl", "JWL EoS B parameter",
960 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property B (units: Pa)
961 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
962 : :
963 : : keywords.insert({"C_jwl", "JWL EoS C parameter",
964 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property C (units: Pa)
965 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
966 : :
967 : : keywords.insert({"R1_jwl", "JWL EoS R1 parameter",
968 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property R1 for the
969 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
970 : :
971 : : keywords.insert({"R2_jwl", "JWL EoS R2 parameter",
972 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property R2 for the
973 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
974 : :
975 : : keywords.insert({"rho0_jwl", "JWL EoS rho0 parameter",
976 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property rho0, which is
977 : : the density of initial state (units: kg/m3) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee
978 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
979 : :
980 : : keywords.insert({"de_jwl", "JWL EoS de parameter",
981 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property de, which is the
982 : : heat of detonation for products; and for reactants, it is chosen such that
983 : : the ambient internal energy (e0) is 0 (units: J/kg). Used for the
984 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
985 : :
986 : : keywords.insert({"rhor_jwl", "JWL EoS rhor parameter",
987 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property rhor, which is
988 : : the density of reference state (units: kg/m3) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee
989 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
990 : :
991 : : keywords.insert({"Tr_jwl", "JWL EoS Tr parameter",
992 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property Tr, which is the
993 : : temperature of reference state (units: K) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee
994 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : equation of state.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
995 : :
996 : : keywords.insert({"Pr_jwl", "JWL EoS er parameter",
997 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property Pr, which is the
998 : : pressure at the reference state (units: Pa) for the Jones-Wilkins-Lee
999 : : equation of state. It is used to calculate the reference temperature for
1000 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : the EoS.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1001 : :
1002 : : keywords.insert({"mu", "shear modulus/dynamic viscosity",
1003 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property, shear modulus
1004 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for solids, or dynamic viscosity for fluids.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1005 : :
1006 : : keywords.insert({"yield_stress", "Yield stress of solid material",
1007 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property yield stress,
1008 : : which indicates the stress (units: Pa) after which the material begins
1009 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : plastic flow.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1010 : :
1011 : : keywords.insert({"cv", "specific heat at constant volume",
1012 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property, specific heat at
1013 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : constant volume.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1014 : :
1015 : : keywords.insert({"k", "heat conductivity",
1016 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the material property, heat
1017 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : conductivity.)", "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1018 : :
1019 : : keywords.insert({"stiffenedgas",
1020 : : "Select the stiffened gas equation of state",
1021 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : R"(This keyword is used to select the stiffened gas equation of state.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1022 : :
1023 : : keywords.insert({"jwl", "Select the JWL equation of state",
1024 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Jones, Wilkins, Lee equation of
1025 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : state.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1026 : :
1027 : : keywords.insert({"smallshearsolid",
1028 : : "Select the SMALLSHEARSOLID equation of state",
1029 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the small shear strain equation of state
1030 : : for solids. This EOS uses a small-shear approximation for the elastic
1031 : : contribution, and a stiffened gas EOS for the hydrodynamic contribution of
1032 : : the internal energy See Plohr, J. N., & Plohr, B. J. (2005). Linearized
1033 : : analysis of Richtmyer–Meshkov flow for elastic materials. Journal of Fluid
1034 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Mechanics, 537, 55-89 for further details.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1035 : :
1036 : : keywords.insert({"godunovromenski_aluminum",
1037 : : "Select the GODUNOVROMENSKIALUMINUM equation of state",
1038 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Godunov-Romenski equation of
1039 : : state for solids and a hydro EoS for aluminum. These function were
1040 : : taken from Barton, Philip T. "An interface-capturing Godunov method
1041 : : for the simulation of compressible solid-fluid problems." Journal
1042 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : of Computational Physics 390 (2019): 25-50.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1043 : :
1044 : : keywords.insert({"matidxmap",
1045 : : "AUTO-GENERATED Material index map for EOS",
1046 : : R"(The following AUTO-GENERATED data structure is used to index into the
1047 : : correct material vector entry. This is done using the following three maps:
1048 : : 1. eosidx: This vector provides the eos-index (value) in the
1049 : : vector<tag::material> for the given user-spec material id (index).
1050 : : 2. matidx: This vector provides the material-index (value) inside the
1051 : : vector<tag::material>[eosidx] block for the given user-specified
1052 : : material id (index).
1053 : : 3. solidx: This vector provides the solid-index (value) assigned to
1054 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : the given user-specified material id (index). It is 0 for fluids.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1055 : :
1056 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1057 : : // output object
1058 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1059 : :
1060 : : keywords.insert({"field_output",
1061 : : "Start of field_output input block",
1062 : : R"(This keyword is used to start a block in the input file containing the
1063 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : list and settings of requested field output.)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1064 : :
1065 : : keywords.insert({"interval",
1066 : : "Set interval (in units of iteration count)",
1067 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify an interval in units of iteration count
1068 : : (i.e., number of time steps). This must be used within a relevant
1069 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : block.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1070 : :
1071 : : keywords.insert({"time_interval",
1072 : : "Set interval (in units of physics time)",
1073 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify an interval in units of physics time.
1074 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : This must be used within a relevant block.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1075 : :
1076 : : keywords.insert({"time_range",
1077 : : "Configure physics time range for output (in units of physics time)",
1078 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure field-, or history-output, specifying
1079 : : a start time, a stop time, and an output frequency in physics time units.
1080 : : Example: 'time_range = {0.2, 0.3, 0.001}', which specifies that from t=0.2 to
1081 : : t=0.3 output should happen at physics time units of dt=0.001. This must be
1082 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : used within a relevant block.)", "vector of 3 reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1083 : :
1084 : : keywords.insert({"refined", "Toggle refined field output on/off",
1085 : : R"(This keyword can be used to turn on/off refined field output, which
1086 : : refines the mesh and evaluates the solution on the refined mesh for saving
1087 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : the solution.)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1088 : :
1089 : : keywords.insert({"filetype", "Select output file type",
1090 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the output file type of
1091 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : mesh-based field output in a field_output block.)", "string" });
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1092 : :
1093 : : keywords.insert({"elemvar",
1094 : : "Specify list of elem-centered variables for output",
1095 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify elem-centered variables for output to
1096 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : file. It is used in field_output blocks.)", "vector of string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1097 : :
1098 : : keywords.insert({"nodevar",
1099 : : "Specify list of node-centered variables for output",
1100 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify node-centered variables for output to
1101 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : file. It is used in field_output blocks.)", "vector of string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1102 : :
1103 : : keywords.insert({"sideset",
1104 : : "Specify list of side sets",
1105 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify side sets. Usage is context specific,
1106 : : i.e. depends on what block it is specified in. Eg. in the field_output
1107 : : block it specifies the sidesets on which field output is desired.)",
1108 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "vector of uints"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1109 : :
1110 : : keywords.insert({"diagnostics",
1111 : : "Specify the diagnostics block",
1112 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce the dagnostics block, used to
1113 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : configure diagnostics output.)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1114 : :
1115 : : keywords.insert({"interval",
1116 : : "Set interval (in units of iteration count)",
1117 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify an interval in units of iteration count
1118 : : (i.e., number of time steps). Usage is context specific, and this must
1119 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : be used within a relevant block.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1120 : :
1121 : : keywords.insert({"error", "Select an error type",
1122 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the error type. Used either in the
1123 : : diagnostics block to specify error norm, or in the AMR block to specify
1124 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : the error for solution-adaptive mesh refinement.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1125 : :
1126 : : keywords.insert({"format",
1127 : : "Specify the ASCII floating-point output format",
1128 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the
1129 : : floating-point output format for ASCII floating-point number output.
