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Current view: top level - PDE/MultiSpecies - BCFunctions.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: -128-NOTFOUND Lines: 21 98 21.4 %
Date: 2024-12-11 15:55:14 Functions: 2 6 33.3 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 6 120 5.0 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/PDE/MultiSpecies/BCFunctions.hpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
       7                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       8                 :            :   \brief     Functions specifying boundary conditions.
       9                 :            :   \details   Functions that return boundary state when the interior state at
      10                 :            :              at the boundary location is provided.
      11                 :            : */
      12                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      13                 :            : #ifndef BCFunctions_h
      14                 :            : #define BCFunctions_h
      15                 :            : 
      16                 :            : #include "FunctionPrototypes.hpp"
      17                 :            : #include "MiscMultiSpeciesFns.hpp"
      18                 :            : 
      19                 :            : namespace inciter {
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            :   //! \brief Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a
      22                 :            :   //!   face at symmetry boundaries
      23                 :            :   //! \param[in] ncomp Number of scalar components in this PDE system
      24                 :            :   //! \param[in] ul Left (domain-internal) state
      25                 :            :   //! \param[in] fn Unit face normal
      26                 :            :   //! \return Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE
      27                 :            :   //!   system
      28                 :            :   //! \note The function signature must follow tk::StateFn.
      29                 :            :   static tk::StateFn::result_type
      30                 :     174600 :   symmetry( [[maybe_unused]] ncomp_t ncomp,
      31                 :            :             const std::vector< EOS >&,
      32                 :            :             const std::vector< tk::real >& ul,
      33                 :            :             tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real,
      34                 :            :             const std::array< tk::real, 3 >& fn )
      35                 :            :   {
      36                 :     174600 :     auto nspec = g_inputdeck.get< tag::multispecies, tag::nspec >();
      37                 :            : 
      38 [ -  + ][ -  - ]:     174600 :     Assert( ul.size() == ncomp, "Incorrect size for appended "
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      39                 :            :             "internal state vector" );
      40                 :            : 
      41                 :     174600 :     tk::real rho(0.0);
      42         [ +  + ]:     523800 :     for (std::size_t k=0; k<nspec; ++k)
      43                 :     349200 :       rho += ul[multispecies::densityIdx(nspec, k)];
      44                 :            : 
      45         [ +  - ]:     349200 :     auto ur = ul;
      46                 :            : 
      47                 :            :     // Internal cell velocity components
      48                 :     174600 :     auto v1l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 0)]/rho;
      49                 :     174600 :     auto v2l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 1)]/rho;
      50                 :     174600 :     auto v3l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 2)]/rho;
      51                 :            :     // Normal component of velocity
      52                 :     174600 :     auto vnl = v1l*fn[0] + v2l*fn[1] + v3l*fn[2];
      53                 :            :     // Ghost state velocity components
      54                 :     174600 :     auto v1r = v1l - 2.0*vnl*fn[0];
      55                 :     174600 :     auto v2r = v2l - 2.0*vnl*fn[1];
      56                 :     174600 :     auto v3r = v3l - 2.0*vnl*fn[2];
      57                 :            :     // Boundary condition
      58                 :     174600 :     ur[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 0)] = rho * v1r;
      59                 :     174600 :     ur[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 1)] = rho * v2r;
      60                 :     174600 :     ur[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 2)] = rho * v3r;
      61                 :            : 
      62 [ -  + ][ -  - ]:     174600 :     Assert( ur.size() == ncomp, "Incorrect size for appended "
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      63                 :            :             "boundary state vector" );
      64                 :            : 
      65         [ +  - ]:     349200 :     return {{ std::move(ul), std::move(ur) }};
      66                 :            :   }
      67                 :            : 
      68                 :            :   //! \brief Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a
      69                 :            :   //!   face at farfield boundaries
      70                 :            :   //! \param[in] ncomp Number of scalar components in this PDE system
      71                 :            :   //! \param[in] ul Left (domain-internal) state
      72                 :            :   //! \param[in] fn Unit face normal
      73                 :            :   //! \return Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE
      74                 :            :   //!   system
      75                 :            :   //! \details The farfield boudary calculation, implemented here, is
      76                 :            :   //!   based on the characteristic theory of hyperbolic systems.