1130 : : Valid options are 'default', 'fixed', and 'scientific'. For more info on
1131 : : these various formats, see
1132 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 :", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1133 : :
1134 : : keywords.insert({"precision",
1135 : : "Precision in digits for ASCII floating-point output",
1136 : : R"(This keyword is used to select
1137 : : the precision in digits for ASCII floating-point real number output.
1138 : : Example: "precision=10", which selects ten digits for floating-point
1139 : : output, e.g., 3.141592654. The number of digits must be larger than zero
1140 : : and lower than the maximum representable digits for the given
1141 : : floating-point type. For more info on setting the precision in C++, see
1142 : :, and
1143 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 :", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1144 : :
1145 : : keywords.insert({"history_output",
1146 : : "Start of history_output input block",
1147 : : R"(This keyword is used to start a block in the input file containing the
1148 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : descriptions and settings of requested history output.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1149 : :
1150 : : keywords.insert({"point",
1151 : : "Start configuration block for history point, or a single point in IC blocks",
1152 : : R"(This keyword is used to either introduce a vector block used to
1153 : : specify probes for history output, or in the IC/BC block to specify
1154 : : a single point. When used in history output, it takes sub-entries of
1155 : : 'id' and 'coord'. When used in IC/BC, directly takes three reals as
1156 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : coordinates.)", "vector block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1157 : :
1158 : : keywords.insert({"coord", "Specify point coordinates",
1159 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify coordinates of the history-point.)",
1160 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "3 reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1161 : :
1162 : : keywords.insert({"exodusii", "Select ExodusII output",
1163 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the
1164 : : ExodusII output file type readable by, e.g., ParaView of either a requested
1165 : : probability density function (PDF) within a pdfs ... end block or for
1166 : : mesh-based field output in a field_output ... end block. Example:
1167 : : "filetype exodusii", which selects ExodusII file output. For more info on
1168 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : ExodusII, see"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1169 : :
1170 : : keywords.insert({"density", "Request/specify density",
1171 : : R"(This keyword is used to request/specify the density. Usage is
1172 : : context specific. When specifed as 'elemvar' or 'nodevar' inside
1173 : : field_output, requests density as an output quantity. Otherwise,
1174 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : specifies density at IC/BC.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1175 : :
1176 : : keywords.insert({"x-momentum",
1177 : : "Request x-momentum",
1178 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the fluid x-momentum as an output
1179 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1180 : :
1181 : : keywords.insert({"y-momentum",
1182 : : "Request y-momentum",
1183 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the fluid y-momentum as an output
1184 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1185 : :
1186 : : keywords.insert({"z-momentum",
1187 : : "Request z-momentum",
1188 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the fluid z-momentum as an output
1189 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1190 : :
1191 : : keywords.insert({
1192 : : "specific_total_energy", "Request specific total energy",
1193 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the specific total energy as an output
1194 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1195 : :
1196 : : keywords.insert({
1197 : : "volumetric_total_energy", "Request total volumetric energy",
1198 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the volumetric total energy as an output
1199 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1200 : :
1201 : : keywords.insert({"x-velocity",
1202 : : "Request x-velocity",
1203 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the fluid x-velocity as an output
1204 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1205 : :
1206 : : keywords.insert({"y-velocity",
1207 : : "Request y-velocity",
1208 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the fluid y-velocity as an output
1209 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1210 : :
1211 : : keywords.insert({"z-velocity",
1212 : : "Request z-velocity",
1213 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the fluid z-velocity as an output
1214 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1215 : :
1216 : : keywords.insert({"pressure", "Request/specify pressure",
1217 : : R"(This keyword is used to request/specify the pressure. Usage is
1218 : : context specific. When specifed as 'elemvar' or 'nodevar' inside
1219 : : field_output, requests pressure as an output quantity. Otherwise,
1220 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : specifies pressure at IC/BC.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1221 : :
1222 : : keywords.insert({"material_indicator",
1223 : : "Request material_indicator",
1224 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the material indicator function as an
1225 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : output variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1226 : :
1227 : : keywords.insert({"analytic",
1228 : : "Request analytic solution",
1229 : : R"(This keyword is used to request the analytic solution (if exist) as an
1230 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : output variable.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1231 : :
1232 : : keywords.insert({"l2", "Select the L2 norm",
1233 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : R"(This keyword is used to enable computing the L2 norm.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1234 : :
1235 : : keywords.insert({"linf", "Select the L_{infinity} norm",
1236 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : R"(This keyword is used to enable computing the L-infinity norm.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1237 : :
1238 : : keywords.insert({"default",
1239 : : "Select the default ASCII floating-point output",
1240 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the
1241 : : 'default' floating-point output format for ASCII floating-point real
1242 : : number output. For more info on these various formats, see
1243 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 :"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1244 : :
1245 : : keywords.insert({"fixed",
1246 : : "Select the fixed ASCII floating-point output",
1247 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the
1248 : : 'fixed' floating-point output format for ASCII floating-point real
1249 : : number output. For more info on these various formats, see
1250 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 :"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1251 : :
1252 : : keywords.insert({"scientific",
1253 : : "Select the scientific ASCII floating-point output",
1254 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the
1255 : : 'scientific' floating-point output format for ASCII floating-point real
1256 : : number output. For more info on these various formats, see
1257 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 :"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1258 : :
1259 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1260 : : // ALE options
1261 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1262 : :
1263 : : keywords.insert({"ale", "Start block configuring ALE",
1264 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce the ale block, used to
1265 : : configure arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh movement.)",
1266 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1267 : :
1268 : : keywords.insert({"smoother", "Select mesh velocity smoother",
1269 : : R"(This keyword is used to select a mesh velocity smoother option, used
1270 : : for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion. Valid options are
1271 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 'laplace', 'helmholtz', and 'none')", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1272 : :
1273 : : keywords.insert({"mesh_velocity", "Select mesh velocity",
1274 : : R"(This keyword is used to select a mesh velocity option, used for
1275 : : Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion. Valid options are
1276 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 'sine', 'fluid', and 'user_defined".)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1277 : :
1278 : : keywords.insert({"mesh_motion",
1279 : : "List of dimension indices that are allowed to move in ALE calculations",
1280 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify a list of integers (0, 1, or 2) whose
1281 : : coordinate directions corresponding to x, y, or z are allowed to move with
1282 : : the mesh velocity in ALE calculations. Useful for 1D/2D problems.)",
1283 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "vector of uints"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1284 : :
1285 : : keywords.insert({"meshforce", "Set ALE mesh force model parameter(s)",
1286 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify a vector of real numbers used to
1287 : : parameterize a mesh force model for ALE. The length of the vector must
1288 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : exactly be 4.)", "vector of 4 reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1289 : :
1290 : : keywords.insert({"dvcfl",
1291 : : "Set the volume-change Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) coefficient",
1292 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the volume-change (dV/dt) CFL coefficient
1293 : : for variable-time-step-size simulations due to volume change in time in
1294 : : arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) calculations. Setting 'dvcfl' only has
1295 : : effect in ALE calculations and used together with 'cfl'. See also J. Waltz,
1296 : : N.R. Morgan, T.R. Canfield, M.R.J. Charest, L.D. Risinger, J.G. Wohlbier, A
1297 : : three-dimensional finite element arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for
1298 : : shock hydrodynamics on unstructured grids, Computers & Fluids, 92: 172-187,
1299 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 2014.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1300 : :
1301 : : keywords.insert({"vortmult",
1302 : : "Configure vorticity multiplier for ALE mesh velocity",
1303 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure the multiplier for the vorticity term
1304 : : in the mesh velocity smoother (mesh_velocity=fluid) or for the potential
1305 : : gradient for the Helmholtz mesh velocity (mesh_velocity=helmholtz) for ALE
1306 : : mesh motion. For 'fluid' this is coefficient c2 in Eq.(36) of Waltz,
1307 : : Morgan, Canfield, Charest, Risinger, Wohlbier, A three-dimensional finite
1308 : : element arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for shock hydrodynamics on
1309 : : unstructured grids, Computers & Fluids, 2014, and for 'helmholtz', this
1310 : : is coefficient a1 in Eq.(23) of Bakosi, Waltz, Morgan, Improved ALE mesh
1311 : : velocities for complex flows, International Journal for Numerical Methods
1312 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : in Fluids, 2017. )", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1313 : :
1314 : : keywords.insert({"maxit",
1315 : : "Set the max number of iterations for the ALE mesh velocity linear solve",
1316 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the maximum number of linear solver
1317 : : iterations taken to converge the mesh velocity linear solve in
1318 : : arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) calculations. See also J. Waltz,
1319 : : N.R. Morgan, T.R. Canfield, M.R.J. Charest, L.D. Risinger, J.G. Wohlbier, A
1320 : : three-dimensional finite element arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for
1321 : : shock hydrodynamics on unstructured grids, Computers & Fluids, 92: 172-187,
1322 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 2014.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1323 : :
1324 : : keywords.insert({"tolerance",
1325 : : "Set the tolerance for the ALE mesh velocity linear solve",
1326 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the tolerance to converge the mesh
1327 : : velocity linear solve for in
1328 : : arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) calculations. See also J. Waltz,
1329 : : N.R. Morgan, T.R. Canfield, M.R.J. Charest, L.D. Risinger, J.G. Wohlbier, A
1330 : : three-dimensional finite element arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for
1331 : : shock hydrodynamics on unstructured grids, Computers & Fluids, 92: 172-187,
1332 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 2014.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1333 : :
1334 : : keywords.insert({"move",
1335 : : "Start configuration block configuring surface movement in ALE",
1336 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce a move block, used to
1337 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : configure surface movement for ALE simulations.)", "vector block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1338 : :
1339 : : keywords.insert({"fntype",
1340 : : "Select how a user-defined function is interpreted",
1341 : : R"(This keyword is used to select how a user-defined function should be
1342 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : interpreted.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1343 : :
1344 : : keywords.insert({"fn", "Specify a discrete user-defined function",
1345 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify a user-defined function block with
1346 : : discrete points, listed inside the fn block. Used in ale mesh motion and
1347 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : time-dependent BC specification)", "reals" });
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1348 : :
1349 : : keywords.insert({"laplace",
1350 : : "Select the Laplace mesh velocity smoother for ALE",
1351 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the 'Laplace' mesh velocity smoother
1352 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1353 : :
1354 : : keywords.insert({"helmholtz",
1355 : : "Select the Helmholtz velocity for ALE",
1356 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the a velocity, computed from the
1357 : : Helmholtz-decomposition as the mesh velocity for
1358 : : Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion. See J. Bakosi, J. Waltz,
1359 : : N. Morgan, Improved ALE mesh velocities for complex flows, Int. J. Numer.