      77                 :            :   //! \note The function signature must follow tk::StateFn
      78                 :            :   static tk::StateFn::result_type
      79                 :          0 :   farfield( [[maybe_unused]] ncomp_t ncomp,
      80                 :            :             const std::vector< EOS >& mat_blk,
      81                 :            :             const std::vector< tk::real >& ul,
      82                 :            :             tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real,
      83                 :            :             const std::array< tk::real, 3 >& fn )
      84                 :            :   {
      85                 :          0 :     auto nspec = g_inputdeck.get< tag::multispecies, tag::nspec >();
      86                 :            : 
      87                 :            :     // Farfield primitive quantities
      88                 :            :     auto fp =
      89                 :          0 :       g_inputdeck.get< tag::bc >()[0].get< tag::pressure >();
      90                 :            :     auto ft =
      91                 :          0 :       g_inputdeck.get< tag::bc >()[0].get< tag::temperature >();
      92                 :            :     auto fu =
      93         [ -  - ]:          0 :       g_inputdeck.get< tag::bc >()[0].get< tag::velocity >();
      94                 :            :     auto fspec =
      95                 :          0 :       g_inputdeck.get< tag::bc >()[0].get< tag::materialid >() - 1;
      96                 :            : 
      97 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     Assert( ul.size() == ncomp, "Incorrect size for appended "
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      98                 :            :             "internal state vector" );
      99                 :            : 
     100         [ -  - ]:          0 :     auto ur = ul;
     101                 :            : 
     102                 :          0 :     tk::real rhol(0.0);
     103         [ -  - ]:          0 :     for (std::size_t k=0; k<nspec; ++k)
     104                 :          0 :       rhol += ul[multispecies::densityIdx(nspec, k)];
     105                 :            : 
     106                 :            :     // Internal cell velocity components
     107                 :          0 :     auto v1l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 0)]/rhol;
     108                 :          0 :     auto v2l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 1)]/rhol;
     109                 :          0 :     auto v3l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 2)]/rhol;
     110                 :            : 
     111                 :            :     // Normal velocity
     112                 :          0 :     auto vn = v1l*fn[0] + v2l*fn[1] + v3l*fn[2];
     113                 :            : 
     114                 :            :     // Acoustic speed
     115         [ -  - ]:          0 :     auto pl = mat_blk[0].compute< EOS::pressure >( rhol, v1l, v2l, v3l,
     116                 :          0 :       ul[multispecies::energyIdx(nspec, 0)] );
     117         [ -  - ]:          0 :     auto a = mat_blk[0].compute< EOS::soundspeed >( rhol, pl );
     118                 :            : 
     119                 :            :     // Mach number
     120                 :          0 :     auto Ma = vn / a;
     121                 :            : 
     122                 :          0 :     tk::real alphamin = 1e-12;
     123         [ -  - ]:          0 :     std::vector< tk::real > alphas(nspec, alphamin);
     124                 :            : 
     125         [ -  - ]:          0 :     if (Ma <= -1) {  // Supersonic inflow
     126                 :            :       // For supersonic inflow, all the characteristics are from outside.
     127                 :            :       // Therefore, we calculate the ghost cell state using the primitive
     128                 :            :       // variables from outside.
     129                 :          0 :       tk::real rhor(0.0);
     130         [ -  - ]:          0 :       for (std::size_t k=0; k<nspec; ++k) {
     131         [ -  - ]:          0 :         if (k == fspec)
     132                 :          0 :           alphas[k] = 1.0 - (static_cast< tk::real >(nspec-1))*alphamin;
     133                 :            : 
     134         [ -  - ]:          0 :         auto rhok = mat_blk[0].compute< EOS::density >(fp, ft);
     135                 :          0 :         ur[multispecies::densityIdx(nspec,k)] = alphas[k] * rhok;
     136                 :          0 :         rhor += ur[multispecies::densityIdx(nspec,k)];
     137                 :            :       }
     138                 :          0 :       ur[multispecies::energyIdx(nspec,0)] =
     139         [ -  - ]:          0 :         mat_blk[0].compute< EOS::totalenergy >(rhor, fu[0], fu[1], fu[2], fp);
     140         [ -  - ]:          0 :       for (std::size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) {
     141                 :          0 :         ur[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec,i)] = rhor * fu[i];
     142                 :            :       }
     143                 :            : 
     144 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     } else if (Ma > -1 && Ma < 0) {  // Subsonic inflow
     145                 :            :       // For subsonic inflow, there is 1 outgoing characteristic and 4
     146                 :            :       // incoming characteristics. Therefore, we calculate the ghost cell state
     147                 :            :       // by taking pressure from the internal cell and other quantities from
     148                 :            :       // the outside.