1360 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Meth. Fl., 1-10, 2017,"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1361 : :
1362 : : keywords.insert({"none", "Select none option",
1363 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the 'none' option from a list of
1364 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : configuration options.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1365 : :
1366 : : keywords.insert({"sine",
1367 : : "Prescribe sinusoidal mesh velocity for ALE",
1368 : : R"(This keyword is used to prescribe a sinusoidal mesh velocity
1369 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1370 : :
1371 : : keywords.insert({"fluid", "Select the fluid velocity for ALE",
1372 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the 'fluid' velocity as the mesh velocity
1373 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) mesh motion.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1374 : :
1375 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1376 : : // h/p adaptation objects
1377 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1378 : :
1379 : : keywords.insert({"amr",
1380 : : "Start configuration block configuring adaptive mesh refinement",
1381 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce the amr block, used to
1382 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : configure adaptive mesh refinement.)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1383 : :
1384 : : keywords.insert({"t0ref", "Enable mesh refinement at t<0",
1385 : : R"(This keyword is used to enable initial mesh refinement, which can be
1386 : : configured to perform multiple levels of mesh refinement based on various
1387 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : refinement criteria and configuration settings.)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1388 : :
1389 : : keywords.insert({"dtref", "Enable mesh refinement at t>0",
1390 : : R"(This keyword is used to enable solution-adaptive mesh refinement during
1391 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : time stepping.)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1392 : :
1393 : : keywords.insert({"dtref_uniform",
1394 : : "Enable mesh refinement at t>0 but only perform uniform refinement",
1395 : : R"(This keyword is used to force uniform-only solution-adaptive mesh
1396 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : refinement during time stepping.)", "bool"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1397 : :
1398 : : keywords.insert({"dtfreq",
1399 : : "Set mesh refinement frequency during time stepping",
1400 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure the frequency of mesh refinement
1401 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : during time stepping.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1402 : :
1403 : : keywords.insert({"maxlevels",
1404 : : "Set maximum allowed mesh refinement levels",
1405 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure the maximum allowed mesh refinement
1406 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : levels.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1407 : :
1408 : : keywords.insert({"initial",
1409 : : "Configure initial mesh refinement (before time stepping)",
1410 : : R"(This keyword is used to add to a list of initial mesh refinement types
1411 : : that happens before t = 0. Allowed options are 'uniform',
1412 : : 'uniform_derefine', 'initial_conditions', 'coords', 'edgelist')",
1413 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of strings"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1414 : :
1415 : : keywords.insert({"coords",
1416 : : "Configure initial refinement using coordinate planes",
1417 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure entire volumes on a given side of
1418 : : a plane in 3D space. The keyword introduces an coords block within
1419 : : an amr block. All edges of the input mesh will be tagged for refinement
1420 : : whose end-points lie within the given ranges.
1421 : : Example: 'xminus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point coordinates are
1422 : : less than 0.5. Multiple specifications are understood by combining with
1423 : : a logical AND. That is: 'xminus 0.5 yplus 0.3' refines all edges whose
1424 : : end-point x coordinates are less than 0.5 AND y coordinates are larger than
1425 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 0.3.)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1426 : :
1427 : : keywords.insert({"xminus",
1428 : : "Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an x-normal plane",
1429 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges
1430 : : whose end-points are less than the x coordinate of a plane perpendicular
1431 : : to coordinate x in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block
1432 : : within an amr-block with syntax 'xminus <real>'. All edges of the
1433 : : input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie less than (-)
1434 : : the real number given. Example: 'xminus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point
1435 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : x-coordinates are less than 0.5.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1436 : :
1437 : : keywords.insert({"xplus",
1438 : : "Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an x-normal plane",
1439 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges
1440 : : whose end-points are larger than the x coordinate of a plane perpendicular
1441 : : to coordinate x in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block
1442 : : within an amr-block with syntax 'xplus <real>'. All edges of the
1443 : : input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie larger than
1444 : : (+) the real number given. Example: 'xplus 0.5' refines all edges whose
1445 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : end-point coordinates are larger than 0.5.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1446 : :
1447 : : keywords.insert({"yminus",
1448 : : "Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an y-normal plane",
1449 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges
1450 : : whose end-points are less than the y coordinate of a plane perpendicular
1451 : : to coordinate y in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block
1452 : : within an amr-block with syntax 'yminus <real>'. All edges of the
1453 : : input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie less than (-)
1454 : : the real number given. Example: 'yminus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point
1455 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : coordinates are less than 0.5.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1456 : :
1457 : : keywords.insert({"yplus",
1458 : : "Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an y-normal plane",
1459 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges
1460 : : whose end-points are larger than the y coordinate of a plane perpendicular
1461 : : to coordinate y in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block
1462 : : within an amr-block with syntax 'yplus <real>'. All edges of the
1463 : : input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie larger than
1464 : : (+) the real number given. Example: 'yplus 0.5' refines all edges whose
1465 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : end-point coordinates are larger than 0.5.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1466 : :
1467 : : keywords.insert({"zminus",
1468 : : "Configure initial refinement for coordinates lower than an z-normal plane",
1469 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges
1470 : : whose end-points are less than the z coordinate of a plane perpendicular
1471 : : to coordinate z in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block
1472 : : within an amr-block with syntax 'zminus <real>'. All edges of the
1473 : : input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie less than (-)
1474 : : the real number given. Example: 'zminus 0.5' refines all edges whose end-point
1475 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : coordinates are less than 0.5.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1476 : :
1477 : : keywords.insert({"zplus",
1478 : : "Configure initial refinement for coordinates larger than an z-normal plane",
1479 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a mesh refinement volume for edges
1480 : : whose end-points are larger than the z coordinate of a plane perpendicular
1481 : : to coordinate z in 3D space. The keyword must be used in a coords-block
1482 : : within an amr-block with syntax 'zplus <real>'. All edges of the
1483 : : input mesh will be tagged for refinement whose end-points lie larger than
1484 : : (+) the real number given. Example: 'zplus 0.5' refines all edges whose
1485 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : end-point coordinates are larger than 0.5.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1486 : :
1487 : : keywords.insert({"edgelist",
1488 : : "Configure edge-node pairs for initial refinement",
1489 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a list of edges that are explicitly
1490 : : tagged for initial refinement during setup in inciter. The keyword
1491 : : introduces an edgelist block within an amr block and must
1492 : : contain a list of integer pairs, i.e., the number of ids must be even,
1493 : : denoting the end-points of the nodes (=edge) which should be tagged for
1494 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : refinement.)", "vector of uints"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1495 : :
1496 : : keywords.insert({"error",
1497 : : "Configure the error type for solution-adaptive mesh refinement",
1498 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the algorithm used to estimate the error
1499 : : for solution-adaptive mesh refinement. Available options are 'jump' and
1500 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 'hessian')", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1501 : :
1502 : : keywords.insert({"refvar",
1503 : : "Configure dependent variables used for adaptive mesh refinement",
1504 : : R"(This keyword is used to configured a list of dependent variables that
1505 : : trigger adaptive mesh refinement based on estimating their numerical error.
1506 : : These refinement variables are used for both initial (i.e., before time
1507 : : stepping) mesh refinement as well as during time stepping. Only previously
1508 : : (i.e., earlier in the input file) selected dependent variables can be
1509 : : configured as refinement variables. Dependent variables are required to be
1510 : : defined in all equation system configuration blocks, e.g., transport ...
1511 : : end, by using the 'depvar' keyword. Example: transport depvar c end amr
1512 : : refvar c end end. Selecting a particular scalar component in a system is
1513 : : done by appending the equation number to the refvar: Example: transport
1514 : : depvar q ncomp 3 end amr refvar q1 q2 end end, which configures two
1515 : : refinement variables: the first and third scalar component of the previously
1516 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : configured transport equation system.)", "vector of char"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1517 : :
1518 : : keywords.insert({"tol_refine", "Configure refine tolerance",
1519 : : R"(This keyword is used to set the tolerance used to tag an edge for
1520 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : refinement if the relative error exceeds this value.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1521 : :
1522 : : keywords.insert({"tol_derefine",
1523 : : "Configure derefine tolerance",
1524 : : R"(This keyword is used to set the tolerance used to tag an edge for
1525 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : derefinement if the relative error is below this value.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1526 : :
1527 : : keywords.insert({"uniform",
1528 : : "Select uniform initial mesh refinement",
1529 : : R"(This keyword is used to select uniform initial mesh refinement.)",
1530 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1531 : :
1532 : : keywords.insert({"uniform_derefine",
1533 : : "Select uniform initial mesh de-refinement",
1534 : : R"(This keyword is used to select uniform initial mesh de-refinement.)",
1535 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1536 : :
1537 : : keywords.insert({"initial_conditions",
1538 : : "Select initial-conditions-based initial mesh refinement",
1539 : : R"(This keyword is used to select initial-conditions-based initial mesh
1540 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : refinement.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1541 : :
1542 : : keywords.insert({"jump",
1543 : : "Error estimation based on the solution jump normalized by solution value",
1544 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the jump-based error indicator for
1545 : : solution-adaptive mesh refinement. The error is estimated by computing the
1546 : : magnitude of the jump in the solution value normalized by the solution
1547 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : value.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1548 : :
1549 : : keywords.insert({"hessian",
1550 : : "Error estimation based on the Hessian normalized by solution value",
1551 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Hessian-based error indicator for
1552 : : solution-adaptive mesh refinement. The error is estimated by computing the
1553 : : Hessian (2nd derivative matrix) of the solution normalized by sum of the
1554 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : absolute values of the gradients at edges-end points.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1555 : :
1556 : : keywords.insert({"pref",
1557 : : "Start configuration block configuring p-adaptive refinement",
1558 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce the pref block, to
1559 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : configure p-adaptive refinement)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1560 : :
1561 : : keywords.insert({"indicator",
1562 : : "Configure the specific adaptive indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme",
1563 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a specific type of adaptive
1564 : : indicator for p-adaptive refinement of the DG scheme. The keyword must
1565 : : be used in a pref block. Available options are 'pref_spectral_decay' and
1566 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 'pref_non_conformity'.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1567 : :
1568 : : keywords.insert({"ndofmax",
1569 : : "Configure the maximum number of degree of freedom for p-adaptive DG",
1570 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a maximum number of degree of
1571 : : freedom for p-adaptive refinement of the DG scheme. The keyword must
1572 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : be used in a pref block.)", "uint either 4 or 10"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1573 : :
1574 : : keywords.insert({"tolref",
1575 : : "Configure the tolerance for p-refinement for p-adaptive DG",
1576 : : R"(This keyword can be used to configure a tolerance for p-adaptive
1577 : : refinement for the DG scheme. The keyword must be used in a pref
1578 : : block. All elements with a refinement indicator larger than this
1579 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : tolerance will be p-refined.)", "real between 0 and 1"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1580 : :
1581 : : keywords.insert({"spectral_decay",
1582 : : "Select the spectral-decay indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme",
1583 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the spectral-decay indicator used for
1584 : : p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization used in inciter.
1585 : : See Control/Inciter/Options/PrefIndicator.hpp for other valid options.)",
1586 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1587 : :
1588 : : keywords.insert({"non_conformity",
1589 : : "Select the non-conformity indicator for p-adaptive DG scheme",
1590 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the non-conformity indicator used for
1591 : : p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization used in inciter.
1592 : : See Control/Inciter/Options/PrefIndicator.hpp for other valid options.)",
1593 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1594 : :
1595 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1596 : : // boundary condition options
1597 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1598 : :
1599 : : keywords.insert({"bc",
1600 : : "Start configuration block for boundary conditions",
1601 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce the bc block, used for
1602 : : boundary conditions. This is a vector block, where each vector entry
1603 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : specifies BCs for a particular mesh)", "vector block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1604 : :
1605 : : keywords.insert({"mesh",
1606 : : "List meshes on which the following BCs apply",
1607 : : R"(This keyword is used to list multiple meshes on which the boundary
1608 : : conditions listed in this particular bc-block apply.)",
1609 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "vector of uints"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1610 : :
1611 : : keywords.insert({"dirichlet",
1612 : : "List sidesets with Dirichlet boundary conditions",
1613 : : R"(This keyword is used to list Dirichlet sidesets.
1614 : : This keyword is used to list multiple sidesets on
1615 : : which a prescribed Dirichlet BC is then applied. Such prescribed BCs
1616 : : at each point in space and time are evaluated using a built-in function,
1617 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : e.g., using the method of manufactured solutions.)", "vector of uint(s)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1618 : :
1619 : : keywords.insert({"symmetry",
1620 : : "List sidesets with symmetry boundary conditions",
1621 : : R"(This keyword is used to list (multiple) symmetry BC sidesets.)",
1622 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of uint(s)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1623 : :
1624 : : keywords.insert({"inlet",
1625 : : "List sidesets with inlet boundary conditions",
1626 : : R"(This keyword is used to list (multiple) inlet BC sidesets.)",
1627 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of uint(s)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1628 : :
1629 : : keywords.insert({"outlet",
1630 : : "List sidesets with outlet boundary conditions",
1631 : : R"(This keyword is used to list (multiple) outlet BC sidesets.)",
1632 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of uint(s)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1633 : :
1634 : : keywords.insert({"farfield",
1635 : : "List sidesets with farfield boundary conditions",
1636 : : R"(This keyword is used to list (multiple) farfield BC sidesets.