     149                 :          0 :       tk::real rhor(0.0);
     150         [ -  - ]:          0 :       for (std::size_t k=0; k<nspec; ++k) {
     151         [ -  - ]:          0 :         if (k == fspec)
     152                 :          0 :           alphas[k] = 1.0 - (static_cast< tk::real >(nspec-1))*alphamin;
     153                 :            : 
     154         [ -  - ]:          0 :         auto rhok = mat_blk[0].compute< EOS::density >(pl, ft);
     155                 :          0 :         ur[multispecies::densityIdx(nspec,k)] = alphas[k] * rhok;
     156                 :          0 :         rhor += ur[multispecies::densityIdx(nspec,k)];
     157                 :            :       }
     158                 :          0 :       ur[multispecies::energyIdx(nspec,0)] =
     159         [ -  - ]:          0 :         mat_blk[0].compute< EOS::totalenergy >(rhor, fu[0], fu[1], fu[2], pl);
     160         [ -  - ]:          0 :       for (std::size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) {
     161                 :          0 :         ur[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec,i)] = rhor * fu[i];
     162                 :          0 :       }
     163                 :            : 
     164 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     } else if (Ma >= 0 && Ma < 1) {  // Subsonic outflow
     165                 :            :       // For subsonic outflow, there is 1 incoming characteristic and 4
     166                 :            :       // outgoing characteristics. Therefore, we calculate the ghost cell state
     167                 :            :       // by taking pressure from the outside and other quantities from the
     168                 :            :       // internal cell.
     169                 :          0 :       ur[multispecies::energyIdx(nspec,0)] =
     170         [ -  - ]:          0 :         mat_blk[0].compute< EOS::totalenergy >( rhol, v1l, v2l, v3l, fp );
     171                 :            :     }
     172                 :            :     // Otherwise, for supersonic outflow, all the characteristics are from
     173                 :            :     // internal cell. Therefore, we calculate the ghost cell state using the
     174                 :            :     // conservative variables from internal cell (which is what ur is
     175                 :            :     // initialized to).
     176                 :            : 
     177 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     Assert( ur.size() == ncomp, "Incorrect size for appended "
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
     178                 :            :             "boundary state vector" );
     179                 :            : 
     180         [ -  - ]:          0 :     return {{ std::move(ul), std::move(ur) }};
     181                 :            :   }
     182                 :            : 
     183                 :            :   //! \brief Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a
     184                 :            :   //!   face at extrapolation boundaries
     185                 :            :   //! \param[in] ul Left (domain-internal) state
     186                 :            :   //! \return Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE
     187                 :            :   //!   system
     188                 :            :   //! \note The function signature must follow tk::StateFn.
     189                 :            :   static tk::StateFn::result_type
     190                 :       4500 :   extrapolate( ncomp_t,
     191                 :            :                const std::vector< EOS >&,
     192                 :            :                const std::vector< tk::real >& ul,
     193                 :            :                tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real,
     194                 :            :                const std::array< tk::real, 3 >& )
     195                 :            :   {
     196                 :       4500 :     return {{ ul, ul }};
     197                 :            :   }
     198                 :            : 
     199                 :            :   //! \brief Boundary state function providing the left and right state of a
     200                 :            :   //!   face at no-slip wall boundaries
     201                 :            :   //! \param[in] ncomp Number of scalar components in this PDE system
     202                 :            :   //! \param[in] ul Left (domain-internal) state
     203                 :            : //  //! \param[in] fn Unit face normal
     204                 :            :   //! \return Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE
     205                 :            :   //!   system
     206                 :            :   //! \note The function signature must follow tk::StateFn.