1637 : : Keywords allowed in a bc_farfield block are 'density', 'velocity',
1638 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : 'pressure')", "vector of uint(s)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1639 : :
1640 : : keywords.insert({"extrapolate",
1641 : : "List sidesets with Extrapolation boundary conditions",
1642 : : R"(This keyword is used to list (multiple) extrapolate BC sidesets.)",
1643 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of uint(s)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1644 : :
1645 : : keywords.insert({"noslipwall",
1646 : : "List sidesets with no-slip wall boundary conditions",
1647 : : R"(This keyword is used to list (multiple) no-slip wall BC sidesets.)",
1648 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of uint(s)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1649 : :
1650 : : keywords.insert({"stag",
1651 : : "List sidesets with stagnation boundary conditions",
1652 : : R"(This keyword is used to list (multiple) stagnation BC sidesets.)",
1653 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of uint(s)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1654 : :
1655 : : keywords.insert({"timedep",
1656 : : "Start configuration block describing time dependent boundary conditions",
1657 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce a bc_timedep block, used to
1658 : : specify the configuration of time dependent boundary conditions for a
1659 : : partial differential equation. A discrete function in time t in the form
1660 : : of a table with 6 columns (t, pressure(t), density(t), vx(t), vy(t), vz(t))
1661 : : is expected inside a fn ... end block, specified within the bc_timedep
1662 : : block. Multiple such bc_timedep blocks can be specified for different
1663 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : time dependent BCs on different groups of side sets.)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1664 : :
1665 : : keywords.insert({"radius", "Specify a radius",
1666 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify a radius, used, e.g., in specifying a
1667 : : point in 3D space for setting a stagnation (velocity vector = 0).)",
1668 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1669 : :
1670 : : keywords.insert({"velocity", "Specify velocity",
1671 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure a velocity vector used in a
1672 : : context-specific way, e.g., for boundary or initial conditions, or
1673 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : specifying overset mesh velocity.)", "vector of 3 reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1674 : :
1675 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1676 : : // IC object
1677 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1678 : :
1679 : : keywords.insert({"ic",
1680 : : "Introduce an ic block used to configure initial conditions",
1681 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce an ic block used to set initial
1682 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : conditions.)", "block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1683 : :
1684 : : keywords.insert({"materialid", "Specify material id",
1685 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure the material id within an IC box,
1686 : : IC mesh-block, farfield BC, or in the background as a part of the
1687 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : initialization.)", "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1688 : :
1689 : : keywords.insert({"temperature", "Specify temperature",
1690 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure temperature, used for, e.g.,
1691 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : boundary or initial conditions.)" , "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1692 : :
1693 : : keywords.insert({"mass_fractions", "Specify species mass fractions",
1694 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure species mass fractions, used for,
1695 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : e.g., boundary or initial conditions.)" , "vector of reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1696 : :
1697 : : keywords.insert({"box",
1698 : : "Introduce a box block used to assign initial conditions",
1699 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce a IC box block used to assign
1700 : : initial conditions within a box given by spatial coordinates.)",
1701 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1702 : :
1703 : : keywords.insert({"meshblock",
1704 : : "Introduce a meshblock block used to assign initial conditions",
1705 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce a IC meshblock block used to
1706 : : assign initial conditions within a mesh block specified in the mesh file.)",
1707 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1708 : :
1709 : : keywords.insert({"blockid", "Specify mesh block id",
1710 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure the mesh block id within the
1711 : : meshblock-block as a part of the initialization. It is strongly
1712 : : recommended to use contiguous block ids in mesh file starting from 1.)",
1713 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : "uint"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1714 : :
1715 : : keywords.insert({"volume", "Specify volume",
1716 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure the volume of a meshblock.)",
1717 [ + - ][ + - ]: 3999 : "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1718 : :
1719 : : keywords.insert({"mass", "Specify mass",
1720 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure the mass within a box/meshblock.)",
1721 [ + - ][ + - ]: 3999 : "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1722 : :
1723 : : keywords.insert({"energy", "Specify energy per unit mass",
1724 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure energy per unit mass, used for, e.g.,
1725 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : boundary or initial conditions.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1726 : :
1727 : : keywords.insert({"energy_content", "Specify energy per unit volume",
1728 : : R"(This keyword is used to configure energy per unit volume, used for
1729 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : initial conditions.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1730 : :
1731 : : keywords.insert({"xmin", "Minimum x coordinate",
1732 : : R"(This keyword used to configure a minimum x coordinate to specify
1733 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : a box.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1734 : :
1735 : : keywords.insert({"xmax", "Maximum x coordinate",
1736 : : R"(This keyword used to configure a maximum x coordinate to specify
1737 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : a box.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1738 : :
1739 : : keywords.insert({"ymin", "Minimum y coordinate",
1740 : : R"(This keyword used to configure a minimum y coordinate to specify
1741 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : a box.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1742 : :
1743 : : keywords.insert({"ymax", "Maximum y coordinate",
1744 : : R"(This keyword used to configure a maximum y coordinate to specify
1745 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : a box.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1746 : :
1747 : : keywords.insert({"zmin", "Minimum z coordinate",
1748 : : R"(This keyword used to configure a minimum z coordinate to specify
1749 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : a box.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1750 : :
1751 : : keywords.insert({"zmax", "Maximum z coordinate",
1752 : : R"(This keyword used to configure a maximum z coordinate to specify
1753 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : a box.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1754 : :
1755 : : keywords.insert({"orientation", "Configure orientation",
1756 : : R"(Configure orientation of an IC box for rotation about centroid of box.)",
1757 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of 3 reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1758 : :
1759 : : keywords.insert({"initiate", "Initiation type",
1760 : : R"(This keyword is used to select an initiation type to configure how
1761 : : values are assigned for a box/meshblock initialization. This can be used
1762 : : to specify, how the values are assigned to mesh nodes within a box. Uses:
1763 : : (1) impulse: assign the full values at t=0 for all points in a box,
1764 : : (2) linear: use a linear function in time and space, configured with an
1765 : : initiation point in space, a constant velocity of the growing spherical
1766 : : front in time (and space) linearly, and width of the front and assigns
1767 : : values to mesh points falling within the growing spherical shell inside
1768 [ + - ][ + - ]: 3999 : a configured box.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1769 : :
1770 : : keywords.insert({"init_time","Specify the initialization time",
1771 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the time at which the propagating front
1772 : : is initialized for a mesh block or box IC, with 'initiate linear' type.