     207                 :            :   static tk::StateFn::result_type
     208                 :          0 :   noslipwall( [[maybe_unused]] ncomp_t ncomp,
     209                 :            :               const std::vector< EOS >&,
     210                 :            :               const std::vector< tk::real >& ul,
     211                 :            :               tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real,
     212                 :            :               const std::array< tk::real, 3 >& /*fn*/ )
     213                 :            :   {
     214                 :          0 :     auto nspec = g_inputdeck.get< tag::multispecies, tag::nspec >();
     215                 :            : 
     216 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     Assert( ul.size() == ncomp, "Incorrect size for appended "
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
     217                 :            :             "internal state vector" );
     218                 :            : 
     219                 :          0 :     tk::real rho(0.0);
     220         [ -  - ]:          0 :     for (std::size_t k=0; k<nspec; ++k)
     221                 :          0 :       rho += ul[multispecies::densityIdx(nspec, k)];
     222                 :            : 
     223         [ -  - ]:          0 :     auto ur = ul;
     224                 :            : 
     225                 :            :     // Internal cell velocity components
     226                 :          0 :     auto v1l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 0)]/rho;
     227                 :          0 :     auto v2l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 1)]/rho;
     228                 :          0 :     auto v3l = ul[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 2)]/rho;
     229                 :            :     // Ghost state velocity components
     230                 :          0 :     auto v1r = -v1l;
     231                 :          0 :     auto v2r = -v2l;
     232                 :          0 :     auto v3r = -v3l;
     233                 :            :     // Boundary condition
     234                 :          0 :     ur[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 0)] = rho * v1r;
     235                 :          0 :     ur[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 1)] = rho * v2r;
     236                 :          0 :     ur[multispecies::momentumIdx(nspec, 2)] = rho * v3r;
     237                 :            : 
     238 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     Assert( ur.size() == ncomp, "Incorrect size for appended "
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
     239                 :            :             "boundary state vector" );
     240                 :            : 
     241         [ -  - ]:          0 :     return {{ std::move(ul), std::move(ur) }};
     242                 :            :   }
     243                 :            : 
     244                 :            :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     245                 :            :   // Boundary Gradient functions
     246                 :            :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     247                 :            : 
     248                 :            :   //! \brief Boundary gradient function copying the left gradient to the right
     249                 :            :   //!   gradient at a face
     250                 :            :   //! \param[in] dul Left (domain-internal) state
     251                 :            :   //! \return Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE
     252                 :            :   //!   system
     253                 :            :   //! \note The function signature must follow tk::StateFn.
     254                 :            :   static tk::StateFn::result_type
     255                 :          0 :   noOpGrad( ncomp_t,
     256                 :            :             const std::vector< EOS >&,
     257                 :            :             const std::vector< tk::real >& dul,
     258                 :            :             tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real,
     259                 :            :             const std::array< tk::real, 3 >& )
     260                 :            :   {
     261                 :          0 :     return {{ dul, dul }};
     262                 :            :   }
     263                 :            : 
     264                 :            :   //! \brief Boundary gradient function for the symmetry boundary condition
     265                 :            :   //! \param[in] ncomp Number of variables whos gradients are needed
     266                 :            :   //! \param[in] dul Left (domain-internal) gradients
     267                 :            :   //! \return Left and right states for all scalar components in this PDE
     268                 :            :   //!   system
     269                 :            :   //! \note The function signature must follow tk::StateFn.
     270                 :            :   static tk::StateFn::result_type
     271                 :          0 :   symmetryGrad( ncomp_t ncomp,
     272                 :            :                 const std::vector< EOS >&,
     273                 :            :                 const std::vector< tk::real >& dul,
     274                 :            :                 tk::real, tk::real, tk::real, tk::real,
     275                 :            :                 const std::array< tk::real, 3 >& )
     276                 :            :   {
     277 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     Assert(dul.size() == 3*ncomp, "Incorrect size of boundary gradient vector");
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
     278                 :            : 
     279         [ -  - ]:          0 :     auto dur = dul;
     280                 :            : 
     281         [ -  - ]:          0 :     for (std::size_t i=0; i<3*ncomp; ++i)
     282                 :          0 :       dur[i] = -dul[i];
     283                 :            : 
     284         [ -  - ]:          0 :     return {{ std::move(dul), std::move(dur) }};
     285                 :            :   }
     286                 :            : 
     287                 :            : } // inciter::
     288                 :            : 
     289                 :            : #endif // BCFunctions_h

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14