1773 : : Delays in initializing separate mesh blocks or boxes can be achieved using
1774 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : different initialization times.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1775 : :
1776 : : keywords.insert({"front_width", "Specify a front width",
1777 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the width of the propagating front for
1778 : : a mesh block or box IC, with 'initiate linear' type. The suggested value
1779 : : of the front width is about 4-5 times the mesh size inside the mesh block
1780 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : or box.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1781 : :
1782 : : keywords.insert({"front_speed", "Specify a front speed",
1783 : : R"(This keyword is used to specify the speed at which a front propagates
1784 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : for a mesh block or box IC, with 'initiate linear' type.)", "real"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1785 : :
1786 : : keywords.insert({"impulse",
1787 : : "Select the impulse initiation type, for a box/meshblock IC",
1788 : : R"(This keyword can be used to select the 'impulse' initiation/assignment
1789 : : type for box initial conditions. It simply assigns the prescribed values
1790 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : to all mesh points within a configured box at t=0.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1791 : :
1792 : : keywords.insert({"linear",
1793 : : "Select the linear initiation type, for a box/meshblock IC",
1794 : : R"(This keyword is be used to specify the 'linear' initiation parameters
1795 : : for a particular box or meshblock, as a part of the 'energy_pill'
1796 : : initialization. Linear initiation uses a linear function in time and space,
1797 : : configured with an initiation point in space, a constant velocity of the
1798 : : growing spherical front in time (and space) linearly, and width of the front
1799 : : and assigns values to mesh points falling within the growing spherical shell
1800 : : inside a configured box or meshblock. The following keywords are required
1801 : : in the box/meshblock block if 'linear' is used: 'init_time',
1802 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 'front_width', 'front_speed')"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1803 : :
1804 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1805 : : // Overset mesh object
1806 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1807 : :
1808 : : keywords.insert({"mesh",
1809 : : "Start configuration block assigning a mesh to a solver",
1810 : : R"(This keyword is used to introduce a mesh block, used to
1811 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : assign and configure a mesh to a solver.)", "vector block-title"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1812 : :
1813 : : keywords.insert({"filename", "Set filename",
1814 [ + - ][ + - ]: 3999 : R"(Set filename, e.g., mesh filename for solver coupling.)", "string"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1815 : :
1816 : : keywords.insert({"location", "Configure location",
1817 : : R"(Configure location of a mesh relative to another.)",
1818 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of 3 reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1819 : :
1820 : : keywords.insert({"orientation", "Configure orientation",
1821 : : R"(Configure orientation of a mesh relative to another.)",
1822 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : "vector of 3 reals"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1823 : :
1824 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1825 : : // pre-configured problems
1826 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1827 : :
1828 : : keywords.insert({"user_defined",
1829 : : "Select user-defined specification for a problem",
1830 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the user-defined specification for an
1831 : : option. This could be a 'problem' to be solved by a partial differential
1832 : : equation, but can also be a 'user-defined' mesh velocity specification for
1833 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : ALE mesh motion.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1834 : :
1835 : : keywords.insert({"shear_diff",
1836 : : "Select the shear + diffusion test problem ",
1837 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the shear diffusion test problem. The
1838 : : initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the test problem
1839 : : suitable to exercise and test the advection and diffusion terms of the
1840 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : scalar transport equation.)" });
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1841 : :
1842 : : keywords.insert({"slot_cyl",
1843 : : "Select Zalesak's slotted cylinder test problem",
1844 : : R"(This keyword is used to select Zalesak's slotted cylinder test
1845 : : problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the
1846 : : test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection and diffusion
1847 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : terms of the scalar transport equation.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1848 : :
1849 : : keywords.insert({"gauss_hump",
1850 : : "Select advection of 2D Gaussian hump test problem",
1851 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the advection of 2D Gaussian hump test
1852 : : problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the
1853 : : test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection
1854 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : terms of the scalar transport equation.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1855 : :
1856 : : keywords.insert({"cyl_advect",
1857 : : "Select advection of cylinder test problem",
1858 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the advection of cylinder test
1859 : : problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the
1860 : : test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection
1861 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : terms of the scalar transport equation.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1862 : :
1863 : : keywords.insert({"cyl_vortex",
1864 : : "Select deformation of cylinder in a vortex test problem",
1865 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the test problem which deforms a cylinder
1866 : : in a vortical velocity field. The initial and boundary conditions are
1867 : : specified to set up the test problem suitable to exercise and test the
1868 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : advection terms of the scalar transport equation.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1869 : :
1870 : : keywords.insert({"vortical_flow",
1871 : : "Select the vortical flow test problem ",
1872 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the vortical flow test problem. The
1873 : : purpose of this test problem is to test velocity errors generated by spatial
1874 : : operators in the presence of 3D vorticity and in particluar the
1875 : : superposition of planar and vortical flows, analogous to voritcity
1876 : : stretching. For more details, see Waltz,
1877 : : et. al, "Manufactured solutions for the three-dimensional Euler equations
1878 : : with relevance to Inertial Confinement Fusion", Journal of Computational
1879 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Physics 267 (2014) 196-209.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1880 : :
1881 : : keywords.insert({"nl_energy_growth",
1882 : : "Select the nonlinear energy growth test problem",
1883 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the nonlinear energy growth test problem.
1884 : : The purpose of this test problem is to test nonlinear, time dependent energy
1885 : : growth and the subsequent development of pressure gradients due to coupling
1886 : : between the internal energy and the equation of state. For more details,
1887 : : see Waltz, et. al, "Manufactured
1888 : : solutions for the three-dimensional Euler equations with relevance to
1889 : : Inertial Confinement Fusion", Journal of Computational Physics 267 (2014)
1890 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 196-209.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1891 : :
1892 : : keywords.insert({"rayleigh_taylor",
1893 : : "Select the Rayleigh-Taylor test problem ",
1894 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Rayleigh-Taylor unstable configuration
1895 : : test problem. The purpose of this test problem is to assess time dependent
1896 : : fluid motion in the presence of Rayleigh-Taylor unstable conditions, i.e.
1897 : : opposing density and pressure gradients.
1898 : : For more details, see Waltz, et. al, "Manufactured solutions for the
1899 : : three-dimensional Euler equations with relevance to Inertial Confinement
1900 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Fusion", Journal of Computational Physics 267 (2014) 196-209.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1901 : :
1902 : : keywords.insert({"taylor_green",
1903 : : "Select the Taylor-Green test problem ",
1904 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Taylor-Green vortex test problem. The
1905 : : purpose of this problem is to test time accuracy and the correctness of the
1906 : : discretization of the viscous term in the Navier-Stokes equation. For more
1907 : : details on the flow, see G.I. Taylor, A.E.
1908 : : Green, "Mechanism of the Production of Small Eddies from Large Ones", Proc.
1909 : : R. Soc. Lond. A 1937 158 499-521; DOI: 10.1098/rspa.1937.0036. Published 3
1910 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : February 1937.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1911 : :
1912 : : keywords.insert({"sod_shocktube",
1913 : : "Select the Sod shock-tube test problem ",
1914 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Sod shock-tube test problem. The
1915 : : purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the
1916 : : approximate Riemann solver and its shock and interface capturing
1917 : : capabilities. For more details, see
1918 : : G. A. Sod, "A Survey of Several Finite Difference Methods for Systems of
1919 : : Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", J. Comput. Phys., 27 (1978)
1920 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 1–31.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1921 : :
1922 : : keywords.insert({"rotated_sod_shocktube",
1923 : : "Select the rotated Sod shock-tube test problem ",
1924 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the rotated Sod shock-tube test problem.
1925 : : This the same as Sod shocktube but the geometry is rotated about X, Y, Z
1926 : : each by 45 degrees (in that order) so that none of the domain boundary align
1927 : : with any of the coordinate directions. The purpose of this test problem is
1928 : : to test the correctness of the approximate Riemann solver and its shock and
1929 : : interface capturing capabilities in an arbitrarily oriented geometry.
1930 : : For more details on the Sod
1931 : : problem, see G. A. Sod, "A Survey of Several Finite Difference Methods for
1932 : : Systems of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", J. Comput. Phys., 27
1933 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : (1978) 1–31.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1934 : :
1935 : : keywords.insert({"shedding_flow",
1936 : : "Select the Shedding flow test problem ",
1937 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Shedding flow test problem. It
1938 : : describe a quasi-2D inviscid flow over a triangular wedge in tetrahedron
1939 : : grid. The purpose of this test problem is to test the capability of DG
1940 : : scheme for retaining the shape of vortices and also different error
1941 : : indicator behavior for this external flow problem when p-adaptive DG scheme
1942 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : is applied.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1943 : :
1944 : : keywords.insert({"sedov_blastwave",
1945 : : "Select the Sedov blast-wave test problem ",
1946 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Sedov blast-wave test problem. The
1947 : : purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the
1948 : : approximate Riemann solver and its strong shock and interface capturing
1949 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : capabilities.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1950 : :
1951 : : keywords.insert({"interface_advection",
1952 : : "Select the interface advection test problem ",
1953 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the interface advection test problem.
1954 : : The purpose of this test problem is to test the well-balancedness of the
1955 : : multi-material discretization and its interface capturing
1956 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : capabilities.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1957 : :
1958 : : keywords.insert({"gauss_hump_compflow",
1959 : : "Select advection of 2D Gaussian hump test problem",
1960 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the advection of 2D Gaussian hump test
1961 : : problem. The initial and boundary conditions are specified to set up the
1962 : : test problem suitable to exercise and test the advection terms of the
1963 : : Euler equations. The baseline of the density distribution in this testcase
1964 : : is 1 instead of 0 in gauss_hump_transport which enables it to be the
1965 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : regression testcase for p-adaptive DG scheme.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1966 : :
1967 : : keywords.insert({"waterair_shocktube",
1968 : : "Select the water-air shock-tube test problem ",
1969 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Water-air shock-tube test problem.
1970 : : The purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the
1971 : : multi-material pressure relaxation procedure and its interface capturing
1972 : : capabilities. For more details, see
1973 : : Chiapolino, A., Saurel, R., & Nkonga, B. (2017). Sharpening diffuse
1974 : : interfaces with compressible fluids on unstructured meshes. Journal of
1975 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Computational Physics, 340, 389-417.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
1976 : :
1977 : : keywords.insert({"shock_hebubble",
1978 : : "Select the shock He-bubble test problem ",
1979 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the shock He-bubble test problem. The
1980 : : purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the
1981 : : multi-material algorithm and its shock-interface interaction
1982 : : capabilities. For more details, see
1983 : : Quirk, J. J., & Karni, S. (1996). On the dynamics of a shock–bubble
1984 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : interaction. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 318, 129-163.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1985 : :
1986 : : keywords.insert({"underwater_ex",
1987 : : "Select the underwater explosion test problem ",
1988 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the underwater explosion test problem.
1989 : : The purpose of this test problem is to test the correctness of the
1990 : : multi-material algorithm and its interface capturing capabilities in the
1991 : : presence of strong shocks and large deformations.
1992 : : For more details, see
1993 : : Chiapolino, A., Saurel, R., & Nkonga, B. (2017). Sharpening diffuse
1994 : : interfaces with compressible fluids on unstructured meshes. Journal of
1995 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : Computational Physics, 340, 389-417.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
1996 : :
1997 : : keywords.insert({"shockdensity_wave",
1998 : : "Select the shock-density wave test problem ",
1999 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the shock-density wave test problem.
2000 : : THe purpose of this test problem is to assess the accuracy of high order
2001 : : method in predicting the interaction of a density wave with a shock front.
2002 : : For more details, see Yu, L., Matthias
2003 : : I. (2014). Discontinuous Galerkin method for multicomponent chemically
2004 : : reacting flows and combustion. Journal of Computational Physics, 270,
2005 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : 105-137.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
2006 : :
2007 : : keywords.insert({"equilinterface_advect",
2008 : : "Select the advection of equilibrium interface problem ",
2009 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the advection of equilibrium interface
2010 : : problem. This is a manufactured problem with source terms with nonlinear
2011 : : solutions near the material interface. Source terms are used to ensure
2012 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : that the conservation laws are satisfied by the manufactured solution.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
2013 : :
2014 : : keywords.insert({"sinewave_packet",
2015 : : "Select the advection of sinewave packet problem ",
2016 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the advection of sinewave packet
2017 [ + - ][ + - ]: 5332 : problem.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ - + ][ - - ]
2018 : :
2019 : : keywords.insert({"richtmyer_meshkov",
2020 : : "Select the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability problem ",
2021 : : R"(This keyword is used to select the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability
2022 [ + - ][ + - ]: 6665 : problem. In this problem, a shock hits a perturbed material interface.)"});
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - + ]
[ + - ][ + - ]
[ + - ][ - - ]
2023 : :
2024 : : // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2025 : :
2026 : : // Initialize help: fill own keywords
2027 : : tk::ctr::Info ctrinfoFill(get< tag::cmd, tag::ctrinfo >());
2028 [ + + ]: 318587 : for (const auto& i : keywords) {
2029 [ + - ]: 317254 : ctrinfoFill.fill(i);
2030 : : }
2031 : 1333 : }
2032 : :
2033 : : //! Query scheme centering
2034 : : //! \return Scheme centering
2035 : 189 : tk::Centering centering() const
2036 [ + - ]: 378 : { return ctr::Scheme().centering( get< tag::scheme >() ); }
2037 : :
2038 : : /** @name Pack/Unpack: Serialize InputDeck object for Charm++ */
2039 : : ///@{
2040 : : //! \brief Pack/Unpack serialize member function
2041 : : //! \param[in,out] p Charm++'s PUP::er serializer object reference
2042 : : void pup( PUP::er& p ) { tk::TaggedTuple< ConfigMembers >::pup(p); }
2043 : : //! \brief Pack/Unpack serialize operator|
2044 : : //! \param[in,out] p Charm++'s PUP::er serializer object reference
2045 : : //! \param[in,out] c InputDeck object reference
2046 : : friend void operator|( PUP::er& p, InputDeck& c ) { c.pup(p); }
2047 : : //@}
2048 : :
2049 : : };
2050 : :
2051 : : } // ctr::
2052 : : } // inciter::
2053 : :
2054 : : #endif // InputDeck_h